800+ entries in 0.327s
mircea_popescu absolutely doubts wanna-be in the "spam fake acounts" game known as "online dating" actually contains anything but borroed pictures spit-jointed to bad prose written by a (male) grad student somewhere.
mircea_popescu: it's not winning anywhere. the whole thing is a more-successful-than-usual spam&fraud campaign by graham and friends.
mircea_popescu: (remington 700 fires without trigger interaction ; longstanding problem, hundreds of deaths/injuries, multiple lawsuits. cca 1995-2005 remington kept pushing out "point by point responses" and other nonsense, which they've meanwhile beleeted throughout, including spam domains a la remington700.tv and such "deniable" efforts "by consultants". in 2017, half the DAs oppose a settlement on the grounds that insufficient.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell valentinbuza plox no more join/part spam.
lobbes: fuck. I apologize for lobbesbot's join/part spam lately. no idea wtf is happening. taking him out of chan for time-being...
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> goodenuff for nigerian spam, why not wapo. << Shannonizer doesn't do pro-Amazon lobbying and ad copy
asciilifeform: goodenuff for nigerian spam, why not wapo.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> totally. what the fuck is kik anyway, the irrelevant nonservice that facebook didn't buy for a trillion ? << Porno messenger promoted through craigslist spam
runsegshet: thanks for up, and sorry for connect spam
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701914 << lolz, "how about we put an alexa toolbar into the very browser ?!?!?! got knows we meanwhile managed to import all the other spamshits from the 90s!". https://verkoren.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/and-the-award-for-most-spam-toolbars-installed-in-your-ie-browser-goes-to.jpg ☝︎
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the world of btc-themed spam and infectors, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rcjjT/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: oddly enough it doesn't seem to actually try to spam or anything. and too little name variation for a lost soul looking for its cc.
mircea_popescu: i guess it only goes to show most spam is done by pointless crap.
phf: a bouncer is a handy exercise in unixology, but you can also reduce the spam by joining only when you have something to say, or want to participate in conversation, and read the logs through web otherwise
f1maze: But seriously, time for me to unplug and get back to work. I will get the bouncer to help out my spam. Sorry farewell!
asciilifeform: anyway 'translate this' gamez don't beat harem method, noshit.jpg. but they beat learning by reading spam, which is how i did, e.g., ro
mircea_popescu: funny, incidentally, how much of non-tmsr irc consists of join/part spam. apparently 80% or os.
shinohai: http://archive.is/9Hcc8 <<< spam the ethereum db with tits
mircea_popescu: o hey. well, it must've crossed whatever google spam threshold or such, i finally saw it.
BingoBoingo: user705: It's an iq test/spam filter element. If email address is an email address comment not marked spam on that point. Is email address used for anything else? no
asciilifeform: sad to say, i bet the spam ~moves~
asciilifeform: lol original spam
mircea_popescu: !~later tell EIC wouldja stop with the join/part spam
lobbes: forgive the incoming spam
Framedragger: if incoming message is *not signed*, then i understand - it sets a fixed horizon in terms of how much you can spam.
asciilifeform: like spam.
asciilifeform: so in that sense it is not at all spam
mod6: guess that clears that up. my apologies to TMSR~ for the spam.
pete_dushenski: that should do for now. log spam over for today.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in spam : 'wanted: Vulnerability Researcher and Patriot. Vulnerability Researcher Do you critique the narrative and technology displayed on Mr. Robot? Do you like to wear a hoodie… always with the hood up? Do you have a haircut inspired by anime? NO?!! We guess that’s okay, as long as you can do some of the things listed below… and have a minimum of a Top Secret security clearance? .... IDA Pro ... x86' etc etc
mircea_popescu: the workings of spam being exactly this "there exist idiots / old people dumb enough to parse strings from $nobody"
a111: Logged on 2017-06-04 17:40 mircea_popescu: bunch of old women are supposed to manage to misrepresent their trite idiocies as hip and "universal consensus", though the unlikely venue of marking reddit user groups as spam and deleting shit people said on twitter.
mircea_popescu: bunch of old women are supposed to manage to misrepresent their trite idiocies as hip and "universal consensus", though the unlikely venue of marking reddit user groups as spam and deleting shit people said on twitter. ☟︎
Framedragger: not sure if delicious.com was acquired (maybe only del.icio.us). anyway, sorry for spam
IamAGirlsoInever: ok, spam then, don't know what will happen though, prolly get ignored as it should.
