benkay: <jurov> benkay, i like to tease you. but still, dreaming of building full-stack mpex model which will get obsolete on mircea's whims... // the point is not a full model of mpex, the point is a full testing of all paths through a codebase, guaranteeing its performance under known inputs.
benkay: clearly, a changing of order-id's would have been (prior to today) an unknown unput
thestringpuller: Joys of driving a fast car: when there is no traffic, get home instantly.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 619.99, Best ask: 622.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.01000, Last trade: 622.0, 24 hour volume: 3952.32574325, 24 hour low: 615.0, 24 hour high: 627.69, 24 hour vwap: 619.695633373
assbot: Can the Su-25 intercept and shoot down a 777? | Locklin on science
dub: obama said they had a bird overhead so he has the whole thing in 4k res with 5.1 dolby
dub: pretty obvious at this point why he's not sharing
dub: a bit more work than the soviet 'radar leak'
benkay: thestringpuller: the leaf can go faster than 60 mph?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11205 @ 0.00080752 = 9.0483 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 272 @ 0.00299998 = 0.816 BTC [+] {4}
decimation: re: mh17 : I find it hard to believe that someone who has the skills to successfully operate a high-altuitude SAM system can also fail to properly identify his target, especially confusing a 777 with a plane half its size and operated by prop
decimation: with a service ceiling 10,000 feet below the 777 altutitude
dub: speaking to that last analysis there has been a palpable sense of desperation in anything out of kiev lately
decimation: re: kitesurfing, it is an extremely dangerous sport, people die all the time
assbot: Loper OS » Programmer’s Editors, Illustrated.
mircea_popescu: <dub> pretty obvious at this point why he's not sharing << accidentally also merkel sunbathing nude in background ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 500 @ 0.00285407 = 1.427 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 50 @ 0.02890175 = 1.4451 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: if it fits your requirements, defo a better choice.
xmj: fluffypony: earlier today i've incorporated something in the US.
decimation: I find most ebay electronics to be overpriced
decimation: anything with "hp" on the label goes for 2x what it is worth
decimation: I gues the lesson is to buy parts, not assembled equipment
kakobrekla: new cnc parts arent cheap. used ones sometiems re.
kakobrekla: for 100$ i cant even ship my machine domestically.
decimation: ascii what will you use for a position sensor
xmj: what's the quickest way to get a US EIN after incorporating?
decimation: marked reference points or the board itself?
decimation: heh from heinlein. is this an advantage because it has finer controls than your hand?
decimation: perhaps with the future hope of creating a closed-loop automated system
Vexual: wtf are you building ascii? optics= machine vision, or are you talking smaller?
Vexual: piezo love needs a lot of foreplay
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re aaron toponce's "urandom, random, same thing&what the hell's the difference", i guess some people just don't wanna sit down and actually get a megabyte to work on.
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 weeks 4 days ago
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
nubbins`: might wanna check her teeth first
mircea_popescu: course non-monkey tits are on the abdomen not on the torso, but w/e
nubbins`: well ya know. realism this ain't
nubbins`: i don't think zebras have six tits at any location on their body
mircea_popescu: basically that little bit of fat under the hair above a gal's gash turns into an udder with herbivores.
nubbins`: do you put your money in a leather wallet or a dollar wallet?
nubbins`: the gentleman wishes to rock the lady's ham wallet for six hours
mircea_popescu: the gentleman aspires to a position of dominance, imagines himself unable to cope and offers the sad copout of ... 6 hours ?
nubbins`: if you can't do it well, do it for an unpleasantly long time
Vexual: can we get mcafee in here? i know he watches
copumpkin: oh, and the statement came out too!
mircea_popescu: well actually... i think there's a fire in the building.
mircea_popescu: copumpkin same thing i'm doing about global warming. waiting it the shit out.
mircea_popescu: it's pretty good. they do integral poured concrete building here, everything's built like a fucking dam.
mircea_popescu: i think the net effect of half the entire thing burning to a crisp would be slightly warmer walls.
Vexual: you qou keep the requisite amount of climbing rope on hand?
mircea_popescu: im a floor above some shit that's a coupla floors above ground. i could just basically walk out the window if needed.
nubbins`: not sure if i mentioned this earlier, but i sold the rights to use one of my prints for a cassette cover today
nubbins`: to this kid named johnny cowabunga :0
nubbins`: sliding scale, i let the kid away with $50 ;D
nubbins`: i can add it to my collection of tapes that i can't play
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: what do you drive?
nubbins`: he pays people to chauffeur him :0
nubbins`: anything less than an hour is automatic walk for me
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i'm about 200 yards from the natl theatre, right behind the courthouse, half mile from the presidency and about a mile from the congress.
mircea_popescu: my lawyer's half a mile that way, the best sushi in town is a quarter mile this way, on it goes. longest walk i ever have to take is to get to the jooz quarter.
mthreat: ya taxis are good and cheap
Vexual: did you get any pirhana yet?
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: reminds me of being in boston
Vexual: hows the spanish progressing mircea?
mircea_popescu: try getting dumplings without fucking margerine in new york, it's nigh on impossible. fucktards.
