580 entries in 0.906s
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-03-2015#1063191 << prolly should read http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-make-money-on-the-internet-while-pretending-you-know-what-youre-talking-about-and-accumulating-a-legion-of-mindless-followers-for-fun-and-profit/ and work the examples out by hand. ☝︎
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-03-2015#1050906 < having the evaluator|compiler available at compil|evaluation time vs asking it to (eval (read (http-request "wack"))) ☝︎
asciilifeform: ecstaticpessimst: best way to get a feel is to read the log, published on www, log.bitcoin-assets.com
danielpbarron: now your task is to read the log for at least 6 months
nubbins`: if that doesn't encourage log readers to actually read and absorb the fuckin patches
felipelalli: wayne: the rule here is: read the full log and back next year. We'll wait.
decimation: if you go to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com in your browser you can read the past logs of this channel - it is recommended reading
mircea_popescu: whaack: anyways I came here to ask if you guys have btc entrepreneurial ideas that you think are good but just don't have time to get around to << jobs pop up occasionally. you have to read the log to have a chance at them. this is intentional.
ben_vulpes: beetcoin: one can either read the forums, or the log. not both.
danielpbarron: the_scourge, have you been told to read the log yet?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you ever read that crooked timber tyhing about the bezzle was in log yest ?
mircea_popescu: if oyu carefully read the log, you'll see a couple explicitly exposed tho.
mircea_popescu: read the log thread in question tho, it's instructive. about how the point is to have code signed for having been read.
mircea_popescu: anyway, go read the log, come back in half year or thereabouts.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_modem> that or he read the log and picked the parts he liked << i dunno where i stole it from tbh.
ascii_modem: that or he read the log and picked the parts he liked
Adlai is exponentially more likely to have read a log entry, according to the shortest path from the present moment back in time to the target entry, where b-a.com links are weighted roughly the same as simply reading backwards
mircea_popescu: read the log. http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> and you can wget and not worry about line endings << somebody's not read the log :D
mircea_popescu: shit listen, i'm not yet done with the day's log, gotta read it in order or else errors.
mircea_popescu: thing of it the good way : that much less log to read.
mircea_popescu: I READ THE LOG!!!
moiety: Vexual: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-08-2014#797523 i read the logs :P ☝︎
xinxi: i read the log
mircea_popescu: your best move is to actually read the log, not like people don't get things to do all the time, that's actually worth doing
mircea_popescu: well you can readily fix that, read the log.
mircea_popescu: attention backwards of the future : log this read!
thickasthieves: attention people of the future, read this log backwards!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: read log ? << lol what you seriously negged the guy ?
mircea_popescu: anyone bored enough to extract the footnote in question from chapter 17, lemmeknow. i got a log to read.
mircea_popescu: Rassah well, i linked you to the log. thing is, this right here is the hot core of btc. you will have to simply read the logs.
Azelphur: anyway shall munch my pizza then read through the log :)
mike_c: you made me spit out my coffee the other day when i read the log about your ichimo cloud
benkay: o wait i read that in the log!
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell Ssateneth: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-06-2014#717939 << maybe read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ sometime. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: mdev: makes it hard to sell them, considering their increased value over time << this is the point where it stfus and goes read the log for the rest of 2014.
mircea_popescu: davout tis in the log you know. jus' read it!
mike_c: except the aliens that read the log
kakobrekla: the log pft. ill remove it just so i dont have to read it.
mod6: ive used my screen+irssi via connectbot on my phone a bunch. works for reading stuff, but not so great for conversing. better to just read the log instead.
Duffer1: remind me to read tomorrows log, I fear I may sleep through the great selloff
ThickAsThieves: a buncha a links is only arguably better than 'go read the log'
mircea_popescu: jesus new guy trying to read the log.
mircea_popescu: i put stuff from the forum in here, read it destupidified in log
nubbins`: "i pasted a bunch of lines out of context in the forums, didn't link to the log, or even bother putting it inside a quote block. this guarantees that not only will nobody read it, but nobody who does can even verify its authenticity. i think you should pay me."
mircea_popescu: and now i shall proceed to read the log, so allow me to spam you all even more!
mircea_popescu: stompysteve read the log will you.
mircea_popescu: skinnkavaj didja read the log ?
ThickAsThieves: pull the log and read it again if you want re-experience it
mircea_popescu: who ? do you even read the log!
balulasch_: just read a lot of the channels log aswell
nubbins`: read the log D;
MisterE: but I'll read the log give me a few
mircea_popescu: o look decimation had it before me :D sorry, hadn't read the entire log.
mircea_popescu: so now that we understand ourselves, get in the wot, stfu and read the log for a while, then we can talk again.
mircea_popescu: more importantly, you aren't at liberty to ignore the recommendations i make. re-read the log, they're there.
mircea_popescu: omg ppls read the log.
mircea_popescu: read the log
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids you know you gotta read the log before linking stuff
decimation: Interesting. I must log now, but I will read through this in the future.
mircea_popescu: pankkake you need to re-read the log earlier.
BingoBoingo: There is an Alphabet Soup Agency Agent right now reading all of Bitcointalk's posts and being pissed that the guy in the neighboring cubicle gets to instead just read the -assets log and follow any linked content.
pankkake: mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2013#411741 that might be it, if you're willing to read the whole day I guess ☝︎
dub: you linking or do I need ot read the whole log :)
benkay: well gosh snackman read the log for the past 10 days then you might have a clue as to the references
unbalanced: Have to bolt, will read the log later on.
lyspooner: should i read the log or did you just make fun of him?
mircea_popescu: also, people, you have ruined my fucking life. I go spend half a day in my dungeon knee deep in blossoming adolescent pussy, come back, read the log and regret i missed out on all the fun.
mircea_popescu: a link in the thread of gold made me re-read the log here.
Urushiol: so I read the log. and no, it hasn't really been discussed to death. at least not in the log buffer I have back 3 hours ago.
mircea_popescu: holy shit i read the entire log
mircea_popescu: some people spend some bitcents and read all of trilema. some people buy some coffeee and read the log of this chan
benkay: i read the log
jurov: hi davout, read the log. apparently raid issue
mircea_popescu: scrat will read the log later and be all omfg i didn't regfister it
smickles: tiberiusiv: what's your point about price discovery and gox? I think i missed it and i don't want to read the log
Luceo: I suggest any doubters read the IRC log
mircea_popescu: sigh. PAPASO, we went through all of this. read the log, please.
smickles: reading the log, i feel like i read "bullshit, there arn't bitcoin asset brokers. Name 3" <community then names 3 easily
DeaDTerra: let me read the log