215 entries in 0.14s
BingoBoingo: John Travolta was the fat tranny, for srs
BingoBoingo: Too fat to work.
BingoBoingo: I can't wait for the immigrants they have now to get fat and them to stick with the no new immigrants schtick
BingoBoingo: Johnson-Weld 2016! At least they aren't as fat!
BingoBoingo: Trump, fat. Clitler, fat.
BingoBoingo: Who knows how many fat people were helped in this version of legend because they moved up from not wiping at all thanks to stick discovery!
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but that's nothing ; the case is still fresh in my mind when BingoBoingo made up some stupid shit about how a guy was so fat he used a stick to wipe his ass ; and other perverse defecation tales - which then became the ACCEPTED STANDARD of "what fat people do" according to "everyone" on social media. << ty, but that is credit for TOO much
BingoBoingo: Fat ethics http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3603812/Woman-kills-husband-s-puppy-chihuahua-stage-miscarriage-pretending-pregnant-7-months.html ☟︎
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski re: http://www.contravex.com/2016/05/07/pete-buys-a-minivan/ Exactly how fat are Lexus's typical customers that such a gulf is required between passenger car's curb weight and carrying capacity ☟︎
BingoBoingo: But the fat police
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "what do you mean fat donut chewer couldn't defeat superman ? IS SUPERMAN A TERRORIST ????" << Apparently he has been for a decade or so.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> not unless they're nude. << And NOT Kim now that she's just fat.
BingoBoingo: Seriously, but the people on /r/loseit insist that of their 400 pounds of adipose tissue only 20-50 are actually fat
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform "ex boxer" just evals to "fat". << His pictures seem to acurately represent his self declared 50 or so pounds over fighting weight.
BingoBoingo: Creature given its initial platform by Gawker Media's "Jezebel" fat rights blog
BingoBoingo: But apparently it doesn't count as obesity anymore until a person is so fat they spread out like a pancake
BingoBoingo: When divorce comes it makes allotting fault easier. "Relationship was built on lies, why else would she get fat after declaring her hate for it"
BingoBoingo: felipelalli: I mean you can leave source for the old win32 stuff so the lazy but desperate can still try building it. Think of it like putting the icecream shop at the mall on the top floor so fat people gotta choose icecream or using stairs.
BingoBoingo: https://i.imgur.com/l2oplLE.png?1 << No matter how much you try to appease hamplanets there's always that that's too fat. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Arm fat, usually associated with older ladies that frequent Bingo halls. Now Obesity is prevalent enough the young and under exercised frequently have them. The arm fat in a bingo wing typically "flaps" when moving hence "wing" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: "They have opted to open a GoFundMe to help fatties get scooters like the one Elizabeth loved so much." >> http://notyourgoodfatty.com/naafa-fat-activist-dies-at-the-age-of-55/
BingoBoingo: duck fat is a going to be a safe investment, it can repel pat
BingoBoingo: https://web.archive.org/web/20151229212650/https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/3yp080/husband_m_35_is_obsessed_with_fat_people_hate_and/
BingoBoingo: Well, how else to you handle alcoholic fatty liver than by... chasing the fat out of the liver?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Well, I'm still cutting to the point where I can start getting swole without also getting fat at the same time.
BingoBoingo: Ah so he's either fat or manorexic to top it all off
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It is. Copper sulfate helps with that. Still fat fuck trees are so hungry they'll happily turn the shit pipe into a buffet. Behaviorally the things are hamplanets.
BingoBoingo: Chicoms took our jobs, nao they are taking our scooty puffs http://notyourgoodfatty.com/too-fat-to-fuck-chinas-fattest-couple-gets-weight-loss-surgery-so-they-can-have-a-baby/
BingoBoingo: Still more related: "I had the exact same problem with medium leggings - I'm 5'10" and 138lbs. 34-25-38 and should be a medium. When I got the leggings there was no tag indication front or back so I tried them on both ways. A large baggy pocket ballooned out in the front either way. A FUPA pouch? I cant wear them because they wont stay up, even with my bootie. :( Fat people privilege is being able to wear clothing front or back be
BingoBoingo: http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2014/06/19/323326424/a-fresh-cry-of-pain-fat-shaming-in-science << Win
BingoBoingo: This is in contrast to: "We had one huge manlet of a kid in junior high. 14 years old probably 300+ pounds at about 5'4. We all hated the kid not just because he was fat and stunk like shit, he was a massive nerd and a complete prick. Some shitlord brought up the fact that he smells so bad because he probably can't fit in the shower, so we took a pink highlighter, not a permanent marker, and highlighted his arm to test the bathing
BingoBoingo: Collision of two things http://notyourgoodfatty.com/a-trio-of-big-fat-failed-crowdfunded-projects-from-fat-acceptance/
BingoBoingo: Anyways it would prolly be possible to sub a dietary fat with an indigestible silicone grease for a lower calorie variant, also to really emphasize the partial in partial foods.