TheNewDeal: walking is kind of like public transport
Vexual: id want a few glasses of pino gris before i drove that, so that i might imagine where the road is
assbot: BitBet - Republicans win majority of the U.S. Senate :: 0.77 B (64%) on Yes, 0.43 B (36%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 99`870 (100`000 to 1)
TheNewDeal: you're banking on them getting the odds correct?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal this was discussed earlier, re financial products. what the fuck is the buzzword, i forget
mircea_popescu: someone or the other had introduced this option to "copy" other trader's strategy
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
gabriel_laddel: Regarding sexbots, I'm surprised that no one has brought the custom maid 3d integration with oculus rift.
assbot: NeoGAF - View Single Post - Penis-Powered Game Gets Oculus Rift Support (Post #309 hands-on review)
assbot: Zozzerie con L'OCULUS RIFT - YouTube
assbot: VR TENGA DEMO (2): Oculus RiftNovint FalconTENGA on Vimeo
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel well i suspect we're really very noobish masturbators.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00080758 = 6.1376 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: fluffypony mebbe you should hire THIS guy to do those summaries.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00081098 = 7.5827 BTC [+]
TheNewDeal: after reading, still not sure on what the consensus was? Really doesn't matter, because you don't know what future bets will be?
mircea_popescu: really does not matter, because while it saves on the direct question (what to bet) it creates the meta question (whom to copy).
copumpkin: so much for that MPOE selloff I was expecting
Vexual: no ots cemeras is fine
mircea_popescu recommends fucking chimeras. it's fucking weird in a good way.
mircea_popescu: "While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Jew attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Jewish press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation
mircea_popescu: of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order."
mircea_popescu: i find it very amusing, this tendency of the simpleton to personalise. first, the gods are guys (and some gals), because why the fuck not. then, Nature, has a will. finally, the pernicious working of the democratic/populist press become "jewish".
mircea_popescu: it's not the jew's fault that old otto wanted functionaries and officers and so started schooling the peasantry, whether the peasantry wanted any schooling or not.
mircea_popescu: well... wrong in all particular points tho. it was chiefly tallow all through history, not whale fat.
assbot: Full text of "Hitlers Table Talk"
mircea_popescu: and it was the west (specifically, the french, that made margerine. and linoleum)
Vexual: rba boss says real economy needs "animal spirits"
TheNewDeal: what does the line indicate on the histograph?
TheNewDeal: I'm quite fairly sure I understand the greenish vs red colors. But there's also a, perhaps, darker green line as well.
mircea_popescu: bitbet. giving the bitcoin population the sort of graphs it wants to see. since 2012.
TheNewDeal: I want to see a game of life style graph
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4650 @ 0.00081098 = 3.7711 BTC [+]
assbot: The Most Expensive Bitcoin Painting Ever Sold - American Hard Assets
fluffypony: holy shit, Bitcoin Judas is Mark Karpeles - LOL!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13670 @ 0.00080961 = 11.0674 BTC [-] {2}
xmj: What's the best way of trust brokering you've found so far? instilling trust between two parties that do not yet now each other directly.)
fluffypony: if it's transactional, then a series of progressively larger escrowed deals establish historicity
xmj: that works well in an iterative context
xmj: how do you instill trust -right from the start- ?
cazalla: anyone want to buy 10k atc?
xmj: fluffypony: suppose i know you and cazalla but you don't know each other
xmj: fluffypony: suppose ive had a good history of business deals with each of you
xmj: fluffypony: how do i leverage that into getting you two to trust each other?
fluffypony: you trust cazalla , I trust you, I talk to you about your trust relationship with cazalla
xmj: WoT works well if you have any formal (eg software) framework for WoT'ing
xmj: how do you do that in more loose (ie social) networks?
cazalla: ;;sell 10000 ATC at 0.00000220 BTC 0.00000220 or better send PM
xmj: i'll figure something out
xmj: it's my longterm (>5 years) plan, i have time.
pankkake: that's what linkedin is supposed to be, too
xmj: did you just buy the .com domain?
xmj: no, my order went through.
xmj: cloudoftrust.{com,org}
xmj: there was a lot of drinking involved yesterday.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3000 @ 0.00278558 = 8.3567 BTC [-] {22}
xmj: i've resolved to running game on -everyone-
xmj: it does seem like in non-formal contexts iterative interaction history is the common way
xmj: there has to be a better deal.
chetty: xmj: it does seem like in non-formal contexts iterative interaction history is the common way xmj: there has to be a better deal// seriously trust is pretty much a function that can not be delegated
chetty: perhaps I should have said, shouldn't be. people do manage all sorts of stupids
xmj: delegation isn't the part that interests me
pankkake: a good example would be those btc lending sites
xmj: proxying and facilitating.
pankkake: which use social for verification or something
chetty: thing is blind trust gets folks in trouble all the time, how many people thought Gox was ok because everybody is using it?
chetty: (btw this is a discussion worth having imo, just in case there is a solution)
xmj: Science to the rescue.
xmj: Lucky for me there's a whole subfield of Game theory.
assbot: The Human Face of Game Theory: Trust and Reciprocity in Sequential Games by Catherine C. Eckel, Rick K. Wilson :: SSRN
assbot: How to identify trust and reciprocity
assbot: Trust in Large Organizations
punkman: xmj: WoT works well if you have any formal (eg software) framework for WoT'ing <- no that's exactly when WoT can fail catastrophically
punkman: and you can't magically make it appear out of thin air
assbot: JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
punkman: because you like the idea?
