800+ entries in 0.989s
phf: when i started using emacs there was an almost ideological aversion to DWIM in the community, instead of having say smart context "search" thing you'd have a dozen search-foo-in-bar combinations, and that was thought The Right Thing. emacs has long been dragged in the dwim direction by the usual suspects, but the vogue elsewhere is now dwiw, i.e. do what i want. as explicit/"want" gap gets bigger, you're going to have all kinds of attack vectors o
a111: Logged on 2016-06-20 04:23 phf: which is handy if you're using something else to produce the patch, or if you need to use a non-trivial diff command. for example i sometimes need to exclude files from diffing, so a command might look like diff -x foo -x bar -x qux -ruN a b | grep -v '^Binary files ' | vdiff > foo.vpatch
phf: which is handy if you're using something else to produce the patch, or if you need to use a non-trivial diff command. for example i sometimes need to exclude files from diffing, so a command might look like diff -x foo -x bar -x qux -ruN a b | grep -v '^Binary files ' | vdiff > foo.vpatch ☟︎☟︎☟︎
phf: something to keep in mind is that vpatch paths already include top level directory, like for example all the bitcoin ones are bitcoin/... so pressing them into an empty directory foo will result in foo/bitcoin/... tree
a111: Logged on 2016-05-12 14:04 phf: asciilifeform: http://glyf.org/tmp/foo.jpg
phf: asciilifeform: http://glyf.org/tmp/foo.jpg ☟︎
phf: j-dawg: btcbase secretly tracks btcbase itself, since i'm experimenting with (load-v "foo.vpatch") type thing, but that's not public. i don't think there's a proper vtronic chain of V or rotor available, so unless i generate those myself there's nothing i can track
ben_vulpes: anyways, should you care to, you can now also `curl -L -F "pastebox=@foo.txt" wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com`
phf: asciilifeform: heads up, archive contains a bunch of users without keys, where the foo.asc files content is "SELF-SIGNED PUBLIC KEY NOT FOUND", presumably that's the ones that didn't upload (you'd think they would 404 instead)
mod6: but if you have "foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT" vs. "foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT" with a different hash because of different build, won't care, you don't get new file.
mod6: so like "foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT" v. "foo-1.1-SNAPSHOT", it'll pull that if you ask it to reload dependencies.
shinohai: curl -F 'vpatch=@foo.vpatch' -F 'seal=@bar.sig' http://btcbase.org/upload <<< neat!
mircea_popescu: in other news, phf's computer so fat, its foo's out the bar!
ben_vulpes: Foo.objects.get(pk=20) or Foo.objects.get(name="Stan")
phf: !s foo
asciilifeform: !s foo
deedbot: $s foo is not a command.
asciilifeform: $s foo
phf: but yeah, it greps by space separated words, greps by quoted strings (\" escape works) and recognizes from:foo, which composes. i.e. from:foo from:bar baz " foo bar " finds log entries from foo OR bar that contain both "baz" and " foo bar "
phf: well, no first one is going to catch both foo bar and bar foo, the second one only foo bar
phf: any particular preferences if q=foo&q=bar should work as grep foo|grep bar or grep foo.*bar?
phf: mircea_popescu: by the way, &from=foo already works, i.e. &from=mircea will only show...
mod6: i just did a `mkdir foo ; cd foo ; wget -r http://files.bitcoin-assets.com/log/`
phf: or perhaps just term foo or whatever command
mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/2FKDMBB via base64 foo.txt >
mircea_popescu: wget -l 0 -qO- https://cryptome.org > foo.txt produces an empty file
asciilifeform: wget -l 0 -qO- https://cryptome.org > foo
ben_vulpes: foo
phf: an alternative to tmux can be "detachtty", which is basically a tmux for non curses processes. it's a bit handier than tmux, since it gives you a pid/ctrl/log for one process only. you can issue batch commands, by doing something like echo '(foo)' | ssh server attachtty --socket=/tmp/cmucl-123.sock
mod6: foo[-1]
phf: trinque: so just deploy the way you would normally deploy and write a simple set of operator commands (or even a menu driven thing) for repl, that you can control things over. "press 1 to asdf reload :FOO package, press 2 to reinitilize data, etc."
asciilifeform: !s foo
phf: basically some equivalent of "tree 182073587b70313f13678c6e1389cb6c94dd3c69\nauthor foo <foo> 1458691972 -0400\ncommitter foo <foo> 1458691972 -0400\n commit message ... "
phf: suggested solutions include writing update hooks, that in turn involve plenty of goo' ol' foo=$(bar|sed|awk)
phf: right, linux root=/dev/foo kbrebind=10:20,40:50,etc.
thestringpuller: phf: so zero assets is obviously an oversight << since corporation doesn't hold any cash outside of "day to day operations" and all profit is distributed, dealing with credit is tricky. what if company needs to buy a foo-machine but is too expensive to book as a one time expense?
asciilifeform: with keys like sha512('foo').
