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a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 23:09 asciilifeform: incidentally, even a very brief look at the 1801 item confirms the troof of
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896836 -- thing defo aint a 'and here is where the ameri-crystal does x' , it's a quite '
head' object , very evidently produced from page-long spec of the orig instruction set
spyked: re ffi,
in that older research I've tried to avoid fast-running code
in favour of
head, but I'll make sure to double-check
in this iteration. the only www-related cffi dependency I recall was
in cl+ssl, which I will remove on sight before genesis
bvt: OriansJ
in #bootstrappable has a notion of hygiene (at least basic, ie groks
head), and still works on the stage0; i had no interaction with janneke (mes author) yet, so can't make claims about him. he does make some noise
in the #bootstrappable and #guix
verisimilitude: Sure; my system I have
in mind to make as perfect as I can certainly
fits in a normal-sized
head, or should.
bvt: myeah, complexity does not go too well with both constant-time and
a111: Logged on 2018-12-28 20:35 asciilifeform: diana_coman: sadly i do not know how to 'guarantee perfection'. all i know how to do is to bake maximally '
fits in head' and bank that the folx here will find mistake if it turns out that i made one.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 18:28 asciilifeform: all i particularly care for
in re scripting is to obtain a replacement for perl/python/bash where the interpreter is simple (i.e. readable,
head, auditable, correct)
BingoBoingo: Thankfully much of Montevideo
fits in head a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 18:28 asciilifeform: all i particularly care for
in re scripting is to obtain a replacement for perl/python/bash where the interpreter is simple (i.e. readable,
head, auditable, correct)
phf: i can obviously fix btcbase to be more useful (i.e. continue to aid the patch exploration)
in cases where a patch is big, but
in general a 9mb patch seems to go against the whole
fits in head a111: Logged on 2018-05-01 14:59 trinque: and
in service to
head mod6: one file, !=
fits in head caaddr: I wonder how early
in such a stack you would add the kind of compile time protections that ada guarantees. compile time protections seem to be the hardest thing to keep a programming language at "
fits in head" size
mircea_popescu: the strong statement here is that the ~only~ possible identity bits of code have is based on ~personal memory~. to revisit the oft used bubblesort example -- any particular implementation of bubblesort IS bubblesort because ~you~ recognize it as such and for ~no other reason~, factual ~or possible~. consequently
fits in head as the basis of code identity.
mod6: I had started a new V
in Ada, had to stick it
in the drawer for a while. Not getting to exactly where I wanted to go (easy to read,
fits in head, no perl/perlisms) with it at this time.
phf: right, i think perhaps the problem of this particular turn of phrase, is that he can't actually name what makes him a better than average programmer (like ascii's
fits in head, or Principles, or), so he's reduced to a shortcut that is insufficient
phf: apparently he also argues for
fits in head as the only proper measure elsewhere, but i can't find the source of quote (possibly person who implied it is a log reader, and just reused the variety speak)
mircea_popescu: so then if joe claims the "Streamlined" rsa
fits in his
head, what do you do ?
shinohai: This is why we have asciilifeform 's "
fits in head" (tm) (r) (tmsr)
spyked: valentinbuza, maybe not, but then if you have everything loaded
in head, the most you can do is rip the useless parts apart and leave *only* what
fits into the problem at hand. which turns "framework" into "item that solves particular problem". it is essential to not leave *anything else* there.
mircea_popescu: what
fits in head depends also on the structuring of the
a111: Logged on 2017-07-15 05:13 erlehmann: i use GNU unifont wherever i can.
fits in head.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> which, btw, imho is intrinsically unsuitable for a
head rsatron, it is extremely gnarly and uses float approximations that get magically unfudged back to int, etc << ugh. right.
erlehmann: i use GNU unifont wherever i can.
fits in head.
☟︎ phf: that's a tricky request, but the tenets are around shitlangs differentiation, "
fits in head", v as a way of releasing code, what it means to own a piece of technology. there's a handful of threads that had definitive conclusions, that i consider tenets (i think the word should be
in quotes to indicate that while not true tenets, violating them will require reopening large threads)
erlehmann: asciilifeform what do you use as shell? i use rc shell, because grammar
fits in head (actually, grammar is written on man page).
mircea_popescu: but this phenomenon exists whereby girl ends up
in trouble for reasons which, upon later examination, turn out to not actually exist. that the whole thing was actually a misunderstanding is proof positive the entire system
fits in no one's
head : not
in mine, who misunderstood what was going on, not
in the girl;s herself, who, confronted with the misunderstanding, failed to identify what to say to dispel it.
lobbes: But re:
fits in head. Isn't phf's/alfs argument that you cannot really even audit said generalized glue?