266 entries in 0.555s
assbot: Oracle preps 'Sonoma' chip for low-priced Sparc servers | ITworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1KDPTre )
BingoBoingo: http://www.itworld.com/article/2954835/oracle-preps-sonoma-chip-for-lowpriced-sparc-servers.html << possibly related to Elbrus revival
assbot: Problem installing Berkeley DB 5.2.36 on Solari... | Oracle Community ... ( http://bit.ly/1IMtiv8 )
trinque: mod6: https://community.oracle.com/thread/2322618?tstart=0 << here's somebody bitching about the rotor db build error we saw... on solaris
scoopbot_revived: Oracle Sunday on Eulora http://trilema.com/2015/oracle-sunday-on-eulora/
mod6: `curl "http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.tar.gz" -s -o db-4.8.30.tar.gz`
mod6: curl "http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.tar.gz" -s -o distfiles/db-4.8.30.tar.gz
BingoBoingo: "sell support" worked for cisco and oracle when marketing to the helpless and overencumbered with bezzle
decimation: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2013/09/technology-communism-and-brown-scare.html < " Google, of course, claims the fact that it would rather hire out of East Bosnia than East Palo Alto is a competitive trade secret. Well, I suppose. Curiously enough, Apple, Yahoo, and Oracle share the same secret. Ha, ha! Is it a secret to you? It's not a secret to me!"
HeySteve: so app that handles escrow of fare, oracle uses GPS to verify destination was reached within a certain time, that's it... right?
trinque: williamdunne: or maybe the post-oracle virtualbox approach
NewLiberty: The zero knowledge oracle pieces, Fiat-Shamir, being put to a good use would be a nice add.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> re: memory hunger: anyone investigated effect of https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17076_04/html/api_reference/CXX/envset_memory_max.html ? << I haven't, but I certainly wanna try this out.
asciilifeform: re: memory hunger: anyone investigated effect of https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17076_04/html/api_reference/CXX/envset_memory_max.html ?
gabriel_laddel: ally burn some of Earth's brighter minds, someone needs to think about the gnarly parser semantics when the language's syntax is updated - my experience is that you can't pay people to care) 3. use lisp. People have already tried 1 & 2, and the result is inevitably that even if they make money (Mathematica, Microsoft, Oracle...) the foundations of
Naphex: williamdunne: in java https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html#binarySearch(java.util.List,%20T)
Naphex: williamdunne: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html#binarySearch-java.util.List-T-java.util.Comparator- will make it pretty easy.
Naphex: williamdunne: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/stream/package-summary.html
asciilifeform: felipelalli: problem is that your oracle is a liar
danielpbarron: curl -O http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.zip
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: well it's in art in the sense of the Oracle from the Matrix. Once you realize there is a lot of "waiting" for events to occur, then it's best to spend the meanwhile in enjoyment.
decimation: it's probably better than oracle my sql
trinque: asciilifeform: oracle squeezed out plsql in 91
BingoBoingo: <decimation> although the rumor I heard back then was that most of the 'smart guys' working on solaris were spending their working days trying to unravel the gordian knot of kernel locks << But as an Oracle turd they can now break whatever they want in the name of handling one database faster.
BingoBoingo: I bought at $3.80-ish Oracle bought at $16 ish
assbot: Oracle says it still fully supports the Sparc processor | ITworld ... ( http://bit.ly/170Rwjk )
decimation: asciilifeform, others with interest < apparently Oracle/Sun still produce sparc chips, they shipped 7000 units in Q3 2014! http://www.itworld.com/article/2883087/oracle-says-it-still-fully-supports-the-sparc-processor.html
decimation: decimation: sun have been lowered into oracle or that turd 'joylent' that was discussed awhile ago
Naphex: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/streams/reduction.html - rocks for data access
jurov: oracle nixed it
Naphex: loving the java8 aggregates/stream api http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/streams/reduction.htm
mats: mats is like the oracle on the topic now! << not sure if you're criticizing what i said there
mircea_popescu: <mats> multi sig and escrow are essentially bad patches to a broken trust model << mats is like the oracle on the topic now!
Pierre_Rochard: ^ exactly, the difference between a computer oracle and a human arbitrator approaches nil over time
buttonwood_: for example, futures and options are largely inexistent in bitcoin. Mainly because of the trust involved if you were to sell me an option. If we used an oracle to do multi sig escrow or step in when there's a dispute the oracle could ensure both sides make good on the contract
buttonwood_: what about a multi sig oracle
assbot: Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI8rmj )
BingoBoingo: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpujan2015-1972971.html
assbot: Oracle to fix 167 vulnerabilities, including a backdoor-like flaw in its E-Business Suite | Computerworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypOQXq )
mats: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2872694/oracle-to-fix-167-vulnerabilities-including-a-backdoor-like-flaw-in-its-e-business-suite.html
asciilifeform: bleichenbacher's oracle, in particular
assbot: OpenSXCE 201**4**.05 LiveDVD for Intel/AMD IA32 and AMD64 plus for Sun/Oracle SPARC (from 1995' UltraSPARC_I till 2011' sun4v UltraSPARC T3) ... ( http://bit.ly/1AfnEZS )
decimation: well, it was swallowed by oracle
decimation: most of the sunos people left oracle's lawnmower and went there
mircea_popescu: what are you, oracle ?
BingoBoingo: Leveldb google turd does actually seem to be higher performance than the BDB oracle turd, but... yes consequences.
BingoBoingo: Why not just rip the source from Sun/Oracle?
