600+ entries in 0.67s
shinohai: --------{---(@ <<< My condolences mod6 http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-13#1643247 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (the link is particularly funny for the amounts. when it comes to turkey dollars, usg is really poor. 40k here, 10k there, 5k overages accounted for --- a far cry from the "we lost one trillion dollars in 100 bills that never existed" dept of war fare.)
BenBE: And I did not say I'd fully trust it --- far too little actual audit work done.
mircea_popescu: for the other --- THERE IS NO REASON FOR BITMAPERIZWER TO TALK BACK!!11
asciilifeform: we have the improper treatment, where the thing gets -------'d
asciilifeform: --- but as a british d00d in 1890s!!
asciilifeform: 'you bring bigger scissors --- we bring bigger rock'
asciilifeform: i can see how the spreading worx, mircea_popescu --- but how does the eating work
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu has mega-point --- you CAN make range-checked (at least for upper bound of range not exceeding the native fixint size by more than factor of 2) behaviour on x86
asciilifeform: and the 'doctor, it hurts when i do that! --- so stop doing that!' option is NOT available, as bitcoin's protocol mandates a 'compactsize' variable-bitness integer idiocy that maxes out at unsigned 64bit. ( see http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/serialize.h?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option#0192 ) .
Framedragger: ----------
asciilifeform: the folx makin' these things --- thought things through, yes.
mircea_popescu: the --- / +++ version is infinitely more readable.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-30 20:16 asciilifeform: theoretically a 'will go in node xxxxxxx --- yyyyyyy inclusive or NEVER' field in tx, would have been sane. but it is too late, this is not in bitcoin.
asciilifeform: theoretically a 'will go in node xxxxxxx --- yyyyyyy inclusive or NEVER' field in tx, would have been sane. but it is too late, this is not in bitcoin. ☟︎
phf: patch/diff lets you have a patch with --- foo +++ bar in which case it seems to ~check if foo exists, then try and press against foo, otherwise press against bar~
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:46 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-29#1592904 << i just pasted diff so that i didn't have to do two lines :} corresponding +++ --- lines are
asciilifeform: if there's a forbidden char or string --- that is called magic.
phf: --- /Users/pf/cmucl20d-build/src/hemlock/XKeysymDB fd8e6454cb410b82d1aeabc2b91c1
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:32 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1591573 << the diff line is distinct from the --- / +++ lines, does one ever see a patch file where the files compared aren't prefixed with a/ or b/ ?
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-29#1592904 << i just pasted diff so that i didn't have to do two lines :} corresponding +++ --- lines are ☝︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1591573 << the diff line is distinct from the --- / +++ lines, does one ever see a patch file where the files compared aren't prefixed with a/ or b/ ? ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: --- a/foo.txt 74e20d520ba4ecfdb59d98ac213deccecf591c9c6bfc5996ac158ab6facd6611cce7dd22120b63ebe9217f159506f352ce0ee6c0c2a1d200841ae21635dc5f9a
asciilifeform: --- a/foo.txt 53fedeea28a5b6608b422f90f8c28e97c4604d6da5c18b8167b10c994166d8f0b47cd07bca8a6e4e53b6a961bef75f494c70e97437b7afd2d69c4110d7c06575
asciilifeform: --- a/foo.txt 846fdfb9d99724efbc97b1d2b519a221df9724dec3375c54913c1853af221c8e5ad5b5b8c38fffe4b654066071eafd8194fe7b86faa5fbadfbf1c5b872e81410
asciilifeform: note the '--- a/foo.txt false'.
asciilifeform: --- a/foo.txt false
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/net.cpp c67fdd55e9d9d6b4973122b76729d7e83a456a8dc410f1c130cffbfd9f626c47ca7e8006bde912d9e0bd0a4b8457e895270d4a0efd22c4a199cd52ffd95b10dd
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/net.cpp false
asciilifeform: --- a/foo.txt 846fdfb9d99724efbc97b1d2b519a221df9724dec3375c54913c1853af221c8e5ad5b5b8c38fffe4b654066071eafd8194fe7b86faa5fbadfbf1c5b872e81410
asciilifeform: if i want to know where tx # .... is --- let's have it.
asciilifeform: say we drill'em and -----
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ---- except that i can't because apparently we have 0 working infrastructure for actually releasing v code << i disagree with this. what we have, and trb isn't the only one who's done this, is; you make a mirror, and then v.pl deals with this. you grab all the vpatches you want, and the sigs from people you trust, and you place them in v, then you do what you wanna do.
asciilifeform: ---- except that i can't because apparently we have 0 working infrastructure for actually releasing v code
asciilifeform: microscope --- bestest hammer.
