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shinohai: Yes mircea_popescu .... when one finishes the bottle lovely Guatemalan maidens tie it to your dick and ride .... xD
mircea_popescu: i'm not even sure what the claim is supposed to be. prolly grubles dicking about.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo honestly if anything he's moar like dick harper (jim carrey)
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i watched last night "fun with dick and jane", which is a fine throwaway. other than tea leoni making a way the fuck better applegate/bancroft/whatever (these typically ustardian huswife of businessman roles, where businessman is one of those schmucks doing nothing, "vp of ziggler-engels" sorta thyings). but the interestinfg part is : the guy gets a promotion. the signalling signs of this promotion are, that they
mircea_popescu: so, frenchwoman : oh, it was fabulous. during the day jean-luc anchored me with his dick up my butt and held me up while pierre fucked me standing ; while at night they switched.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform oya. really, vulgar latin on a "butter me up and roll me in dicks like they're nonpareils" kick.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> yeah totally, my dick is now best approximated by a high cocktose corn stalk, 8 meters long an' there's twelve different ears the hos can fuck themselves silly with on its generous girthy length << If we made a mold and cast this in sillycone, this might sell
mircea_popescu: yeah totally, my dick is now best approximated by a high cocktose corn stalk, 8 meters long an' there's twelve different ears the hos can fuck themselves silly with on its generous girthy length
BingoBoingo: Anyways, since DIYbio became a fad on Monday: How many inches did everyone here add to their dicks?
phf: yeah, i don't remember the details. i think g_l just wanted to be the top dog on the project, and, to quote trinque, swing a dick that he didn't have by running the whole thing in faux tmsr way (lots of calling everyone cunt), which got him marginalized, and eventually completely sidelined
trinque: look man you don't go around hitting people with the dick you imagine you'll have someday
mircea_popescu: faggots of today heard of all the fun weimar faggots had on top of nazi dicks, licking lips in antifipation.
phf: judging by his output of workshops and performances (as opposed to cool hacks and circuits) i'm pretty sure he's just sitting on nodick grants at this point. what happened to all his kind in merkle europe
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Urban Dictionary: pencil dick: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Dpencil%2520dick>; What do people consider to be a pencil dick ? : bigdickproblems: <https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickproblems/comments/32edi6/what_do_people_consider_to_be_a_pencil_dick/>; pencil dick - Wiktionary: <https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pencil_dick>
mircea_popescu: !~google pencil dick
trinque: ah look he's on dick pulling again
a111: Logged on 2017-08-23 04:46 ben_vulpes: hue, even pax dickinson wants UCI now: https://twitter.com/CounterFund/status/898366181102555136
ben_vulpes: hue, even pax dickinson wants UCI now: https://twitter.com/CounterFund/status/898366181102555136 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, dicks! http://68.media.tumblr.com/67f2b0e96ca7af37b30286911060e864/tumblr_o633b7EFZT1rayazno1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: shinohai and my dick up his ass feels like paradise.
mircea_popescu: whereas i was in my best shape in my 20s also : i ate steak for breakfast, three deserts a day, i don't think i ever went to bed before ingurgigating 4k calories and i was mostly so skinny, if i laid on my back in swim trunks i could see my own dick.
mircea_popescu passes in loud silence over that case where sharon rachel "dumb whore" osbourne got so pissed off dickinson mocked her "talent" (reality tv) that she got her shithead of a husband to try and sabotage iron maiden's performance.
mircea_popescu: not like bruce dickinson is taking out google ads on "justin bieber" search strings, is he now.
phf: dick dick dick dick dick dick dick - how many dicks was that? - alot
mircea_popescu: i think "dick" makes, phonetically, a better huy than cock or anything else. has a nice ring to it.
mod6: dicker dick, why dick with it? dick.
mod6: /topic what the dick, are you dicked ? why the dickendicking! disdick the dick! dicks dick! dicker dick, why dick with it ?
mircea_popescu: phf and not using any word ROOT that's not you know, dick.
mircea_popescu: "what the dick, are you dicked ? why the dickendicking! disdick the dick! dicks dick! dicker dick, why dick with it ?"
mircea_popescu: it's all dicks, huy. just you know, dis-dick-entangle and un-dick-bother and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: it's an ok-ish hollycrap movie with the redhead what's her name. anyway, the substance is she's a mail order ru bride, bought by a dickless briton.
mircea_popescu: the REASON, however, is not that africans have shittier genes. i was able to verify their genes are just fine, with my dick. african genes make tall, pretty girls that fuck just as fine as white girls. and they even have better asses on average.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-31 19:18 mircea_popescu: at some point you're going to choke if you aspirate just one god damned single further corpuscle of calcium carbionate ; and you are going to strangle the next pubescent dicklet who imagines he invented novel problems and solutions through tracing the biological trace. THAT is when it's time to drop them all and go away.
