430 entries in 0.652s
pete_dushenski: suprised gizmodo hasn't picked this up
assbot: Ringing in 2015 with 40 Linux-friendly hacker SBCs ·  LinuxGizmos.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1rSruss )
punkman: http://linuxgizmos.com/ringing-in-2015-with-40-linux-friendly-hacker-sbcs/
BingoBoingo: decimation: Dunno. Gizmodo/Lifehacker/Deadspin seem to keep the rest of the empire afloat. That and those New York librerals now take ad dollars from high end firearms manufacterers like Weatherby and Hornaday: http://indefinitelywild.gizmodo.com/how-math-makes-smaller-bullets-deadlier-1627307057
decimation: what about mounting gizmo that extends from wall or whatever?
asciilifeform: and then you go and buy 25 different gizmos to see if even one does not meet this pattern
asciilifeform: a gizmo, ships with a linux variant
asciilifeform: - or rather, a minimum of what to expect. the main purpose of the report appears to be usg bashing itself for hiring incompetent torturers on 'favourite son' contracts. implication is, 'we need to recruit real pros' - and every reason to expect that it will be tried, at the very least. out with the amateur finger-choppers, in with the transcranial pain centre stimulators and 'fMRI' gizmos, etc.
asciilifeform: less-than-perfect wire wrapping was the doom of many an amateur digital gizmo
asciilifeform: but want gizmo that fucking works as printed on the box
asciilifeform: metal case on wireless access gizmo? lol
asciilifeform: this is more of a shortwavecoin apocalypse gizmo.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the gizmos in question were 'sx2462w'.
asciilifeform: i'll repeat - dedicated gizmo wherein to crunch the bignums - useful. store keys - no thanks.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, whoever else: after some hours and a restart the thing jumped << if it needs hand-holding for normal operation (including blockchain sync) it isn't a usable gizmo.
asciilifeform: then rebranded as a u.s. dept. of state 'dissidents need to plan their glorious democratic multi-coloured revolutions without interference from cruel orcish gestapos' gizmo.
asciilifeform: it was (originally - and semi-publicly) spun as a 'our spies need to do their thing under the cloak of a river of shit traffic so here's this free service' gizmo
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: anyone who creates a gizmo which depends on shitstemd - has asked to share the fate. << the practical problem with this is that bayesian filtering only works for as long as it stays small.
asciilifeform: anyone who creates a gizmo which depends on shitstemd - has asked to share the fate.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Seriously behold the liberals shilling for botique rifle http://indefinitelywild.gizmodo.com/how-math-makes-smaller-bullets-deadlier-1627307057
asciilifeform: sometimes, however, the gizmo cares how implemented. (consider the case of the airplane, which stubbornly resisted being powered by steam engine on account of the latter's poor power-to-mass ratio. etc)
asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/5895555/i-have-a-magnet-implant-in-my-finger << only genuinely interesting example i can recall
asciilifeform: ('early usenet archive' is separate gizmo there)
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, the one fellow who is really still working on this gizmo, is
asciilifeform: but it is only a tool that some people prefer to use. a 'git' or other similar gizmo will not be the authoritative representation of bitcoind.
asciilifeform: it even, iirc, comes with a gpg signing gizmo
asciilifeform: (open-source statistical gizmo, vaguely reminiscent of 'octave')
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 01:46:06; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: bip-0065 << classic 'relevance farming.' the phoundation will take any excuse to add cruft to the gizmo. in their fantasy, folks will use it, and those who have resisted their turds will be forced to merge in.
asciilifeform: if a usefully-directional satellite receiver and associated gizmos could fit in pocket, camel convoys would be attacked using winged grenades on toy airplanes
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: bip-0065 << classic 'relevance farming.' the phoundation will take any excuse to add cruft to the gizmo. in their fantasy, folks will use it, and those who have resisted their turds will be forced to merge in. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: as long as it's an anon expert access gizmo, it should qualify neh ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tarsnap isn't really a public access gizmo
asciilifeform: the ru version was a very simple stapler-shaped gizmo that punched holes in old 35mm film
asciilifeform: no one will even think to mention 'wot-based' gizmo in the future, just as when you buy a pc now - the crate does not bother to say 'semiconductor-based'
asciilifeform: in fact, 'reddit' gizmos can be seen as a specially broken case of wot - having the same relationship to wot as baited rat poison has to food
asciilifeform fell into sin; for the first time in half a decade, cracked a copy protection gizmo
asciilifeform: and wot isn't even the only gizmo here that uses keys
asciilifeform: i did write a gizmo that outputs graphical render for the pages, but realized that the bandwidth and disk cache costs would break my back, and then let the domain go to the vultures.
asciilifeform: and each pissant gizmo under the control of a separate human pissant, naturally
asciilifeform: at any rate, i doubt mr o entertains delusions of his gizmo being imposed from above
asciilifeform: in fact, my main objection to orlov's gizmo is that it isn't huffman optimal.
asciilifeform: (intel tried shipping a gizmo without it, now it is known affectionately as 'the itanic')
asciilifeform: quite a few folks have wireless gizmos for fallback
mircea_popescu: lesson to anyone anywhere : return your company provided gizmos, ask for a raise to compensate. today.
undata: asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/5879106/the-russian-computer-that-ran-on-water ?
asciilifeform: bt is actually useful in that, with a certain gizmo, lets you use 'real' phone
asciilifeform: no one knows of a cpp to html-concordance gizmo that isn't a steaming turd ?