asciilifeform: why --- only satan knows
asciilifeform: the second --- not
asciilifeform: i have '---' in there. it will FUCKING STAY '---'.
mircea_popescu: ie, the reason koch-gpg-clearsing worked ok for us for a long time is that while flawed as alf correctly (and repeatedly for a year now) points out, nevertheless its hole falls atop a hole of v, namely that it doesn't do "-----"
mircea_popescu: in principle we should just make it the whole story, "----- BEGIN FUCKAGE -----"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in principle, but it will work exactly until next time binhex shits out a file with '----' insiden !
mircea_popescu: so it DOESN'T do - - for ONE -, but only for five -----
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform : as a palleative : could we actually just fucking edit koch-rsa so that "----" rather than "-" becomes a symbol and deploy this on deedbot ?
phf: mircea_popescu: i mean vpatch's own --- +++
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 18:46 asciilifeform: btw for folx who are thick as a brick i will point out, that i SPECIFICALLY DO NOT WANT vdiff's '---' turned by idiot koch liquishit into '- ---'
asciilifeform: btw for folx who are thick as a brick i will point out, that i SPECIFICALLY DO NOT WANT vdiff's '---' turned by idiot koch liquishit into '- ---' ☟︎
asciilifeform: if you have a massive project that nobody computes ROI on, and folks throw rotten eggs at anyone who suggests doing so --- pyramid.
asciilifeform: actually i worked once in certain place where we had dozens of 10g portz --- but there was a logical reason
EDLionX: !!register ----
asciilifeform: now this --- yes.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-28 20:37 asciilifeform: history post-rome requires --- horrors! --- languages
asciilifeform: (a classical 'dumbphone', matchbox-sized thing, with actual buttons and --- strangely alone in ENTIRE class of dumbphone other than it - whitelist ringer)
mod6: asciilifeform: your sig verifies, mine does not, unless you remove the '- ' infront of the '------' lines
asciilifeform: and these --- matter.
jurov: ---
asciilifeform: history post-rome requires --- horrors! --- languages ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'What’s more, exploit code requires an attacker to program in the arcane 6502 language designed for the NES processor, relying on the way the virtualized 6502 processor translates this code to deliver malicious instructions.' << cpu produced in greatest number in all of history of semiconductor --- 'arcane' ?!
asciilifeform: but to go upstack --- i see, e.g., this, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Quicksort_DRAKON.png , and have nfi how the thing wins.
asciilifeform: for the ancient vehicle aficionados --- http://www.worksperfect.com .
asciilifeform: graphic systems for government agencies. In the NIST "Report on Pairing-based Cryptography" issued in February 2015, they state....' --- snore
asciilifeform: or --- http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgfp/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7 << using the longfp.
asciilifeform: doesn't their lim($marketvalue - $costofdopehabit) ---> -inf as t--->+inf though ?
asciilifeform: if somebody would like to recommend some proggy for speaking to serial ports that 1) isn't gnu screen 2) doesn't shit all over the living room precisely like gnu screen 3) doesn't have 'gui' --- i'm all ears.
mod6: -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
anond: 1º line: "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
anond: the header is "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
phf: so my v based deployment had a hack, vpatch by diff artifact has a prelude section, that you can put whatever in. it's basically space before the first --- line
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: every time some dude goes 'i could try and spend 20yr and maybe come up with a sane basis for crypto --- or there's that bottle of whisky. and it looks moar like a deal' hitler wins.
alice_: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.55 Comment: https://keybase.io/crypto xsFNBFevnesBEAC90aLfcq+wrWVKGcQWUd+NmB/0kK7OONd0Tg2OUgfHE2RtZSzG mqgsiAmyPsz+R6B3VwkMd3pBiuAZ8IN/jf0px+iikmo0vvWemsnVTUM0mtyoFecy /qyj1+mwjLrzR7UMDP8789JBwxecY+1fS6k4BQio3gGvmqzGr76sAjTZlIbkPs80 Nr502+QhvfOSjnjFTfQkXrzjrssjJp+jEH0OdkC/UT7H0lCWy957UPklwXlEPnu/ KQbcDoV2HWSEG0hW3Ig7+4qC03Bp0W9Z9lRTYZVIbTnDLJ+z4/J1fMu1EnmZkEKQ aH0SCtgI
asciilifeform: in epic spam noose, 'HONR378Q Honors Seminar: Islamic Radicalization Drivers of Youth in the United States and Afghanistan Omar Samad, former Afghanistan Ambassador to France. This is a Global Classroom seminar: Using teleconferencing technology UMD Honors students will be conducting research with their Afghan peers at the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul.' --- then, 24 hrs later,
asciilifeform: same .vpatch.sig, vpatch, key --- what does gpg from command line output ?
