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gribble: Requiem for a Dream (Strings) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clvSQc0bNC0>; "Angels Watch Us While We're Sleeping-A Dream"...strings, choral ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Xb_Ok4GXE>; Kalafina - I have a dream(strings version) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DUYq5Mn-D4>
fluffypony: unless you like memorising long base58 strings
mircea_popescu: "didja find any strings ?"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no strings attached.
punkman: asciilifeform: no strings attached
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'sed' artists, Amazing! << ki8nda reminds me of any kid's first hacking, replacing strings in binaries.
bitcoinpete: pretty sure he controls vitalik's leg strings
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, erm ok, but I'm trying to learn all the strings besides talking the talk
asciilifeform: good litmus test - anyone involved with 'strings'
DreadKnight: evergreen games are the hardest to make and I don't want strings attached over the years; you could check out this article about such games http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/DanielCook/20130726/196754/A_single_game_as_a_lifelong_hobby.php mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: DreadKnight:or even investors, as long as the strings aren't forever <-> mircea_popescu:DreadKnight why not ?
DreadKnight: or even investors, as long as the strings aren't forever
DreadKnight: indie game devs don't usually go for publishers; they rather make crowd funding campaigns to avoid strings attached
thickasthieves: local redneck on facebook: "I am offering free bungee jumping to all Muslims - no strings attached."
asciilifeform: (i.e. one with 'strings')
ninjashogun: it's $200K with a boatloat of strings, and I couldn't do the other (earlier) startup.
nubbins`: re: can/strings
mircea_popescu: that'd be all jugs no strings
ThickAsThieves: surely some bribed and pulled strings and framed people
mircea_popescu: mike_c when you say backup guess, do you mean you had two human language strings hash to the same md5 ?
jurov: benkay: have you tried sqlalchemy? as soon as one needs to create query programmatically, it's much better than gluing together sql strings
moiety: google don't seem to have purse strings though, they just buy everything
Apocalyptic: too busy pulling these non-existant strings
artifexd: <kakobrekla> artifexd you might take out 'New' out of the strings, since the thing is never 'old' <- Excellent idea. I shall implement.
kakobrekla: artifexd you might take out 'New' out of the strings, since the thing is never 'old'
thestringpuller: thestringpuller's guide to pulling strings
thestringpuller: Wale made a line just for me "Money got me pulling strings, I got that Geppetto dough"
kakobrekla: cans and strings never lie
bounce: interfacing gpg is clunky to the point there's a library to make it easier, gpgme (haven't checked how much it helps, to me it's just another annoying dependency), though some programs just run the commands and look at the answer strings
tg2: but yeah it does open the door to fukc al ot of people when you pull strings on both sides
mircea_popescu: mike_c there's only me posting as me. however, there's multiple people working on feeding me data and other predigested strings.
benkay: constant secret, constant iv, vary salt -> different encrypted strings
mircea_popescu: (this software works so that if anyone is mentioned - or has any strings of interest mentioned - they get a signal)
mircea_popescu: many countless ways to throw camnav for a loop, including lulzy things like silly strings
BingoBoingo: Prolly best to leave the strings out and fill the Trojan with Spartans
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: also only a moron - or someone trying to shift blame - leaves readable strings in a trojan.
punkman1: r3wt: so are you currently smashing strings together to make SQL?
nubbins`: colored strings
mircea_popescu: Jan 25 16:40:13 <mircea_popescu>we're not equal, even if we can type the same strings in a box they still aren't the same strings. depends whose name signs on them. we're not equal, even if two people have "the same idea", in one head it's an idea, in another head it's nothing.
ThickAsThieves: hmm i see a 'plain' command for sending strings as is
benkay: i am actually going to return an array of strings
mircea_popescu: moreover, take our original two strings.
asciilifeform: from whence do the strings come?
mircea_popescu: so you switch on character 1 of all strings ?
mircea_popescu: he wins with the highest score once all players have read all strings.
mircea_popescu: each player gets the same copy of the same list of strings. at any point each player has the choice of either reading one more character from their current string or advance ot the next string.
mircea_popescu: the game board consists of an endless set of strings, which all start as natural language constructs and are "decayed" by bit flipping by an actual rng.
mircea_popescu: "all players get copies of the same strings" say.