mircea_popescu: at some point you're going to choke if you aspirate just one god damned single further corpuscle of calcium carbionate ; and you are going to strangle the next pubescent dicklet who imagines he invented novel problems and solutions through tracing the biological trace. THAT is when it's time to drop them all and go away. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: FACT : the "space gain" that will be provided by "segregated witness" in its entire existence will not actually cover the full bitcoin blocks lost to date with the dicking about.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-22 21:57 user705: read somewhere that the whole eating pussy thing has gained popularity only recently because of big dicks in porn
user705: read somewhere that the whole eating pussy thing has gained popularity only recently because of big dicks in porn ☟︎
mircea_popescu: why not you know, dick-mold the things from the get go
trinque: suppose they were instead on zoloft, in bedroom, trying to get some cum to leak out of their ineffectual dicks
mircea_popescu: mahahahaybe a few of them will actually manage to find a job instead of dicking around online, but it seems unlikely. who wants to employ an idle ustard and what useful could they do ?
mircea_popescu: and gengis was what, getting lipstick rainbows on his tiny dick from austrian "students" ?
mircea_popescu: but, in correct terminology, it is very directly v-for-thought, and nothing else, and no more. "i thought i was writing code" "where's your press ?" "fuck. i understand now i was actually, and literally, and without remainder, just pouring sand on my dick for the novelty of the sensation, exactly like 3 yo first-time-at-black-sea does!"
BingoBoingo: <mod6> apparently. although, i recently read that illinois just had to shut down their lotto service ... and powerball pulled out of there? << It's back now. The General Assembly had to suck a lot of other state's dicks, but it's back
mod6: eat my dick epa.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this existed in romania too, weirdly enough just about syncrhonously, early 90s. it was an incredible collection of chicks nobody would fuck with a hog's dick and really pedosmiled older dudes.
mircea_popescu: el headcages wonder why would a literary character stick one on his dick.
mircea_popescu: not to mention http://dickrite.com http://cockrite.com etc
mircea_popescu: people are liek "oh, mp can't be rich & powerful because rich & powerful people don't irc". totally, because it is really the goal of my life as well as everyone reasonable to be as rich and powerful as trump, so as to live the great life of idiots trying to insert cathetercam up your dick as you're trying to pee
trinque: "I chose this" is I suppose one way to cope with the dick buried in your ass.
mircea_popescu: "there's this legion of angels, which are just you know, bestest better people (and without dicks) waiting rightr behind that hill behind me so you'd better not attack!"
erlehmann: metaphorical dicks?
mircea_popescu: ~the only thing "socially acceptable sluttines" signifies is small dicks.
asciilifeform: incidentally, a dick^H^Hsk-less pc makes for another interesting feature, a known-starting-state.
mircea_popescu: consider there's girls watching teh dick clubbing
mircea_popescu: blows dat dick like statal "positions of power" meant something.
sina: I dunno, lets say I wrote an article "#breaking, #headline, BingoBoingo sucks 200 dicks ..."
ben_vulpes: halfheartedly, entirely deflated dick in hand, bantuized the thing. worked, but...could not muster the spirit to continue with hardware so degraded
trinque: look in 2040, if bitcoin doesn't sling enough dick that there are sane parts to be had, better seppuku
a111: Logged on 2017-05-31 15:43 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663769 << yet procreation works whether you wash your dick or don't. scandalously, it seems it actually works better if you don't.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663769 << yet procreation works whether you wash your dick or don't. scandalously, it seems it actually works better if you don't. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: "hey, baby, what you doin' sat night ? wanna come to YACHT ?!?!" she's more likely to break her pomodoro dinner date to go on a yacht than vice versa. then it's a "well, i'm horny and there's only one dick here, i guess i like this guy. else i'm a whore. i'm totally not a whore though, so i really like him."
mircea_popescu: that's the whole story. if you're not ok with your kid cutting up the puppy you bought it to see what's inside, you're not ok with having a dick. there's no stop on the slope.
mircea_popescu: my most frustrating experience in this vein was back in dos dies, one of those maxtor 40mb, dick-tall drives. which i thought properly immortal, at the time.
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/090DE0A92A6663072D4E9A404B6399E98F59D4C4C4825A31B580100BF4CB72B9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2258784834417548090216554557864463 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Kristian Biss (Mfr Voll Name) <Kristian.Biss@piraten-mfr.de>; Trotzik (Bei Zeus die Dicken schon wieder) <trotzik@piraten-mfr.de>; '
ben_vulpes: and yet nobody except for the guy who benefits barely an iota from the fixing of the externality shoveling appears to give the slightest shit about the wasting of the single greatest blessing after my dick this metropolis has ever enjoyed
mod6: ya. i was just talking about this today, in fact. long story, but at the end, he fucked up, and how's he supposed to learn that he fucked up if no one slaps his dick and says "you fucked up, don't do it again" ?