mod6: <asciilifeform> imho 'vdiff' ought to zap 'minus' changes in cases where an entire file turns 'FALSE' (absent) - they take up space for no reason, given as we display a hash in the --- entry. what do you think ? << ah... ok. let me think about the impact of such a change here.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 imho 'vdiff' ought to zap 'minus' changes in cases where an entire file turns 'FALSE' (absent) - they take up space for no reason, given as we display a hash in the --- entry. what do you think ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al: test result: substitution of 511, 512, 1024, 2047, 2048, 3071, 3072, 4095, 4096, 8191, 8192 --- for the 1023 - yields no further divisors...
asciilifeform: we are here <---
Framedragger: -[--->+<]>-------.-[--->+<]>.+++++.[---->+<]>+++.-[--->++<]>--.-------.--[--->+<]>---.--------------.-.++++++++++++.+++.-------------.--[--->+<]>-.+[->+++<]>++.+++++++++.+.++++++.++[->+++<]>++.+.----[->+++<]>.------------.[->+++<]>+.+++++++++++.------.[--->+<]>-.
asciilifeform: ^^ -----> say hello to new ethercrapcoin
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu 815.614s (1679650 mods ---> 205 phuctored) but not posted to db yet, this was test.
mircea_popescu: have the decency to say -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- uniformly and be done with it. or ECC or w/e the fuck it is, CrS
mircea_popescu: ssh header is for absolutely no reason ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- ie four dashes and a space instead of five dashes, and wtf is a "ssh2" key anyway.
assbot: Logged on 17-03-2016 22:12:05; asciilifeform: the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword.
asciilifeform: and especially so are the - ----- idiocies.
asciilifeform: the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( he took it out in http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=927f34603d942868af6a7bd0f347681bbad76a94 --- and then put back !! )
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
assbot: Carlos O'Donell - [PATCH] CVE-2015-7547 --- glibc getaddrinfo() stack-based buffer overflo ... ( http://bit.ly/1LrHMwR )
jurov: actually, that's logical conclusion of what you want. instead of "teh stupid +++ --- stuff" make c++ parser, apply a transform and generate code
asciilifeform: all i ask for is that vtron be able to specify arbitrary transformations, e.g., 'replace every letter a with b', rather than the +++/--- imbecility.
asciilifeform: we have this atrocity because gnudiff is incapable of renaming a directory without MORONICALLY --- -ing EVERY FUCKING LINE of every file and +++ -ing it in again
thestringpuller: "yay lets work for this bitcoin company" ---- 5 months later ----> "oh no I got laid off!"
assbot: Carlos O'Donell - [PATCH] CVE-2015-7547 --- glibc getaddrinfo() stack-based buffer overflo ... ( http://bit.ly/1LrHMwR )
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 92038390413f77b55e19439738e87c21bd5b2313dc6edad78bcc8bf722dde82623a31a56a87b0182e75e6824fc709dc216fb9cb159b49a16e212e3a5ded93f58
phf: as far as what it does i hope formatting in the paste above makes it more readable. for each line that starts with --- or +++ awk extract the filename and runs shasum on the file, then prints the new diff line with shasum included. for other files it just outputs whatever's there. so it's a filter that transforms mentions of diff'ed files into diffed files + checksum
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/serialize.h bc602bfbc512259fbb6c01f2c1633ff142966bf0752612e9a488cee8a95da7921b98abe646e2f7002243f1981939372e0b53948646398e40525ed442c377f449
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 02ccc72e42939509fc180861db7ffec50563a84869f35671fcf720090f9782674edcc89c4174175691566fac7277f1ebe0f50253d1e4a995eb960f5b43cce2a3
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 02ccc72e42939509fc180861db7ffec50563a84869f35671fcf720090f9782674edcc89c4174175691566fac7277f1ebe0f50253d1e4a995eb960f5b43cce2a3
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/serialize.h 3b61e200efe4b17a7f5384e13ab2a1a5e0a74fce0a097802d5e32bb5d74f88fa6e018f56c36ca9198d726a3a78168f87a6181d498cb7a388bc1f3adefa7cd93f
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/init.cpp 29fbb8792c3462ced61b4a0284360122f72c4fef7fb5fb84e5399967ab6474cd83ccf3a60eb3c425e183b1b95fb9ca71fc23bb791316d762034559df293f8bb0
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/init.cpp ff7009f672bf400a42d1d7afb6e58aaf1c29d9c219fad51c5f17000243a485e92bbb250d3f4bbec3f0717d00fad620c294d537832671f20c0979fb3f1383779b