879 entries in 0.881s
trinque: makes it absolutely impossible to interrogate it for 'everything which makes reference to the hostname db.foo.baz'
ben_vulpes: assbot: foo?
ben_vulpes: assbot: foo"
asciilifeform: decimation: foo: array (Integer range 0 .. N) of Whatever;
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> cuz you liked teh woman, foo. << i see this coming
mircea_popescu: cuz you liked teh woman, foo.
asciilifeform: ; disassembly for FOO
asciilifeform: * (disassemble 'foo)
asciilifeform: FOO
asciilifeform: * (defun foo (x) (declare (fixnum x)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (+ x 3))
asciilifeform: attach foo.gz and foo.gz.sig
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for jurov from 2 to 3 with note: The Bitcoin Foundation Treasurer & script foo
mod6: !rate jurov 3 The Bitcoin Foundation Treasurer & script foo
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: i'm going to the third conference, foo
kakobrekla: turns out qietghsaldkf.foo is really down.
gribble: qietghsaldkf.foo is down
mike_c: ;;isup qietghsaldkf.foo
mircea_popescu: 's /foo/%postname%/ do ?
ben_vulpes: i have no idea where /foo/ is even configured
ben_vulpes: new site only has /foo/
ben_vulpes: old site has /foo/bar as uneditable zone in permalink area on page
ben_vulpes: the old one was http://domain/foo/bar/slug
ben_vulpes: it's got this http://domain/foo/slug
mircea_popescu: dafuck would i want to say, @b{foo}@bi
mircea_popescu: "If you wrote @bold{foo} instead of <bold>foo</bold>, you would not even /want/ to say @bold{foo @italic{bar} zot} if you expected to get foo in bold, zot in italic, and bar in both." <<< wait, wut ?
mircea_popescu: According to specifications, HTML comments are expressed as SGML declarations. Declaration is special markup that begins with ‘<!’ and ends with ‘>’, such as ‘<!DOCTYPE ...>’, that may contain comments between a pair of ‘--’ delimiters. HTML comments are “empty declarations”, SGML declarations without any non-comment text. Therefore, ‘<!--foo-->’ is a valid comment, and so is ‘<!--one-- --two-
ben_vulpes: !up foo_nugget
mircea_popescu: "bingbot 0.0.0 Ben AsselstineBingbot turns you into an IRC cyborg. When someone says "uptime" to you, it answers them back with your uptime. When someone says "vi?" to you, it answers them back with the last file you opened in vim. When someone says "search: foo" to you, it gets a random link to a gif on imgur.com/r/gifs/new and shows them that. written in c++, requires glibmm, curlpp and sigc++."
MolokoDesk: ok. got it. sqlite3 RatingSystem.db then .output FOO.txt then .dump .quit cat FOO.txt
xmj: ben_vulpes: git diff foo@hash foo@hash_previous
asciilifeform: Xplosionist: [fwd slash] msg NickServ IDENTIFY foo password
sexysaffron: my google foo claims saffron is worth 3 times more than gold!
mthreat: kakobrekla: but suffix searches like "*foo" don't work
mthreat: kakobrekla: there isn't a specific way to search for filenames... just try to search for a token in the filename, or use a prefix search like "foo*"
assbot: 0 results for 'foo+-ninjaderp' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=foo%2B-ninjaderp
mthreat: !s foo -ninjaderp
mike_c: so it should be seeds.therealaltcoin.org NS -> foo.therealaltcoin.org and then foo.therealaltcoin.org -> 54.x.x.x?
mthreat: foo* is a prefix search, matches any word beginning with "foo"
mircea_popescu: benkay: but !logsearch "foo" is going to be rad, mthreat, kakobrekla << defo, point of entire exercize.
benkay: but !logsearch "foo" is going to be rad, mthreat, kakobrekla
poutine: punkman, Ok so if I was making the move e4, and my player secret was foo, and an acceptable redemption scriptSig is hash256('fooe4'). When I submit my redemption, you're saying someone else would see it in the mempool, and submit it to a different mempool with the redemption going to a different address?
random_cat_: my google foo is failing me
bounce: oh foo
bounce: oh foo, need to re-do the via thing. hm.
bounce recalls an irc discussion going on 15 years back, where someone speculated that a nsa backdoor might look like "int foo;" instead of "long foo;". and you just can't tell. well, here we have such an innocuous thingy. and you never can tell. but spectacular, that the effects certainly are.
