333 entries in 0.485s
brendafdez: mircea_popescu maybe the affirmation policying isn't being done right. Half the people in the fb lesbian dating groups are guys, too...
brendafdez: I never had much success as to dating/sex/relationships, so I mostly learned languages through porn. One of my language learning resources for German back in 2007 was http://www.pantiesparadise.de/index.php i was an awesome place, and there was even another similar site, which must still be around. I never saw anything like this in English- or Spanish-land. There are som subreddits for used underwear and some girls sell theirs on eb
mircea_popescu: virgins experts in dating, dependent adolescents experts in "making money", otakus writing books on how to meet and influence people, etc etc etc.
mircea_popescu: might be "dating"
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller no, in the sense of not dating.
mircea_popescu: same reason dating's so hard
mircea_popescu: now where's that trrilema article i want to reference. the one pointing out this entire vc thing is old guys dating.
mircea_popescu: they're going to have a dating/selfhelp for this, too ?
cazalla: i would do the twitch thing tbh, tinder dating you are capped at one man per date, twitch is unlimited
mircea_popescu: ;;google wtf is that stupid ipad dating app called
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 you got twitch ? or how the fuck is that ipad dating app called
BingoBoingo: indiancandy1: Have you considered dating a rapper?
mircea_popescu: inasmuch as i understand it, his chief complaint was, "no criminal empire footprint". easiest way to get into that, from memory, is dating the whores.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: what's the equivalent of the 'stop gluttony and exercise' here << start dating whores.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dating !=
pete_dushenski: guy teases girl, they end up dating, etc
punkman: lolwut "The reason for my death is simple. I have concluded that in the realm of dating and relationships the primary characteristics required for men are as follows."
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on account of the designs dating back to the mid '80s
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=going+dutch | going dutch. In dating, when both parties pay for their own bills, thus effectively dispelling the double-standard where men are always expected to pay.
mircea_popescu: "my twenty-one days dating twenty-one twenty-one years old twenty-one day book authors"
mircea_popescu: "my twenty-one days dating twenty-one twenty-one day book authors"
mircea_popescu: he probably got a little horny for the nude girl at dating age
mats: hanbot: you are an american expat yes? and you understand the peculiarities of american dating culture?
mircea_popescu: people don't want to spend an hour driving, they want to spend that hour derping on a dating app
hanbot: jurov i've heard of worse premises for dating services
asciilifeform: this is assuming that we have a reasonably certain copy of his pubkey pre-dating the events. which, iirc, we do.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: actual woman on dating site? lol wtf << Site in question kept my dick wet through Library school.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: actual woman on dating site? lol wtf
badon: mircea_popescu: The silver chart is eluding me. You can see a review of my predictions for 2014, dating back to 2012, here: https://www.livebusinesschat.com/smf/index.php?topic=5632.msg37706#msg37706
adlai: it's funny/perfectlylogical how the biggest dating site is also the biggest gun running site
mircea_popescu: equal fucking opportunity dating!
mircea_popescu: why should companies not be allowed to only hire white people, but dudes dating be allowed to only date women ? or straight people ? or w/e ?
mircea_popescu: so i was thinking, aren't these dating sites and dating generally completely inequitable ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, fuck.link would be a decent dating site domain.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's why women invented dating.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aside from examples like 'emacs', most of what is actually useful in 'open source' was written in other times, other walls, pre-dating it
TheNewDeal: lizard hitler is dating bitcoin jesus?
mircea_popescu: for maximum trollage points, that pua "executive executant" derp should rebrand his nonsense as paleo dating
ben_vulpes: i don't think that dating these things is necessary. they embed in the blockchain, after all.
assbot: 1681 results for 'dating' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=dating
mircea_popescu: !s dating
mircea_popescu: take the body in this case : a whiny 25 yo beta masquerading as an "executive dating coach".
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu not sure about dating but libtardism, scientism, nationalism... examples are endless
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski better question for your next one : is being a libtard a cult ? how about dating, is that a cult ?
mircea_popescu: the "i don't plan to use the capability" thing makes me wonder : isn't it strange that "infertility" isn't the leading thing in dating sites and comedian's routines re dating sites ?
mircea_popescu: jurov i bring as proof the difficulty real fags have in dating.
mircea_popescu: <undata> americans can't communicate with each other well enough to solve any problems. << this is true actually. seriously, "dating guides" ?
moriarty: the whole of philosophy is a continuous conversation dating back to Aristotle
danielpbarron: forcemeet sounds like a jedi dating site
mircea_popescu: which makes it the direct equivalent of dating advice. something people living in the us need.
assbot: Disastrous Dating in Buenos Aires, Argentina: 2008 edition | Global Dating Diaries
mircea_popescu: http://globaldatingdiaries.com/2014/05/15/disastrous-dating-in-buenos-aires-argentina-2008-edition/ << this is hysterical.
mircea_popescu: in other news : aggregate advertising and dating data seems to show that a 50% increase in mixed race fantasy couples being displayed over 5 eyars corresponds to a 50% increase in the affinity for white women for white men, and reciprocal, and further a decrease for both black men -> white women and black wome -> white men and reciprocal.
