500+ entries in 0.212s
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-02 17:35:02 mod6: mp_en_viaje: Hey there, Sir. Now that you're back to CR (glad you had a good trip), plz to process mpex withdrawls when you have an extra few minutes. Thanks in advance.
mod6: mp_en_viaje: Hey there, Sir. Now that you're back to CR (glad you had a good trip), plz to process mpex withdrawls when you have an extra few minutes. Thanks in advance.
deedbot: dorion rated mircea_popescu 9 << the part of you that doesn't like what he says is probably the part holding you back. long history of protecting the intelligent from idiots. MPEx/S.MPOE ; trilema.com ; go, read.
BingoBoingo: The MPEx stat without the measures GPG takes to fuck clearsigned inside clearsigned is also available here
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Waiting for deedbot to go from acceptance to deeding. I've got the MPEx statement with my involvement note attached on top submitted to deedbot. (Clearsigned statement on its own here since GPG doesn't like making nested signatures). For whatever it may be worth, I've also got my client to sign [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/t
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: I'll request mike_c produce his last statement issued by MPEx
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: I'm not saying whether you should pay the money or not. I am saying it would be consistent with the way you've worn the MPEx CEO hat before to pay. You, ultimately, are free to decide to pay or not pay. My client paid me to introduce his interests to the forum, otherwise his interests would have gone unrepresented and certainly unpaid.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: MPEx is built on GPG contracts upheld voluntarily. Introducing "these GPG contracts must be upheld always and forever no matter the cost as if they were fiat contracts" would be subversion. For that, in representing the claim I can't say "This must be paid no matter what" or other constructions along that line without attacking a
diana_coman: in the case where MPEx does not pay him out, I don't see how he has a say into what happens to the coin so I fail to see how is that part meaningful; if he wants the coin to be paid to asciilifeform entirely then he can do so once he gets it, no? if he doesn't get it, then he can't say what is to be done with it.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: If someone comes on a day after mike_c is paid out by MPEx, I can't imagine this hypothetical next person would receive any offer for voice nearly as cheap as 30 BTC.
BingoBoingo: The fact that he valued voice, whether MPEx pays him out or not... I don't see how that isn't submission. In his best case he gets coin out, maybe he does turn it all over to hostile parties. He agreed that in his worst case where MPEx does not pay him out... his coin stays with Republican interests.
ossabot: (asciilifeform) 2019-12-18 mike_c: BingoBoingo: I changed my mind, and my offer to hire you: I send you fee of 30 BTC (same amount the mpex account cost coincidentally). If you lose the case and I don't recover my dividend, you send 10 BTC to ascii (nothing to me). If you win and I do recover, then I send 10 BTC to ascii (and you keep the 30). in case of partial recovery, i dunno, we do something gentlemanly.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-17 05:00:17 mp_en_viaje: however i'm also getting prety sick of all this self-uppity cuntery whereby douche "gets upset" at mpex/republic/the world. as if there even CAN BE such a thing as "upset at the totality of existence".
mp_en_viaje: then he picks up the coin mpex, and the republic, made him, and kept safe for him, and dumps it on the dumbest scam du jour he can find. that'll show everyone! and boy-howdy does it show... ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: however i'm also getting prety sick of all this self-uppity cuntery whereby douche "gets upset" at mpex/republic/the world. as if there even CAN BE such a thing as "upset at the totality of existence".
mp_en_viaje: now back on the record here : i have absolutely no intention of reinstating his mpex account. that ain't happening ; but that aside i also have no problem paying, in principle. god knows i've been paying loads of these, and what's a hundred btc or whatever, who even cares about pennies like that (right ?).
mike_c: I pulled a MPEX statement in november, but post-dividend I have not been able to (getting the 'Unrecognized signature. Please email your public key first.')
dorion_road: BingoBoingo, thanks, perhaps qualification isn't the best word. I did include "best practices" in there and meant qualification in the necessary precondition sense ; had in mind the mpex listing process.
mircea_popescu: i'm too lazy to search right now for the article where some power ranger shiothead was "offering to reimplement mpex"
mp_en_viaje: mod6, i'm sorry, i don't have the time/patience to follow alf dramaz. re being negrated and mpex function, in general : i've always to date sent people their shit ~before~ negrating them, because indeed the substantive meaning of my negrating you is that you can't use any of mine / my friends' shit anymore. this hasn't prevented the occasional asshole from making the occasional false claims, which situation hasn't much int
mats: still sad mpex went private
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: re snsa, it was always yours to do with as you wanted, was structured in such a way (w/ the e.g. 'mpex fee' exponential growth) that asciilifeform was guaranteed never to see a bitcent from it. ( and knew this; worked w/ mp_en_viaje strictly outta principle. )
mircea_popescu: mpex seat for ~value of usg "senator" wasn't some kinda idiosyncratic joke. it's how the future works.
