639 entries in 0.653s
punkman: mod6, here's my version: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-01-2016#1373819 <---> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-05-2015#1131044 ☝︎☝︎
assbot: Logged on 02-01-2016 05:44:55; ascii_rear: it has to be: same src?? ---> this here bin
ascii_rear: it has to be: same src?? ---> this here bin ☟︎
asciilifeform: --- zoolag
asciilifeform: --- bucephalus
mircea_popescu: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
asciilifeform: possibly also 3) tx value/byte ordering --- but i'd put that under 2
mircea_popescu: <shinohai> +1 to BashCo https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3rlkh2/adam_back_says_there_is_vote_manipulation/cwpcopq <---> http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/#selection-3043.0-3043.123
phf: notmuch show --format=mbox thread:000000000000999c |awk '// { if(p) { print } } /-----BEGIN/ { if(!p) print; p=1;} /-----END/ { p=0 }'|xxd > a; curl http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20151101/attachment_14afbbebdbd4ba8de2d22b26f539cd468a3e71cd.txt > b; diff a b
asciilifeform: (how to abolish 'rowhammer' ? a) don't use ddr3, why does a tetris-playing accountant need 128GB of ram?? b) use ram that is wired as a hash table, where n+1 is NOT physically adjacent or otherwise predictably distant from n. ---- BUTBUTBUT i want 128GB! but i want bust readwrite! FUCKYOU
mircea_popescu: well so i got your email but apparently there;s still someting wrong because it's all garbled and what is this "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" stuff.
mircea_popescu: But, somehow, when we mention it, he wears a look so grim we wonder if he rode the goat ---- or if the goat rode him!
ascii_field: '...He mutters passwords 'neath his breath, And other things he'll quote ---- / They surely had an evening's work when father rode the goat.'
ascii_field: 'In February 2003, the FBI assigned a team of FBI personnel --- "Team 10" -- to work full-time at the NSA to manage the FBI's participation in the program. Team 10's primary responsiblity was to disseminate PSP information through [censored] ECs to FBI field offices for investigative or other purposes. However, over time, Team 10 began to participate in the PSP in other ways. For example, Team 10 occasionally submitted
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Payment of future delivery c - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1KdK2Hg )
ascii_field: ------> gasenwagen.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
asciilifeform: 2) sbcl and other adult commonlisps a) use c version for bootstrapping, which is to say, compiling self to a legit 100% self-shat executable --- but they will link with libc for unix terminal i/o, sockets, etc
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu reboot system boot 2.6.32-431.el6.x Mon Sep 7 00:30 - 10:01 (09:31) AND reboot system boot 2.6.32-431.el6.x Mon Sep 7 08:44 - 10:01 (01:17) ---- TWICE
assbot: Logged on 06-09-2015 17:05:49; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: btw i find it interesting that nobody has yet noticed that 1) broken chains 2) orphaned subchains of any length whatsoever --- do not work
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: btw i find it interesting that nobody has yet noticed that 1) broken chains 2) orphaned subchains of any length whatsoever --- do not work ☟︎
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: can always specify --wot foundation --- dir containing ben_vulpes and mod6 keys only
mod6: <--- bad memory
mod6: diff -uNr \$1 \$2 | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" \$2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print \$1 " " \$2 " " o} !m { print \$0 }'
ascii_field: or perhaps not --- http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/kipling/cold_iron.html
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1 hQEMA4iazE/I7/8TAQgAoUczBaxqX+ - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1PQ5V3p )
wyrdmantis: http://dpaste.com/0SJW2Q7 <<--- asciilifeform
assbot: Logged on 25-08-2015 01:22:58; mircea_popescu: either &lt; or something. esp <--- is a comment.
mircea_popescu: either &lt; or something. esp <--- is a comment. ☟︎
asciilifeform: that it, outside of the ----BEGIN .... ----END...
asciilifeform: to be specific, all diff hunks should take the form seen in 'genesis', where '--- a/bitcoin/src/foo', '+++ b/bitcoin/src/foo'
asciilifeform: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
trinque: what I mean by header is perhaps no more than: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
mod6: I can say that your change to vdiff.sh `diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'` certainly removes the timestamps from the output hashes.
mircea_popescu: which turn into - ---
mircea_popescu: no, because diff creates --- lines
assbot: Logged on 17-08-2015 21:59:27; wyrdmantis: http://xtnodes.com/ <--- a fucking war starting over?
wyrdmantis: http://xtnodes.com/ <--- a fucking war starting over? ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 18:13:49; ascii_field: mircea_popescu, mod6, ben_vulpes, et al: diff -uNr a b | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print $0 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
ascii_field: mircea_popescu, mod6, ben_vulpes, et al: diff -uNr a b | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{s="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null " | getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} print $0 " " o} !m { print $0 }' ☟︎
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if you want intelligent slice&dice --- wireshark. or write own.
