110 entries in 0.302s

mircea_popescu: oddly i can't find havng discussed that whole pile of
unicode breakage in the logs -- though i'm pretty sure i said something on multiple occasions.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i would say
unicode is the poster child for what broken code even means.
mircea_popescu: at no point in its short, tortured existence has
unicode worked fine
mircea_popescu: ll be personally impacted by not being able to represent the "japanese current era" -- something i'm apparently able to represent right now, without using
unicode for it (so perhaps, i'm saying, the problem is in the schmuck in question's
own head). that'd be it really, do your best under the constraints as they are."
mircea_popescu: anyway, your statement is i guess something along the lines of "look, good fellows, your theory as to how users matter is not an argument in the direction you wish to construe it, but exactly opposite. the republic specifically does not want there to be
unicode support. if you implement it, that means the republic will fork and maintain your thing pre-implementation. if you do not implement it, some schmuck somewhere wi
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform where the fuck are you pissing
unicode quotes into your text!
mircea_popescu: of course, that's when they moved to
unicode. but if memory serves, dwarf2 was kinda braindamaged in some corner cases i now don't recall.
mircea_popescu: they ~deserved~ the wiping out by confederacy of proper alphabet dunces. to make the point forever fucking plain -- IF YOU
UNICODE, you will die for it.
mircea_popescu: which imo is ~exactly~ "
unicode, implemented as best we could"
mircea_popescu: then a) no moar
unicode and b) full screen update ~costless.
mircea_popescu: maybe we should have a log histogram done and then create a "
unicode log keyboard". top 102 words get to go on the keys.
mircea_popescu: if you recall,
unicode started as "how about we produce replacement for "Box drawings vertical single and right double"
mircea_popescu: and i suspect the "
unicode" problem is tightly bound into this.
mircea_popescu: phf any chance logotron might replace
unicode barf with the "
unicode name" ?
mircea_popescu: is it at least ascii alphabetical, or do they do javaturd
unicode alphabetical ?
mircea_popescu: this is a source of constant surprise, consider all the time phf sunk into chasing
unicode obscura on his logger.
mircea_popescu: "hong kong", as in, "what trade happens in your country will happen in english and as per english law" would be the opposite of "
unicode", conceptually.
mircea_popescu: (not that this matters, right, they got
unicode why should anyone worry about being useful)
mircea_popescu: jesus that phrase came out hard to parse. let's parens : (well, (it's not clear to me ((his position) was ((ever pro-
unicode) (outside of a (platonic object (
unicode (was about as much (as smgl was)))))
mircea_popescu: right, basically his internal, sadly unvoiced position was "oh,
unicode is what you kids wanna call native lisp character model ? mmkay, i r agree"
mircea_popescu: well, it's not clear to me his position was ever pro-
unicode outside of a platonic object
unicode was about as much as smgl was.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i suspect this was at the time the true problem : jwz wanted to
unicode the japanese way and rms didn't even understand what's being discussed (which -- major fucking failure for the role, incidentally).
mircea_popescu: you can make upon a private lan the agreement that "
unicode" is how you call the tga decoder, and lo and behold... you read tga with the
unicode displayer now.
mircea_popescu: i don't have to have the people who want to use
unicode to agree to anything in particular ahead of time, and if tomorrow they decide to call it fuck-bush instead, they can and nothing gets broken
mircea_popescu: in this way, someone who wants to read
unicode will accept containers of that type and have in his seals sigs of people who wrote such a tree ; and who wants to see (what now is) .avi or .gif or etc similarily.
mircea_popescu: (contrary to above newjersyization, print was mega-republican tech, in that it STANDARDIZED LETTERS. you would NOT FUCKING BELIVE the
unicode the dark ages had produced!)
mircea_popescu: it'll be cool when they "upgrade" it to ipv6 and the 000ffff mask will have to be updated to correctly handle
mircea_popescu: wtf does movie player need
unicode for, left as question for wiser men
mircea_popescu: i though usb nullifies lens aberration through the power of
mircea_popescu: and no further than ONE DAY BACK in this log which seemed very respectable snr-wise on the basis of my hsaving read today, there's a PILE of "how to lisp on windows" and "how to utf-8
unicode etc".
mircea_popescu: yes, schmucky mcschmuckersson, the REASON your software can't be powerful is EXACTLY that your software unicodes. not for the
unicode itself, but for what the
unicode IS.
mircea_popescu: "tmsr claims to be more powerful than the us, but i have my doubts, because their software doesn't even
mircea_popescu: spyked what software do you use that relies on
unicode and why do you.
mircea_popescu: bureaucracy will always try to create an
unicode ; and the
unicode will never matter. that's linguistics in one phrase.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck exactly ? you're telling me there's no 80kb
unicode glyph for some (white priviledge!!!) reason ?
