229 entries in 0.684s
mircea_popescu: the notion that you'll keep the gates of the town really really tight so as to keep out any plague of locusts and any visitation by pillars of salt is naive at best.
asciilifeform: must be a midwest plague
asciilifeform: 'Inspired by Julian Oliver's psworld, psplague further explores the links between environment (simulation) and code. Rather than mapping a computer's internal processes onto visual features in the world (as in the case of psworld), in this instance (psplague) UNIX-like processes are attached to medieval villagers within a simple SIR (susceptible, infected, recovered) model of plague infection. When a villager becomes infected
pete_dushenski: thank goodness i've been wearing my plague mask in the bedroom of late. it brought me luck!
ascii_field: in his venetian beak plague mask.
asciilifeform: blockchain means they all agree (or they do not, in which case you know that you have plague and when to put on the beak mask)
BingoBoingo: Why be another allah snackbar weather event when one has a plague to spread is the point?
phf: i'm not at all hating, it's more of a "a plague on both your houses" reaction
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413479 << miner pools are a plague, nyooz at 11 ☝︎
asciilifeform: it is a specifically 20th c. plague.
assbot: Logged on 15-02-2016 18:03:19; asciilifeform: that'd be a global plague, affecting all fat & comfortable folks everywhere ?
asciilifeform: that'd be a global plague, affecting all fat & comfortable folks everywhere ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-02-2016#1397741 << to the extent that this is an actual thing, it is an ancient plague, e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-08-2015#1223259 , http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=04-08-2015#1223627 ☝︎☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: in... other ? news, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/world/americas/argentina-scrambles-to-fight-biggest-plague-of-locusts-in-60-years.html
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell ben_vulpes i'd avoid all chrysler products (including jeep) like the plague. land cruiser/4runner, tahoe/suburban, and explorer/expedition are all worth considering and all fit the "mega-suv with low tco and reasonable maintenance prospects for an american family" niche. that being said, you'd probably be just as well, if not better, served by the 00-06 escape or 97-02 cr-v, both of which should be quiet
asciilifeform: reducing the cpu instruction set is sorta like lancing one particular bubonic boil on the body of a plague victim.
ascii_butugychag: copypaste: this plague is ubiquitous in the 'orc' world
assbot: Logged on 02-01-2016 02:44:33; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1358569 << while the parallel of the more-than-semi-socialist government and the farmer is mostly very apt, a higher mortality rate doesn't have the same downside cost for the former as the latter. the best thing for the usg would be a plague, if only to bring the costs and complexities of managing so much meat into a more (if still ultimately un-)manage
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1358569 << while the parallel of the more-than-semi-socialist government and the farmer is mostly very apt, a higher mortality rate doesn't have the same downside cost for the former as the latter. the best thing for the usg would be a plague, if only to bring the costs and complexities of managing so much meat into a more (if still ultimately un-)manageable positio ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: it sucked pretty hard, by his own admission, but he insists that it saved ru central bank from total annihilation (plague of fake transfers in the '90s by chechens)
mircea_popescu: the plague starts once bitcoin/experts sexchange/seo/mommy/ what have you default activities of those who really should have been shot in their teen years.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336685 << what next, publish 'names' of individual rats who spread the black plague ? ☝︎
ascii_field: when i woke up, thought that it would also be interesting if you could play 'as'... plague
ascii_field: speaking of this, i dreamed last night that i was playing a pc game called 'plague', where you are - as printed on the crate - a fella trying to escape from plague, and score points also for containing the spread thereof in various ways
pete_dushenski: 'The rat flea is important as a vector of bubonic plague and flea-borne typhus.'
mod6: so apparently the 'each' keyword is pretty much to be avoided like the plague.
asciilifeform: they bring usg with them wherever they go. the way rats bring plague.
thestringpuller: that has become a plague
ag3nt_zer0: Severance The birds of leaving call to us Yet here we stand Endowed with the fear of flight Overland The winds of change consume the land While we remain In the shadow of summers now past When all the leaves Have fallen and turned to dust Will we remain Entrenched within our ways? Indifference The plague that moves throughout this land Omen signs In the shapes of things to come Tomorrow's child is the only child Tom
asciilifeform: grass is a plague.
phf: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: that could easily be the last remaining such machine, the nvidia ball grid plague killed them all, i thought. << have one of those, you can manually switch with some hacks which video card is used at all times, i have it running on integrated, which prevents real 3d from happening, but hopefully extends life
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: that could easily be the last remaining such machine, the nvidia ball grid plague killed them all, i thought.
ascii_field: but with regards to 'chinese firmware' i meant the opposite end of the plague
ascii_field: this was a plague for many many years
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu's intel tells him that the power rangers see us as locust plague, i'll believe him; but from my chair i cannot see this.
asciilifeform: so 'social media' is a a handcrafted monster of very real elites, rather than a plague of locusts that came out of nowhere
ascii_modem: why not plague
asciilifeform: incidentally, here in usaschwitz we have a plague called 'overqualification'
trinque: I've avoided the shit like the plague otherwise
asciilifeform: if broadcom were hit by plague or asteroids, i'm not certain that i would notice or care
asciilifeform: on account of famine, war, plague
BingoBoingo: cazalla: You still got to be picky. People fight over rights to bumper deer. Less so for plague carriers like armadillo.
mircea_popescu: they couldn't really tell, between bubonic plague and malaria and everything else the "better" social arrangements blessed them with.
ascii_field: spikes were a perennial plague in su
ascii_field: and the plague is ancient. it is how usg ended up with its attempts to standardize cpu
decimation: heh. of course many of those french vineyards were decimated by the phylloxera plague
ascii_field: danielpbarron: this is an ancient plague in the apple world. vendor releases an unusable os, and then various 'entrepreneurs' show up to expensively offer to paper over the turd, and users - oblige
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: forgot his nick already. something to do with plague, contagion
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Your plague is high standards. So long as their only demand is I shoot brown people, then I and them will be fine.
asciilifeform: the apple gpu thing is a true plague
asciilifeform: to go with the plague thread - it was meant to be a summary, of sorts, of the pathology;
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: on the subject of 'gimp'-like proggys with terrifyingly layered menus - this is a well-known plague and there is no, afaik, ready pill for it.