assbot: Logged on 06-08-2015 23:24:40; ascii_field: diff -uNr a b | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{"sha512sum \"" $2 "\"" | getline x; split(x, a, " "); print $0 " " a[1]} !m { print $0 }'
n6: All i get for ls -l /boot is drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Aug 6 18:32 lost+found
ascii_field: diff -uNr a b | awk 'm = /^(---|\+\+\+)/{"sha512sum \"" $2 "\"" | getline x; split(x, a, " "); print $0 " " a[1]} !m { print $0 }' ☟︎
mod6: as you can see clearsign mangles the text: - --- a/rotor.sh .... - -../dist/configure
mod6: yeah. the patch itself is mundged when sent like that because gnupg tries to escape hyphens; which is why "- ---" and "- -../dist/configure ..." happens.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-07-2015#1202663 <--> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-07-2015#1202656 <---> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-07-2015#1202970 these three are all exactly the same statement. ☝︎☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, facebook clone passes one trillion users! ---> http://vk.com/id74024866
asciilifeform: -connect --- no
mod6: like they have: [CBase58Data] <--- [CBitcoinAddress]
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org hQEMA7S - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1GkpI3Q )
referredbyqntra: I tried with and without link to deedbot.org but it barfs the same. Maybe allergic to -----
mircea_popescu: "Like many (too many) other features in Wikipedia, the cite templates were created by a handful of enthusiastic editors without a clear analysis of cost/benefits, and posted by them as if they were a "consensus" --- which they most emphatically are *not*. Then many other editors started using them in the mistaken impression that they are somehow good for Wikipedia --- which they most emphatically are *not*. I used to d
decimation: mircea_popescu: I don't get your point re: <--->
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-06-2015#1154562 <---> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-06-2015#1154694 ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: trinque ah, cut out the ---- and hash stuff
chetty: you are here ----
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: note that typical derprogrammer likes to sit down on a soft cushion of 'it doesn't work because i surely made a small mistake', rather than the hard concrete of 'it is broken because i am illiterate' --- or the sharp pine stake of 'because i am a moron'
kakobrekla: ,,,-.--------čl
trinque: <---
asciilifeform: i assume that the folks who a) want this b) can afford it --- have it.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-05-2015#1146305 <----> http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/ and other unrelated matter. ☝︎
Michail1: correction ---- Blazedout4l9
nubbins`: (talk by typing in the box down there ----v)
fluffypony: -----END DINGBAT PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
fluffypony: -----BEGIN DINGBAT PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
williamdunne: ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.
asciilifeform: mumble the words, sprinkle blood of virgin --- s3cur3!
funkenstein_: no public key - can't apply revocation certificate <--- gpg --import spits this out. what does it mean?
ascii_field: --- translation. mega-paste warning ----
chetty: well after nextrelease I will go take the crowbar to it again ---
chetty: since this first day I took on Eulora ----
mircea_popescu: the tits are that way --->
funkenstein_: persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States <--- ???
ben_vulpes: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
asciilifeform: ---
asciilifeform: ---
felipelalli: I was asking because gribble is kind of "universal", it is in everywhere, including here, and also in #bitcoin-bra --- I thought assbot was a kind of universal WoT like gribble.
asciilifeform: --- and after we kill the orphans thing
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-03-2015#1069675 << ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ☝︎
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.1.5 Comment: Hostname: pgp - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1HhwXMa )
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: "felipelalli it actually already works like that." << what exactly "works like that"? Sorry, I couldn't link it. --- And thanks for the links, I'll read it.
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: "felipelalli it actually already works like that." << what exactly "works like that"? Sorry, I couldn't link it. --- And thanks for the links, I'll read it.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 As of AD 347694 I am funkenst - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/18NN0Wj )
assbot: Eat recycled food for a happier healthier life --- (Judge Dredd movie) -watch stoned - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DWPii2 )
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2015 21:26:58; asciilifeform: the fastest, thickest, most luxurious car is --- not having to go places.
danielpbarron: plonky, are you using this one ----------^
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2015 21:26:58; asciilifeform: the fastest, thickest, most luxurious car is --- not having to go places.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Please deposit s.qntr shares - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1DE0RbQ )
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 The enclosed 1386667 bytes f - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1AoubVU )
asciilifeform: 'Karrasch also found he could not use the popular accounting software QuickBooks to pay receipts because of the nature of his business.' --- enjoy 'the cloud' !
asciilifeform: 'the bus, mmm, broke down, mm. -we're- the bus now.' --- 'bangbus'
asciilifeform: if anyone here is fond of www programming, can write one of those quizzes, a la 'which genocidal dictator are you?' --- 'what will you be in u.s. prison for, ten years hence ?'
felipelalli: would work similar as silver works to the economy (silver have ~ 777B market cap in a quick search I just made, not too much compared with gold but it is enough). Even if this coin have only 5 or 6% of total bitcoin value, it could be useful to "don't stop the world" when bitcoin is under attack or maintenance. --- If I am wrong about that, I could write about what this is a bad idea and altcoins are bad at all.
mod6: ^----- the turdalator adds this dash on parse
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the fastest, thickest, most luxurious car is --- not having to go places. << i still go places, even tho i dun have to.