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-19#1715881 << here's an alt take on this : the problem comes from having the notion of byte be anything else but bus width. if 64 bit machines natively worked on 64 bit bytes, all the message fucktification bs known as
unicode would be significantly less of a conversation issue.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: not to mention, eerily similar to demented, drooling char stack which ~pseudorandomly skips bits known as
mircea_popescu: the only correct
unicode, is, obviously, dated font tables. whereby i write in the year-specified letter a. and to read my modern story typeset in fraktur you have to set your computer clock to year 1199 or else the machine will refuse to print ("error! temproally-unavailable fonts detected!") much like gedit refuses to open files in gnome.
mircea_popescu: i thought maybe it is the case that it takes a 2 or 3 byte item which starts with valid ascii and tries to interpret it as some sort of
unicode bs and in the process ends up applying a transform to the text somehow. but unless we have the actual magic string, we're not finding this.
mircea_popescu: phf yes but does it ever collate into an
unicode character or anything of the sort ?
mircea_popescu: erlehmann so your implementations of
unicode include a filter table which consists of... ascii, and which rejects all non-ascii chars ?
mircea_popescu: sina does sqlite have
unicode support ? if it does, then it will necessarily be less lines of code.
mircea_popescu: "does it at least support
unicode ?" "no. you may not teach reading to arabs, it's a sin."
mircea_popescu: it'd quite incredible hjow much of the us is an oral culture by now. hepacitis my
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what's reasonably priced in numbers rather than
unicode ?
mircea_popescu: Framedragger "imo the lang is fine, the
unicode is bullshit, ~in this case~. numbers, diff story."
mircea_popescu: imo the lang is fine, the
unicode is bullshit, in this case.
mircea_popescu: jurov pity, because i'd have asked for "all strings are
unicode strings". should have fixed it right and proper.
mircea_popescu: then those dumbasses got impregnated, and delivered, and those dumbass offspring run shitsoup to play
mircea_popescu: BAD DIRECTORY STRUCTURE. no, might and magic 6 is NOT HAPPY to find itself in a directory including spaces, ampersands and
unicode's mother on a stick.
mircea_popescu: no, we'll have phf indulge us, nuke specific magic string from log, replace it with something. LETS BUILD
mircea_popescu: it is marginalyl funny just how happy to break everyone's processes these schmucks are to introduce, eg, mandatory-
unicode-via-python-3 but how suddenly waxy-poetic and careful they are when it comes to user security.
mircea_popescu: and this is what all the
unicode wastage is : they, the lost souls of a dead world, are trying to make computers more like cotton ginnies. more inclusive, more capable to work with a modernist perspective, where who dun matter and what is considered.
mircea_popescu: must has indirection! java good asm bad ;
unicode good ascii bad ; usd good bitcoin bad ; "signal" "tor" whatever good rsa pgp etc bad and so on it goes.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: aanyway. the moral broadly speaking is that there's a windows-niggers-and-other-idiots python ("windows-niggers-and-other-idiots" which is how you decode "3" in
unicode) and a normal people python which finally became stable cca 2010 and thanks god.
mircea_popescu: (or in other words - the notion that
unicode invented shitsoup is nonsense ; we had idiots before we had water pistol glyphs)
mircea_popescu: i am persuaded phf is right : bot is sending raw bytes, log is displaying
unicode points as escape codes.
mircea_popescu: other than "
unicode is fucking evil" i have no moral from this wasted hour.
mircea_popescu: the other one only appears pasted by me. so apparently i have an issue whereby
unicode transforms into bs.
mircea_popescu: not the right bytes, not even the right byte count, and now i suspect this is enough for priviledge escalation in a111 or any other item which uses the same
unicode libs.
mircea_popescu: this all started because ben_vulpes sent
unicode for /augergine/ which was displayed differently by btcbase.org and a111 in channel.
mircea_popescu: phf there seem to be 3 layers of manglizing. yours above i saw both as a square with numbers, so i suspect your irc client fucks it up ; mine above is fucked up differently (looks like byte-interpreted rather than
unicode) and then the scarfer/www displayer prints them out correctly but a111 reads them eggog'd.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : the "complete record" of an
unicode symbol is... 102 entries. most of which are boolean, and most of which are entirely haphazard randomness such as "soft dotted ?" and "expands on NFD" etc.
mircea_popescu: the notion of
unicode is fucking stupid in the first place.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform check it out, to this day the nebulously defined "community" around warez standard has a) not moved away from rar ; b) not allowed
unicode in names.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform as long as "
unicode was sent" neatly transforms into "we received a broken string of ascii" all is well.
mircea_popescu: i'd personally much prefer
unicode join the scrap heap with "pki", dns, ntp etc.
mircea_popescu: copypaste the solution to infestation isn't to draw lines on the floor and try to keep the bugs from crossing over. the solution is to fog the place. no more
mircea_popescu: copypaste were you here for the "the humanoids in
unicode are the wrong color" discussion ?
mircea_popescu: there IS however a fucking marked cost. and it's of the "how do we make colored
unicode people" type.
mircea_popescu: there's a reason
unicode wars (you know, the thing with the integral ?) are mostly around "how to color figurines" now.
mircea_popescu: no more moore's law means no colored
unicode emoji just like it means no "big blocks"
mircea_popescu: and as such, a subclass of "so just stop using the damned colored
unicode bs". not gonna happen.
mircea_popescu: you see... it's not a problem that there won't be infrastructure available. it'll just "not be worth using". what, it can't even
unicode in colors ?
mircea_popescu: they won't be able to keep on supplying themselves with computers capable to make "fair"