cazalla: well if it isn't the merchant meme teasing redditor Pierre_Rochard
Pierre_Rochard: Morning cazalla. We get complaints about that one every time it shows up
xmj: punkman: mostly because i work that way
xmj: A tells me they trust B, which makes me trust B through A's proxying (conditional on my estimation of A)
punkman: that doesn't create trust where there is none
xmj: we're not talking about that situation anyway?
xmj: A <trust> B <trust> C. how does B leverage his bonds between B<>A and B<>C to make A <trust> C appear/
punkman: if you have an indirect connection you talk to that guy first of course
xmj: sure, that's from the perspective of A. think of it from B's perspective!
pankkake: "You seem to be unaware that CoinLenders and Inputs are independent. They've always quite clearly stated that there are no warranties of any kind for coins stored there, as such I do not owe you your claimed amount"
fluffypony: if this was twitter I'd hashtag that with #delusional
punkman: xmj, I suppose that's when B acts as escrow
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00081126 = 7.9503 BTC [+] {3}
punkman: he could escrow a fidelity bond
xmj: i did not know escrow was the term i was looking for
chetty: I trust MP, if MP says he trusts B, should I trust B or should I do my own homework?
punkman: chetty, the answer is both, but if the trust connections are good enough, you could skip the due dilligence
chetty: exactly, and the crux is the 'good enough', a judgment call
punkman: I'd rephrase that, WoT is an avenue where you do due dilligence. You trust MP enough, you can stop your search after getting the "go-ahead" from MP
punkman: or you can keep going, look in other WoTs, public records, etc
fluffypony: chetty: yeah, it depends on the type of transaction as well
fluffypony: like if the person wants to trade 0.1 BTC I'd risk it based on the mutual connection
punkman: if the due diligence doesn't get you anywhere, then you still have other tools. The fidelity bond is a good one, insurance another... any other good examples?
chetty: fluffypony, a lot of trust is built like that, in small steps
punkman: this is quite common: if C trusts the B->A connection, but A doesn't trust B->C, then C will often "send first" as to eliminate risk for A at his expense.
xmj: it seems to turn out that the way to skip the homework is solved
xmj: within the trust game you just need to deposit enough money with the trust escrow to make the other party likely of investing. you'll obtain efficient outcomes.
assbot: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Mission Statement - YouTube
chetty: of course thats one way con games work too, suck people in for a while with small 'investments'
xmj: i've just found my calling.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00081221 = 11.5334 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.0008136 = 11.3497 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7410 @ 0.0008127 = 6.0221 BTC [-]
thickasthieves: <+mircea_popescu> someone or the other had introduced this option to "copy" other trader's strategy /// PAMM
thickasthieves: <+jurov> BLOCKCHAIN JESUS /// that's one sorry painting...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.1634 = 1.634 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6950 @ 0.00081406 = 5.6577 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 100 @ 0.16148499 = 16.1485 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.16 = 0.64 BTC [-]
assbot: Merchant Warrior - Online Payment Gateway to Accept Credit Card & Check Payments
mircea_popescu: not just because all the humanoid figurines seem to be really the same alien,
mircea_popescu: but mostly because the fundamental problem the "painter" has with his craft manifests not only in the "people" giving the wrong vibe, but the whole scene having the wrong atmosphere. that room looks to me like an apartment building in the poor section of petrograd having an amphetamine fueled dream about itself.
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
nubbins`: mp that reminds me of something you'd see painted on a wall in belfast
mircea_popescu: (and yes the raphael is unsurpassed, mostly because the christian church stands with learned antiquity roughly in the position american contemporaneity stands with the learned europe of last century. a cheap, affordable copy that misses all the details which made it worth the while)
mircea_popescu: nubbins` imo the o's touching is bad, but what do i know.
nubbins`: largest version i can find online
chetty: mircea_popescu, a cheap, affordable copy that misses all the details which made it worth the while//I thought that was modern china
nubbins`: this is set in an old newfoundland stagehouse, there's cod drying in the rafters and all kinds of old newfy stuff everywhere
mircea_popescu: this progress thing's really working, no wonder the earth is warming.
mircea_popescu: the thing's not global in any sense tho. it's just the cheeks that are getting hot.
nubbins`: mircea_popescu honestly i was worried it'd look like "NOO" instead of "ZOO" if i separated the Os
nubbins`: anyway, you can't really make it out, but pascale's dad is second from the right in that painting
nubbins`: which i believe makes him thaddeus?
nubbins`: he did the stations of the cross in a rural newfoundland kind of style too
nubbins`: guy with the hammer is wearing rubber boots
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 750 @ 0.0027597 = 2.0698 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: chetty: perhaps I should have said, shouldn't be. people do manage all sorts of stupids << dun worry about it. the fuckwit has found the perfect palliative to learning how things that work work, and the submission and ego wound implicit in such learning : he's going to CREATE something that's BETTER.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1166 @ 0.00273862 = 3.1932 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: because being 15 is so very fresh, original and unpredictable.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 360 @ 0.00270232 = 0.9728 BTC [-] {4}
thickasthieves: "A pine tree planted in 2004 in a Los Angeles park in memory of former Beatle George Harrison has died after being infested by beetles."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 194 @ 0.00270006 = 0.5238 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard: Morning cazalla. We get complaints about that one every time it shows up << what's this all aboot ?