BingoBoingo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU7iDQPWwAEIQJI.jpg:large http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/group-resents-fat-people-shares-anti-gluttony-cards-article-1.2450325
BingoBoingo: So Dr. Oz did a segment about the "dark web" today and an image like this was part of the imagery describing the dangerous stuff going on there: https://i.sli.mg/5mOHmZ.pngPNG Nothing about the drug trade, scams, hacking, killing for hire, etc. The real reason for the existence of the dark web is "bullying" and fat shaming."
BingoBoingo: From the comments: "We mustn't let this fat fuck fork the blockchain. Death to Bitcoin XT! Long live freedom and anonymity!"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: THey are still works in progress. There's myostatin antibodies being tested in rats that... have some serious side effects. Turns out at a certain point being "muscle obese" is not that different from being "fat obese" when it comes to cardiac outcomes
BingoBoingo: "The first reason was that woman's abdominal body fat decreased their own sexual desire on a hormonal level, which would hamper libido. The second reason could be that men simply found slimmer women more attractive and thus had fewer problems in the bedroom." ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Fuck, Steven Segal got fat
BingoBoingo: ABout the shooter: "He looks collectively like every fat weird androgynous man who has contacted me on OkCupid." https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/556926/2670308
BingoBoingo: THe body can carry a hefty amount of surplus around without ill effect, but the brain is also largely supported by kinds of fatty tissue and responds poorly to the wrong kind of fat incursing.
BingoBoingo: Well, then past BMI 45 when you get into super morbid obesity, or death fat territory you get skeletal distortion
BingoBoingo: phf: Linebackers tend to start out kinda fat already.
BingoBoingo: Obese Privilege http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/overweight-people-seen-as-too-fat-to-commit-crimes-a2956586.html
BingoBoingo: !rate RepublicofBelarus -1 fat
BingoBoingo: FUCKING FAT ASS IMGUR https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/536627
BingoBoingo: Apparently the New York Times endorses untrained bystanders doing cric because 'Murica is now too fat for the heimlich http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/what-comes-after-the-heimlich-maneuver/?smid=tw-nytimeswell&smtyp=cur&_r=0
BingoBoingo becoming rather convinced the only true SJW transgender is trans-fat gender. Welcome Cartman and our other Mayo-Gendered overlords.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Originally idiots used it to refer to male FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area) which isn't gendered. So I created a better meaning for FUDA: Fat Usurping Dick Apex
BingoBoingo: Stupid is prolly more somewhere along the lines of preference. Stupidly obeast though has physiolocical characteristics which necessitate identifying as fat-gendered among the afflicted
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i bet the author is this stupid fat kid that's "a feminist" and also "really supports" womenz. << You forget the FUDA: Fat Usurped Dick Area... Basically when the pubic fat is too much for the dick to be externally visible
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/C32nz << "Well, since a ton is 2000 pounds and Fat Activists tends to have their mortality increase rapidly after 500 pounds, we can conclude there are 3-6 Fat activists to the ton."
BingoBoingo: It's apparently a propaganda film telling children it is ok to be fat, stupid and incompetent. Stuff works out jsut look at reddit.
BingoBoingo: Hard to get fat on plastic
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> ahahaha. broke fat louse has rulesets ? << They have the strictest rulesets sinc ethey aren't getting fucked outside of an accident. They pretend scarcity of opportunities is standards.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> 'It is forbidden to dream again; / We maim our joys or hide them: / Horses are made of chromium steel / And little fat men shall ride them.' << Oh he was writing about Today's luxury mega trucks that could tow 12,000 pounds but instead ferry 400 pounder to their daily McBeetus run
BingoBoingo: Nah, normally just hog fat.
BingoBoingo: The biodiesel revolution has started http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/surgeon-uses-human-fat-to-run-his-cars-1211431.html
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> could we instead accept 1% more fat each year ? << No. It breaks the BritneyChain
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> not like fat, emboldened sc4mz0rz are good for anything << Butuchyag
BingoBoingo: Fat People hate is basically a suckless movement for wetware
BingoBoingo: Black chicks that aren't fat are too damn rare. Shame and fat hate are a way to correct that with time honored social engineering.
BingoBoingo: http://getoffmyinternets.net/token-fat-girl-blogger-dies-suddenly-at-age-30/
BingoBoingo: I have a fat acquaintence who moved to Shitcago. His fellow probationers are a harder and less human sort than he did rehab with here.
BingoBoingo: I spent time on his coinshat thing tying to tell n00bs to not be such n00bs. Fat lot of good it did.