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2016 03:38:49; phf: 1) brew install cmake 2) patch < foo.patch 3) link_directories and include_directories in CMakeList.txt need to point to be modified to point to your boost/db4/openssl locations 4) mkdir foo; cd foo; cmake ..; make
phf: 1) brew install cmake 2) patch < foo.patch 3) link_directories and include_directories in CMakeList.txt need to point to be modified to point to your boost/db4/openssl locations 4) mkdir foo; cd foo; cmake ..; make ☟︎
mod6: so in "foo.scm" i have defined a "square" procedure, but in (oblist), among everything else, its listed as: (square char-ci>=? cddddr expt)
phf: mod6: you want to do (catch #f (load "foo.scm")), because without catch any errors in your foo.scm are going to kill tinyscheme AND terminate bitcoind without cleanup
mod6: just put code in "foo.scheme" and then somehow load it with tinyscheme ?
phf: they have some package hack foo::bar (and not foo:bar), which mostly just breaks things
phf: right now it's a bit jury rigged though. most intrusive is the addition of "keywords" to scheme.c, i.e. :foo evaluates to :foo
phf: $('#patchset-select select').on('select', function() { alert('foo') }) doesn't do what i think it should
punkman: phf, seems so. my initial suggestion was releases as patch sequence files, but I don't think anyone liked this idea. My vtron does .seq files with "foo.vpatch \t sha512(foo.vpatch) \n" inside, which works for my blobby vtronized things.
ben_vulpes: punkman: either 1/10 troll or you have better repl foo than my incompetent self and should share this wisdom
assbot: Logged on 26-12-2015 05:30:02; phf: (drakma:http-request (concatenate 'string (cdr (assoc :location (nth-value 2 (drakma:http-request "http://dpaste.com/api/v2/" :method :post :parameters `(("content" . ,(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar"))))))) ".txt") :force-binary t)
phf: there is? :o i did shasum -a 512 -c foo.txt|grep -v OK where foo.txt is your dpaste and only headers is not giving me ok.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 17:51:53; mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff.
mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff. ☟︎
asciilifeform: and the ( foo )
assbot: Logged on 08-01-2016 04:19:45; phf: ben_vulpes: you call that thing like void foo(args) { IMPLEMENT_RANDOMIZE_STACK(foo(args)); ...}, static makes nLoops shared, so the logic is, you set it to some random value between 1 and 21 and then recurse down that many times, "randomizing" the stack
phf: maybe? gcc does TCO, but the code does foo(); return; rather then return foo(); so who knows..
phf: ben_vulpes: you call that thing like void foo(args) { IMPLEMENT_RANDOMIZE_STACK(foo(args)); ...}, static makes nLoops shared, so the logic is, you set it to some random value between 1 and 21 and then recurse down that many times, "randomizing" the stack ☟︎
asciilifeform: e.g., the foo bar example,
phf: contributors. an obvious next step is to have a gpg --verify buildroot.sig rely on the contents of .wot folder, by, for example, making a temp directory, doing a for pubkey in .wot/*.asc; do gpg --homedir $tmpdir --import $pubkey; done, then doing gpg --homedir $tmpdir --verify foo.sig; then rm -rf $tmpdir. this way a .wot folder is a canonical source of pubkeys always and for all operations
assbot: Logged on 28-12-2015 00:29:35; punkman: well imagine genesis.vpatch, then foo.vpatch edits bitcoin.cpp and bar.vpatch edits bitcoin.h, which is the head?
mircea_popescu: !up Foo___
punkman: well imagine genesis.vpatch, then foo.vpatch edits bitcoin.cpp and bar.vpatch edits bitcoin.h, which is the head? ☟︎
phf: well, that's the relevant posting bit echo foo|curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
asciilifeform: 0000000: 666f 6f0a 6261 72 foo.bar
asciilifeform: 00000000 66 6f 6f 0a 62 61 72 |foo.bar|
phf: (drakma:http-request (concatenate 'string (cdr (assoc :location (nth-value 2 (drakma:http-request "http://dpaste.com/api/v2/" :method :post :parameters `(("content" . ,(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar"))))))) ".txt") :force-binary t) ☟︎
asciilifeform: i want to ./foo | curl blah
asciilifeform: can't ./foo.pl | ftp ...
mircea_popescu: ok so then ./foo.pl ssh-to-where-ascii-keeps-things
mircea_popescu: so ./foo.pl curl http://dpaste.com or w/e ?