cazalla: mircea_popescu, price and address?
chetty: A U.S. appeals court has struck down subsidies for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act in states that use federal marketplaces to buy coverage.
mircea_popescu: cazalla BingoBoingo's my atc broker we'll need him to be here for both. do you mind ?
mircea_popescu: chetty wait, what trachery is this ? first govt cuts a deal with states then federal courts get it off the hook for its part of the deal ?
cazalla: sure np, 1:30am here though, i'll be back in the morning
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: if this was twitter I'd hashtag that with #delusional << is the tradefortress character pulling a goat ?
mircea_popescu: this business where one scams a buvncha people, lays low for half a year-ish etc was patented by goat. he did it like 3-4 times to date.
mircea_popescu: course many twerps tried since, kenna, klye, you name it.
pankkake: TF isn't claiming he's a Trusted Member yet, otherwise it's textbook goat
mircea_popescu: punkman: I'd rephrase that, WoT is an avenue where you do due dilligence. You trust MP enough, you can stop your search after getting the "go-ahead" from MP << for that matter mp can even say something like "o, forget it, if he's gypping you for 1.3 BTC I"M paying for it."
mircea_popescu: the breadth & width of deals and representations available is endless.
assbot: I'm Hoarding Bitcoins, and No You Can't Have Any | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
pankkake: eh, that's was on my mind. there are some people (they're not in the wot though) I would gladly cover for
mircea_popescu: pankkake it's actually an economically positive activity : you know and can evaluate the risk, so you're risking say 1% of 1.3 btc, or 1 bitcent.
mircea_popescu: the op however i GAINING a lot more from this than the cost to you.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 800 @ 0.00258108 = 2.0649 BTC [-] {22}
pankkake: they want to get offended, no matter what you do, they'll be offended
mircea_popescu: so it's one of those rare cases of money being made out of thin air.
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: it’s a glorious portrait of our dear leader bitstein, but dats racist
mircea_popescu: i love how buttcoiner is by now ambiguous. does it denote bitcoiners identified by one of that small group of vitriolic naysayers born out of me trolling SA, or does it denote one of that very group ?
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: yes, it’s a deep cover psyop run by the rothschilds and queen of england
assbot: What should I do? TradeFortress
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: He was asking 220, so I passed on it
pankkake: BingoBoingo: yes that's my source
cazalla: well you can counter offer, don't be timid
bitstein: I really don't appreciate how the Reddit community is judging me by the size of my nose, the length of my beard, and the wringing of my hands.
thickasthieves: bitstein have you considered plastic surgery and behavioral therapy?
pankkake: it's just bad faith, the article is praising hoarding which is the jew stereotype; the image is a popular meme; it's an obvious joke and anyone claiming to be offended is lying
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00081432 = 1.0586 BTC [+]
pankkake: that's why there is no reason to cater to that
mircea_popescu: pankkake they don't have to be lying. they could just be stupid. or you know, trained into superficial stupidity by a website dedicated to doing exactly that
BingoBoingo: cazalla: 1MPGRCrbib3aFGtTCLF5nADZcLEAgdTu7E post or pm address
assbot: Le happy merchant has a blast - YouTube
pankkake: they're lying, either to the world or to themselves
mircea_popescu: well actually, since i got all the internet jews collected here, prepare to BURN!!!
assbot: Shut up and sit down. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
bitstein: mircea_popsecu Only when I can get interest rates just high enough
cazalla: i'm 3% according to but it's cancelled out by 3% african i figure
assbot: Frank Zappa- Jewish Princess - YouTube
davout: pankkake: you rubbed the lamp?
thickasthieves: my ancient ancestors were jews i think, then they changed their names food and went to the azores or sumth
pankkake: davout: we're looking for jews
fluffypony: are we going to throw the Jew down the well?
pankkake: 23andme tells you how jew you are? that's awesome
davout: pankkake: i'm only jew during business hours sorry
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves given that by now your ancestry has covered half the world, i
benkay: no one expects the bitcoin inquisition
pankkake: I know I have a jewish antisemite ancestor, but I don't know how much jew is left
davout: cazalla: hah you did the 23andme thing
bitstein: princessnell is actually a conglomeration of 14000 people
fluffypony: bitstein: has she passed the Turing test?
mircea_popescu: princessnell> this is true. but they are still fun. << wait, wut ? you dare speak of like your sexual experience ? as a woman among men ? on the interwebs ?
mircea_popescu: A horny little Jewish Princess With a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma Lonely inside Well, she can swallow my pride
benkay: me, i like the shiksas
mircea_popescu: and he even mentions romanian thighs. which, yes... romanian chicks have the best thighs.
benkay: "how do they go, after the show..."
benkay: "all the way, that's the way they gooooo"
benkay: "all the way, and none of their mothers ever see-em to know"
benkay: princessnell: it's a setup for another zappa reference.
mircea_popescu: sits to the right of the father and advises on policy matters.
thickasthieves: me: "Learn how Bitcoin (mining difficulty) works before speaking about it."
benkay: satoshi is ancient aliens and the first saint is zappa?
