89 entries in 0.476s
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-29 18:32:30 asciilifeform: iirc lobbes actually wrote a vintage-php frontend . but bot is still py and uses same spittoon
asciilifeform: gentoo has , in any given instance, fuckknowswhat, BUT at least reliably pulls down the particular necessary strand of the spittoon, typically
diana_coman: well, I have at least fully explored the 1-strand spittoon: psycopg2 on python 2.7 wants postgresql 9 or greater and so it goes.
asciilifeform: iirc lobbes actually wrote a vintage-php frontend . but bot is still py and uses same spittoon
asciilifeform considers 'make things go with oldest/smallest possib. spittoon' a Right Thing in general case
asciilifeform: i guess possible, '"I s-s-said that they w-w-weren't hogs. They were s-sows", Slim managed to choke out, so overcome with fear that a thin stream of hot liquid diarreah began to dribble...'
asciilifeform: phf: i once sank good bit of time into attempt to bring up the ubiquitous 'crab nic' (realtek gb) from asm. broke teeth, it needs a working interrupt stack to run (i.e. 'spittoon in 1 strand', need entire os) . since then, found the 'seekrit' datashit, theoretically could do it, but not had time. ☝︎
a111: 80 results for "spittoon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !#s spittoon
asciilifeform: oughta meet in a dusty spittoon saloon somehere.
asciilifeform: it's a standard 'spittoon in one strand' : for so long as you retain ~any of the c liquishit, yer stuck with gcc ( which is the only thing that builds it , the 'portability' of the lang is a fiction from day 1 )
asciilifeform: spittoon -- is in 1 strand.
mircea_popescu: there being a difference between the hunter that catches some quarry and the bear that catches the same exact quarry : the bear -- is not a hunter. which goes right into the lengthy strand of http://trilema.com/2015/peripateticists-kinda-except-girls-not-boys-bare-cunt-instead-of-toga-and-walking-around-the-house-not-the-garden-but-otherwise-exactly-the-same/#selection-571.0-570.1 spittoon.
mircea_popescu: and so the spittoon unstrands...
ben_vulpes: girthy spittoon, i still don't understand how the overlays of trinque's musl overlay work properly; not even really which knobs to pull
phf: asciilifeform's favorite graphic metaphor of the whole spittoon is always apropos
asciilifeform: ( transforms whole spittoon into 1 strand, and back, as necessary )
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-24#1775106 << it is an emacs spittoon-strand of some age ☝︎
asciilifeform: fwiw i'm not wholly convinced re 'whole spittoon'
a111: Logged on 2016-11-29 14:43 phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole spittoon
asciilifeform: gotta prevent the spittoon from being in one strand. otherwise e.g. linux kernel becomes an antecedent to everything
a111: Logged on 2017-09-19 21:30 phf: i don't know why you explain to me things that ~i argued in the past~. fwiw, i argued "utf-8 is a whole spittoon" back when the question of encoding first came up, to somewhat fierce opposition
phf: i don't know why you explain to me things that ~i argued in the past~. fwiw, i argued "utf-8 is a whole spittoon" back when the question of encoding first came up, to somewhat fierce opposition ☟︎
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes made his way down south, to the saloon, to the spittoon ?1?
asciilifeform: 'spittoon was in one strand'
ben_vulpes: upstack, trinque asciilifeform y'figure the g5's will only take a bsd? i've got a pile of links for 'linux on g5', but have yet to start sucking the spittoon down. would rather know if actually impossible up front.
mircea_popescu tries for a few minutes in vain to turn the strange habit of porn actors of spitting into gaping assholes into some kind of a spittoon joke, gives up
asciilifeform: tru, classier. perhaps i can be shot in a proper saloon, next to a spittoon.
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/stOV3 << in other olds >> elaborate yarn re 'mysterious' habit of u.s. soldiers, of bashing in the heads of killed goatfuckers. presented as 'atrocious' and 'senseless' etc. and i read whole spittoon waiting for the obvious reason to be mentioned, and of course was not (ground beed the face, and you dun need to worry whether you executed the hit on exactly the right d00d..)
asciilifeform: spittoon is in, imho, one strand.
asciilifeform: or wait, 'spittoon is in one strand' ??
a111: Logged on 2015-08-28 03:13 asciilifeform: thing does exactly three basic kinds of thing - verifies sigs; determines what subcoagulations of spittle in the spittoon are in fact in single strands; and permits operator to select individual strands, and cut'em (by whatever criteria, including signatories or combinations thereof)
asciilifeform: and to do this, you need the entire spittoon.