asciilifeform: where i can, e.g., './foo.pl | pastebinatron' and get a link
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/samecat/foo.txt http://www.loper-os.org/pub/samecat/bar.txt
liquidassets: kung foo grip
punkman: plus derps ain't got money to fly foo!
phf: oh, it's placed around, so (loop named foo ...) == (block foo (loop ...))
phf: probably can be cleaned up, but where's that catch being interpolated when you do (loop named foo...)
phf: oh yeah, re lisp, i've not had a chance to use it, but i'm pretty sure i have a bunch of code that does (loop .. do (catch :foo ... (loop ... (throw :foo ...)))
ben_vulpes: (loop named foo ... (loop named bar ... (return-from foo thinger))
phf: otherwise you need to do foo=NULL; for(...) {...}; if(!foo) { ... }
jurov tries to compile #include <string.h> int main(){char *foo ="abcd"; memfrob(foo);}
phf: mod6: use File::Temp qw/:mktemp/; $foo = mkdtemp("/tmp/fooXXXXXXX"); print $foo."\n"; # => /tmp/foowq51sxd
phf: jurov: well, i could build eulora into /Applications/Foo.app/... structure, and then require people to install by dropping resulting app into /Applications/ on their machine, but there's no sport in that
assbot: Logged on 04-09-2015 23:54:25; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: here's how i do it: 1) clearsigned (asciiarmoured) body. 2) attachment 3) signature (asciiarmoured, detached) of attachment, having the filename attach.foo.sig for every attach.foo
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: here's how i do it: 1) clearsigned (asciiarmoured) body. 2) attachment 3) signature (asciiarmoured, detached) of attachment, having the filename attach.foo.sig for every attach.foo ☟︎
phf: su/sudo vfs would be handy for copying files between users without having to adjust permissions or escalate to superuser. one pane is user foo, other pane is user bar. doesn't matter if foo's pane is in 700 folder, and if you were to copy, file will be created as belonging to user bar, with his umask applied
asciilifeform: ./v.py patches h foo/bitcoin/src/main.cpp
asciilifeform: presently some of them are, e.g., '+++ b/src/foo' and this slipped past my eyes
asciilifeform: to be specific, all diff hunks should take the form seen in 'genesis', where '--- a/bitcoin/src/foo', '+++ b/bitcoin/src/foo'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i prefixed LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" ./foo.sh and ended up with something quite like mod6's diff.
assbot: foo.cpp ... ( http://bit.ly/1J4rRoN )
phf: ascii_field: i've tried reproducing the leak, but so far it looks like so according to my small test, mapTransactions.clear() should just work. http://glyf.org/tmp/foo.cpp.html there's a bunch of copy allocations that get cleaned up, but you'll notice when foo.clear() is called that picks up the leftover objects.
asciilifeform: as in, /home/schmuck/foo/bar/rotor/toolchain
phf: williamdunne: i guess i might've also did a wild guess, i assume you're getting some standard-objects from somewhere, and they come out as #<FOO #x123123> or somesuch and you're trying to figure out, what's inside of them. you can (inspect foo) to see the insides of the object on repl, or you can call that (defmethod ...) and then every time an object is displayed on repl it's going to be displayed as #<FOO (value . 1) (value2 . "hello")> i
phf: williamdunne: not builtin, but here's a generic object printer, http://paste.lisp.org/display/153363. if you have an instance of a class, you'll get #<FOO (A . 1) (B . "test") C #x123123> (where C is unbound)
trinque: "this shall have a goddamn foo"
mircea_popescu: as much as a single missing "navigate to foo (cd /foo)" means 100% failure.
asciilifeform: ('diff ak47_05243673e45fc4c4ce30467f8ffc003deec1d184.sh.sig ak47.sh.sig' rather than foo)
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: here is proof. 'dos2unix -f ak47_05243673e45fc4c4ce30467f8ffc003deec1d184.sh.sig' then 'diff foo.sig ak47.sh.sig'
asciilifeform: other nitpick: the removal of the wx cruft is spiffy - it was next on my personal list. but i'd replace InitMessage with fprintf(FOO, ..... with FOO equalling stdout by default. this is because we might one day have a device with a character lcd screen, or teletype, or whatnot, and preserving the semantics of 'this is an init message' isn't entirely useless
mats: microterrorism, foo
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181475 << this is not even the worst known abuse. one book (forget whose) actually suggested 'just in time compilation' on arbitrary (!) machines by snarfing up binary routines from function pointers and memcpying them into a buffer, then (*foo)()-ing in... ☝︎
ascii_field: e.g., 'split -b 2048m foo.gz'