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mp_en_viaje: but this isn't what most anyone using the term will expect it to mean, especially if they own a dog, let alone a car or a secretary or anything
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in cititoriy intreaba, noi raspundem... do you recall where that friend of mine who lived with a dog is mentioned ?
mp_en_viaje: to include the competition of young women they own and trained. there's exactly no substantial difference between "showbusiness" and racing horses or "bloodsports", cockfighting, dog fighting etc.
mp_en_viaje: otherwise, since ~literally~ 100% of the crap on the "free" and "open" anglo internet is ~LITERAL~ fucking restatement of the ~~~EXACT FUCKING SAME~~~ five line passage from harvard's 1999 offering of doubleplusgood truth&realities (if you don't count a very carefully expurgated version on "marxists.org" -- lulzily, "dog" appears exactly once ; "vulture" not at
trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946767 << bahaha this is some master-level mockery I didn't even grok, so I'm-a just sit here and "yes this is dog"
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: honestly, ~any mirror is dog-food
asciilifeform: probably to ask asciilifeform 'where good orcistans' is like to ask dog re what good to eat. asciilifeform liked even argentina .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: seems to me that the latech people need regular reinforcement, like rug pissing dog. ( ideally -- shock collar )
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 02:21:18 mp_en_viaje: modern greek "no longer needs" the glottal stop h, nor does it use double-l's for anything, it's "progressed past that, see". sounds like lazy dogs talking, also, but that's ok -- everyone's a dog anyway rite ?
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1938854 << and 'pre-classical' greeks had the digamma... and the classical folx already had a silent iota in various dipthongs, previously voiced per archaeologists. also 'lazy dog' ? ( where lived the non-lazy dog, in stone age ? )
mp_en_viaje: modern greek "no longer needs" the glottal stop h, nor does it use double-l's for anything, it's "progressed past that, see". sounds like lazy dogs talking, also, but that's ok -- everyone's a dog anyway rite ?
asciilifeform: 'am dog'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha! i never understood why 'negative associations with bull'. the ancients worshipped the bull, the cow. critter feeds man, moar than dog ever was able
BingoBoingo: Anytime someone says they are a "creative" I assume they are *that* dog on the internet until demonstrated otherwise
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 03:03:50 mircea_popescu: it's a dog, though, it has no fucking idea it's walking about looking for that final trigger.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 01:42:47 mircea_popescu: there's http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-03#856336 / http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-03#856338 distinction bearing here : if one's notion of technical acument doesn't include "describing the things", every dog's an engineer nonpareil for having fleas.
asciilifeform: compl. w/ 'i want dog but woman won't let' and the like
BingoBoingo: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-14#1928655 << Pet toys some of the few actual "durable" consumer goods on account of inability of princess in her own mind's inability to tell her dog to be gentle with the toys
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz : anne heche got genital herpes from her father, who "sexually teased" her until she got her period or thereabouts -- this entirely has nothing to do with her "lesbian"-ism ; jessica alba got genital herpes from some indian dude ; paris hilton also got, possibly from dog ; britney spears got it as a teen ; pamela anderson, lindsay lohan (doh)...
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-29#1925425 >> бобик btw in ru. also not-uncommon old-school dog name. (and common parlance also for paddywagon) ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: i thought it's a little weird, /me throws a small bone, dog studiously pretends to not notice while tryna get all sorta typically needful "projects" off ground, like writing books and makign tv pilots.
mp_en_viaje: yeah, this one has a respectable beard too. kinda funny, the dog beard.
BingoBoingo: Saw a herd of three old black dogs in a park today. But all three had the whitest old dog beards I have ever seen.
mp_en_viaje: dog was indescribably fucking happy ; and for once in life, the roles were reversed. the ingfangdog dun eat as good, who the fuck has the sense to get his pet boiled lamb bones. shop treats ftw, "civilised"!!!!
mp_en_viaje: so he's, basically, the poo relative, dog-socially speaking. but he waits patiently there, chats up with his friend in dogbark occasionally, it's not that bad a life.
mp_en_viaje: speaking of which, there's a very cute old dog a few houses down. he has a friend who lives on the property, inside the fence ; but he lives outside, in this one perma-dry spot under a tree.
BingoBoingo: Could be that the dog doesn't graze the grass and instead grazes for handouts
mp_en_viaje: which i must admit, very double standard. if dog ate more like beef, it'd be edible more like beef.
mp_en_viaje: maybe they complain dog doesn't eat oats and hay ?
mp_en_viaje: but they do eat dog
mp_en_viaje: they;re complaining people don't eat dog ?
