430 entries in 0.496s
asciilifeform: bose patent << are they also suing sony? or any of the 100 or so other manufacturers of antiphase audio gizmos ?
asciilifeform: regardless of where the production gizmos end up baking, the 'breath of life' will have to be breathed into them right here.
asciilifeform: decimation: md200 << aye. i even have the rfid billing gizmo just for it.
asciilifeform: dub: we're talking about an unattended telemetry gizmo
asciilifeform: decimation: traditional name for any robotic gizmo driven manually
kakobrekla: Pirus story rehashed with the new gizmo
asciilifeform: Rassah: my purpose isn't pedantry. try to apprehend: i buy your product, get a keychain-sized gizmo with a single chip. how do i verify that the package functions exactly as described?
ThickAsThieves: i recall them having a credit card gizmo with buttons on it
asciilifeform: Xplosionist: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com << useful gizmo with logs, search, 'bash'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ground fault gizmos are SOP even in gringolandia now
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, there they are : http://sploid.gizmodo.com/iguazu-falls-overflow-after-flood-of-biblical-proportio-1589458518
asciilifeform: you can shield a semiconductor-based gizmo from njd - faraday cage - but then it will turn up on ordinary metal detector. and won't transmit (you'll have to fetch the bug like your ancestors used to)
mircea_popescu: "we want the soviet union but with gizmos" -> "we wand democracy" -
asciilifeform: people gotta understand the importance of rng on a gizmo that doesn't import - only generates own - keys.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not exactly. custom gizmo.
asciilifeform: (a pnohe is not necessarily a phone. could be any gizmo with the customary 'amazing! smart!' feature set.)
asciilifeform: mp_a_colonia: what must they be drinking to crap out yet another 'seekoore mail' ssl gizmo ?
kakobrekla: asciilifeform its mthreats gizmo and it doesnt have to do with url encoding
asciilifeform: (kako's search gizmo still broken?)
asciilifeform: herr termen's gizmo is a best-selling product now, everyone knows how it worked.
asciilifeform: https://twitter.com/keystricken/status/481292361180258306 << that old rusty gizmo, still generating lulz
jurov: ThickAsThieves I already pestered asciilifeform with that mycelium gizmo, he said it's some atmel satanic stuff, i then saw it opened and it was true ☟︎
BingoBoingo: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/what-the-biggest-companies-are-from-each-state-in-the-u-1595079772/+caseychan
asciilifeform: 'bitpay' is to btc use is as 'wine' (winblows emulation gizmo) is to the use of linux.
asciilifeform: benkay: my parents had a soviet gizmo that consisted of exactly such a tube, with small tesla coil in the handle (dermatological crackpot medicine) so i got to see/feel mr t's tube on own hide.
gribble: Motorola StarTAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_StarTAC>; The Motorola StarTAC is Back, in Yellow - Gizmodo: <http://gizmodo.com/5672422/the-motorola-startac-is-back-in-yellow>; Motorola StarTAC 130 - lëkki: <http://www.lekki.fr/en/10-motorola-startac>
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you only have surges, never dips, ferroresonant gizmo would also work. but they're loud.
asciilifeform: this kind of gizmo works by running rectifier (mains to 48v dc) at all times, connected to cell bank, and on the exit, inverter (48v dc to local mains voltage ac) likewise at all times
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: still no civilized power gizmos?
asciilifeform: note the observation about how no known u.s. military crypto gizmo allows generation of keys by the operator. ever.
asciilifeform checks inventory. no harem, but plenty of custom gizmos of every variety.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> i kinda suspect that usb disk wp is one of those gizmos that everyone who needs - already has. << not so.
dignork: re: booting, if gizmo emulates CD-ROM it might work
asciilifeform: i kinda suspect that usb disk wp is one of those gizmos that everyone who needs - already has.
asciilifeform: these gizmos were prized rarities.