IamAGirlsoInever: Do spam posts get defenstrated or will they appear in the logs?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: this'll sound stupid, but have you checked whether mail from your mail server does not get marked as spam by various heathen systems (gmail e.g.)?
mircea_popescu: no. the "wires patch does little more than spam the log" conclusion was had about a week into the wires experiment.
shinohai: moli_: If you would like assistance in setting up a znc or weechat instance to help curb the join/part spam, please PM me.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/ryan-x-charles-goes-to-clearance-bin-for-latest-spam-as-service-offering/ << Qntra - Ryan X Charles Goes To Clearance Bin For Latest Spam As Service Offering
Framedragger: this just looks like spam/scamotron. with ads!
phf`: got spam that might appeal to both BingoBoingo and danielpbarron http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/tYQ0o/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: see alf, that's the problem with fuckgoats, that nsa doesn't have an email spam service. THIS GOES AGAINST PRINCIPLES!
mircea_popescu: for maximal lulz, they rent the email spam services from same company that does payments for the you know, legitimate & fo realz http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-08#1623380 ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( i am wholly and deeply uninterested in a wp of any description whatsoever WITHOUT a spam filter. )
asciilifeform: the spam filter
mircea_popescu: goes right back to that discussion re spam, "oh how could anyone expect to sell something when they can't even spell". except he's not trying to do anything other than signal to other dumbasses, "hey, here's dumbassery". they then merge. that's all that's going on there.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/21-co-opens-spam-as-a-service-service/ << Qntra - 21.co Opens "Spam As A Service" Service
mircea_popescu: the woman he mentions (corinne camilleri-ferrante) died a few years back. the guardian has an empty, google spam page on her name.
mircea_popescu: in other news : ##crypto did 530/738 lines as join/part spam Apr 27 13:21:01 to Apr 27 21:26:05. the remainder 208 lines were 90% of the material and about 450% of the signal us. i think asciilifeform 's evaluation prevails.
asciilifeform: 'This is great news, I can't send emails from my new super awesome secure email server to anyone with a Microsoft email account because they just return it. The story is pretty similar across the board with the email either being returned or put straight in the spam folder of the recipient. I tried against GMail and a few other large providers and found that not one of them made it to the inbox anywhere. After I got a few emails boun
asciilifeform: spam existing -- dun prove that spam 'worx' tho.
mircea_popescu: looks more like some 30yo douche found pics going through "his" "gf's" phone, set up craiglist spam robot.
Framedragger: ack re. flow/direction of law. but re. 'no ajax', i imagine the primary service offering being an unmanaged dedicated box, in which case i'd find it reasonable to require of the isp not to peek at insides (unless external behaviour is ~spam, etc.)
a111: Logged on 2016-11-10 17:10 mircea_popescu: no, actually, it concerned an isp which, like any other isp, can't afford to actually pay a lawyer to read all the legalse spam being thrown their way. the guilty party here is the state of california, as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524561
asciilifeform: the 'whack-a-mole' is a part of live for folx using 'spam hosting'. and i entirely believe that mircea_popescu knows one that has been in uninterrupted business since '07. but how long do you suppose it would live if you linked to it by name here ?
asciilifeform: trinque: nope. plenty of quite genuine 'spam isp'. problem is that they fold !
BingoBoingo: I have no idea why flashlight spam, also recieve said genera in spades.
asciilifeform: for a supposed enemy of the empire, to host that liquishit ( incidentally it is produced in concert with traditional spammers, i have an entire mailbox that has become unusable because it takes in flashlight spam faster than it can be removed ) is a disgrace.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform vice is literally, precisely and exactly a google spam device, like taboola or whatever.
mod6: fwiw, I hope that wasn't a sort of spam for the deedbot.
mircea_popescu: and where the hell is the "oh, cocaine, will get you high!!1" spam.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck are all these people with penis pill spam still doing. seriously know, it's been out what, 20 years ? anyone who wants it has some / knows where to get it. who the fuck goes "oh, wow, check it out, penis pills! ima get myself sum o dat!"