BingoBoingo: Also alcohol bound in carbohydrates? Prolly going to be a fat sack to the shit jsut to get buzzed.
BingoBoingo: https://www.yahoo.com/travel/man-sues-airline-says-fat-seatmate-caused-back-125462803042.html
BingoBoingo: trinque: Remember it was necessary because Imgur is fat
BingoBoingo: Voat just has growing pains. The fat hate movement isn't the only thing carrying Voat anymore.
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: Here the pic/reality discrepancy is so bad in a lot of cases it is like a fat person killed a normal with similar hair and started living their life.
BingoBoingo: "Fat people are harder to throw"
BingoBoingo: At this point I'm conviced the only reason the fat hate movement is being suppressed is because USG has officially adopted Obesity as a social control mechanism.
BingoBoingo: Because camel humps are fat. The wikipedoium can tell redditors that.
BingoBoingo: Sure, but his gay is more accept nao than Turing's was then. Even though he also had to bankroll fat acceptance, Kardashians, and lets hate athletic success to make it happen.
BingoBoingo: "If a pet hedgehog appears to be gaining too much weight, it is important that the hedgehog’s caretaker cut back on high fat foods and increase exercise. Hedgehogs vary in size so there is no "goal weight" for a hedgehog, but if they can no longer roll completely into a ball it is a pretty clear sign of obesity" << hedgehogs can become hedge hamplanets too.
BingoBoingo: Oh, reddit banned an subreddit dedicated to actual whale watching thinking it was a part of the fat hate movement https://archive.is/nsZKC
BingoBoingo: There's a whole vocabluary. Mini moons are fat kids, hamplanets are big and round. ham galaxies are the ones so big they flatten out on surfaces... Beetus monsters are covered in weeping wounds on their legs
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and for the record, "accepting" fat people on the mere basis of them being fat people is exactly as morally wrong / intellectually bankrupt as hating them for the same reason. << Hate is an emotional reaction, in this case to aesthetics
BingoBoingo: Fat people don't go as high
BingoBoingo: http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/columns/joe-holleman/st-louis-fitness-trainer-apologizes-about-fat-shaming-fan-at/article_4c93413a-13af-58bc-bf05-b866b09d2167.html
BingoBoingo: cazalla: I am too race blind. A few years ago an acquaintance robbed a bank and seeing the CCTV pic in the paper I'm like who is that fat korean? Turns out it was a fat white guy I went to college with.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> pretty much all the derpternet is good for these days is this sort of unintentional self-humour crit > 9000 << Aha, you've hit the funniest part. The self described peaks of physical fitness can observe the fat logic, but are nearly incapable of realizing most of them are entirely unsocialized. Lulz on both sides.
BingoBoingo: ascii_lander: Implanon and its ilk go into the subcutaneous fat. easily palpated
BingoBoingo: But the FCC internet will give users Fat Pipes, to better DoS real people with.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But the root of their surivival is determined by the same fat men
BingoBoingo: The girl was always fat, and weev was in jail. Girl fatlogiced a family and worksafe site then shuttered ED. The id didn't like that.
BingoBoingo: Here I tend to see lots of fat hunters.
BingoBoingo: I'm not so picky. Just B cups and a big fat butt... I'm good on that.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> "that 2x2 thing up at 30kft moving at mach 1.8 couldn't *possibly* be an airplane!" << I though it couldn't get anywhere near that fast because it is too fat.
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/Salondotcom/status/533758402934345728 << More with the shirt from people who went from serious talk of prison rape to articles on how fat people get made fun of maor.
BingoBoingo: In milk generally all of the protein and fat globules contribute to surface area
BingoBoingo: This is a point. Seriously why would people have a fat wall of mining hardware and no halon?
BingoBoingo: Ebama could spead a lot of Obola with a fat stash of BTC
BingoBoingo: Fat chief joined a crowd calling for his resignation. What result can be expected.
BingoBoingo: On the plus side though, little fat.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> well with the blessings of travel the differences aren't that marked physically. course, fat is fat, and annoying is annoying, whereas hungry is hungry and eager is eager. << Probably also helps that Romanian is Perl, and... your ancestors are not vowel shift victims
BingoBoingo: ;;google joe west umpire fat
BingoBoingo: lol here people have yards so they assume their dogs exercise themselves and both get fat, unless they have a motivated dog who takes walks at night at roughly the same time I do.
BingoBoingo: But how does it taste? Usually it takes some work to make a Capon Aviagen sent a team of scientists to Sanderson last autumn to study the issue and has acknowledged that an undisclosed change it made to the breed's genetics made the birds "very sensitive" to being overfed, he said. "We fed him too much. He got fat. When he got big, he did not breed as much as he was intended to," Cockrell said about the breed of rooster.