BingoBoingo: With the slogan is an image that's supposed to be dog face on one side cow face on the other
mp_en_viaje: yes, all the might and glory of the very best fruits this earth ever produced eventually regressed to the filth of cunthood. once you stop killing women such that most are either dead before menopause or else lived their entire life marginalized, and instead start asking them to run things, from the local hotel to the local police station or dog pound, you get what you necessarily get.
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform doesn't post much travel photo on acct of... it'd be like a dog posting food pics. 'omfg errything here was Built By People! and not josephsmiths! omfg have you seen a light post like this?' etc << iirc you still have good chunk of Bingoboingistan on your camera roll
asciilifeform doesn't post much travel photo on acct of... it'd be like a dog posting food pics. 'omfg errything here was Built By People! and not josephsmiths! omfg have you seen a light post like this?' etc
asciilifeform: ( most ameri-housing either has no back door , or glass thing that goes into fenced yard and defo no marketer would ever go there, liable to be bitten by dog or worse )
a111: Logged on 2019-03-14 09:31 spyked: re the above, nato reich did not advertise that part in their brochures. I suppose the ones who previously waited "sa vina americanii" were very happy in 1990 because "can nao eat hot dog and hamburgers" (mcd wasn't even the first of its kind in ro)
spyked: re the above, nato reich did not advertise that part in their brochures. I suppose the ones who previously waited "sa vina americanii" were very happy in 1990 because "can nao eat hot dog and hamburgers" (mcd wasn't even the first of its kind in ro) ☟︎
asciilifeform: if yer wearing a crown and you really think 'no options' , you get out the wagner and cyanide and be sure to also dose blondie the dog 1st to make sure as fuck the cyanide is strong enuff
asciilifeform: it was 'designed' like dog 'designs' turd as it emerges from arse.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-08#1900962 << near as i could tell, subj is a kind of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693150 , i.e. junkyard dog ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-08-13 14:20 asciilifeform: 'kick the dog till it bites, then shoot it' is standard anglo approach, from boer war, to ww2 japan, to every poor motherfucker like the one in link
a111: 6 results for "kick the dog then shoot", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kick%20the%20dog%20then%20shoot
asciilifeform: !#s kick the dog then shoot
BingoBoingo: Not when then have mega dog protected orchard and inexplicably immobile abuelos
BingoBoingo: Mega fence, mega dog, small orchard. Typical middle class qatari home.
asciilifeform: e you wouldn't come to me with a sick dog because of it, but that's the way many people approach programmers.'
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:59 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706369 << how about focusing on your own fucking problems! clean up that pizza wrapper! cook for fucking once. go out and walk that misfortunate dog of yours. instead of pretending to "solve" the problems of distant others for the transparent reason that you can avoid having to confront not having done ANYTHING in a whole decade this way.
asciilifeform: man biting dog, not heard
asciilifeform: that -- heard. and of dog biting man.
asciilifeform: typical dog who shat on the floor, has moar remorse than this fella.
asciilifeform: note that the 'hot dog stands' aint any kinda 'workers paradise' , even tho 'no hr'
asciilifeform: 'if the great inca wants you to have dog, he will issue you one' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: and even a dog-slow gcd is still faster than knuth-division by each of million smallprimes.
asciilifeform: but sure, paste. it'll be 2-3x-fold dog-slow vs proper inlinetronic tho.
asciilifeform: usg.red wants withdraw from viet^H^Hganistan like usg.blue wants withdraw from syria like flea wants dog to be washed.
asciilifeform: in point of fact there are serious design flaws in emacs that make dog/flea separation extremely difficult. but iirc we already had that thread not long ago.
asciilifeform: some people dunlike dogs, for instance, and refer to'em as armored personnel carriers for fleas. in this case so happens that i like dog. so interested in whether mircea_popescu was going from a 'dogs, who needs'em' angle or spotted flea in particular.
asciilifeform: seen from asciilifeform's lens, episode is part of the larger 'kick dog till it bites, then shoot it' campaign of pantsuit
BingoBoingo: And the local response to alt-Leprosy in Salto has been a dog purge https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/unos-600-perros-fueron-sacrificados-por-tener-leishmaniasis-2018121210112
asciilifeform: to put it in mircea_popescuine terminology -- the scenario that v makes specifically and rightfully impossible is 'hey, i changed 'wife' to 'dog' in your marriage contract, but yer still just as married, you signed all the downstreams'
asciilifeform: erry dog knows 1 trick, heh
asciilifeform: so model is, 'dog barks, caravan moves' ?
