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mircea_popescu: more importantly tho... there's no rational way to represent property in yet-unmined blocks. this is so obvious it escapes notice
mircea_popescu: "Viewed individually, each company's capital investment decision appeared cost-effective and rational; viewed collectively, the decisions neutralized each other and were irrational, just as happens when each person watching a parade decides he can see a little better if he stands on tiptoes."
mircea_popescu: rational market participants are individually rational.
mircea_popescu: benkay it can remain rational for even longer than you can remain irrational, is the catch
mircea_popescu: (c) The agreement between the parties is that Stanislav Datskovskiy will handle the operational, research and technical aspects of the venture, and jointly with Mircea Popescu the strategic management of the venture through a consensus process ; whereas Mircea Popescu will handle marketing, accounting and MPEx-compliant reporting for the venture, and jointly with Stanislav Datskovskiy the strategic management of the ve
mircea_popescu: by the same rationale, a good pricing for the radeons would be 50 cents a piece.
mircea_popescu: if they're rational then there you go.
mircea_popescu: well ehre's the thing : if the worshippers are irrational they're statistically as likely to blow you as they are to clobber you (by definition)
mircea_popescu: well by that rationale the best solution to this entire global warming junk science rthing would be getting the media to stfu about it already
mircea_popescu: which is the rationale of the entire "burn-in" thing
mircea_popescu: which is sorta rational.
mircea_popescu: jborkl the rationale is that since there's an A and a B in the bet, and 5 proofs, you want those 5 proofs rto include both A and B
mircea_popescu: on the other hand they have paid a lot of BTC in dividends, they do have a viable business model which is operational and so on.
mircea_popescu: you read the girl's post on rational investment and commodified markets ?
mircea_popescu: no. understand : scamming is not a rational process.
mircea_popescu: the rationale behind that separation between "tangibles" and "intangibles and goodwill" was that some items have a resale value. these are tangible.
mircea_popescu: . The value of destroyed items (such as principally food, which will be required for all players) will instead cover game development and operational costs.
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> which is the only rational thing to do << nonsense. who rational is involved ?
mircea_popescu: yup. so basically the rational play is take as much us debt as possible,
mircea_popescu: i doubt price formation has much to do with any sort of rational thinking.
mircea_popescu: furuknap he's operationally good, or at least way better than everyone else in btc
mircea_popescu: ezdiy that absolutely isn't the rationale.
mircea_popescu: it's a "rational agent", ie, like water : can be dammed, can be piped...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but this is the irrational part of reason : disposing of "bad".
mircea_popescu: child rape is probably perfectly rational from the rapist's perspective.
mircea_popescu: a move was made that was irrational.
mircea_popescu: this is irrational on the face.
mircea_popescu: i mean, still the same 20 something aspirational kid, but eskimobob was kinda esl.
mircea_popescu: anyway. mpex new monster setup seems 100% operational. webservers moved, trade engine moved.
mircea_popescu: when s.dice does well operationally, shares sell and price goes up
mircea_popescu: Massage4BTC.com is now operational and lets anyone offer local massage services for BTC."
mircea_popescu: "As a complete aside: putting a 5mn BTC buywall @ $200 each up in MtGox might actually be the most rational use of a billion dollars currently. You'll end up with 2-3 mn BTC and the price will be permanently in the hundreds. Profit."
mircea_popescu: cause well... gamblers are rational people and everything
mircea_popescu: dude, srsly. stop with all the rationalization bullshit. just come out clean, say it. they make money , you'd like some, you think it's unfair etc.
mircea_popescu: jcpham rational irc users.
mircea_popescu: because rational miners haven't been including its transactions
mircea_popescu: but what you're calling rational is nonsense.
mircea_popescu: calling them irrational is exactly the sort of popmassery that you got in trouble for earlier.
mircea_popescu: <Luke-Jr> davout: exactly, that's part of why rational miners block it << this is "no true scotsman"
mircea_popescu: da fuck is irrational about 600 an hour lmao
mircea_popescu: were irrational Gust as happens when each person watching a
mircea_popescu: in general it's irrational to expend your resources at a comparative disadvantage.
mircea_popescu: it's not rational, it's quite the opposite. but it has a historical record of conservation success.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, women don't pick men rationally either.
mircea_popescu: voters never are and never were capable of rational decision. that's not how voting works.
mircea_popescu: the rationale being that 100k put into btc now will make you "just as rich" as 300k put into btc now.
mircea_popescu: no, it was opperationally limitated.
mircea_popescu: pigeons is just being conspirational.
mircea_popescu: well... so what's the rationale for your interval ?
mircea_popescu: the rational thing for people to do is go in the midmarket imo
mircea_popescu: 1 is equally irrational to pi and e.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining it just means there's no rational way of pickingthem.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining im just saying you have no rational way to pick. and one flower that made 20% is scarce compensation for all the duds.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining dude. you don't like volume, you don't like price appreciation... is there something you can put your finger on rationally or are you just emotionally invested in this discussion ?
mircea_popescu: we're on to discussing the irrational part, of homemaking.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining scams appeal to the irrational part of people.
mircea_popescu: to cut down on operational costs.