asciilifeform: ( because - at least as i understand it - it requires the entire spittoon )
a111: Logged on 2016-11-29 14:43 phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole spittoon
phf: we had a thread when diff was first discussed as a way to do patches (i think maybe before even v), where i was erring on the side of no unicode support on the grounds that if we decide to support unicode we have to, to borrow asciilifeforms, drink the whole spittoon ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: i drank the whole spittoon.
mircea_popescu: you're telling me they're practically the establishment cocksucker, not worth a name much like the spittoon by the corner of the bar ain't worth a name ?!
phf: i like the whole 9front, plan9 fork, aesthetic, http://9front.org/img/thinkaboutthefuture.front.png but with plan9 influence they obviously started drinking the go koolaid, http://ninetimes.cat-v.org, lots of go tools, but "NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012". i wonder if that's when they realized that they are drinking from google's corporate spittoon
phf: all that analogy did for me is that every time i think asciilifeform, i remember the fucking spittoon
a111: 47 results for "spittoon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !#s spittoon
asciilifeform: the spittoon, phf, is in one strand.
asciilifeform: an old brass spittoon ?
ben_vulpes: with that spittoon
asciilifeform: y'know, the place where i found 'the spittoon'
ben_vulpes: spittoon.
phf: was looking at the 60s photos of hells angels, all of them skinny. which by the dates the spittoon story, since "fat bikers"
asciilifeform: and just about every time i try to plug in a piece of hardware too young for the white plastic to have turned a deep spittoon yellow, i encounter them.
vulpes_a_hopital: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310818 << if you've swallowed the spittoon of east coast usthink, the alternative could only be "private school", which yes—"if you have to ask" is "expensive" ☝︎
asciilifeform: i was actually not speaking of laptops, but explaining to shinohai that 'make a usable system from scratch with no modern code' is a spittoon
asciilifeform: shinohai: thing is, anything to do with 'i want a WORKING OS with WORKING PROGRAMS' is the entire spittoon.
asciilifeform: shinohai: do you know the story of the spittoon ?
ascii_field: because spittoon ~is~ in one strand
asciilifeform: the spittoon ~is~ in one strand.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i confess that i imagine you living in a proper old west town, with saloon, with spittoon
asciilifeform: thing does exactly three basic kinds of thing - verifies sigs; determines what subcoagulations of spittle in the spittoon are in fact in single strands; and permits operator to select individual strands, and cut'em (by whatever criteria, including signatories or combinations thereof) ☟︎
asciilifeform: it's 'the spittoon'
asciilifeform: the whole point, here, is to avoid the statal spittoon dragged in by the use of si microfabrication.
mircea_popescu: fucking spittoon
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: aha. the spittoon is brim-full and rancid
asciilifeform: spittoon theorem.
assbot: 24 results for 'spittoon' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !s spittoon
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it is, to use my technical term, a spittoon.
assbot: 21 results for 'spittoon' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !s spittoon
asciilifeform: but this is a case of 'the spittoon'
mircea_popescu: not very visible, but yes, whole spittoon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: read openssl. it's a spittoon.
assbot: 16 results for 'spittoon' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !s spittoon
asciilifeform: it's a spittoon
ben_vulpes: <decimation> [05:35] asciilifeform: I feel sorry for the poor guy, his heart is in the right place but he has no idea what kind of elephant he is trying to eat << more like a spittoon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: somebody would have to cough up a mathematicized model of 'c' and stdlib + rest of the spittoon
ben_vulpes: spittoon, though
assbot: 9 results for 'the spittoon' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+spittoon
asciilifeform: !s the spittoon
asciilifeform: the spittoon is all in one strand, yes
asciilifeform: well - the spittoon is here. shiny, new, brass. spit away, gentlemen.
assbot: The Spittoon - Pastebin.com
assbot: 6 results for 'spittoon' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=spittoon
asciilifeform: !s spittoon
assbot: 3 results for 'the spittoon' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=the+spittoon
asciilifeform: !s the spittoon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all of my heresies are in fact in one strand. this is how i ended up 'drinking the spittoon.'
assbot: The Spittoon - Pastebin.com
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: alt.tasteless was this thing. where the famous 'spittoon' story was posted, etc. it was glorious.
assbot: The Spittoon - Pastebin.com