asciilifeform: i always wondered why there isn't just a gizmo that eats a source tree and craps out html where any keyword that appears more than once is hyperlinked
asciilifeform: jurov: let me try again with another gizmo
asciilifeform: onerng.info << this gizmo is interesting to me because it uses exactly one sane design decision (rf shield); resembles mine from a distance. but inside - uses every single design mistake which i rejected. to avoid 'empty words,' i will name a few.
asciilifeform: ... email gizmo, bidet.
asciilifeform has a collection of apple gizmos for similar purposes
jurov: i just heard some TV gizmos are good for playing
mircea_popescu: hanbot: haha! where are the burning man btc gizmos anyway, i want a bitonkadonk << wait, i thought you... HAD ONE
hanbot: haha! where are the burning man btc gizmos anyway, i want a bitonkadonk
asciilifeform: incidentally, there's a larger lesson here. folks have been using 'version control' gizmos for so long, that approximately no one even notices that 'diff' is broken.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell jurov was it you who was making the mailing list gizmo ?
asciilifeform: re: bitcoind liposuction: who's for nixing the 'alert' gizmo?
asciilifeform: also easier to do this with non-apple gizmos, where there is not an elaborate boobytrap chipset in there, to try to keep you from 'jailbreaking'
asciilifeform: if as a 'touch' gizmo - check first.
asciilifeform: the somewhere, incidentally, is a stable satoshi-based gizmo worth using as a base for rewrite (idk about other folks, i shall rewrite for my own pleasure if no one wants, once finished with current affairs) - and perhaps worth printing!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: care to drop even a small hint of what you're using? gizmo of own authorship? it isn't like you keep it hotwalleted, anyway
asciilifeform: x10 << heavily-spamvertized and hyped system of 'home automation' gizmos
Vexual: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2014/04/guy-films-himself-having-an-lsd-trip-in-the-middle-of-the-desert/
asciilifeform: k was supposed to ride on a demo vehicle gizmo, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-09-2014#845595 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ascii_on_tour> and the tor gizmo scam being exposed, will 'wired' et al. make the sc4mz0r give the free publicity back? << "free publicity" only worth something on soem chains
ascii_on_tour: and the tor gizmo scam being exposed, will 'wired' et al. make the sc4mz0r give the free publicity back?
pete_dushenski: http://gizmodo.com/dysons-20-smartest-inventions-of-the-year-1646884912
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> not the molded laptop gizmos, usually << Pry and Pry again
asciilifeform: not the molded laptop gizmos, usually
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: assuming you were thinking of paul graham's gizmo
asciilifeform: more of a forum gizmo
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: he was probably talking about a gizmo i was considering building long ago - an esdi hard disk emulator (for use in ancient 'symbolics' lisp machine.)
asciilifeform: (his gizmo comes with a 'talk with god' proggy)
asciilifeform: (what kind of device? a 2d plane digitizer that sits on usb, meant to be used as 'touch' gizmo. and it pisses GBs of usb disconnect garbage into log -if and only if you don't use it-.)
asciilifeform: bounce: only really an issue on laptops, where you can't install a civilized replacement for $gizmo
asciilifeform never grokked point of preorders. selling gizmos you don't have in stock ~= sc4mz0r1ng
asciilifeform doesn't like dedicated 'user is entering passwords' api gizmos - demarcated target.
asciilifeform: (if you let arbitrary gizmos enumerate on arbitrary ports, triggering load of kernel mods written in '98, you deserve what you get)
kakobrekla: http://gizmodo.com/self-destructing-ssds-will-nuke-themselves-if-you-text-1640733628
punkman: http://gizmodo.com/self-destructing-ssds-will-nuke-themselves-if-you-text-1640733628
asciilifeform not sure how item in question could have been confused for 'arduino' - other than in both being small electrical gizmos
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ever own the old 'koolance' freon cpu gizmo ?
asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjCWdsrVcBM << herr wolfram renamed his best-selling gizmo for some reason.
mircea_popescu: o look at that, gizmodo links images off gawker-media. they're not even worth their own directory :D
assbot: Apple Watch: Everything You Need To Know | Gizmodo Australia
RagnarDanneskjol: argh >> http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2014/09/apple-watch-everything-you-need-to-know/
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: as if the vendors of the hated gizmos really had to include, e.g, 'google' in the hello packet.
asciilifeform: at any rate, w&l pedantically list every basic gyrostabilization gizmo, including the magnetic one, but nothing bussard-esque.
asciilifeform: decimation: ground-based gizmo obsoleted by orbital spybots
asciilifeform: decimation: afaik you still do if you want to actually run your code on (uncracked) apple portable gizmos
asciilifeform owns one of virtually every basic type of portable tablet/reader gizmo, they each have some use
decimation: huh do they have a unicomp controller gizmo? I assume it's a clone of the model m with usb gadget
asciilifeform: hell, doesn't have to be below-board - sell next iPnohe with the understanding that $1 off monthly charge but gizmo mines for the fuhrer while plugged into mains for battery charge.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: seems like two separate questions in your original question. 1) mouse movement as method of generating key and 2) particular web-based gizmo for doing so
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: her stretcher dildo << it's a 'lava lamp' (decorative gizmo, small electric lamp heats a vessel of wax mixed in such a way that colourful shapes float about inside)
asciilifeform: chetty: the notion was, evil keyboard disguised as whatever usb gizmo you normally buy (flash drive, mouse, etc.)
BingoBoingo: lulzy butthurt http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/idiocracy-is-a-cruel-movie-and-you-should-be-ashamed-fo-1553344189
asciilifeform: decimation: if you buy a gizmo like this, get the roll screen, walls aren't nearly as reflective.
asciilifeform: it's a 'dlp' gizmo