316 entries in 0.616s
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: as things stand, he is at any rate after getting the coin to use outside tmsr; because can't yet "find time" or whatever; sure, some price to pay for getting it out, that much his actions acknowledge + some appreciation for asciilifeform's work, certainly.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I do suspect you gravely underpriced the Rockchips for their share of the pipe if nothing else. At just under 9 USD, that's probably going to make any shared price point impossible.
mp_en_viaje: but whatever, this is a point experimentally estgablished during the fucking plague, a good seven centuries ago : permitting the plebs to contribute in ANY WAY to the formation of the price of their own labour destroys the economy
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-05#1933867 << in usa this is worse than anyone could believe, asciilifeform is ~still~, 2y later, looking for equiv. of those boots, for any price that's less than 'ticket to ro again'. 0 result.
asciilifeform: i doubt ( and esp. after mp barfed ) that anyone would buy live argentines at any price point . it's like trying to sell sewer rats. normally you gotta ~pay~ someone to trap & remove these.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-31 00:24 asciilifeform: imho actually a mistake to think of e.g. f35 as 'product' that 'has a price', as if it were toyota -- what instead is that the parasitic toad at any given time demands x %% of the printolade, and produces/pretends to produce certain # of golden toilets, and x / # is then 'price'
asciilifeform: imho actually a mistake to think of e.g. f35 as 'product' that 'has a price', as if it were toyota -- what instead is that the parasitic toad at any given time demands x %% of the printolade, and produces/pretends to produce certain # of golden toilets, and x / # is then 'price' ☟︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Quite a few boats I suspect are on the whisper market in kinda the same way just about any piece of real estate in the city has a price if you bother to ask.
asciilifeform: entirely interested. colo available any time, this is on the price sheet.
asciilifeform: ... rather like the case of sturgeon caviar. turns out, sturgeon grows a++ in captivity. but nobody's in any hurry to drive its price to the physically-available min.
asciilifeform: not only in floor space, but cost , in any unit one might care to price in
asciilifeform: for any price
asciilifeform: electric resistance heat is -ev insanity on pretty much 100% of planet, moar or less 100% of the time -- heat pump (if >0C) or gas (if <0C and there's ~any~ gas to be had , at just about any historical price) wins by fat margin
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in the Heathen Studies department: "Reddit's latest funding round values its users at a lower price than any other social network. "The company announced Monday it had raised $300 million in its Series D investment round at a valuation of $3 billion," reports CNBC. "CNBC previously reported the company's annual revenue topped $100 million, according to sources familiar with the matter, and at 330 million monthly active users
diana_coman: trinque, for s.mg it's less straightforward and it's not even just a matter of backups only; at any rate, it's at best "starvation mode" so I don't see how it really gets pizarro out of trouble; so far it's not even clear that *price* is the trouble re converting really; is it?
BingoBoingo: Apparently transmission fluid can't be had at any price
BingoBoingo: Anyways, if Gab somes knocking, I will try to get a price for them. Considering they were hosted on MS Azure for a long time, it is hard to tell if they can fit at any price or if their all comers deal makes them dependent on cheap Fort Mead bandwidth
mircea_popescu: AT ANY PRICE.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform suppose he lowers the tail and rolls over. "this is the inventory, please, take some, take any, for any price, save my chitlins, my wife's going mad with the hunger moans of the chitlins!!!"
asciilifeform: unobtainium, near as i can tell, at any price.
mircea_popescu: well in any case, 1.3 surcharge * 1.4 risk of loss means almost 200% the price.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-05 20:51 mod6: ben_vulpes: gotcha. any idea what number you used? This should go into my notes so I know to record the UYU/USD exchange rate at the time of the setting of the monthly price point.
mod6: ben_vulpes: gotcha. any idea what number you used? This should go into my notes so I know to record the UYU/USD exchange rate at the time of the setting of the monthly price point. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-07-18 00:05 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835530 << i think it's a very stupid idea, and i don't mean this mildly, but stupid in a superlative way, because what is contemplated is a ~fixed price~ for an ~unspecified product~. this is EXACTLY like sootheby's selling "auction win tickets" whereby you get to win "any one auction". it;s like trying to implement lemon markets where they don't naturally exist, and it screams deep misunder
a111: Logged on 2018-07-18 00:05 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835530 << i think it's a very stupid idea, and i don't mean this mildly, but stupid in a superlative way, because what is contemplated is a ~fixed price~ for an ~unspecified product~. this is EXACTLY like sootheby's selling "auction win tickets" whereby you get to win "any one auction". it;s like trying to implement lemon markets where they don't naturally exist, and it screams deep misunder
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835530 << i think it's a very stupid idea, and i don't mean this mildly, but stupid in a superlative way, because what is contemplated is a ~fixed price~ for an ~unspecified product~. this is EXACTLY like sootheby's selling "auction win tickets" whereby you get to win "any one auction". it;s like trying to implement lemon markets where they don't naturally exist, and it screams deep misunder ☝︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: sov mil-grade caps are still prized ( tantalum-niobium , go and buy these in usa for any price )
mircea_popescu: kim kardashian also routinely changes hands for price of ~lawnmower ; doesn't mean she's any good. they just like having their picture taken with her.