thickasthieves: pando: @Bitcoin_Assets "If you're going to make a statement like that, you really should back it up by pointing out what I said wrong. Mining difficulty? Anyone with a PC can mine bitcoin. The amount that can be created per CPU cycle is arbitrarily set by an algorithm (sounds like fiat), and not the state, but it still has no intrinsic value, just like dollars. The value it fetches
thickasthieves: on the open market is irrelevant, as all currencies (evne a fiat currency) are subject to the market's whims."
mircea_popescu: i r nao decode fluffypony's hermetic speech. orange jews are what, manhattanites, because they overtan. and banana jews are jews pretending to be azn to get into stanford. pineapple jews however i dunno!
fluffypony: I was just quoting my wife, ze Germans can't say "juice" :-P
mircea_popescu: fluffypony btw, ever put her in tall campaign boots and with a cute little uniform ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00081616 = 6.6109 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: soo... i just found a wallet i had forgotten all about. like 20 btcv and change in there.
mircea_popescu: think : most people will live their entire lives without ever having such a fat wallet
assbot: (NEW WORKS) portraits, commissions, and original paintings by Maureen Gubia
mircea_popescu: o look at that! i've comisioned paintings that cost like 20% of the "most expensive bitcoin painting ever made". har har.
fluffypony: the coming revolution where he's left behind
thickasthieves: "Do you think that smart contracts won't work or that they won't be used? Could you recommend any research that supports your views?"
assbot: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Mission Statement - YouTube
mircea_popescu: especially the "hands draw as we sing" expansion of stephen fry's "text appears" trick
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves "would you mind talking to us in our terms so as to validate our self-perceived importance ty"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.81053432 BTC to 12`483 shares, 14504 satoshi per share
thickasthieves: First you ignore them, then you laugh at them, then they call you mean, then you win
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 16.24933044 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1413 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: so today is the sad day i have to sign paperwork for all the llcs and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: and the people here actually do signing, like fucking romanians.
mircea_popescu: i mean everyone gets as a kid this urge to write their name on things,
mircea_popescu: but i tell you by the time you're a decade or so in business that itch's well scratched.
assbot: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes - YouTube
fluffypony: yeah that's my favourite of his new songs so far
fluffypony: although the music video for Tacky is amazing
fluffypony: so hopefully the stuff he releases after this will be indie and not with a record company
mircea_popescu: he is the exact central case that benefits from a rec corp.
benkay: <mircea_popescu> bitbet. giving the bitcoin population the sort of graphs it wants to see. since 2012. // i want a shirt that has a bunch of zig-zaggy up-and-to-the-right arrows patterned across it
mircea_popescu: benkay so why you tellin me about it ? nubsy's the local master of bad drawings and well printed shirts.
benkay: nubbins` prints across the whole bolt and then makes shirts? nooz to me...
nubbins`: we don't sew, but i suppose an all-over print isn't out of the question
nubbins`: i'm not even sure this is the right bus
thickasthieves: I'm gonna visit Seattle and Portland, in case anyone has any recommendations/warnings for things
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves walk with your back against the wall in seattle. nuff said.
benkay: thickasthieves: beers?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 299 @ 0.00250534 = 0.7491 BTC [-] {11}
mircea_popescu: you know upon reflection, the ' " convention has to be the most stupid thing ever invented. on top of the inch/feet thing in the first place, obviously.
mircea_popescu: imagine all the bills of goods that had either a small smidgeon added or removed by accident
mircea_popescu: resulting in various disproportionate items delivered to unsuspecting merchants.
mircea_popescu: I SAID MY PENIS STATUE SHOULD BE 12 inches not 12 feet!!1
pankkake: I never know which it which. maybe " is feet because it's bigger?
pankkake: no, it's not. of course it's not
FabianB: use the metric system, [√] fixed
thickasthieves: itd be funny if this was a major reason why US is bad at math, fukt measurements
chetty: math is easier with metric but if you grew up using feet and inches its hard to visualize amounts
assbot: Undocumented iOS functions allow monitoring of personal data, expert says | Ars Technica
assbot: AddThis - Get likes, get shares, get followers
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1611 @ 0.00081596 = 1.3145 BTC [-]
benkay: expert system, i lol'd
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 621.43, Best ask: 623.88, Bid-ask spread: 2.45000, Last trade: 624.4, 24 hour volume: 3366.37636030, 24 hour low: 617.18, 24 hour high: 624.99, 24 hour vwap: 622.530252055
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 529 @ 0.00250792 = 1.3267 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00081596 = 5.7933 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 45 @ 0.01379995 = 0.621 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 54 @ 0.0139999 = 0.756 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 66 @ 0.01437877 = 0.949 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 336 @ 0.00263689 = 0.886 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 506 @ 0.00263864 = 1.3352 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Well find a new earth within 20 years | Around the World with Ken Ham
assbot: Exodus Intelligence Details Zero-Day Vulnerabilities In Tails OS - Slashdot
assbot: Wheels of Fortune - The New Yorker
nubbins`: i guess the current system works well enough for the vendors, otherwise you'd see this
assbot: Talk on cracking Internet anonymity service Tor withdrawn from conference| Reuters
Mats_cd03: today, i learned Windows will never use the first mb of physical memory for anything, because buggy firmware corrupts it so often
Mats_cd03: and, there is an ACPI table exclusively for telling Windows not to apply fixes for buggy hardware because its in a VM, and VMM emulation of the hardware doesn't include said bugs.
