104 entries in 0.739s
mp_en_viaje: omfg act to reduce unknowns. RATIONAL BEHAVIOUR it is called. the fucking reason you, as a serious engineer, try things ~one at a time~ rather than in random configurations is that you're trying to reduce unknowns. not to nurse old unknowns into survival and perhaps even invent new ones ?!
asciilifeform: trinque: my contention wasn't that it was somehow work for mircea_popescu to nurse'em back to health (how?)
BingoBoingo: Well, she complaints about her knees because short nurse. "Work your asschain" Does 20 squats, I do 50... Mis rodillas...
mircea_popescu: oh and speaking of http://trilema.com/2019/counterfit-romania/#comment-129195 : michael jackson, "king of pop", "one-man rescue team for the music business", icon bla bla bla etcetera etcetera married... his doctor's nurse. just liek any other made-a-litte-money-now-what ustard out there.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-25 22:52 asciilifeform: must be well-moneyed chix, if they have personal nurse, eh
asciilifeform: must be well-moneyed chix, if they have personal nurse, eh ☟︎
asciilifeform: oh hey betcha nurse has access to xraytron.
BingoBoingo: OH, there's the food! During her "weekend" which as a nurse is the mundane middle of the week I send her with a saddam worth array of chemical weapons and half the pesos I would carry on the same adventure during the actual weekend. Then I eat well.
mircea_popescu: in a film in which we see a nurse passing herself for a doctor because whatever in-universe reasons, we have under our eyes an expert amateur doctor!
BingoBoingo: The Peruana has the sore throat deal about a month ago, but she sought medical attention as soon as she registered a fever, because nurse has to get that work note to show the hospital
a111: Logged on 2018-10-07 01:08 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-06#1859002 << i can't say as i understand wtf portage even is ; and i nurse some doubts as to whether anyone (yes, yes, i know you know what you'd want it to be. however...)
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-06#1859002 << i can't say as i understand wtf portage even is ; and i nurse some doubts as to whether anyone (yes, yes, i know you know what you'd want it to be. however...) ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: a few retirees on evidently fixed incomes. i can't imagine who the fuck would let them in, they want to nurse a beer while some hottie holds their thigh, it looks WAY too much like retirement home services for comfort.
asciilifeform: of course stratified. just as errybody has 'medic', 'nurse', 'surgeon', 'pharmacist', for various aspects of medical trade, wai not whores
asciilifeform: folx with 'frustration threshold' set to 9000, and who go on 0 benders, ~can~ become , in principle, mircea_popescu's driver, or mega-ww2 nurse who handles 9000 wounded per hr when suddenly roused at 4 in the morning, or some other astonishing and meritorious thing. but the moar typically observed pattern, afaik, is the biorobot.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 16:57 BingoBoingo: In other news, the nose is mostly under control. South American cold still has my energy rather zapped. The Incan nurse however did apologize last night.
BingoBoingo: In other news, the nose is mostly under control. South American cold still has my energy rather zapped. The Incan nurse however did apologize last night. ☟︎
lobbes: "Contrary to medical opinion, a patent absolutely sloshed on morphine and diazepine tranquilizers can indeed work up sufficient rage to vociferously complain, bellow actually, about the sound and feeling of cancellous bone being crushed inside his skull as a bored nurse thrashes a lead-weighted truncheon about the insides his sinuses. She knew there was an exit to my throat back there somewhere, it was in the anatomy books. If she could not find it
mircea_popescu: somehow "The vaguely amused forum + mp rating is worth WAY the fuck more than whatever self-delusions i nurse, let me put this to use" is apparently inaccessible.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-20 23:49 mircea_popescu: all through this seeking my approval in the sense of trying to verify if im all that impressed. i... wasn't fucking impressed, because why the fuck would i be impressed with the male nurse.
mircea_popescu: to revisit tradition : there are two main strands in "wet nurse pacifying neglected upper class kid his mom dun want" : the irish and the italian.
ben_vulpes: https://nypost.com/2017/11/27/nurse-loses-job-over-post-suggesting-sons-of-white-women-be-sacrificed/
BingoBoingo: http://www.cbs46.com/story/36401258/naval-hospital-nurse-posts-disturbing-pictures-of-newborn-babies
mircea_popescu: is she a neurosurgeon's nurse ?
mod6: a nurse was browbeating me about a bunch of shit... and then I just went off the deep end.
mircea_popescu: when i decide to be a nurse i also will.
