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mircea_popescu now off to read spyked 's "how and why
systemd has won" 2014 piece, kinda curious how 5 years aged it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Anyways, while it's still available Devuan Jessie (
systemd free Debian fork) seems the least shitty noobable distro of the day that hasn't linkrotted out of existence.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-12-19 18:23:09 trinque: "eudev" exists as an alternative to the
systemd-udev. dunno what else the heathens stapled to
systemd meanwhile
mircea_popescu is vaguely curious if a century hence there will be tears shed over "all the destruction". someone's gonna cry for
systemd, what.
mircea_popescu: should show the parent. basically, the way this whole thing works is as follows : 1. linux is organized around "processes", which are a sort of agents let's say. they're listed in /proc/ ; 2. any process can spawn other processes, the whole menagerie's spawned by the kernel (which in
systemd thing is also process 1, hence the whole
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1863880 thing ). 3. a process can close, or be terminated, ki
☝︎ BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> today -- prolly they discuss which ver of
systemd to use. << Nah, more likely they discuss how great the version they are ordered to use is
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 15:52 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-01#1856366 << imo syslogger should be abolished altogether. before
systemd it wasn't obvious to me what it is -- but now, plenty obvious. "unified logging" terrible idea.
mircea_popescu: but i mean... lookit, the author will make a static binary ; and who the fuck is going to make a drepper
systemd thing ?
a111: Logged on 2018-07-11 18:03 asciilifeform: trinque has : USE="libressl offensive -X -acl -bluetooth -consolekit -cups -dbus -iconv -nls -pulseaudio -
systemd -wayland -xattr"
a111: Logged on 2018-07-11 18:02 asciilifeform: trinque: my current set : USE="-libnotify -consolekit -gtk3 -
systemd -cups -dbus -gpm -avahi -gnome -tls-heartbeat -nls"
ave1: yes, It's the process of going sarting with "why am I not getting any core dumps" to "o hey the kernel will call a program to handle core dumps" to "O fuck,
systemd is called". And then
systemd with all of it's policies and pure stupidity.
a111: Logged on 2014-09-03 11:56 mircea_popescu: By default,
systemd saves core dumps to the journal, instead of the file system. Core dumps must be explicitly queried using coredumpctl4. Besides going against all reason, it also creates complications in multi-user environments (good luck running gdb on your program's core dump if it's dumped to the journal and you don't have root access)
trinque: to particular hardware architectures, particular justwantedto variations like use of
systemd or nsa.selinux, so on. the profile dir is about 20mb, so serious yak shaving needs to occur there. it's a task I've already done elsewhere (produced a minimal profile for an embedded system for printers recently), just needs to be done here.
phf: v19 most people agree was the pinnacle of old school emacs, making that the default though is entirely impractical since most of the elisp code has changed drastically since. moving forward along the versions is the movement from "pure emacs" towards a "
systemd included" dwim monstrosity.
mircea_popescu: phf we will have to somehow resolve this issue, because neither of the current outcomes is seemly. having republicans use the google drive
systemd website thing is idiotic ; taking people's shit is idiotic. wut do.
phf: asciilifeform: you'd be amused by the latest emacs release, "Limited form of concurrency with Lisp threads" "Emacs now uses double buffering to reduce flicker on the X Window System" "Flymake has been completely redesigned" "TRAMP has a new connection method for Google Drive" "A
systemd user unit file is provided". it's almost like a self-parody
a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 15:08 phf: i think asdf is evil, version 3 is doing some straight up
systemd shit. for those who don't know asdf 3 comes with fare's own portability layer called uiop, which in a very
systemd agressive and underhanded style is superseding existing utility libraries.
trinque: rest assured nobody's bringing
systemd, dbus, pulseaudio, et al, alive
ckang: my biggest but dumbest peeve about
systemd is the order of the action command
ckang: having to deal with
systemd and initd just makes me angry
ckang: uggh,
systemd makes me sad
BingoBoingo: The
systemd-isms poison the readability of a lot of useful gentoo problem solution flovored docs
trinque: I think when you start enumerating those kinds of cases, there are many, and it's the sort of
systemd hair we're familiar with.
mircea_popescu: leaving aside the problem of time in this system, which promises to be gnarly (time where ?), would it TRULY make you feel better about
systemd if the blond schmuck whose name i forget claimed alien possession ?