asciilifeform: the elementary one: 1) no kyc, in any form 2) wot uber alles 3) no usg price-fiddling influence
lobbesbot: ben_vulpes: Sent just now: <asciilifeform> i oughta elaborate re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811686 : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr
asciilifeform: !Q later tell ben_vulpes i oughta elaborate re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-09#1811686 : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 17:00 mircea_popescu: it's true that there are some websites printing random numbers, but their fantasies lack any economic substance whatsoever, and therefore eminently can;'t be relied on to price derivative instruments.
mircea_popescu: it's true that there are some websites printing random numbers, but their fantasies lack any economic substance whatsoever, and therefore eminently can;'t be relied on to price derivative instruments. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:16 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price.
mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price. ☟︎
lobbes: mircea_popescu, I may be able to order something, depending on price (any gear needed under $500, say?). I've been meaning to convert some more fiat into coin anyway
danielpbarron: nobody bought any at that price so i lowered till they did
mircea_popescu: which is what the "here's capital good selling under book price -- go, buy" link was all about! there's not going to be any "SALE!!!" better than this, ever, no matter what.
mircea_popescu: girl here can be had for a hundy a night, and she'll be pliant. he can't get what he's looking for in the us, at any price ; nor can he really afford the 2-3k a night top shelf (ie, teens, tall, nice figure, good manners etc)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i will note, for non-usaschwitz readers, that if you want a 80k BRICK house in usa, it will be in 1) baltimore 2) with all food vendor in 100km being 'food depot' ( see thread from last july ) 3) no 1mB/s, much less gB/s, fiber, for any price << Nah dawg. We have a handful of 75-85k brick houses within 20 minute walk of BingoBoingo's seat. Catch is small, 1950's foundation on slab idiocy
asciilifeform: i will note, for non-usaschwitz readers, that if you want a 80k BRICK house in usa, it will be in 1) baltimore 2) with all food vendor in 100km being 'food depot' ( see thread from last july ) 3) no 1mB/s, much less gB/s, fiber, for any price
alex__c: at any rate, rent price in Timisoara has been going up in the past 1-2 years
mircea_popescu: in any case the amd cpu i bought was underpriced both at list price and at 2nd hand price. cuz i sure as fuck ain'\t making one in my laundry room out of lint and wall shavings for less than a few hundred.
mircea_popescu: as it happens in the case of FG afaik aftermarket is actually more expensive than list price, ie it's more like collected art than used cars, but to find that out you gotta ask, and the question sounds exactly like "any discount rembrandts around ?"
a111: Logged on 2017-09-14 17:44 asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i'm not convinced that the exchange ( any and all of them ) price have ANYTHING to do with actual reality
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i'm not convinced that the exchange ( any and all of them ) price have ANYTHING to do with actual reality ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 21:29 Barbarossa_: any chance of a price cut for FUCKGOATS w BTC @ ATH?
asciilifeform: there are no plans to peg the price, however, to a fixed quantity of usd, or troy of gold, or pounds of grain, or any other babylonian metric.,
Barbarossa_: any chance of a price cut for FUCKGOATS w BTC @ ATH? ☟︎
whaack: What would have been bad with btc sitting at "too high" a price? Is it that a herd of people trying to get as many coins to hold from these "weak hands" would have bought in at a higher price than needed, thus making any concerted effort to raise the price in the long term much more difficult?
BingoBoingo: Well, general with vehicles of any sort... At the point the price becomes a "steal" yes, ownership costs far more than price tag
js-of-mp: erlehmann: well, not really, no. vanity comes in valupacks at any price point. but because, if nothing else, hungry.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: 3-4 decades of 'at any price' availability, likely. probably no more than 1-2 at economical-price.
asciilifeform: and cannot be had for any price at all
asciilifeform: every couplea months i do an 'can haz otp rom?' and answer, as always, is 'nope', not at any price, simply not made in past 30 yrs.
asciilifeform: at any rate, for the price it is quite impossible to beat, i have nfi how they are able to supply this kind of service, at that price.
asciilifeform: (i have not succeeded in locating a working example of xerox-interlisp lm, for sale at any price by anyone)
asciilifeform: ~none to be had for any price.
mircea_popescu: where it came out the fbi no longer can acquire the skills of a qualified typist for half a day at any price
asciilifeform: they do not seem to be available at any price, from anyone, at all.
trinque: and "cannot be had for any price"
asciilifeform: ( in a much earlier even thread , about the marvell chipset used in pogotron, i found same thing -- the chip is simply not www-orderable in the west, at least not at any kind of price point that isn't a laugh when stood next to the price of whole pogo )
asciilifeform: at any price point
ben_vulpes: education -- not available at any price.
ben_vulpes: no taste to be had at any price?
asciilifeform: at any price.
asciilifeform: at any price.
asciilifeform: for any price afaik.
asciilifeform: until the day when no new ones are available at any price.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: because 'any price point' includes 700
asciilifeform: try and find this today. at ANY price point.
