430 entries in 0.475s
trinque: thortron: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 << linked from the gizmo 1's website ☟︎
trinque: asciilifeform: my gizmo 1 gets here tomorrow.
trinque: http://www.gizmosphere.org/products/gizmo-explorer-kit/ << this mentions having the sage smartprobe in kit
asciilifeform: http://www.xbitlabs.com/images/news/2013-01/amd_gizmo_board.jpg << subj is in right hand, rear
asciilifeform: trinque: it came with the 'gizmo 1' strictly.
asciilifeform: (gizmo 2 is better board but no longer includes the box)
asciilifeform: trinque: i'm not certain it can be had any more. the last place selling was element14 with the 'gizmo 1' kit
asciilifeform: ;;later tell ben_vulpes your wotpaste gizmo mangles c code, e.g., http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e38c3232-5ff5-4e85-be93-d6d47f14354f
asciilifeform: on d.c. metro there will also typically be 2-3 chix per car, reading off epaper gizmo, and if you look it will be a ru 'romance' 9/10 times
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes ^ yer gizmo EATS IT
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503461 << i use a number of persons. works way the fuck better than any electronic gizmo ever invented. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Look at this mixed race group of robberz! http://gizmodo.com/armed-robbers-used-pokemon-go-to-find-9-victims-1783416898
jurov: http://gizmodo.com/amazons-new-offices-will-contain-literal-jungle-1783441931 lol, took "billion monkeys" too literally
phf: http://io9.gizmodo.com/346257/germ-books-in-philly-is-post-apocalyptic-pleasure
asciilifeform: folks have been calling m sc4mz0r for eons: http://io9.gizmodo.com/did-a-case-of-scientific-misconduct-win-the-nobel-prize-1565949589
shinohai: http://gizmodo.com/a-clip-on-motorized-cat-tail-is-your-first-step-to-beco-1781909950 <<< you gonna take the leap BingoBoingo ?
asciilifeform: iirc somebody sells a handy shrinkwrap gizmo for this
asciilifeform: stick existed but obsoleted by water gizmoes
asciilifeform: l0l that thing looks just like the 'stairmaster' gizmo they pumped medieval organs with
asciilifeform: anywhere there is moving gizmos.
shinohai: http://gizmodo.com/nyc-district-attorney-conducts-biased-unsecure-survey-1762948174
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2015 05:00:20; asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/5146254/mousetrap-coffee-table-uses-its-victims-for-fuel
asciilifeform: 'pcengines' and 'gizmosphere'
asciilifeform: fwiw the pcengines boards and the 'gizmo' series don't even ship with proprietary bios at all
asciilifeform: i have a 'gizmo 1'
assbot: Gizmo 2 | GizmoSphere ... ( http://bit.ly/1n8AbNG )
punkman: http://www.gizmosphere.org/products/gizmo-2/ found one
assbot: Logged on 10-01-2016 06:34:00; pete_dushenski: unless you can see people gawking at your new gizmo, how are you going to know what you're cool ?
pete_dushenski: unless you can see people gawking at your new gizmo, how are you going to know what you're cool ? ☟︎
deedbot-: [Qntra] Gizmodo And Wired End Week Waffling On #Hoaxtoshi - http://qntra.net/2015/12/gizmodo-and-wired-end-week-waffling-on-hoaxtoshi/
pete_dushenski: naturally, gawker has a "me too" piece : http://gizmodo.com/this-australian-says-he-and-his-dead-friend-invented-bi-1746958692?rev=1449615811696
gribble: Luxury Line of Vibrators, Vibrator Accessories & Sex Toys by OhMiBod: <http://www.ohmibod.com/>; The Steam-Powered Vibrator and Other Terrifying Early Sex ...: <http://gizmodo.com/5466997/the-steam-powered-vibrator-and-other-terrifying-early-sex-machines-nsfw>; The Bizarre History of the Vibrator: From Cleopatra's Angry Bees to ...: <http://gizmodo.com/5909857/the-bizarre-history- (1 more message)
ben_vulpes: http://gizmodo.com/americans-have-you-ever-considered-that-you-are-the-ab-1742256807 << don't call it a return to third world standards
assbot: Logged on 08-11-2015 18:56:46; asciilifeform: example. some months ago, i tried one of those 'usb 3.0 to flatpanel' gizmos.