mircea_popescu: all through this seeking my approval in the sense of trying to verify if im all that impressed. i... wasn't fucking impressed, because why the fuck would i be impressed with the male nurse. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't touch her, what am i, a licensed nurse ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo that's one deeply incompetent nurse.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-12: [03:20:11] <BingoBoingo> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3779582/Nurse-caught-CCTV-having-sex-dead-disabled-girl-s-waterbed-child-s-grieving-foster-parents-allowed-return-work.html
BingoBoingo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3779582/Nurse-caught-CCTV-having-sex-dead-disabled-girl-s-waterbed-child-s-grieving-foster-parents-allowed-return-work.html
a111: 67 results for "nurse", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=nurse
mircea_popescu: $s nurse
BingoBoingo: From the mines: "Ms. Dyspnea: "Bullshit. I asked the nurse if I could just get the oxygen in my IV, and she said she couldn't do that. We all know she could just take off this stupid mask and plug it into my IV instead." "
mircea_popescu: girl's desire to be black owned is not only perfectly understandable in that context, but rationally mandatory. what the fuck is she to do ?if she's got any life whatsoever left in her coils, what the everloving fuck is she to do, nurse eric ?
ben_vulpes: but hey the girls are helping each other nurse already so the project moves forward
a111: Logged on 2016-04-24 20:44 mircea_popescu: i kinda got a hankering for the old "young female is sent to be nurse/teacher/whatever at remote village, discovers and falls in love with local tractor driver" films.
mircea_popescu: i kinda got a hankering for the old "young female is sent to be nurse/teacher/whatever at remote village, discovers and falls in love with local tractor driver" films. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "sex with safewords" is sex exactly in the sense the guy playing king richard in a theatrical production is king richard, the historical personage. "sex with safewords" is at best a brat's wet dream, and in general prostitution, in the vein of the pedicurist or hospital nurse's job - but in no case has anything to do with sex, nor can it occur among sane adults.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2016#1421360 << recently learned that 'freres de lait' shared wet nurse. ☝︎
cazalla: ben_vulpes, good, missus looks bigger the second time around for some reason, prenatal appt with nurse today confirmed that as well
mircea_popescu: also mildly interesting, how that toothpaste-commercial-and-soap-opera extra got the nurse part.
ben_vulpes: re: "ed", a nurse was over last night, lamenting the shift from "emergency room, you know, a big room with sheets, "emergency department" with individually nicely fitted out, warm rooms with room service that someone other than $invalid is paying for"
BingoBoingo: "If the idea of entering a facility, even a luxury one, is too much to bear, you can always follow the lead of true ballers who detox in style at luxury suites at Claridge’s in London or Trump Tower in NYC to the tune of about $3,000 per night. For the roughly week-long experience, they’ll then hire an on-call doctor to administer a detox program and medication (an estimated $15,000 per week), a 24-hour nurse to facilitate it
assbot: 800lb Steven Assanti is caught on camera harassing a nurse | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1MqUAHJ )
mircea_popescu: depends, had a friend in timisoara, chief nurse for county hospital, did upwards of two dozen emergency c sections a day
shinohai: It's cheaper for me to hire a private nurse. I get better care and don't have to be in a filthy hospital.
nubbins`: i don't think a nurse practitioner would do it
Adlai: BingoBoingo: no, the best part: McSwagger was awakened from a deep sleep by his pager, only to find out that he was being called by his own nurse, apparently because he needed something for sleep
BingoBoingo: “It was all very surreal. The nurse told me my patient had arrived on the ward. I told her I was the patient. She apparently thought I was making an existential statement and replied ‘aren’t we all just the sum of our patients and our patience’. I know, it doesn’t make any sense to me either now, but at the time it was profound, because, you know, dilaudid. “
indiancandy1: before the nurse had 2 do swabs herself on the patient
indiancandy1: shes a nurse for sexual health
indiancandy1: maybe private health care nurse make more
indiancandy1: she is a gum nurse
indiancandy1: my moms a nurse
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 anyway, why not study to be a nurse ? it pays well.
ascii_field: so mircea_popescu tells us that total brezhnevification in usa ? the aristos sit & nervously smoke all day, and nurse their arthritis ?
mircea_popescu: rking as a nurse but then salary did not cover living costs."
mircea_popescu: Laura Berg, a nurse at a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in New Mexico was investigated for sedition in September 2005 after writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper, accusing several national leaders of criminal negligence. Though their action was later deemed unwarranted by the director of Veteran Affairs, local human resources personnel took it upon themselves to request an FBI investigation.