asciilifeform: ( pretty lulzy, btw, i had nfi mircea_popescu were so attached to serpent, nao i feel sad, it's almost like i killed his dog or wat )
asciilifeform: Mocky: out of curiosity, didja see even one dog ?
ben_vulpes: fence is done, transpocubes for possesions arrive tomorrow. house still unleased and one car yet needing transportation scheduled. other than that, girl and child fly out soon, and i drive out with dog shortly before.
asciilifeform: eh imho that's a 'dog bites man'. i'm moar into 'man bites dog', i.e. ~habitable~ 'small' changes-in-physics...
asciilifeform: deer imho aint comparable to a dog-sized rat with human hands, re lulz potential
asciilifeform: muzzle as big as some dog's.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: believe or not, i actually like (certain) animals, would not inflict habitat like this on dog
BingoBoingo: The best ways to coonicide are 1. 100 lb dog assigned to sentry duty 2. cage traps 3. projectile weapons
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dun have a dog, or where to.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, maybe you need a better dog?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ( raccoon, to euro folx, can look like exotic fairy tale beast, but it's effectively a dog-sized rat , can chew hole straight through the typical north ameristani wooden house ) << Latinas apparently view mapache (aka. trash panda) as mystery critter and protagonist of children's stories
asciilifeform: ( raccoon, to euro folx, can look like exotic fairy tale beast, but it's effectively a dog-sized rat , can chew hole straight through the typical north ameristani wooden house )
a111: 2012-09-04 <dog> http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg >> http://btcbase.org/log/2012-09-04#-282610
phf: !#born dog
phf: if it's a human who's hearing then the stress is on the meaning, where if it's a dog the stress becomes on the location (i.e. the dog would want to seek out the source)
phf: i'm not sure the dog part fits
asciilifeform: phf: funnily enuff i have that screen, experimented with use as indicator. it's dog slow.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it does have the flavour of 'culinary shortcomings of dog shit' treatise, eh.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ping their dependopotami, let'em know the old dog broke loose from chain..
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is approx on par with replacement dog head for hippo.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-23 20:39 phf: "beware of dog"? seems unlikely though..
phf: "beware of dog"? seems unlikely though.. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: "It got to the point where they were showing me that the president of Nigeria had sent me a letter. It had his picture on it and everything," Haines said. "I looked it up on the computer to see what the Nigerian president looked like, and it was him." Once, he received an email claiming to be from Robert Mueller, who was then the FBI director. The email was addressed to Haines, code-name "B-DOG," and it was signed with the FBI's address
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'm not even convinced that 'purposeful newton' is artifact of socialist schooling; meatsacks without the exploratory instinct the gods gave dog, cat, rat, are doomed to believe in some variant of this
BingoBoingo: Dogology is having a different set of dog lights
a111: Logged on 2016-02-24 04:23 mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated.
BingoBoingo: <hl`> that doesn't protect against physical attacks. << Buy a dog and carry a hammer
asciilifeform: he was poet like yer dog is a sculptor.
BingoBoingo: Well, why does anyone do amateur radio? Same reason they post on reddit. They want a hot young wife, and a dog and grandchildren who love them, but they settle for DX'ing and postcards.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816441 <-- this is golden! /me stumbles upon http://manualul.info/Alg_X_1989/ , looks at ToC: "elemente de prelucrare automată a datelor --> câteva instrucțiuni ale limbajului BASIC". and to think, this was wahahay before the days of "everyone and their dog has computer in their pocket" and "teach all kidz computer science"! ☝︎
hanbot: a good one i heard today: what does a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic do at night? lays awake wondering if there's a dog.
lobbes: Ugh, so my www on my frantech vps has been dog slow all day. Same vps that hosts lobbesbot, so possibly I have finally outgrown the thing (currently hosts bot, mp-wp, archived urls index, eulora price history, and various misc)
trinque: I am at "dog on internet" status for you
trinque: how do you rub the dog's nose in the shit?
mp_en_viaje: anyway, nothing wrong with the basic instinct of manhood, it gave us domesticated dog and so on.
asciilifeform: d00d dun look so old. expect another 30-40 yrs of the dog sitting in the manger.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?