fluffypony: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/holy-crap-nasas-interplanetary-spaceship-concept-is-fr-1589001939
asciilifeform: before the telco 'network extender' gizmos were sold (incidentally, a scam - the telco still charges for minutes despite using the chump's own local wired bandwidth!) mitm-ing was demonstrated using 'software defined radio' (inexpensive board, does exactly what is printed on the crate)
asciilifeform: this is a ~$300 gizmo you can buy - retail
gribble: It's a Cinch for Hackers to Break Into Your Verizon Network - Gizmodo: <http://gizmodo.com/its-a-cinch-for-hackers-to-break-into-your-verizon-netw-790461949>; How To Compete With NSA By Hacking a Verizon Network Extender ...: <http://hardware-beta.slashdot.org/story/13/07/16/1343238/how-to-compete-with-nsa-by-hacking-a-verizon-network-extender>; DailyTech - Hackers Show Regular (1 more message)
asciilifeform: incidentally, one can trivially bake the cellular mitm gizmo from consumer hardware. (exercise for alert reader)
asciilifeform: ^ turd concerns the use of a well-known mitm gizmo for cellular
asciilifeform: (the lisp machines ran a fraud detector heuristic gizmo, afaik the first of its kind.)
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> a tale was once told to me by one fellow 'in the know': russia sold gps jammers (serious ones, not the chinese pocket gizmos off ebay) to iraq, shortly prior to '03 american invasion. but iraq didn't pay the full invoice. so, the vendor neglected to remind the buyer that they must be arranged in a ring pattern and operated in unison << i heard the same story passed off as successful intel mission, stole
asciilifeform: a tale was once told to me by one fellow 'in the know': russia sold gps jammers (serious ones, not the chinese pocket gizmos off ebay) to iraq, shortly prior to '03 american invasion. but iraq didn't pay the full invoice. so, the vendor neglected to remind the buyer that they must be arranged in a ring pattern and operated in unison ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: battleship where they piss on patents: there is a smart and a foolish way to do this. the latter - e.g. ussr, where my father and countless other folks copied consumer gizmos from the west. smart way: develop tech that was entombed in patent hell in the west and never really hatched
asciilifeform: to deliberately torment the btc-is-eeekvality crowd: WORM storage gizmo suggested as gedankenexperiment earlier could easily accept updates signed with hardcoded key from liege-lord
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: 'webtv' was this '90s gizmo for the terminally sad
asciilifeform: (electrical gizmo supposedly unnecessary in the civilized world)
asciilifeform: new gizmo has 2x the life vs. varient with, say, nickel metal hydride cell
asciilifeform: complete with heating systems, filtration gizmos, computer controls.
asciilifeform: actually, one possible technological countermeasure is: to carry around some gizmo that will transmit a transaction moving your coin to a trusted confederate, when the pin is pulled.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: re: kickstarter: lol. suggested experiment: open a kickstart, with the headline 'pay my living expense for 20 years. in the end, you might get a useful gizmo if i live that long.' << you're making jurov's argument for him tho.
asciilifeform: re: kickstarter: lol. suggested experiment: open a kickstart, with the headline 'pay my living expense for 20 years. in the end, you might get a useful gizmo if i live that long.'
asciilifeform: if it's a crypto gizmo and has seal - which i didn't put there - i've no interest in it.
asciilifeform: orthogonal to this is the other problem, that you (owner) have no way of verifying what it is the gizmo is capable of
asciilifeform: joecool: not only this, but laptop 'knows' that a crypto gizmo is connected.
asciilifeform: i can hear a 'kindle' gizmo flipping pages. across a room.
asciilifeform: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/these-grown-women-are-about-to-see-their-own-vaginas-fo-1583732505
BingoBoingo: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/crazy-guys-perform-amateur-demolition-on-100-foot-tower-1583918610
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: note that the potting didn't save the gizmo: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rnc1/descrack/attack.html
asciilifeform: said gizmo also comes with various connectors for splicing power into a running box pre-confiscation - for 'warm boot' variant of attack.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: correct. anyone who thinks the aus. gov. can't order the gizmo online like anybody else, should buy my bridge.
asciilifeform: answer to riddle: cold boot attack is in fact implemented in a commercial police gadget. comes with bottle of spray-on coolant, gizmo with sockets for various types of ram, etc.
jurov: gizmo
BingoBoingo: http://gizmodo.com/what-will-happen-when-all-paris-traffic-slows-to-19-mil-1580711098
asciilifeform: humidity << serious problem. esp. for the pictured gizmo, where high vacuum pumps are involved.
