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mircea_popescu: holy shit even the words of this doomed civilisation are aspirational now. "it means nothing, but what does it aspire to mean ?"
mircea_popescu: (the above is, incidentally, the whole reason and rationale of the diamond ring, and the fact this point is never made in oh-so-edgy and libertarded discussions of the habit plainly indicates for me just how much of women do the incels in question understand, and what miserable family heads they;'d make.
mircea_popescu: "why is this a good function ?" "because for hiding" "why is something good is not accepting something exists and seeking the ex post facto rationalization of that existence, this isn't fucking school." "oh"
mircea_popescu: "Here's a transcript of an illegal recording not done by the NSA that therefore everyone is ok with, consistent with our new standard of conduct: it is not illegal to make an illegal recording as long as it is given to the media and they profit from it and we can use it to rationalize our lives. Got it."
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-11-2015#1316034 << a) get out of the us. now. shut the rationalizations, i really don't want to hear them, there's no excuse ; b) make a pile of dead droppable content ; c) surround yourself with angry people with guns, bonus points if female. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hey, i like that. aspie[rational]. it describes so very much, from the bayesian pseudoscientards to web analytics derps.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck cares what derpy popcollar aspie[rational] mba does or doesn't do.
mircea_popescu: if you can't make even one person worth following, how the hell would you make this entire aspirational 14% be each and every one worthy of following (for themselves) ?
mircea_popescu: in operational terms, i was as excited as you were, apparently.
mircea_popescu: except ss knows enough about this to not want to touch it, so the aspirational down kids over at dod get a chance to shine.
mircea_popescu: of course, qatar is a reasonably rich, aspirational sort of arab world
mircea_popescu: always remember : for every aspirational derpy chick with delusions of self importance
mircea_popescu: Mike Hearn accidentally reveals that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. Shocked butters take refuge in irrational denial. (archive.is) submitted 11 hours ago by jstolfi << i lolled.
mircea_popescu: this way, it's inspirational of the people i actually like.
mircea_popescu: the way i see it, it would be inspirational of undesirables.
mircea_popescu: "be more rational!"
mircea_popescu: the demand to rationality reduces to "act in a manner i can understand"
mircea_popescu: if the soviets think the germans are being rational and are right, the soviets win. if vice-versa, vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: trinque well think about it. what does "rational" mean ? that YOU can understand it, right ?
mircea_popescu: (and yes this is also why the state urges the individual to "be rational". oooofcourseitwould. the only rational thing to do is to preserve the 5th amendment, which is to say : i reserve the right to unilaterally shoot any and all policemen on my say so. because that's what fucking independence is.)
mircea_popescu: think about it for a second. in any game, the "rational" player is the defeated player. rational in this context merely means "that which has been intellectually dominated by the other side".
mircea_popescu: inasmuch as at the time romanians declared they wish the latter, it was irrational.
mircea_popescu: whether rational or not.
mircea_popescu loved both cow&chicken and animaniacs. not THAT generational.
mircea_popescu: the white people who want this generally sit around the internet "being cypherpunks" and exchanging... depictions of the act. and often enough being "caught" and "prosecuted", on the very untenable rationale that their engagement in the victimless "crime" of exchanging bits somehow promotes and empowers the actual people doing the actual crime of you know, raping preteens.
mircea_popescu likes, perhaps irrationally, the patch format
mircea_popescu: openbsd decided it much prefers this, because the way to turn everything to shit is to surround everyone doing anything useful with a bunch of operational idiots.
mircea_popescu: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/131813/postmortem_irrational_games_.php < vaguely interesting.
mircea_popescu: this is not actually a rational reason to wait.
mircea_popescu: they just break so irrationally with the past.
mircea_popescu: even train traverl was aspirational at some point
mircea_popescu: "we the people" misunderstood as "we the pointlessly hopeful and unwarrantedly aspirational"
mircea_popescu: er, even if someone were to offer the adults in the family a $160,000 per year job it would not be rational for them to accept it. If they were ever to lose that job it would take many years of paperwork, bureaucracy, and waiting lists to get back to their current welfare lifestyle."
mircea_popescu: "If you live in an expensive city and are acquainted with families collecting welfare the book confirms what you might have noticed, i.e., that it would be irrational for the adults in the family to enter the workforce. Here in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for example, the welfare families that I have spent the most time with occupy apartments with a market rent of about $4,500 per month ($54,000 per year in post-tax inco
mircea_popescu: and the family unit is more of the same. why should 85% have any access to women at all, and why should the 1% not get 94% of all the pleasantly nubile stoyas out there, with the remainder 6% going to the 14% aspirational betas ?