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, i can't think of any project that actually thrived under his management.
systemd tard pm'd circles around a decade's worth of collected rms effort in half a year.
trinque: USE="-dbus -
systemd -wayland -pulseaudio -gtk3 -icu -accessibility -nls -ipv6 -ldap" << with various in package.use
trinque: "eudev" exists as an alternative to the
systemd-udev. dunno what else the heathens stapled to
systemd meanwhile
a111: Logged on 2016-08-04 13:17 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514253 << it was eaten by
systemd. there is a (last i saw, working) clean fork, 'eudev'. and it looks like phf explains further down in the l0gz.
phf: well, in a sense that it's not a special wrong. they also run
systemd and can't wait for wayland etc. etc.
TomServo: Being rid of
systemd isn't so hard.. but dbus is quite a bitch.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-09#1695538 "the pogoplug experiment had nothing to do with scaling" << also it worked fine on my pogo. the only issue was i was doing it on some
systemd monstrocity of a linux. There's no reason it wouldn't also work on a cuntoo-pogo as well
☝︎ mircea_popescu would very much like to see the lulzpile involved. fully
systemd yet ? etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-21 10:06 ave1: well, I did not, but have looked at it now, I like the static story but fail to understand why they need to have their own faux
systemd ave1: well, I did not, but have looked at it now, I like the static story but fail to understand why they need to have their own faux
systemd ☟︎ jurov:
systemd on boot doing GET requests there in 3..2..1
erlehmann: also, any individual car using
systemd and literally crashing because of it is unlikely to contain lennart.
erlehmann: problem is timespan.
systemd already could not handle an empty string and executed tasks for users named “0day” as root because names starting with numbers are hard, mmmkay?! it might take a long time before it collapses.
mircea_popescu: that's kinda the point no
systemd detractor ever made : that
systemd is fundamentally and by itself an unstable arrangement, and it'll end up stuck systemding itself to death, very much like how the dnc keeps revolutionizing itself into irrelevancy.
mircea_popescu: the problem with the
systemd approach to system design is that everything ends up wanting to be its own master-exceptional-class.
erlehmann: bonus: only affected program is
systemd a111: Logged on 2017-07-01 23:36 sina: if you write a
systemd unit file with "User=0day", it launches the process as root. Pottering sez: "not a bug"
sina: if you write a
systemd unit file with "User=0day", it launches the process as root. Pottering sez: "not a bug"
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-06-23 01:35 asciilifeform: re knuth... names ain't, afaik, copyrightable anywhere, even in usa.. so i half expect to live to see a 'mircea popescu foundation' run by, e.g., malia obummer, which funds transsexualized rust programming for
systemd plugins
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 23:41 asciilifeform: from comments, lulzgold, 'The Hivemind is fully committed to
systemd for service management, Wayland for graphical display, and PulseAudio for audio, which is why it doesn’t matter if you personally find them distasteful, they will become the de facto standard. For systems programming, Rust looks increasingly like it will be the Hivemind’s choice to replace C, as it has the backing of the Mozilla organization, is being used for r
erlehmann: if i was sufficiently bored, i would do the same to
systemd mircea_popescu: o look, " luke macken has created a
systemd startup script"
phf: (speaking of common lisp. asdf the system dependency tool turned from 30k in version 1 into a asdf/uiop 900k monster in version 2. in a
systemd move took over most of the compatability packages and is now present ~in every single lisp distribution~. with the did accomplished, Fare posts the following
http://fare.livejournal.com/188429.html )
a111: Logged on 2017-01-14 01:28 mircea_popescu: aqnyway, the "hive mind" is fucking comedic already. FIVE YEARS with the subverted python, got them nowhere. close to five years pushing rust, nothing to show for it.
systemd is still mostly a joke, and the hatred is growing exponentially while the pustule is growing logarithmic at that. meanwhile the republic cracked open the heartbleed in quite the painful fashion, no matter how much effort went into "rehappening" it. not t
mircea_popescu: aqnyway, the "hive mind" is fucking comedic already. FIVE YEARS with the subverted python, got them nowhere. close to five years pushing rust, nothing to show for it.
systemd is still mostly a joke, and the hatred is growing exponentially while the pustule is growing logarithmic at that. meanwhile the republic cracked open the heartbleed in quite the painful fashion, no matter how much effort went into "rehappening" it. not t
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: Oh right. Masamune is a gentoo (no
systemd) curated for (sbcl) lisp development only. It offers graphics, CAS & other mathematical libs all in the same lisp process.
mircea_popescu: "consumers expect more like docker,
systemd and ethereum!"