MisterE: or the "world's premiere site for foo"
mircea_popescu: IM SICKER OF IT THAN YOU FOO!!1111
mircea_popescu: "foo" == 0… but, of course,
mircea_popescu: It’s not transitive. "foo" == TRUE, and
benkay: (format "butts %s %s" "foo" \n)
asciilifeform: probabilistic algo. also quite possible that it will never converge (i.e. nothing useful hashes to fooXXXX... where foo is the vanity string)
KRS-One: BingoBoingo: of course I have foo
asciilifeform: pankkake: printf("%x", foo)
KRS-: I am going Foo Manchu this month
mircea_popescu: pankkake what, the bbss ?! those weren't free, foo. urmom was payin' for it.
benkay: ;;duckduckgo foo
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu, what the heck foo? Keeping the price from reaching pluto
gribble: Nick 'KRS|gotyawallet', with hostmask 'KRS|gotyawallet!~foo@c-50-143-86-143.hsd1.fl.comcast.net', is not identified.
thestringpuller: 3btc is what I ipo on foo
mircea_popescu: so a foo is yoo
KRS1-: I think you got your decimal point in the wrong place, FOO
thestringpuller: dude I'm sick of niggas comin' up in here bein' all "dis mah turf yo. I is forum gangsta, respect me foo."
userioao: egg foo yung
thestringpuller: It was sarcasm foo. When you make sound effects in a game you either make foley or synth that shit. Given you AREN'T paying for studio sound I don't see how foley artists would even begin to do their job. So I assume the latter. Or perhaps you're going to buy a pack of prepackaged sound clips.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu what up foo?
dub: kung foo shoes?
KRS-: lol not mine foo
KRS1: what up foo!
furuknap: I just need a number to illustrate reinvestment cost to maintain hashrate, but my Google-foo couldn't find a friedcat mention of that number.
KRS-1: build a drone that builds drones foo then you dont have to build drones..dig
mod6: davout: how do you mean? You can just use the : and enter the regex either via line number or wildcard '%' for entire file. Ex. :% s/foo/bar/ or :15,27 s/foo/bar/
copumpkin: $ grep "<tiberiusiv>" foo.txt | wc -l
copumpkin: $ grep "<tiberiusiv>" foo.txt | grep "?" | wc -l
mircea_popescu: in yo face foo!
gesell: will this spill over into the discussion of soft limits and sdice foo?
Luke-Jr: davout: it's not about "one person is okay with using it for FOO", it's about "everyone using it is doing it for FOO"
gesell: explain to them that gpg, command line foo and mpex design should be percieved like the days when the internet filled up with idiots... we'd still stick to vms to have some peace of mind from it all
gesell: really? mpex? damn i would've thought mircea_popescu rolled with some textfile foo database like a boss
FabianB_: even if with so few commands and payload it's easy to parse |foo|bar|baz
Ukto: foo
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 41 @ 0.065 = 2.665 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 1 @ 0.0649 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 8 @ 0.064 = 0.512 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 46 @ 0.05 = 2.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 40 @ 0.05 = 2 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.05 = 0.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 17 @ 0.05 = 0.85 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 10 @ 0.05 = 0.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 101 @ 0.05000001 = 5.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.089999 = 0.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 108 @ 0.03 = 3.24 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 30 @ 0.0301 = 0.903 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 50 @ 0.031 = 1.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 100 @ 0.04 = 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 4 @ 0.02 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 100 @ 0.0200001 = 2 BTC [-]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 2 @ 0.035 = 0.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 7 @ 0.034 = 0.238 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 20 @ 0.032 = 0.64 BTC [+]
assbot: [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 1 @ 0.03 BTC [-]