205 entries in 0.748s

mod6: When alf alerted about this
wedge on the 22nd, I was quick to point out this wave of stuff that I don't typicaly see.
mod6: bvt: Yes, I experience exactly like you describe; right before '
wedge', incoming 30k or so of 'received getdata for: block' in debug.log.
bvt: anyone debug.log snapshots of
wedge: did the period before
wedge involve a large number of continous block requests?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-01 18:31:03 asciilifeform: at this pt, seems quite evident that someone is throwing around crafted
wedge chains (i.e. mined after-the-fact , with backdated timestamp, going from older block) specifically to
wedge syncing folx.
mircea_popescu: dunno argument was "low hanging fruit". they wanna see what happens at high energy. the only way to see is to make. approximately situation of "when it comes to cooking, don't have to order out. alf has this method of making polenta, works well!" "and if i want lobster ?" "well then you gotta buy a lobster". getting indignant over how "wanting lobster only serves to drive an impossible
wedge between budget and mariscos mercha
a111: Logged on 2019-02-12 23:36 asciilifeform: the avionics people seem to use it, but they (near as i was able to learn) dun kill tasks at all, and regard any detected
wedge as a
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-12#1895456 condition
diana_coman: i.e. it "works" in the sense that it politely waits until that
wedge task is kind enough to please come out of the loop so you can abort
a111: Logged on 2018-10-24 18:45 asciilifeform: mod6: in fact, and iirc i discussed this 2y or so ago in the l0g, by my current understanding of the reorg mechanism, it is possible to
wedge ~any~ noad by throwing a specially- 'retro'-mined block with a higher work delta than the 'genuine' one at a particular point. then reorg dun trigger at all.
mircea_popescu: these are eminently the sorts of problems of the stupid, whereby those who come after can't fucking discern what the everloving fuck were you thinking. however the empire managed to
wedge them into stupid, through creating a hallucinatory "need for secrecy" or through "women get to choose, and you'll produce choices for them free of charge" or whatever nonsense -- the fact remains, here i sit, and they could've been the hitti
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: one interesting hiccup was that when i synced in vanilla "connect to wide net" mode, this new node somehow got stuck and also i think triggered some weirdo crash/
wedge on another machine of mine with a raid array of rust that had until that moment been hanging at the tip of the spear, but when run with -connect to the self-same (restarted) node a) the rust caught back up within an hour and b)
mircea_popescu: lmao alf got 50 comments from idiots. hang it there alfie, this isn't any kind of basis for judging blog. hackertards are just trying to drive
wedge between man and man's tools.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i just want, from a strategic perspective, the tool whereby to be able to force a
wedge among "website owners" and have them upgrade whether they want to or not, off the imperial tree.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 03:01 asciilifeform:
wedge at 168000 apparently.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 03:43 phf: you replay to 167998, you then let it run till 168000 on the network. if it doesn't
wedge with that setup, than you have two possibilities. it is either a heisenbug, or you need to replay to an earlier block, say 167000 and let that run on the wild network, etc.
mod6: take it easy. just asking as it was indicated to be source of previous 168k
wedge issue.
phf: you replay to 167998, you then let it run till 168000 on the network. if it doesn't
wedge with that setup, than you have two possibilities. it is either a heisenbug, or you need to replay to an earlier block, say 167000 and let that run on the wild network, etc.
☟︎ phf: well, if i were approaching this, i'd replay to 167998 or so, setup a script to ensure that every time i start trb it starts from that state. i would then see if on forward play it would
wedge. i would then investigate what is the nature of wedging, and slowly instrument the code along the various paths to tell me where exactly it decides to stop doing the right thing, etc.
trinque: gotta
wedge the broomstick at the right angle, can sit and sweep simultaneously!
mircea_popescu: not as such, no. but you can
wedge it in through, eg, making it commit in batches
a111: Logged on 2017-01-26 02:33 mircea_popescu: this
wedge will not prevail. i'll do without any milk, forever.
mod6: <+trinque>
http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-05#1008972 << mod6, is that why this patch did not make it in? << i don't think it was because of any such
wedge. i think we held off because it was proposed that there might have been a better way to handle that through configuration files. it's all in the logs if you look in around the time that email was sent; december of '14.
☝︎ shinohai: Whatever the outcome of the node
wedge fix is, I need to write all this down as it may be a powerful tool to fuck with enemy in the future.
mircea_popescu: every dick and jane's expectation that "we did it reddit" is the faint echo of, man walked on the moon and generally speaking drove a
wedge forcing a reevaluation of the celestial peerage. "as eternal as the nile flood" is no longer equal to "as eternal as the tide".
mircea_popescu: this
wedge will not prevail. i'll do without any milk, forever.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-01-03 20:48 mircea_popescu: in particular N.B should be "older overwrites newer" style ring buffer. of particular concern are situations where the buffer is set shorter than the longest reorg, in which case the node will
wedge. TRB.N not accepting blocks with index lower than highest of B.B is for sure not feasible. "how many behind" should be an operator knob.
mircea_popescu: in particular N.B should be "older overwrites newer" style ring buffer. of particular concern are situations where the buffer is set shorter than the longest reorg, in which case the node will
wedge. TRB.N not accepting blocks with index lower than highest of B.B is for sure not feasible. "how many behind" should be an operator knob.
☟︎ mod6: also, iirc around the same time there was much ado about the
wedge @ 168`001 or whatever it was... but that turned out to be the database locking issue.
mircea_popescu: and i am entirely unconvinced by this "good at x" bs. nobody's "good at x". the "good at x" is nonsense of the ilk and period of "blind love", to try and help the
wedge of who-equivalency into the trunk of reality.
pete_dushenski: it's what i get for trying to
wedge 'pygame' onto osxen box.
mircea_popescu: <TomServo> I've finally got a node past the
wedge, and there was much rejoicing << wd.
mod6: <+TomServo> I've finally got a node past the
wedge, and there was much rejoicing << Rejoice!
TomServo: I've finally got a node past the
wedge, and there was much rejoicing
trinque: could
wedge the magnetic doors open
mod6: indeed, Sir. our very own Max
Wedge Hemi project.
mircea_popescu: mod6 reconfigures BDB to pass the
wedge at block 252450 << remember that alf ? :D
mod6: And this statement is not accurate: ``With the “rm_checkpoints” patch, the
wedge issue at Block 252450 was overcome.''
pete_dushenski: the two hours a week you can
wedge into understanding bitcoin means that it'll be a decade before you sort out which was is up in the whole shebang
mircea_popescu: it doesn't
wedge linus from linux, it wedges linux from the usg world (or vice-versa)
mircea_popescu: "what, drive a
wedge between the people and the governmentoregulating fruiting body ? WE OWN THE PEOPLE1!11!"
pete_dushenski: i'd argue that this type of posturing ~does~ matter in the sense that it's a further
wedge between ( ) boys and ( ) men
thestringpuller: If VPS is magically changing blockchain the client would
wedge which it has not...
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2015 08:56:46; BingoBoingo: When the last pre-0.8
wedge came through I suspected it was a BDB issue but alf was the one to euthanize it at the root.
BingoBoingo: When the last pre-0.8
wedge came through I suspected it was a BDB issue but alf was the one to euthanize it at the root.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: K, moar locks doesn't seem to be fixing