BingoBoingo: the_scourge: It is the plague of people having no concept of history pretending they can haz bzns
mircea_popescu: anyway, that "how dawkins got pwned" thing reads to me like "unemployed grad was playing Plague Inc. on his ipad while dawkins was on tv"
mircea_popescu: through horror of all type , famine, plague, rebellion, invasion, everything possible, thinkable and unthinkjable
mircea_popescu: the plague of bitcoin : it empowered all sorts of people who, well... aren't really up to the task.
mircea_popescu: the type of plague that destroys the medical community, that guy.
assbot: Nubbins is the type of Plague that destroys this community (video proof thread) ... ( http://bit.ly/1xSjMuq )
asciilifeform: or a sudden plague of 'illegal gun'
thestringpuller: black plague for all?
asciilifeform: which they build up through trivial deals << aha. this is actually an age-old plague on 'ebay' and the like.
BingoBoingo: <Adlai> grease everywhere, weird black ooze dripping out of the engine << Also a plague of civilian vehicles
asciilifeform: this is not high science. ip spoofing and ddos vectors enabled by it are an age-old plague.
asciilifeform: is cockroach 'evil' or 'stupid'? how about plague ?
nubbins`: cold, plague, w/e
saifedean: @pete_dushenski i avoid keynesian retards like the plague, but if i do confront one, the ranting is uncontrollable and cathartic
assbot: Did bubonic plague really cause the Black Death? - health - 24 November 2001 - New Scientist
asciilifeform: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg17223184.000-did-bubonic-plague-really-cause-the-black-death.html << linked this a few days ago
assbot: 69 results for 'plague' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=plague
asciilifeform: !s plague
asciilifeform: 'They are not the first to blame Ebola for an ancient plague. Scientists and classicists in San Diego reported in 1996 that the symptoms of the plague of Athens around 430 BC, described by Thucydides, are remarkably similar to Ebola, including a distinctive retching or hiccupping. Apart from that, many of the symptoms of that plague- – and one in Constantinople in AD 540 – -were similar to the Black Death.'
assbot: Did bubonic plague really cause the Black Death? - health - 24 November 2001 - New Scientist
asciilifeform: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg17223184.000-did-bubonic-plague-really-cause-the-black-death.html << more interesting.
assbot: Logged on 12-10-2014 01:09:30; xanthyos: http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/10/cnn-panelist-we-cant-cut-flights-to-liberia-over-ebola-because-of-slavery/ << political correctness will be the end of us all. an avoidable plague will soon be upon us because of bureaucracy and cowardice
mircea_popescu: no it won't. how long do you think people can spend reading shitty c/c++ tcp/ip implementations before they give up their idiocy like the plague ?
asciilifeform: actually it is quite like the zombie plague
BingoBoingo: I like the people who say "come on obola isn't zombie plague" not realizing that unlike pretend zombie plague obola leaves people real dead.
thestringpuller: i thought for a second it said "Do i get a plague with that"
assbot: The Coming Plague | West Hunter
decimation: http://westhunt.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/the-coming-plague/
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/10/cnn-panelist-we-cant-cut-flights-to-liberia-over-ebola-because-of-slavery/ << political correctness will be the end of us all. an avoidable plague will soon be upon us because of bureaucracy and cowardice <<< you know, it IS possible that a cnn "panelist" isn't the end all, be all font of truth and wisdom.
xanthyos: http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/10/cnn-panelist-we-cant-cut-flights-to-liberia-over-ebola-because-of-slavery/ << political correctness will be the end of us all. an avoidable plague will soon be upon us because of bureaucracy and cowardice ☟︎
asciilifeform: moral2: 'crashes as response to unexpected inputs - incl. lack of input - are ok' attitude is a plague that corrupts everything it touches.
ben_vulpes: "plague"
cazalla: CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia? <<< they were but then they were not but now they're becoming a problem again due to calicivirus resistance
CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia?
asciilifeform: hence then 'pest' for both flea and plague rat.
mircea_popescu: point remains. pest (annoyance) != pest (plague bearer)
mircea_popescu: meanwhile "the press" avoids linking to people like the plague, as the quoted piece from maddox yest showed. and i suspect this has a lot to do with their collapse, it's not the internet, is that they misunderstood the importance of reference.
mircea_popescu: cazalla lol speaking tours. this is roughly the equivalent of the plague, don't envy a man his misery.
mircea_popescu: which is quite why the regular beatings delivered to them by people who didn't go to school. engineering - a comparable line of work - doesn't suffer from this plague of "he's a voodoo plumber and well... his plumbing is actually better than ours"
BingoBoingo: Imagine if Khan swung through Africa before hitting Europe and introduced diseases other than "classic" plague
RooK314: In the US feminists are a plague
kuzetsa: "plague inc." is a game, not a movie
assbot: Plague Inc: Evolved Official Launch Trailer - YouTube
kuzetsa: ah found it --- http://youtu.be/pSat_gLDXPc (it's apparently called "plague, inc.")
DreadKnight: kuzetsa, "we need a new plague" is from "The office" show, it's basically a meme now, google it
kuzetsa: who needs a plague... the creatures of earth? how big a plague? global pandemic? regional outbreak?
kuzetsa: DreadKnight: plague?
DreadKnight: kuzetsa, we need a new plague