asciilifeform: for prolonged work, you need a 3d gizmo
asciilifeform: it's a programmable gizmo, not a miner's pick.
cgcardona: not the fbi anymore ! http://gizmodo.com/the-fbi-is-struggling-to-hire-hackers-who-dont-smoke-we-1579183208
asciilifeform: http://gizmodo.com/the-fbi-is-struggling-to-hire-hackers-who-dont-smoke-we-1579183208
BingoBoingo: http://gizmodo.com/a-guillotine-on-a-stick-that-lets-you-play-caesar-with-1579134087
asciilifeform: there are gizmos that will transmit display picture over conventional 'ethernet' cable, but they tend to balk at newer high-res screens
asciilifeform: even in pocket gizmos, like 'kindle'
asciilifeform: ('noiseless' includes inductors buzzing at 16kHz or so, present in virtually every modern gizmo)
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: filters retard flow. just the same as the catalytic gizmo on your car costs you horsepower.
bitcoinpete: http://linuxgizmos.com/u-s-military-uav-control-systems-switch-to-linux/
asciilifeform: this is good point, dice gizmos ought to be physically present, blinkenlighs, bells, in boozing houses.
gribble: The Bizarre History of the Vibrator: From Cleopatra's Angry Bees to ...: <http://gizmodo.com/5909857/the-bizarre-history-of-the-vibrator-from-cleopatras-angry-bees-to-steam-powered-dildos>; Cleopatra's sex toy made of bees - snopes.com: <http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=82547>; The Long, Strange History of Sex Toys | Alternet: <http://www.alternet.org/sex-amp- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: aren't these gizmos like required by the classification board ?
asciilifeform: if you want a portable gizmo that can be 'charged' in seconds, without carrying a bomb, fuel cells on butane (as in cigarette lighter) are probably your ticket.
asciilifeform: nah, a little gizmo that used to be sold at 'science souvenir' shops in the u.s.
fluffypony: gizmodo is popular? I stopped reading there a long time ago
keonne: gizmodo is popular because it's cheap, not because it's good
nubbins`: http://gizmodo.com/5977625/android-is-popular-because-its-cheap-not-because-its-good
gribble: Teledildonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teledildonics>; Teledildonics: The Weird, Wonderful World of Social Sex Toys: <http://gizmodo.com/teledildonics-the-weird-wonderful-world-of-social-sex-1516075707>; Teledildonics – there's an app for that! (NSFW) - Gizmag: <http://www.gizmag.com/lovepalz-iphone-teledildonics-app/24254/>
jurov: yes i meant... hundred pocket sized gizmos to be used once in 5 yrs + cables = several boxen labeled shit and "more shit"
asciilifeform: re: http://nymag.com/news/features/tide-detergent-drugs-2013-1 << every bottle of laundry crap, in every shop, where i live - has a bulky rfid alarm gizmo chained to it.
asciilifeform: reasonably cheap, all-purpose gizmo
asciilifeform: incidentally, capacitance of the body is not mere trivia, but modern mobile gizmotry lives and dies by it (touch panel.)
asciilifeform: i believe the gizmo in question used a 'microarray'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not this one. a re-usable, electronic gizmo that took a few min.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not banned as such. but the 'holy grail' that could have eradicated the virus, a pocket-sized instant electronic gizmo, sat in a glass case at one of my old employers' facility
benkay: a toss up as to which is better value: likely worthless paper vs. entertaining gizmo
ThickAsThieves: and can only expect their gizmo
ThickAsThieves: investors get a gizmo
mircea_popescu: s.nsa is a fine example of one company that succeeded. the owner there came up with the idea of making an actually cryptographically secure gpg gizmo
asciilifeform: joecool: trying to explain to ninjashogun why a crypto-gizmo like yubikey is fundamentally braindamaged
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: you were just told why a 'security' gizmo in the shape of a card is inescapably worthless. care to disagree? or do you even read replies at all
BingoBoingo: Putin might have some competition http://sploid.gizmodo.com/watch-the-chinese-air-force-bombing-the-yellow-river-to-1547130234
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: a small gizmo, described here: http://trilema.com/snsa-first-product-the-cardano