BingoBoingo: bargain at any price
trinque: you've observed some things can't be had for any price depending on the configuration of the world at that time
PeterL: danielpbarron: were any of your trades at prices different from the current exchange price?
ben_vulpes: and not because people price their houses sanely, no. but because apparently all of california is moving here and will buy at any cost.
mod6: asciilifeform: do any worthwhile FPGAs' with open docs exist at any price?
asciilifeform: you can't price a thing that cannot be in any practical way traded
mircea_popescu: 18* adlai wonders whether the low price tag of responsible disclosure stems from the glass cannon nature << doesn't seem glass cannon-y at all, with any patience you could have hijacked some "notable" accounts made them do some funky shit.
danielpbarron: there hasn't been nearly enough volume on S.BBET to claim any sort of price falling, except for about a year ago when 10 or so bitcoin worth brought it from the 40s to the teens
asciilifeform: that it would not actually sell to anyone, for any price.
ben_vulpes: the notion that there is any price for bits not agreed upon by a bid by people who want the bits and an opening of the floodgates by those who have them at an accepable rate is utter horseshit.
asciilifeform: speaking of pc parts, found http://www.overclockers.ru/lab/15893/Novyj_korpus_Zalman_TNN500AF_ili_1_kilogramm_tishiny.html << ancient ru picture review of infamous ~entirely motherfucking silent~ pc chassis. good illustration of what this means. entirely unobtainable today at any price.
mircea_popescu: The human incentive to adopt this chain would be incredibly low though as everyone has GregCoins now and any exchange that decides to allow arbitrage between the two chains is going to see huge dumps onto the GregCoin chain which will quickly obliterate the price. Why? Because the very large majority that own Bitcoins want the blocksize to increase. I will also happily flush my GregCoins the instant some stupid schmuck
gribble: (sell <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a sell order for <amount> units of <thing, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, low, (1 more message)
thestringpuller: any miner going online today will never break even at the retail price point
ascii_rear: if there were any danger of usaschwitz inmates escaping on masse to this, lizards would print enough bezzlars to bid'em up to washington price - like in b-a.
BingoBoingo: But yeah. It likely can't live in its niche at any price.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> http://geektimes.ru/post/268128 << baikal electronics corp. claims $60 mips cpu to compete with 'elbrus' (which i have been unable to buy at any price on this side of the ocean) << they don't practically exist, on either side of ocean. so far all signs point to "elaborate ru.gov self-scam"
ascii_field: http://geektimes.ru/post/268128 << baikal electronics corp. claims $60 mips cpu to compete with 'elbrus' (which i have been unable to buy at any price on this side of the ocean)
asciilifeform: punkman: that's not a floor. any more than the 7+ abandoned houses on my street are a housing price floor
asciilifeform: i love how everyone always goes straight to trabant and not to, say, the tech that STILL WORKS and that i CAN'T MOTHERFUKING BUY AT ANY PRICE in usa
assbot: Logged on 01-12-2015 21:43:17; mircea_popescu: they can't have it for any price
mircea_popescu: they can't have it for any price ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 05-11-2015 19:03:04; PeterL: mircea_popescu: there is no reason under the sun to process, manage, consider or in any way interact with subdollar transactions. << you are going to link min bet amounts to the USD/BTC price now? are you going to have the website show the "estimated $ amount" like the VC circus sites do?
PeterL: mircea_popescu: there is no reason under the sun to process, manage, consider or in any way interact with subdollar transactions. << you are going to link min bet amounts to the USD/BTC price now? are you going to have the website show the "estimated $ amount" like the VC circus sites do? ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 16:44:39; davout: "In my humble opinion: these bots create a false market. They represent institutional greed offering no substantial increase in value per point nor do they offer any noticeable increase in liquidity. I also believe that they will chase your average human customers away, who like us, were trying to get the best price we could while at least trying to offer a better market"
davout: "In my humble opinion: these bots create a false market. They represent institutional greed offering no substantial increase in value per point nor do they offer any noticeable increase in liquidity. I also believe that they will chase your average human customers away, who like us, were trying to get the best price we could while at least trying to offer a better market" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this way B can send any payments its customers want, and A will idem send whatever payments its customers want, and at the end of the day the whole balance is BTC settled at the agreed upon price and that's that.
mircea_popescu: what if we don't fucking want to buy bullshit lucas crap at any price, and what if we would gladly pay for that crap to not even have the possibiklity to exist ?
mircea_popescu: "My design was able to solve a few other PM-problems as well. Any user can create a market about anything, removing the dual-requirement that a PM-administrator must not only be trustworthy, but also share your prediction-interests. Market scoring rule technology ensures that trading volume is irrelevant, and traders will always be able make a trade updating the price to their estimation (even if they are the only trad