PinkPosixPXE: for our oracle database clusters
dignork: dionyziz: Another potential problem: decentralized arbitration will act as random oracle. If arbiters will keep bias towards buyer, sellers will increase prices to compensate. Bias towards sellers will make buyers to seek discount >= bias rate. Assuming sellers will have to maintain their ratings, risk will mainly be on the seller side, this risk will be priced in. Do you have any estimates on the
bounce: now I wonder, if you provide an oracle that combines a programmatically generated key from (secret) seed and (public) user number, would that be enough to recover the secret?
BingoBoingo: decimation: Only when MIcrosoft, Red Hat, or Oracle touches it.
mircea_popescu: suppose you have an infinite supply of liars. can you construct an oracle out of this ?
assbot: Call for Oracle hosts Issue #85 orisi/orisi GitHub
jurov: maybe they use that oracle of 9 chumps?
thestringpuller: E.g. one could time-lock 1 bitcoin for 1 year to create a FrozenCoin. This can be done using nLockTime property of a Bitcoin transaction, but we would need an oracle (e.g. a trusted third party) to prove that a coin can't be spent before the specified time.
ziggla: seems easiest to not play oracle if you don't have to make any decisions about your thoughts of the usg if the bet is just cancelled
mircea_popescu: last fucking thing i want is to play the oracle for bureaucracies
assbot: 86 results for 'oracle' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=oracle
punkman: !search oracle
jurov: but then that's different thing than some deciding oracle
RagnarDanneskjol: if you must oracle, aristocracy is your best bet kolinko: http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/#footnote_2_53902
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=got%20done | 1: "Daves got done for stopping on a red route" 2: "I got done for that saxo, it cost me £3000" 3: "She got done by steve after the club". by oracle March 12, 2004.
mircea_popescu: ah won';t you just play my oracle here ?
mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny how this works in qm terms. basically, an oracle of the wave function, but just on the real part. is this actually useful ?
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: Use that as a revenue stream to just buy a lead generation form from Oracle or whoever.
jurov: ThickAsThieves> one problem i have... etc..<< you seem to dream about some opaque oracle that will issue trustable rating info for anonymous identities
mircea_popescu: ce Oracle when it's ready, so long as the database sends some decent form of XML. Once I get this data subsystem done, I can finish the business logic, which attaches to the nonfunctional demo you love so much.
mircea_popescu: vendor to fix it but they said 6 to 8 weeks for a patch, and our project deadline is sooner than that. I need to interface with the legacy system because even though the DBAs have ported things over to Oracle, they're still sorting things out and it's not reliable enough for me to make any meaningful progress. Fortunately, I've thought this through and abstracted the data subsystem well enough that I can drop-in repla
BingoBoingo: Ah, the if Oracle was a Defense Contractor strategy............ =====
punkman: what I'm describing is more like escrow than oracle I guess
punkman: ;;later tell mircea_popescu a silly example, me and dignork both make a 1btc transaction to each other, but we can only spend them after the bitbet oracle signs the transaction
punkman: not the canonical one, more in the sense of these blockchain oracle constructions
dignork: pankkake: the oracle can work like : yes/no/idunnohumanplease
mircea_popescu: maybe we don't mean the same thing by oracle then
punkman: in fact bitbet already provides an oracle service for free
mircea_popescu: punkman oracle service cost is unbound is the problem.
punkman: I think if bitbet provided an oracle service that might be handy for building things on, but I'm not about to trust some random dude's oracle
dignork: mike_c: i think it's possible to make a multisig fund, where each oracle op drops some funds, these funds are deal insurance, but I didn't think it through completely
dignork: so you have oracle bot that can be hacked/bribed w.e, but if you have multiple, it's assumed to be harder to do
dignork: it's partial implementation of "distributed oracle"
davout: Naphex: i miss the Oracle REPLACE
mircea_popescu: dub: you learn to let a lot of the expertise offered in here go but startups buying sun shit on ebay is getting pretty retarded << shut up and oracle!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: HP's problem is they never went all the way. Playing with AMD64 is what pushed sun into Oracle's maw.
benkay: oracle blade my left nut
thestringpuller: benkay: wants an oracle blade?
assbot: Federal Appeals Court Decision in Oracle v. Google - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )
decimation: this is relevant to the latest google v oracle decision: http://ebb.org/bkuhn/blog/2014/05/10/oracle-google.html
bounce: every time I look at sun hardware it strikes me that oracle hates their customers. so. much.
thestringpuller: oracle database with tables with 300+ columns
bounce: c'mon, cook up a nice 20 questions to finnagle the truth out of oracle schneier
keonne: java? give oracle some time, it is inevitable
twizt: mysql server is free who need a oracle lisence?
pankkake: MP is the oracle
thestringpuller: mpex doesn't even use oracle...
thestringpuller: lol oracle license
pankkake: promo crap, oracle license, building
turbo_ac100: (16:37:25) mircea_popescu: MisterE: heh, I got a little nervous nelly today, thought we were going to test 400, so I sold some coin for 484 that I bought at 505 :/ << that's how fortunes are made. << oracle of delphi, alexander the great
Duffer1: the oracle of "Ohama"
ThickAsThieves: "HP TippingPoint's Pwn2Own competition netted researchers $850,000 as all the major browsers – Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox – fell to attacks within the 30-minute timeframe for each, along with Flash. Only Java held up to the time-limited attacks, although researchers attempting to crack Oracle's code did come up with some interesting techniques that just took too
mike_c: the oracle of omaha speaks.