cazalla: and they of course is the gov which pays for the building, the land, the nurse's wage
cazalla: nurse so proud that she now has room with a view
cazalla: place we took son to for his 1 year appt today with child care nurse
asciilifeform: one memorable scene. germans waste a village, shown in glorious detail (complete with barns nailed shut, set alight, etc, etc). on their way out, get ambushed and mowed down. including their hot chick nurse, but she's not entirely dead. hero (boy) walks along and finds this. takes a look at the chick, who is bleeding and looking seductively at him. then he sees bandage pack on ground. decides to bandage broken stock of his rif
BingoBoingo: At times it has been a little confusing and difficult to keep the two separate. “On rounds the next morning I’ll ask my residents what the patient’s Is & Os were. They will tell me the nurse didn’t chart them appropriately. So I’ll wander over to the charge nurse and say who was taking care of Ms. Johnson last night –and of course it was me…”
BingoBoingo: “Excuse me…” at that moment when the new nurse looked up from changing a bed pan, “Doctor Fritz!” Shannon yelled in amazement. “No it’s Nurse Charlie tonight,” he responded before she could question any further.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: nurse's article: http://www.bards.ru/archives/part.php?id=15568 << obligatory. vysotsky's 'doctor reanimator.'
xanthyos: mircea_popescu: once a woman starts producing milk she'll keep producing it until she stops nursing. there are some children who nurse way too long and as long as they keep suckling, the milk will flow. also i doubt anyone using women to farm milk is concerned about cost effectiveness or has the moral concern to worry about his cows continually giving birth. their young might be inserted into the food chain that eventually becomes the moth
ThickAsThieves: so gs can nurse the teat
assbot: CDC Officials Confirm They Gave Second Dallas Ebola Nurse Permission to Fly Even After She Called to Report Fever | TheBlaze.com
chetty: <decimation> well, if a westerner becomes infected, it's on them to make arrangements to prevent further transmission//yeah that nurse did a good job flying to and from ohio
assbot: Two Male Strippers Quarantined After Sitting Near Ebola Nurse on Plane
RagnarDanneskjol: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/10/17/cruise-ship-carrying-texas-ebola-nurse-refused-entry-in-belize/
BingoBoingo: And neither Dallas nurse is white...
assbot: Second Ebola-Infected Nurse Identified, Was Symptomatic With 99.5 Degree Fever While Flying | Zero Hedge
asciilifeform: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-10-15/second-ebola-infected-nurse-identified-was-symptomatic-995-degree-fever-while-flying
decimation: "Last week, a dog belonging to an Ebola-infected nurse was euthanized in Spain, causing a national outcry. " << wtf
asciilifeform: spanish nurse also did not follow rules?
diametric: asciilifeform: i'm not sure how you've come to the conclusion based on a single nurse that didn't follow the rules getting ebola to the usg has let it walk at leisure.
decimation: that's true, there's only been one case of transmission in the us, the nurse in texas
asciilifeform: the nurse still lives?
diametric: we're still only sitting at one infection contracted in the US, a nurse that didn't follow the proper protocol when dealing with the index patient (who is now dead). I'm not seeing the incoming pandemic yet.
assbot: Spanish nurse with Ebola may have touched her face with a glove - The Washington Post
nubbins`: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/10/08/spanish-nurse-says-she-has-no-idea-how-she-got-ebola-as-her-family-fights-for-their-dogs-life/
Duffer1: nurse gifts, 3lbs of primo coffee per shift
decimation: as the link I put up yesterday explained, most doctors did more to hurt than heal before 1900, the 'talented amateur' was the local nurse lady who would try to keep you comfortable
decimation: so a nurse who gave someone whisky in 1800 to recover from the flu was probably far more likely to be helping than the doctor who wanted to bleed or whatever
thestringpuller: and you had sex with the nurse that helped deliver?
nubbins`: fun fact, nurse in the delivery room was like "shit, nubs" and immediately engaged me in intercourse
assbot: Obama Replaces Surgeon General with Nurse Practitioner General - Medical Satire - GomerBlog
mircea_popescu: also why idiots stay away : they'd rather nurse a bevy of retarded ideas than actually do some work.
mircea_popescu: best thing you can get a nurse.
Duffer1: i need non creepy nurse gift ideas
BingoBoingo: Thanks to risperidone, the pro-lactation anti-psychotic drug men wishing to break into traditionally feminine fields can now audition for the job of "wet nurse"
moiety: i think the sex weeks flat is borked. both the charge nurse and consultant i worked for have retired since i left last year, so no reference. :[
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, listen to this sad story : the mother of a friend, who has been a nurse all her life, 20+ years, and who is actually a very good nurse, and who's got a back injury from lifting people in wheelchair up to busses and so on, has been trying for the past 6 months to get a job.
moiety: this is true. the problem with him being picking someone that had severe issues around it when he was in a position of trust rather than a nurse/doctor/person in the street
moiety: my friend writes on antipsychiatry (a psychiatric nurse)
ozbot: Anorexia patient told by ER nurse to 'go get some supper' - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
nubbins`: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/anorexia-patient-told-by-er-nurse-to-go-get-some-supper-1.2523913
mircea_popescu: the name of at least one nurse in the burns section ?