mircea_popescu: basically, the east germans came up with a rationalization of their soviet time. "we really were right. excesses were made but..."
mircea_popescu: "In March 2013, USAF test pilots, flying with pre-operational software that did not utilize the all-aspect infrared AAQ-37 DAS sensor, noted a lack of visibility from the F-35 cockpit during evaluation flights, which would get them consistently shot down in combat."
mircea_popescu: even from a purely operational standpoint - it'd seem sks servers have all the interest in the world to reject such broken keys rather than publish them, carry them in db etc
mircea_popescu: aspie [ short for aspirational ] would roughly be what they called "burgeois intellectuals" a century ago.
mircea_popescu: and re the pyx thing : argentina had a very aspirational relationship with england. kinda why the faulkland war was such a big deal, sort-of like rambunctious kid going after dad, in a sense.
mircea_popescu: " that his way of life is just great the way it is, it is a pretty good sign that you let him set the agenda once he realized that his way of life was under threat. Since you have nothing to defend, your self-preservation instinct will not activate hitherto unused parts of your brain to come up with reasons and rationalizations for what you have done, you will not be aware that you have been taken for a ride before it
mircea_popescu: rationally ?
mircea_popescu: it's a generational problem.
mircea_popescu: because aspirational idiots.
mircea_popescu: uments" that his way of life is just great the way it is, it is a pretty good sign that you let him set the agenda once he realized that his way of life was under threat. Since you have nothing to defend, your self-preservation instinct will not activate hitherto unused parts of your brain to come up with reasons and rationalizations for what you have done, you will not be aware that you have been taken for a ride befo
mircea_popescu: it's kind-of incredible (if you look at things rationally - otherwise if you look at things historically it's exactly expected) that two years later they are STILL TRYING to pretend like they don't have to come to terms.
mircea_popescu: check it out, this is pure rationality. long live bayes!
mircea_popescu: im kinda curious how is jurov going to rationalise away the fact that on the balance of things, the us thug is actually more thuggish than the ru thug. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: all standards are, by the nature of what a standard is, irrational.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field there is no such thing as a rational standard.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` the ugly but aging sex in the city aspirationalist that "found satoshi's identity". then ascii_field thought she was rich then she wasn't.
mircea_popescu: on the other side of the fence there is this (i suspect irrational) notion that pumping out signed material weakens the signer key.
mircea_popescu: you for some reason seem to think scam foundation and bitcoin are cogenerational. this is about as true as saying you and your mom were born the same week
mircea_popescu: "He should consider himself fortunate that he hasn’t yet been targeted for a drone strike." fortune has nothing to do with it. the bumbing us navy lacks the operational capability to carry out drone strikes where he lives.
mircea_popescu: "It is possible to construct a rational argument, from broadly agreeable premises, that leads directly to the NAP." is a direct equivalent to "i can prove that blue eyes are what god intended"
mircea_popescu: all the schmuckodon in "bitcoin business" comes from the completely irrational expectations of all these schmucks that they can earn a living "being" "ceo"s.
mircea_popescu: this isn't something to be approached rationally.
mircea_popescu: "rationalists" indistinguishable from flatearthists, except, perhaps, by the color of their guts ? sign me up.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this discussion inspires me to the following ai standard : a computer that can distinguish code from data is rational.
mircea_popescu: rationality is, basically, the ability to distinguish homomorphisms from homologies.
mircea_popescu: rationality is a purely linguistic property, it has exactly nothing to do with action.
mircea_popescu: "What is rationality? It's the ability to make life plans which reach your goals."
mircea_popescu: i am saying two things. one is that your model of "folks involved" is actually inconsistent. the other is that for any consistent model, the -ev is so pronounced as to make any other alternative rationally preferable.
mircea_popescu: if you're in the 1% that did then as it does now, the fact that there's a further aspirational 19% added to the pot does not help you
mircea_popescu: "I enjoy speaking at financial firms on human rationality." << there, your mystery's solved. he's doing the entertainment for vc teambuilding events.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-03-2015#1046696 << is it actually vc stuff or just aspie stuff ? (from aspirational rather than asperger's, tho...) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: expect the aspirational 20% to murder the rest of the 40% in the process of selecting the half of itself that may go on.