phf: asciilifeform: gpgme doesn't exactly "calls out", it talks to gpg via a text protocol, but i agree with your overall point. gossip has a fixed set of crypto operations, that can be abstracted, until you finish your crypto state machine gizmo.
asciilifeform: example. some months ago, i tried one of those 'usb 3.0 to flatpanel' gizmos. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 07-11-2015 21:16:04; asciilifeform: and apparently there are some bonus gizmos, like a ramdisk device, in there.
asciilifeform: and apparently there are some bonus gizmos, like a ramdisk device, in there. ☟︎
ascii_field: i've been - imho, very decently - packing 'ebay' gizmos for yearz
pete_dushenski: yes, gizmodo property, should be burned, but from what i know of eulora, it seems to tick the 5 boxes
mircea_popescu: the problem with the wsj nonsense is that it makes me discount the gizmodo nonsense in the same breath.
pete_dushenski: in any event, as i linked in http://www.contravex.com/2015/09/09/botlove-botlulz-and-playing-wannabes-like-a-flute/ >> http://gizmodo.com/one-chart-that-shows-how-much-money-ashley-madison-made-1727821132 : "When the engagers were turned off in early 2011, the company’s income took a nosedive. So did their conversion rate. When they were turned on again 14 months later, revenues and conversions skyrocketed. It
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 16:53:28; jurov: http://gizmodo.com/how-ashley-madison-hid-its-fembot-con-from-users-and-in-1728410265 kek
jurov: http://gizmodo.com/how-ashley-madison-hid-its-fembot-con-from-users-and-in-1728410265 kek ☟︎
pete_dushenski: http://gizmodo.com/ashley-madison-code-shows-more-women-and-more-bots-1727613924 << botlulz
assbot: Logged on 05-09-2015 00:53:44; pete_dushenski: their whole fukcing website is dumbass mom's giving their 'reviews' of products and idjit gizmodo rejects writing 'how-tos' and 'top 5s'
pete_dushenski: their whole fukcing website is dumbass mom's giving their 'reviews' of products and idjit gizmodo rejects writing 'how-tos' and 'top 5s' ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 30-04-2015 21:29:20; ascii_field: as far as i'm concerned, historically, ebay is just this gizmo that shaves a zero off the price of the costliest things i buy. so i was never moved to care whether it is run by hitler or fueled with baby seal juice etc.
asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/the-president-gets-a-personal-osprey-hes-not-allowed-t-1108783801 << relevant, lulzy
shinohai: http://throb.gizmodo.com/why-the-cervix-is-more-amazing-than-you-realized-1724159340
shinohai: http://gizmodo.com/north-korea-made-its-own-time-zone-to-tell-japan-to-fuc-1722684800
shinohai: More FF woes: http://gizmodo.com/theres-a-firefox-exploit-in-the-wild-you-should-update-1722658068?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_twitter&utm_source=gizmodo_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
asciilifeform: can even get your favourite version control gizmo to shit out patches
asciilifeform: btw, anyone feel like standing up a 'block explorer' gizmo based on therealbitcoin ?
assbot: Logged on 11-06-2014 01:10:57; asciilifeform: a tale was once told to me by one fellow 'in the know': russia sold gps jammers (serious ones, not the chinese pocket gizmos off ebay) to iraq, shortly prior to '03 american invasion. but iraq didn't pay the full invoice. so, the vendor neglected to remind the buyer that they must be arranged in a ring pattern and operated in unison
shinohai: http://gizmodo.com/hackers-threaten-to-expose-40-million-cheating-ashleyma-1718965334
asciilifeform: owner really ought to stroll by with a radio gizmo, no ?
asciilifeform: because it sorta defeats the whole point of a p2p gizmo
asciilifeform: (well, the smp control gizmo)
asciilifeform discovered, during unrelated research, that xilinx's 'coolrunner' cpld series - a very simple programmable logic gizmo with very homogeneous/regular physical structure - can hold a simple risc cpu...
ascii_field: (among things missing from 'gimp' is, at least last i saw, support for pressure-sensitive input gizmos like 'wacom')
ascii_field: this is literally the only working www gizmo i ever wrote
pete_dushenski: new gadget or gizmo ? easy peasy.
