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phf: (speaking of common lisp. asdf the system dependency tool turned from 30k in version 1 into a asdf/uiop 900k monster in version 2. in a systemd move took over most of the compatability packages and is now present ~in every single lisp distribution~. with the did accomplished, Fare posts the following
http://fare.livejournal.com/188429.html )
phf: unrelatedly, someone ported franz's clim2 to ccl, but instead of using ffi to motif backend, they used an original generas clx backend, that is still there. the result is ugly, broken on mac's x11, but works, and potentially could be improved and optimized by interested parties.
http://glyf.org/screenshots/clim2-clx.png phf:
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170120/#295 << i can also just expose a heartbeat endpoint (or even a udp port) that scriba can check at interval. can also have a heartbeat pm. a111 gets a PING message from scriba, responds with PONG
phf: typically people recommend
http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and it's a sort of "rails for beginners" kind of book, but i think best cl option is
http://www.norvig.com/paip.html. norvig's paradigms of artificial intelligence programming. it's not so much about "ai", but about some very useful symbolic algorithms, written in ~very elegant~ lisp code
phf: just to clarify it doesn't use ctypes, it's using the old
https://docs.python.org/2/extending/extending.html api. which i suspect is faster, since you're constructing python objects immediately, rather than across the ffi boundry the way ctypes/CFFI would have to naturally do it
phf: ben_vulpes: that's sop now. i sort of go for interviewes every month or so to see what's out there, etc. and the past two years i had a lot of
http://collabedit.com screenings