☟︎☟︎ thickasthieves: local redneck on facebook: "I am offering free bungee jumping to all Muslims - no strings attached."
chetty: thickasthieves, uhoh now I have a coffeed keyboard
assbot: FAA temporarily halts all US flights to Israel | The Verge
thickasthieves: that's one way to get people outta your airspace for a while
gribble: Error: "laser" is not a valid command.
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
gribble: Error: "laser" is not a valid command.
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 210 Ask: 237 Last Price: 210 24h-Vol: 59k High: 211 Low: 210 VWAP: 210
assbot: iOS_Backdoors_Attack_Points_Surveillance_Mechanisms.pdf (PDFy mirror) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Mats_cd03: man, The Rootkit Arsenal is really good
thickasthieves: Florida Power and Light powers the state using mostly natural gas. Out of all the energy FPL provides, only 0.06 percent comes from solar energy.
thickasthieves: “We’re not doing as bad as people think we are,” says Martinez. “But I think we’ll have an opportunity to advance as the price continues to come down.”
thickasthieves: “I think in the state of Florida our challenge is the amount of rainfall and the amount of cloud coverage we have,” says Martinez. “Obviously Florida has good potential. It’s not great potential.”
Mats_cd03: i don't know anything about physics or solar panels. is there some kind of limited power generation even under cloud cover? UV is what made me consider this
assbot: Ed Sheeran - Don't [Official Audio] - YouTube
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: I think clouds are temporary except up in Benkay land
thickasthieves: yeah i only learned recently that I get more rain than seattle
thickasthieves: which is disappointing cuz i like rain and I am unsatisfied
mike_c: that is a common and misleading yardstick
mike_c: because it generally means inches of rain, not days of rain
mike_c: and seattle just drizzles at you every day of the year.
assbot: Ed Sheeran - Don't [Official Audio] - YouTube
assbot: Schoolboy Q - The Purge / Rapfix Cypher (20syl Remix) - YouTube
benkay: thickasthieves, BingoBoingo: best solar is soy oil
assbot: How We All Got Trolled Matter Medium
thickasthieves: "The federal judge that presided over my case is not an African-American. She is a nigger."
thickasthieves: "Dude, they called you elfin, when you are very clearly a satyr." lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00081327 = 5.7742 BTC [-]
assbot: Debunking Kipochi, Mpesa & Bitcoin in East Africa - CoinBrief
thickasthieves: <+mike_c> and seattle just drizzles at you every day of the year. /// so i will fly there and settle this once and for all!
mike_c: now is actually the time to go. it actually only rains nine months a year. summers are beautiful.
thickasthieves: well shit itll be a month before i go, but i want teh rainz
thickasthieves: my wife wants to look at trees n stuff though, so i guess good weather is for the best
mike_c: well, the only rainforest in america is right there, so you could both have your wish
danielpbarron got banned from #bitcoin again; gmaxwell is a dick.
assbot: The Joel on Software Discussion Group (CLOSED) - Why I Hate Frameworks
danielpbarron: thickasthieves, meh sorta; I linked to the log in my rating for him
jurov: <gmaxwell> danielpbarron: owner of mpex is unsafe to do business with, he does things like put surprising terms in the fine print of his contracts and then gloats about how you deserved to get ripped off and what a moron you are when you get caught out.
jurov: last sentence before kick
mike_c: hm. "suprising" to whom?
BingoBoingo: Mircea generally writes on the interwebs so you can always zoom his text to any size you like
danielpbarron: good thing the devs have their chat rooms to lord over; they don't really control much of anything else
BingoBoingo: ;;rate danielpbarron Religious thinker, Meat dealer
gribble: Error: 'Religious' is not a valid integer.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate danielpbarron 3 Religious thinker, Meat dealer
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user danielpbarron has changed from 2 to 3.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, you rate people well and did indeed deliver ~20 million meat
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, that's why the most important part of reading a WoT is asking a rater about their ratings
BingoBoingo: Bitcore, BitPays open-source javascript bitcoin library, now uses Fedor Indutnys highly optimized cryptography in the browser, which leads to significant speed improvements and an improved user experience for applications built with Bitcore. << Shit's prolly being optimized out
assbot: Bitcore 3000 is Three Times Faster for Bitcoin on the Web | The BitPay Blog
jurov: lose yer coins 3x faster!!!
mircea_popescu: <thickasthieves> 12 inches is a foot? 3' a yard? wtf is going on here?
mircea_popescu: ^ my fav exercise is, "calculate the pound weight of a cubic mile of water"
assbot: Well find a new earth within 20 years | Around the World with Ken Ham
danielpbarron: ken ham is a false teacher that leads many to hell
mircea_popescu: A Black Hat spokeswoman told Reuters that the talk had been canceled at the request of lawyers for Carnegie-Mellon University, where the speakers work as researchers. <<< this is why scientists of today are in no sense the scientists of 1914, and even less the scientists of 1814.
mircea_popescu: the notion that the current crop has any sort of moral or ethical weight is quite perilous.
gribble: You rated user gmaxwell on Sun Apr 8 12:54:19 2012, with a rating of -10, and supplied these additional notes: hypocritical idiot..
mircea_popescu: anyway, what specific gloating is this in reference to ?
mircea_popescu: i gloat over fat fucks being predictably stupid, not over the deck being stacked against them.
thickasthieves: "Another benefit to Tacocoin is its active community. Tacocoin was started on reddit, with the sole intent of having fun. The coin has no premine, and steady growth, because our community values trust and fun, not getting rich quick."
assbot: Britain just decriminalised online game piracy | VG247
mircea_popescu: but this entire "doge got killed for beign stupid so we're going to do it once again because we really are that dumb" thing...