asciilifeform: e.g., that 'works' microcomputer thing looks considerably more usable than any modern 'tablet' gizmo.
ascii_field: as far as i'm concerned, historically, ebay is just this gizmo that shaves a zero off the price of the costliest things i buy. so i was never moved to care whether it is run by hitler or fueled with baby seal juice etc. ☟︎
ascii_panama: mircea_popescu: it isn't like other chat gizmos cost money...?
assbot: The Gizmo Report: WikiReader--simple, singular - CNET ... ( http://bit.ly/1CDO72f )
asciilifeform: i happen to own this toy: http://www.cnet.com/news/the-gizmo-report-wikireader-simple-singular
Chillum: the gizmo allowed special codes from the public manual to turn on features that were supposed to be off
ascii_field: Chillum: that isn't the fault of the barcode gizmo, now, is it.
Chillum: the earlier version looks more useful: http://gizmodo.com/amazon-dash-is-a-magic-wand-that-makes-sure-you-never-r-1558691755 barcode scanner and microphone with wifi button. Would rather hack that
decimation: all these kinds of security gizmos are quite useless if there's not ability to summon a human to inspect what is going on
asciilifeform: (apple released a machine which is entirely unusable without the dock gizmo)
asciilifeform: in principle any existing db gizmo that can be coaxed into using a single file for the store, is quite ready to be planted down on raw disk
asciilifeform: those get a door sticker, yes, and appropriate text in the www tracking gizmo
mircea_popescu: the ohgizmo piece is about as retarded as the originals
assbot: Cheap Mini Blast & Fallout Shelter Makes You Question Which Is The Worse Fate - OhGizmo! ... ( http://bit.ly/1wu5BBY )
asciilifeform: http://www.ohgizmo.com/2008/08/18/cheap-mini-blast-fallout-shelter-makes-you-question-which-is-the-worse-fate
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> the ar entry fee gizmo, that is << i don't think you can readily imagine how tech retarded the argentines actually are.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> the ar entry fee gizmo, that is << lol wtf, you have to pay a 'reciprocity fee'?
asciilifeform: the ar entry fee gizmo, that is
jurov: they could be using my gizmo only if it worked as boiler room
asciilifeform: jurov: would you say that the 'thousands of chumps' are using your gizmo instead ?
asciilifeform: or that jurov's gizmo doesn't function exactly as printed on crate.
asciilifeform: say, you are in the habit of selling $gizmos for btc
asciilifeform: decimation: subject of thread was yet another case of gizmo that won't build on account of 'obsolete' things having been removed from something
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: obscure fucking sides of an obscure place << widely used gizmo. but apparently everybody but me just takes the binary
asciilifeform: the shop is a very new one ('macrofab') and their ordering gizmo is buggy as all hell
asciilifeform: but luser gets to stuff sd card or usb drive into this gizmo, which serves up contents over http
mircea_popescu: also, gizmos keep.
asciilifeform eats considerably more food than gizmo
asciilifeform: i'd still rather eat actual food and have to import gizmos, than vice-versa
asciilifeform: we can always do a build for whatever nas-gizmotron -is- available down there.
asciilifeform: turdatron == jurov's www patch submission gizmo
mircea_popescu: Luke-Jr anyway, inasmuch as everyone actually wants bitcoin to prevail, divergence of opinion isn't much of a problem. however, the conservative rather than the progressive approach must be observed. change doesn't happen just for the sake of changing things. this isn't a fad or an ipad gizmo. if consensus can't be reached for whatever reason, whoever doesn't like it leaves and starts over, rather than pretending the o
asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/5146254/mousetrap-coffee-table-uses-its-victims-for-fuel ☟︎
asciilifeform: davout: 1) his gizmo is in 'go', a google-proprietary turdlang 2) he's using its built-in crypto routines 3) if you don't like this, have fun waiting 300-500msec/packet using the shell-callout
mircea_popescu: assbot: 5 Cryptocurrency Caricatures You'll Meet on r/Bitcoin - CoinDesk << so coindesk is at the gizmodo/mashable/demand media "stale meme list" phase of post-shark-jumping ?
asciilifeform: nah everybody knows nazi internet runs on konrad zuse's gizmo.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: how do you propose to use the hypothetical gizmo without running a cell ?