89 entries in 0.476s

snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-29 18:32:30 asciilifeform: iirc lobbes actually wrote a vintage-php frontend . but bot is still py and uses same
spittoon diana_coman: well, I have at least fully explored the 1-strand
spittoon: psycopg2 on python 2.7 wants postgresql 9 or greater and so it goes.
ben_vulpes: girthy
spittoon, i still don't understand how the overlays of trinque's musl overlay work properly; not even really which knobs to pull
phf: asciilifeform's favorite graphic metaphor of the whole
spittoon is always apropos
a111: Logged on 2016-11-29 14:43 phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole
spittoon a111: Logged on 2017-09-19 21:30 phf: i don't know why you explain to me things that ~i argued in the past~. fwiw, i argued "utf-8 is a whole
spittoon" back when the question of encoding first came up, to somewhat fierce opposition
phf: i don't know why you explain to me things that ~i argued in the past~. fwiw, i argued "utf-8 is a whole
spittoon" back when the question of encoding first came up, to somewhat fierce opposition
☟︎ ben_vulpes: upstack, trinque asciilifeform y'figure the g5's will only take a bsd? i've got a pile of links for 'linux on g5', but have yet to start sucking the
spittoon down. would rather know if actually impossible up front.
mircea_popescu tries for a few minutes in vain to turn the strange habit of porn actors of spitting into gaping assholes into some kind of a
spittoon joke, gives up
a111: Logged on 2015-08-28 03:13 asciilifeform: thing does exactly three basic kinds of thing - verifies sigs; determines what subcoagulations of spittle in the
spittoon are in fact in single strands; and permits operator to select individual strands, and cut'em (by whatever criteria, including signatories or combinations thereof)
a111: Logged on 2016-11-29 14:43 phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole
spittoon phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole
spittoon ☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: you're telling me they're practically the establishment cocksucker, not worth a name much like the
spittoon by the corner of the bar ain't worth a name ?!
phf: all that analogy did for me is that every time i think asciilifeform, i remember the fucking
spittoon phf: was looking at the 60s photos of hells angels, all of them skinny. which by the dates the
spittoon story, since "fat bikers"
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: aha. the
spittoon is brim-full and rancid
ben_vulpes: <decimation> [05:35] asciilifeform: I feel sorry for the poor guy, his heart is in the right place but he has no idea what kind of elephant he is trying to eat << more like a
spittoon assbot: The
Spittoon - Pastebin.com
assbot: The
Spittoon - Pastebin.com
assbot: The
Spittoon - Pastebin.com