mircea_popescu: the key here, of course, being that the strings are not all created equal
mircea_popescu: then you give everyone strings, and they can read one char at a time
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know this inspires me ? one could formalise the problem with strings.
mircea_popescu: == converts to numbers when possible ( 123 == "123foo"… although "123" != "123foo"), which means it converts to floats when possible. So large hex strings (like, say, password hashes) may occasionally compare true when they’re not. Even JavaScript doesn’t do this.
mircea_popescu: Weak typing (i.e., silent automatic conversion between strings/numbers/et al) is so complex that whatever minor programmer effort is saved is by no means worth it.
mircea_popescu: run("hello i am running strings on your stack");
benkay: stochastic extraction of "sensible" strings from longer ones?
herbijudlestoids: moiety: get a wallet and i will send you one freshly mined ATC no strings attached!
kakobrekla: but i think goxes strings and cans capped out
kakobrekla: i always thougt that were guitar strings or smth.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate thestringpuller 1 I dunno that he's ever pulled any strings.
mircea_popescu: so hire a secretary, make her type random strings for half a year
mircea_popescu: not that such a thing should ever be said to anyone in any context, let alone in response to "hi lol, we hardcoded random shit because magic strings are cool"
mircea_popescu: we're not equal, even if we can type the same strings in a box they still aren't the same strings. depends whose name signs on them. we're not equal, even if two people have "the same idea", in one head it's an idea, in another head it's nothing.
kakobrekla: anyway, be careful with strings and cans, one might get choked or cut yourself on the edge
mike_c: i can provide strings of arbitrary length
mike_c: i could publish an arbitrary number of long strings of numbers that win
Apocalyptic: much strings
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you got strings ? (the linux util)
mike_c: it can't be two strings and a can, that's bitstamp.
mircea_popescu: user agent strings are meaningless.
thestringpuller: I PULL THE STRINGS
pankkake: I need to work on Bernankoin again. believe it or not, the most annoying part is renaming "Bitcoin" strings
Vexual: the ones allowed the purse strings have piercing eyes
nubbins`: can't find message bundle files = ???place_holder_name??? for all strings
kakobrekla: stamp is laging, not only teh cans and strings but teh price too
mircea_popescu: lol this guy's strings always end up like that
mircea_popescu: this is one of the better romanian strings.
Vexual: it can be called gruntwork, but when someone else is pulling the strings...
mircea_popescu: apparently long strings kill the bot ?
Namworld: jurov, constantly reverse and redo a longer chain, orphaning strings of blocks
mircea_popescu: details— text strings are chosen numerically from a lookup table and assembled to produce unique descriptions for each planet). This means that no extra memory is needed to store the characteristics of each planet, yet each is unique and has fixed properties. Each galaxy is also procedurally generated from the first.
ezdiy: rexcrypto: i'd not be surprised if he's alive and well, and pulling the strings
jcpham: normally people are vocal about this sort of thing have some one else pulling the strings, so to speak
asciilifeform: and has anyone checked the EXIF strings in his photos for interesting tidbits?
benkay: how is it prudent for someone to sell these notionally-valued strings?
icyhot: what's up, strings.
mircea_popescu: Step 4. Your account is now set up, you can use it in full confidence. Yes, this includes the inconvenient step of transferring GPG-encoded strings from a cold machine to a hot machine.
mircea_popescu: should nuke strings that contain his name in <>
mircea_popescu: all you have to do is take urls from people and feed them into server as pgp strings
Bowjob: 66 million of these strings per second to match an asic, right?
Ukto: i am not pulling the strings on that puppet
maximian: specifically, do your web servers retain IP addresses, browser agent strings, etc
jurov: maybe there's a bounty to make sha1 collision of meaningful strings.. so you'll get rewarded then
Bugpowder: I just assumed this was all an MP scheme to get the Rota off the ground and produce credibility that MP was not pulling the strings.
thestringpuller: Ukto: i pull the strings!!!
mircea_popescu: what strings be those ?
Ukto: I might have to pull some strings then...
thestringpuller: we had to actually parse strings and shit
Namjies: What? Would it be going in the other direction than the strings you're pulling?
mircea_popescu: that is https becoming an isp quote is really on point. wtf they know, random strings.