mircea_popescu: "my dick's gnarlier but thicker than normal"
mircea_popescu: could get a ----- BEGIN DICK DESCRIPTOR ----- header that'd allow ytou to estimate upfront.
trinque: "uh I don't know, people started cutting their dicks as part of a mass mental breakdown. I think they had quite fair skin."
trinque: I am not yet this cynical, if only for my own dick-pulling.
trinque: army of excitable young dickheads are meanwhile all farting around winking at us from their android devices or whatever
trinque: sadly now I find the debugger port I saw on it doesn't do dick.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-07 23:25 phf`: from where i stand, same people who supported pim fortuyn and theo van gogh, i.e. anarchists, leftists, etc. 15 years later are supporting multicultural europe and nodick values. etc.
phf`: from where i stand, same people who supported pim fortuyn and theo van gogh, i.e. anarchists, leftists, etc. 15 years later are supporting multicultural europe and nodick values. etc. ☟︎
phf`: crazy gutta from teh nodick culture
BingoBoingo: Oh my, Pam's going to find some dick with initiative!
mircea_popescu: gotta pay for all the special accomodation for dickless bureaucrats trying to pick the peon ranks for fuckable slavegirls while the ac is going full blast.
mircea_popescu: so explain this to me. yesterday i was in ##crypto. after a while i... left. this has the blessed effect that the inept idiocies spewed by some immature dickheads no longer befoul my timeline. turkey allowed wikipedia. then after a while it turned it off. this has the blessed effect thjat immature dickheads no longer befoul its timeline.
trinque: man, I was hoping for some kind of spy vs spy situation where danielpbarron thwarted her honeydicking
framedr: (server down for 'emergency maintenace'. yes will move to dedicated, no this is not acceptable, OP sucks dicks)
mircea_popescu: no, this is ye olde "pencildick is untermensch" thread.
mircea_popescu: so then. am i thereby discredited, slavegirl will say "oh, i only want pencildick masters ?"
a111: Logged on 2017-04-19 15:46 mircea_popescu: it's unfortunate that a schmuck who actually had the unmitigated audacity to tell people he is a "chair of blabla" was also so fucking clueless as to not know the foregoing, and truly expected he'll be playing with his dickie in the sand unfettered cca 2004. but then again -- this is the just desserts for sinking one's time and productive life in the idiotic line of chasing nonsense.,
mircea_popescu: it's unfortunate that a schmuck who actually had the unmitigated audacity to tell people he is a "chair of blabla" was also so fucking clueless as to not know the foregoing, and truly expected he'll be playing with his dickie in the sand unfettered cca 2004. but then again -- this is the just desserts for sinking one's time and productive life in the idiotic line of chasing nonsense., ☟︎
mircea_popescu: there is no "oh, i was busy with my dick" excuse to explain why couldn't find way out of paper bag.
mircea_popescu: but yes, i will say pirate, for all his warts, dpb, fucktarded ustard teen as he was, and the whole rest of the menagerie are better people than pick your pick. obama. hillary. nuland. whatever 5k dickless drones are sitting around wash dc offices reading this now. all of everyone
mircea_popescu: meanwhile at the "sisters in focus with dicks in the background" farms, http://68.media.tumblr.com/a726cda44255b148a0a9b900f7babcd0/tumblr_ogse8xthTz1ucoif3o1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: not even anything to do with them, too much variance in customer material. maybe you got a dick growing out your ear, what's she to do.
ben_vulpes: spoiler alert: ai can't in2 dicks afaict
mircea_popescu: apparently i made a thing with two dicks by accident.
danielpbarron: oh i thought the "add dicks to it later" line was the punchline to the joke
mircea_popescu: start with a thing, add dicks to it after.
Framedragger: right, right :) hm i suppose i'd like to do some semantic matching as well, but maybe unneeded dickwaving
mod6: i cut apart 50 .dat files. noodle on that for a minute. and these dickweeds want BIGGER blocks.
shinohai suddenly remembers cocaine has properties that make it almost as effective as dick pills .....
trinque: hell actually, cut the dicks off the females too!
trinque: mircea_popescu: the fucking syntax though eh? cut all dicks off all males, then you back it down to particulars!
mircea_popescu: and yes people take umbrage with very little bullshit, which is not unreasonable, because a) very little bullshit is never alone (we know this, because unlike the dicklets involved, we HAvE EXPERIENCE in the fucking field) and b) it doesn't take much to throw everything off, bullshit compounds while truth decays.
mircea_popescu: he bought it cvasi new and spent the first year dicking around with paperworks, i imaghine it still got years of juice.
mircea_popescu: there is this very specific failure mode whereby computerists who for naive reasons decide "they don't play computer games" end up game-ifying their daily life. it is way the fuck better to level up a warlock than to dick around "saving" typing and growing a crop of tomatoes on your balcony.