TheNewDeal: regardless, it's quite funny to see people jump from dating/fucking full grown women to pedophilia
assbot: Penis Dating - YouTube
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes> BingoBoingo: for the poor student - what is a real economy? << One that doesn't resemble the dating environment in a prison
mircea_popescu: travel clubs ? dating services ? coin sellers ?
mircea_popescu: so ycombinator is finally reduced to a dating service ?
pete_dushenski: the top two students were offered a job. they were coincidentally dating
thickasthieves: "Signing up for an online dating site and finding yourself facing constant rejection is a frustrating experience. It's even worse if you're certain that all those cyber-strangers would see what a catch you are if they would just give you a chance to impress. A new dating site offers a solution to this problem"
assbot: Online Dating | Buy & Sell First Dates
thickasthieves: cointroduction really is a good for a dating site
asciilifeform: dating - sure. end product - no
mircea_popescu: lcd displays + internet connection HAVE been steadily replacing dating all over the parts of the world that have cheap broadband.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform was it "The Cyrano de Bergerac Memorial Dating Agency" ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: robert sheckley had a story ('50s) about a 'dating agency' that would tell you exactly what to do, through a hidden earphone. fellow puts it on, and gets really bored, because it turns out they also sell to the gurlz
mircea_popescu: "The official blog of OkCupid.com. Shows trends and insights into it's online dating network."
mircea_popescu: Azelphur im not so up to date with the thing, so you're calling some dating site's api
assbot: Match.com, Mensa Create Dating Site For Geniuses - Slashdot
pankkake: http://science.slashdot.org/story/14/06/25/2239246/matchcom-mensa-create-dating-site-for-geniuses
BingoBoingo: Also... who are his daughters dating... That has to age him too.
kakobrekla: are you thinking carbon dating?
mircea_popescu: that is the fucking point of currency and more generally life on earth. so that lazier kids get left behind in footbal practice, and that dumber kids get left behind dating
asciilifeform: proggys dating to gulf war 1 (at least) for which there will be no substitute
jurov: Upcoming availability: bitcoin.dating bitcoin.partners bitcoin.productions
mircea_popescu: if they could do anything even remotely useful at all, they;d be there doing it. like, probably dating and getting drunk with their friends, as higher marginal utility activities than "solving hunger in this one block"
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this is like saying women that don't have sex are part of the dating market, just not my elitist subsection of it
mircea_popescu: "You see, other than by chance, it is impossible to properly communicate and convince an audience of your position when you are deluded from where you stand in the first place." <<< you just summarized us dating.
bitcoinpete: college is best used as a dating service
JorgePasada: I'd like to say it's because I'm taking a principled stand against online dating
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves http://trilema.com/2014/dating-online-an-inquest/
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course it is. Diplomacy is also dating. Governance is a different thing though. Marriage.
mircea_popescu: so BingoBoingo, war may simply be that : dating.
ozbot: 13 Hilarious and Sexist Dating Tips From 1938. - Imgur
BingoBoingo: bounce: Last I checked freenode was still up.down dating server by server
mircea_popescu: trying doesn't even count in dating
ThickAsThieves: i imagine dating in your 30s in 40s these days is pretty much all online websites now?
mircea_popescu: "footwear should be made to support taller women because you should see this swede i'm dating"
mircea_popescu: you dating 16yos ?
ninjashogun: Due to its double-opt-in nature, it is especially good as a dating solution.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell decimation as far as i recall the theory behind carbon dating and especialyl the "constant decay" part has been under fire for decades.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo those women also admit to having serious trouble ever dating.
ThickAsThieves: i used to have all this music in me, but then i stopped binge drinking and dating and working for the man
mircea_popescu: Badoo is a dating-focused social networking service, founded in 2006, which uses deceptive tactics to attract new users
ThickAsThieves: "The Foundation never once warned Bitcoin investors about keeping deposits in Mt. Gox, despite clear red flags dating back to at least April 2013. Nor did the Foundation craft or advocate for best practices such as technical transparency, deposit audits, or appropriate consumer protection disclosures. This was a colossal failure of leadership."
mircea_popescu: what's next, dating for the narcisistic and hygiene for the lazy ?
mircea_popescu: stop dating tweens!
mircea_popescu: after all, they got to facebook because it was the exclusive ivy league sorority dating repository
mircea_popescu: Get on the go, Let's go (also, a common euphemism for partying, on the go by itself can also refer to a relationship - similar to a dating stage, but more hazy.)
mircea_popescu: wasn't matt's gf all ranty against dating sites ?