asciilifeform: dunno re 'not market' tho, plenty of market require substantial ticket to get in (very same mpex, or the old nasdaq et al etc)
asciilifeform: as described in ye olde mpex thread aha
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/06/conde-nast-pantsuitist-and-microsoft-and-mpex-beat-blogger-peter-drpizza-bright-arrested-in-us-for-enticing-minors-to-sex/ << Qntra -- Conde Nast Pantsuitist And Microsoft And MPEx Beat Blogger Peter "DrPizza" Bright Arrested In US For Enticing Minors To Sex
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu demoed this with mpex aeons ago
mircea_popescu: india can't start mpex production in a millenium, though. and even simpler things -- notice how much fucking work all sorta things we do take us.
jurov: No idea if it's still so, but mpex consisted of proxies directly wired to the order processing backend. Only deposits/withdrawals were processed by hand.
diana_coman: I got that part; my surprise was re why is "accepting gpg-signed orders online" a problem for coinbr given the working model of mpex
jurov: diana_coman: mpex does have website that accepts orders in real time
diana_coman: jurov, admittedly I never used CoinBr so don't know much of its previous online presence but I always thought "online" for such a thing meant mpex-style i.e. anyway gpg-based , no?
mircea_popescu: not "piles of shit left by others". specifically, i pompously declare myself "literate programatician", what this does is, vbasic autorun ; i pompously declare myself "respectable scientificist", what this does is, i download an excel script, watch its vbasic reproduce the same errors of http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-143.0-153.147 and declare i have
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-77.0-81.426 << standard of wall street software.
mircea_popescu: (really should NOT "dns request" for mpex servers plox. or ~anything, really, but these especially. hosts file costs you nothing folks, wake up to this already. usg.dns costs you not merely your own life, but everyone else's along with it, as well as the very possibility of a world worth living)
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Looks like your MPEx proxies might have run away again
mircea_popescu: w-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-133.0-133.102 or, for that matter, http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-109.0-125.3 ?
asciilifeform: i stole whole idea, when pushing jurov to do it, from mpex, lol
ben_vulpes: per http://trilema.com/2013/accounting-for-the-nonzero-asset-corporation-the-mpex-standard/#selection-129.0-129.120
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated znort987 1 at 2012/12/12 18:34:54 << he's in the MPEx faq
asciilifeform: i will admit however that i dun particularly like the endgame i see in this, where let's say s.nsa sponsors, produces, and sells to pizarro the iron for shares, ends up owning ~100% of pizarro, and asciilifeform doesn't see a dime of profit until ( merely for starters ) he can even afford mpex acct ( which is a major if, rather than a when, it is quite possibly that neither i nor anyone else will ever actually earn 50 btc , and this
mircea_popescu: mpex offered options for a long, long time, but mostly because the nascent republic required its currency protected in those early days ; back when i was personaly large enough to maintain some vague semblance of discipline in the marketplace singlehandedly. it's meanwhile wel loutgrown me and so...
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 19:58 mircea_popescu: aaand mpex is back via mpex.biz.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly you have a handwritten mpex.biz entry in /etc/hosts and points to different box ?
asciilifeform: http://mpex.biz/?mpsic=S.NSA
mircea_popescu: aaand mpex is back via mpex.biz. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: certainly links to "aaaand... it's gone", http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/#selection-171.0-173.563 etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: is there a working mpex url ? i am standing snsa www / phuctor up today
deedbot: mod6 updated rating of mircea_popescu from 6 to 6 << Met IRL. MPEx, Trilema, S.NSA, S.MG: Father of The Most Serene Republic.
maximian: mpex.biz is the correct url?
maximian: so what happened to mpex?
asciilifeform: and earlier some d00d was complaining re mpex withdrawal -- but for some reason in kako's chan, not here
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:50 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792327 << yeah, bringing mpex proxies back up is underway. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: douchebag: On MPEx, there's proxy issues being sorted out. Sometimes the proxies run away and MP has to chain them back to his Ex
douchebag: I assumed mpex.biz but since that's down at the moment I wasn't able to verify
douchebag: mpex.biz is not loading ?
