266 entries in 0.736s
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder we have an oracle too ?
asciilifeform: u.s. media is almost a magical oracle of what not do to
Asa9: you should call yourself the Oracle something
nubbins`: does oracle still anymore?
decimation: does oracle still make servers?
ThickAsThieves: next headline will be: Oracle Buys OpenOffice
Diablo-D3: oracle has an internal solaris version that can natively boot btrfs and supports all the solarisy zfs shit on btrfs
Diablo-D3: but then oracle bought sun
Diablo-D3: decimation: btrfs was started by oracle to kill zfs
Diablo-D3: oracle refuses to add to the spec their changes
Diablo-D3: because I simply dont give a fuck about oracle's impl, its no longer compatible with zfs
Diablo-D3: even if its not compatible with oracle's impl
decimation: "There has been no entity in human history with less complexity or nuance to it than Oracle."
decimation: at 35:15 "What you think of Oracle is even 'truer' than you think it is."
Diablo-D3: they all joined together to fork zfs away from oracle, since oracle is making changes just to be incompatible not to be useful
decimation: when Oracle bought them, Larry promptly closed everything. The stuff that had already been open (under the Sun Community License) remained in the open.
pankkake: OpenIndinia is the open source fork of Solaris, but Solaris is still maintained by Oracle, as closed source
mircea_popescu: lol. instead of oracle ?
mircea_popescu: my oracle however shows this is going to be the worst wave.
deadweasel: 'people ALWAYS be askin' my opinion bro! I'm like the bitcoin oracle...'
kakobrekla: prolly cause of the oracle
pankkake: > Neo uses Oracle
ThickAsThieves: and cuz Neo uses Oracle
pankkake: otherwise the thing looks ok. actually, I don't really undertand why they have to communicate about oracle
pankkake: my experience is that oracle sucks balls :p
jurov: i mean the office space, furniture, oracle licenses, etc.
ThickAsThieves: i know their oracle setup wasnt cheap
jurov: so neo/bee won't have in house dba? oracle support, especially urgent one, is expensive
mircea_popescu: jurov oracle is pretty good if you run a large non it corp, because you can just call them to fix your shit. it's non trivial to keep on staff it people able to handle large-ish server farms.
ThickAsThieves: i know nothing of Oracle vs this or that. Honestly my personal impression of Oracle is negative
jurov: ThickAsThieves: no hard feelings... aside for my personal oracle dba misadventure, i found it funny to publish photos of swag like there
jurov: what slander? towards oracle? cuz i was a DBA.
ThickAsThieves: <jurov> Oh my! Oracle powered exchange. <<< if you're referring to Neo, there is no Oracle-powered exchange or such. Oracle is for Neo and Bee's previously announced business services. To my knowledge, they are merely exploring the idea of doing the stock exchange down the road, and have no software plans in that regard.
jurov: Oh my! Oracle powered exchange.
BigBitz: Oracle and Twitter. Nice.
mircea_popescu: e and thrust them out among the artisans or the farmers. And again, if from these there is born a son with unexpected gold or silver in his composition they shall honor such and bid them go up higher, some to the office of guardian, some to the assistanceship, alleging that there is an oracle that the city shall then be overthrown when the man of iron or brass is its guardian.
bobbabad: bobbabad, the all knowing oracle
DeCiB3l: Rulother what do you think I'm some sort of oracle?
furuknap: The oracle is still targeting 88, same as two weeks ago. Why, coming from an oracle, isn't that always 100% true? I mean, I'm losing money here, where can I has BTC for 88??????? The Oracle is a scam!
jurov: and for that we prolly need an oracle, too
furuknap: Not very accurate, mr. Oracle.
Scrat: oracle raped its dead corpse
thestringpuller: You are the price oracle
thestringpuller: you are the oracle
thestrin1puller: also tiberiusiv you know what the oracle says
thestrin1puller: you know what the Oracle says about men who say they know everything
bgupta: sure… if you are a an oracle and know which way things will go and aren't trying to influence the market with your trades.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: thats some oracle wisdom there
knotwork: oh ok average helps make oracle resistant to maniulating to some extent
knotwork: so buyer just needs to manipulate the oracle into reportying a momentary low and exercise
gesell: many hackers find 0day and sit on it because publishing wont bring you more money and you already make enough to not care so much. and many companies are horrible about patching and fixing (looking at oracle/java and adobe/flash here). so you sit on it. so, lots of people in this field know that yeah they could pwn xyz companie, grab all the credit cards and then go sell them. but why deal with the hassel of the law. it just requires too much strategizin
dub: oracle w/e
thestrin1puller: we have eternal oracle license
pigeons: In devops we are face fiscal cliff every year when Oracle license is up for renew.
Azelphur: lmao I love the oracle one
kuzetsa: oracle tried to claim dalvik was infringing on their acquired "sun" java platform because the APIs were basically identical
Ukto: i never saw that one. nice oracle
kuzetsa: Ukto: cool. I see that you have the API structure now. Planning on implementing an API-compatible platform? At least if you live in the 'states that should be fully legal to do ---> http://www.intomobile.com/2012/06/01/judge-oracle-v-google-rules-apis-not-copyrightable/
thestringpuller: With all the money they were raking it shoulda gotten an oracle license
smickles: http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/bestof.cgi?N=1451-1475#1470-08
agath: is it the usenet oracle still alive?
markac: "The Internet Oracle (historically known as The Usenet Oracle) is an effort at collective humor in a pseudo-Socratic question-and-answer format." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet_oracle
smickles: .wik usenet oracle
smickles: mircea_popescu: http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/digest.cgi?N=1503#1503-03
smickles: mircea_popescu: you don't know of the oracle?