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well in that article space isn't important, because aliens go to hell
mircea_popescu: "Starting in 2015, persistent file-sharers will be sent four warning letters explaining their actions are illegal, but if the notes are ignored no further action will be taken." doh.
thickasthieves: there was that 5 strikes thing or whatever but i never heard of anyone losing their web access
thickasthieves: "I am a fan of making volume obsolete as an indicator" ~bitcoin trader
assbot: The Joel on Software Discussion Group (CLOSED) - Why I Hate Frameworks
BingoBoingo: "People interested in acquiring ether to build and distribute decentralized applications, or to pay for their usage, are able to do so in the Genesis Sale using bitcoin, thereby locking-in their supply at a known price. This sale will help us fund the continued development of the software platform, scheduled for release in the winter of 2014/2015." << Preorder on a BFL window. Thing could waterialize winter 2014 or winter 2015
Pierre_Rochard: BingoBoingo: my favorite part “This document is not a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction.”
Pierre_Rochard: wonder if they’ll respond like mircea_popescu did when the SEC comes knocking…
BingoBoingo: Pierre_Rochard: Even though by simply the way things are they seems to like BFL be actually selling equity rather than product.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hardly an argument pro carnegie melon, that.
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard too many people want to appear mp without putting in the work to actually be mp, nor fronting the risk etc.
thickasthieves: who actually wants these smart contracts anyway? i dont get who ethereum is providing for
mircea_popescu: how about not accept funding for bureaucrats because there's no funds in bureaucrat hands ?
mircea_popescu: and all the social media feminists can spend their time writing things on tits.
BingoBoingo: If ethereum manages to ship this winter I doubt it's market cap will survive at a size greater than ATC's through April next year
mircea_popescu: you can buy ethereum coins for half what they charge, deliverable jan 15th 2015.
mircea_popescu: i guess i can make a 3 month future too, if enough demand.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well atm during their pre-sale they price their coins off of a timer, with 1 BTC buying less coins as the timer increments. Haven't seen the details.
thickasthieves: itd at least be a fun way to piss them off and fuck up their ipo a bit
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo fuck them, whatever they ask for is too much.
thickasthieves: lol why does their home page give away desktop backgrounds? wtf
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course. K sale ends in roughly 41-42 days, in just under two weeks their offering goes from 2000 per BTC to 1970 per BTC (fucking hippies)
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" for 1 BTC.
☟︎ gribble: Error: 'for' is not a valid price input.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" 1 BTC.
gribble: #21133 Tue Jul 22 18:53:45 2014 mircea_popescu SELL 5000.0 ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014 @ 1 BTC. (None)
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014" 1 BTC "Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch."
gribble: #21134 Tue Jul 22 18:54:18 2014 mircea_popescu SELL 5000.0 ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2014 @ 1 BTC (Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch.)
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo or whoever has a reddit acct : put that loglink in ?
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 5000 "ethereum coins deliverable March 15th, 2015" 1 BTC "Up to 1k BTC's worth accepted. Get in touch."
gribble: #21131 Tue Jul 22 18:01:45 2014 DoctorBTC SELL 1.0 OTC Handholding @ 0.1 BTC (I'll gently guide you through registering and authing with gribble)
DoctorBTC: logs get all filled up watching people explain...
assbot: Mircea Popescu offers a short of Etherium coins up to 1 KiloBTC's worth at 5000 per BTC deliverable in 2015 : CryptoCurrency
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo so now, elementary economic theory : if one actually WANTS ethereum coins, they'll buy from me.
mircea_popescu: watch how nobody does, and then watch the ethereum people lie about how they sold however many.
thickasthieves: mine said "Eccentric European Eviscerates Ethereum's Ether "
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: You forget the mp eats babies crowd and "momentum traders" who want to flip the thing right away
mircea_popescu: supposedly there's "investors" involved in these crummy shits.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I like to think of them as Patrons of the Derps
assbot: Doge just got dumped. : dogecoin
assbot: - dogecoin value charts btc/doge
BingoBoingo: If you simply look at the chart of buy vs sell orders, it can be intuitive to say that some whale decided to cash out.
BingoBoingo: Once more, as a reminder, we need to create a reason for people to want to buy in into Dogecoin, and for whales to hold their stash.
BingoBoingo: Posting memes and jokes won't do. We have the community, and we have the social media reach. What we don't have is a service or good which is unique to Doge which offers such an incentive to use the currency that Fiat will not dare pee on our post."
thickasthieves: "What we don't have is a service or good which is unique to Doge which offers such an incentive to use the currency that Fiat will not dare pee on our post." full circle
assbot: Altcoins That Are Currently In Community Takeover
mircea_popescu: "we have the community, it just so happens to be a community of worthless retards. o noes!"
mircea_popescu: must suck, you know, to be one of these fucktards, earnestly believing that everyone's equal and groups are great,
mircea_popescu: finding yourself confronted with the sad reality that people aren't equal and groups suck.
mircea_popescu: course they won't notice. anything to avoid that ego wound. but still...