mircea_popescu: some of the cleverer dcs use them bnecause they're so very tolerant. which makes it the best heuristic to evaluate the operational wisdom of any dc.
mircea_popescu: only if your definition of complexes is based on rational parameters.
mircea_popescu: Political collapse will be resisted, and the way it will be resisted is by starting as many wars as possible, to produce a vast backdrop of failure to serve as a rationale for all sorts of “emergency measures,” << i said this a number of times, but it bears repeating : if this happens every usg employee, past or present, hangs by his guts.
mircea_popescu: 1. The Law of Imperfect Selection: Any objective rule that defines eligibility for a social transfer program will irrationally exclude some persons.
mircea_popescu: this can't be a rationale not to try.
mircea_popescu: This expectation is so ingrained that people in meetings routinely answer their mobile phones to say << maybe what has really changed is the expectation re meetings. just a decade or two ago, people would have expected meetings to serve a rational purpose and end with a result.
mircea_popescu: "nobody else" as in, all people are equal, getting a 50k elite out of a 4mn aspirational set out of a 1bn population is somehow unexpected and un-natural.
mircea_popescu: they're petrified of it, of course, but it'd be a rational move for them.
mircea_popescu: a lot of neuropathy to "explain" and justify it all, sure. but google can sort through all that pretty fast, especially because it being psychogenic rather than rational it is dreadfully boring and entirely predictable.
mircea_popescu: this is how you deal with aspirational muppets, not by reporting on their idiocy.
mircea_popescu: rational incentives don't enter into it. as far as derpy social studies types are concerned, all effort available should go into that.
mircea_popescu: is there a rational incentive to continue adding man-hours to women's studies ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but it was centered on the aspirational class. as typified by gorby.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the problem is that the us is fully aspirational, whereas the ru world a lot more practical.
mircea_popescu: she is objectively a hot woman, and she understands feminity well enough to behave rationally.
mircea_popescu: roughly speaking, my rationale is like this : because a large chunk of fixed data is always present (the actual blockchain), should a 100gb ssd be blessed with a 4gb swap partition, the drive finds itself in the position where the 100gb * 10k (say) writes are available as such : 100gb of them for the actual data, and 100gb * 9999 for the 4gb partition.
mircea_popescu: ie, purely aspirational ?
mircea_popescu: instead of pretending like we're fixing the problem like preet, let's try and think about the causes. why do firms perceive the need to artificially cap salaries ? this seems only rational in an hyperinflationary environment.
mircea_popescu: "The reason that money is and can only be political is that the only way of steering a course between the Scylla and Charybdis of dangerous ponzi growth and stagnation is to exercise a degree of rational, collective control over the supply of money. And since this control is bound to be political, in the sense that different monetary policies will affect different groups of people differently, the only decent manner in
mircea_popescu: dude paul anka is fucking retarded. how the fuck would a hatred of nosewoman be irrational ?
mircea_popescu: "Frank Sinatra had a terrible temper, as shown by his irrational hatred of Barbara Streisand"
mircea_popescu: davout you know, here's the thing with twitter : back when i had an account, i kept thinking all sorts of in retrospect bizarre nonsensical, fatlogic-y rationalisations for why i'm spending time there.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller monolitic c at least had some rationale back in 1980. but c++ is not c, and for that matter the year's not 1980 either
mircea_popescu: Argentine Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich had said Nisman's allegations were "crazy, absurd, illogical, irrational, ridiculous, unconstitutional". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: dude... this rational wiki thing is comedic! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: o shit, rationalwiki is on it ?!
mircea_popescu: no, it's simply looking at the life of one evgheny morozov. for you see stan, little zenja was a country boy that got himself mixed up in the high stakes game of anglo propaganda and intenrational diplomacy!
mircea_popescu: you'll have to show rationale.
mircea_popescu: except, of course, as i shown above, if they bet rationally they do have a rational incentive to move the odds if they believe the odds.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: (i'd love to hear a rationale for it) << people other than nanotube are keeping track of the various scammers trying to use gribble.
mircea_popescu: on the topic of "can irrational numbers that are powers of rational numbers be written out as polynomes with rational parameters"
mircea_popescu: but it ~seems~ rational to centralize such things
mircea_popescu: obviously if given the incorrectly statement "choice is obvious". a whole new mode of rational failure the us invented, "begging "the obvious" choice", similar to "begging the question"