asciilifeform: these don't spam, no. they just crawl.
mircea_popescu: but i get tons of idiots trying to you know, spam trilema claiming to be googlebot.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: nobody after the age of 'spam cdrom', where, e.g., rathead 5 HAD TO fit on 5 disks 'or what, user will use his dial-up to load the rest?\
asciilifeform: well there's 2 types, one is this, the other is when you let nsa filter the spam (google's)
asciilifeform: lol, pretty barbaric spam filter
Framedragger: test2 (sorry for teh spam, need to make sure i understand issues)
pete_dushenski goes to check his own spam filter for first time in months
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Quite a few times when you tried to email qntra submissions they were buried in spam que
pete_dushenski: it's the maga fuel so it must be worth something, at least more than spam ads and search rankings
asciilifeform: at one time i found a reply from al 'uncle al' schwartz that sat in a spam queue for (yes) several years
asciilifeform: there exists 0 .mil spam.
asciilifeform: lol, spam center ?
asciilifeform: 'A Hackernews begs for advice on getting anyone at all to pay attention to his shit. The answer is unanimous: spam. Not even considered: making attention-worthy shit.'
asciilifeform: mempool spam is ~uninteresting in the long term, wotronic solution solves it
asciilifeform: this solves mempool spam but not the basic problem where a tx sitting in a block is an infinite, recurring cost, while the cost of creating it is finite and one-time.
ben_vulpes: Reuel: please to stop with the join/part spam
danielpbarron: so signatures could be said to put the burden on the one making the request, as an anti-spam measure
mircea_popescu: apple spam"game"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> basically the whitehouse is a seo spam siter << Some parts of Hussein Bahamas legacy take longer to cast away than others
mircea_popescu: basically the whitehouse is a seo spam siter
shinohai: The sig campaign spam camp is that way >>>
asciilifeform: ^ 'drowning in spam' ohnoez!
pete_dushenski: more lulzy spam today, "This is the only available means of communication to me, so I crave your indulgence to kindly read my email and I'll start by introducing my self, my name is Aisha Gaddafi the daughter of Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed and deceased former president of Libya. I am currently residing in Muscat the capital of Oman under political asylum along with my remaining three kids. Copy this
pete_dushenski: "Hi, Would you be interested in Email List of Toxicology Industry Professionals?" << that's a new spam angle.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-14 20:20 mircea_popescu: http://vshakah.ru/tak-proxodila-zhizn-kazhdogo-sovetskogo-shkolnika-nemnozhko-vospominanij/ << if anyone cares (spam on trilema)
mircea_popescu: http://vshakah.ru/tak-proxodila-zhizn-kazhdogo-sovetskogo-shkolnika-nemnozhko-vospominanij/ << if anyone cares (spam on trilema) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: at first i thought they're trying to spam trilema, and doing it from central ip but inept enough to not realize that the custom error message trilema spits if you try this is NOT a success (ie, matching for failure, and failing to move on). ie, stupid.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, me reads " Eric, a year ago I came to similar conclusions. Watching the chaos on the mailing lists and IRC channel,", proceeds to join #rust, is shocked by the sound of utter silence. maybe the guy meant join/part spam, who knows. nice going anyway.
mircea_popescu: i always read it as a "i am dedicated to the empire and won't miss an opportunity to spam its tendrils". exactly the same substance as the "seo expert" pushing colon cleanser or w/e. just vaguely different clothing.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-08#1599329 << iirc they're the most important single source of spam/probing/assorted script kiddery on the nets. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: #clim report, day whatever: #clim appears to be 90% join/part spam from reineisch, 9% j/p from others, and 1% this beach feller saying "good morning everyone"
Framedragger: well, you mentioned sybil. this may help avoid sybil url submission spam. granted, the latter may be avoided by "only people currently voiced / currently in l2 / l1" filter, etc..
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/KxvRD << sadly for the credibility of the us "intelligence community", was doing web/blog spam back in 2014.
ben_vulpes: oh nm it's spam
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's a straight (and spam-encrusted) translation of an english article that was posted here ('against hardforks' iirc) a while back.
ben_vulpes: amusing innit that the father of the since-aborted 'blockchain spam' meme is now spamming irc
ben_vulpes: mod6: how does that help me filter luke-jr's spam and not noobs?