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 665597.03 in 1508 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -3.14
mircea_popescu: well mike_c wanted stabilisation so i guess mike_c gets stabilisation.
BingoBoingo: ;;8ball how much does a petahash of mining hardware sell for anyways
mike_c: and yes, when mike_c wants something.. it happens :D
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000000 "Doge coins deliverable 3 or 6 months" 3 BTC "Or less, negotiable by volume and interval. Looking to carry a few billion."
assbot: Page not found | The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
gribble: Error: 'Altcoin' is not a valid price input.
assbot: Page not found | The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves BingoBoingo's reddit seems to stick, maybe you're shadowbanned ?
gribble: Error: "getrust" is not a valid command.
assbot: How We All Got Trolled Matter Medium
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves sellout! we're building this great community with memes and whatnot and all you wanna do is sell out for btc ?!?!?!
cazalla: ;;rate BingoBoingo 1 small ATC trade for BTC
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BingoBoingo has been recorded.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cazalla has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I think the applicable term to describe weev is "fall guy" or "meat shield"
assbot: Frank Zappa Interview (MTV, 1984) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: bitstein re your hoarders article, you familiar with the power/fetish of power exchange and all that jazz ?
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: any reading suggestions on that subject?
assbot: The battlefield of the future pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
FoOdies: I can't believe I took 10 minutes of my precious life to read about some mentally retarded homophobic racist conspiracy nutjob hacker
FoOdies: thanks obama ( mircea_popescu )
mircea_popescu: a fine excerpt is in there. ballas does a great job of doing the psychiatric basics of it
mircea_popescu: FoOdies arguably the life of one who's never heard of weev isn't that precious.
BigBitz: mircea_popescu: BattleField Hardline. I was just making a funny.
mircea_popescu: but anyway. culture is much like ash in the ashtray : the leftovers of all your nights wasted reading stupid shit.
FoOdies: why would I need to read about other retards' mishaps when I have a first have experience with fbi+mi5+sri
FoOdies: true but I doubt people who've been to an interrecial intersex interspecies orgy are interested in reading any porn
bitstein: mircea_popescu: Oh yes! I need to re-read it, but that was a great TLP article.
BigBitz: with mircea_popescu you never /really/ know what he meant.
mircea_popescu: BigBitz im in touch with my feminine side, you chauvinist pigglet.
mircea_popescu: bitstein basically the idea is that a whole generation of mutton has been raised to abhor actual power, and to readily insist it must be traded in for power tokens.
FoOdies: the cells of the central arrest near casa poporului are very enlightening you know
mircea_popescu: this is why they keep insisting on the bitcoin merchant dead meme,
BingoBoingo: <FoOdies> true but I doubt people who've been to an interrecial intersex interspecies orgy are interested in reading any porn << if only you knew what a hassel these things are to set up...
FoOdies: god damn it don't I know it
mircea_popescu: ;;google interrecial intersex interspecies orgy
FoOdies: and the mess you have to clean up afterwards
bitstein: <+mircea_popescu> this is why they keep insisting on the bitcoin merchant dead meme, << you mean the idea that merchants matter?
BingoBoingo: FoOdies: Mess is why you go to the Goat's house
mircea_popescu: bitstein well the idea that in order for bitcoin to have value, it must be traded out of your hand.
mircea_popescu: ie, they're firm in the notion that nothing in their hand can be of value. a sort of reverse-midas mentality.
mircea_popescu: shitheads convinced everything in their hands turns to shit
mircea_popescu: bitstein it's not just money, either. consider my earlier quoted piece about how "you can't police other people's oppression".
bitstein: Pierre_Rochard has referred to Bitcoin as an example of Coase theorem. Bitcoin can be allocated however... it will fall out of the hands of the stupid.
mircea_popescu: and it's really universal. i was out one night here, and a bum (there's tons of bums in buenos aires, they have matresses in the street and whatnot) started howling. like 3 am.
FoOdies: mircea_popescu the day bitcoin is no longer paired against fiat is the day bitcoin has reached it's purpose
mircea_popescu: find the us guy that wil tell a bum what to do, how to speak and so on.
FoOdies: until then it's just an unregulated trading asset
mircea_popescu: "o, could never do that". well ? why not ? whoi's to tell the bums how to behave ? who's to tell children what to do, when and how ?
assbot: 170-Foot Ketchup Bottle for Sale in Illinois - ABC News
FoOdies: I like this place, it's all kinds of weird
FoOdies: I'll consider a shpaga when I meet you
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 429 @ 0.00273 = 1.1712 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Pretty sure that catsup bottle can be dressed up as an MPEx dildo
bitstein: Somewhat related, I'm working on an article about how merchants are just scammers trying to swindle you out of your bitcoins.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it being ill, they'll prolly shoot someone with it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Other side of the state. A few hundred miles from Chiraq
bitstein: Yes, that's the hyperbolic summary.
bitstein: I'll pass on a draft later on. I have school in the way right now.
gribble: #21114 Sun Jul 20 00:20:35 2014 BTCminers SELL 1.0 Spin Wheel – wheel Script for any crypto coin + Installing @ 0.1 BTC (Escrow Accepted)
assbot: Brenda Ann Kenneally documents life below the poverty line in Troy, York in her documentary project, Upstate Girls.