fromloper: I have several questions, mostly for Stan, but since you are here, is Mpex still functional?
asciilifeform: trinque: i missed it: looked for mp, rather than mpex
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-31#1778994 << heh, they must be reading logz. MPEx now appears under "2014 Fundraising Campaign" ☝︎
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated crescendo -1 at 2015/09/24 21:29:35 << Aka Eric Martindale. Nice job trying to sell me/MPEx bitpay shares a week before information was to come out that'd render them worthless. Say hello to Daphna for me.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 01:57 mircea_popescu very much will refuse to consider random fucktards who spent 2012 going "oh, who pays for mpex seats" in the hope that "hey, i'll weasel my way back in through peripheral commentary anyway"
mircea_popescu very much will refuse to consider random fucktards who spent 2012 going "oh, who pays for mpex seats" in the hope that "hey, i'll weasel my way back in through peripheral commentary anyway" ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 20:25 jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-07#1766691 << it's not wholly unlike the old mpex.xyz dnsolade that today points to 'buy cardanocoin NAO!' etc ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there were a lotta muppets with the whole "who buys mpex seats" issue back in the day also ; it's a poor people's limited universe problem.
BingoBoingo: December 2017 statement published, pls check for compliance to the standards at http://trilema.com/2013/accounting-for-the-nonzero-asset-corporation-the-mpex-standard/
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well there was that time he showed up at what-was-it-called mpex-wannabe and got some lunch money from amir taaki neh.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in an apparent imitation of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-12#1749817 : http://destery.info/cidal/mpex-bitcoin-nupe.php <<< aaaaand, very similarly, returns ENTIRELY different turd to archive.is. orig. screenshitted, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mpex_flavoured_spamola.jpg for posterity. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-11#1749414 << in related lulz, CBOE scores just around bitcointalk-level "entreprise", entirely unmatcing mpex historical performance. ☝︎
kjj: I had put in another request on mpex a little more than 2 days ago
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> if you want conformity your btc can still be cash, the fiat as well as anything else can still be... TANGIBLE assets. http://trilema.com/2013/accounting-for-the-nonzero-asset-corporation-the-mpex-standard/ << it's in there, dunno if it got lost in mists of time. << ah ty, existence of that thing slipped the memory
mircea_popescu: if you want conformity your btc can still be cash, the fiat as well as anything else can still be... TANGIBLE assets. http://trilema.com/2013/accounting-for-the-nonzero-asset-corporation-the-mpex-standard/ << it's in there, dunno if it got lost in mists of time.
asciilifeform: sadly for kjj, as i understand he is stuck with this key 4evah, unless he wants to buy a boeing for mpex...
kjj: mpex.biz textbox as usual
asciilifeform: ... sci-hub.la turns out still worx ( reminds of ye olde mpex... )
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 20:25 jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html
jurov: mircea_popescu: pls process mpex withdrawal, seems there's also stuck order
hanbot: i googled trilema today, typing even four characters more on a tablet is annoying. Trilema, url, description, "Bitcoin" ... "MPEx" ... "I ate some pie"
asciilifeform: while we're on subj -- the 'dumpster for ip, disks/cpu-horse elsewhere' gambit is (afaik pioneered, at least publicly, by mircea_popescu in mpex) imho a monumental thing
jurov: hi mircea_popescu, s.qntr is still traded? i have got some frozen mpex orders
mod6: MPEx = ( . Y . )
mod6: i like the mpex shirt too hehe. but aha, tits would be sweet.
asciilifeform: https://koinswag.com/shop/bitcoin-t-shirt/mpex-bitcoin-t-shirt/ apparently also
jurov: Hi all, whoever placed orders via coinbr last 2 weeks, they were not forwarded to mpex. I was notified, fixed the problem, cancelled the orders and restored all balances.
a111: Logged on 2013-02-17 02:04 asciilifeform: zanz: I made 0.4 BTC (or 1.4 BTC, depending on how you count) using MPEX
fyr: And like I get that unforgeable reputation is useful if you want to have a textual agreement to buy some MPEx security for bitcoin, or w.e.
asciilifeform: kanzure: mpex is mircea_popescu's emporium.
kanzure: is this yours. it says mpex.
mike_c: mircea_popescu: nudge on mpex withdrawal
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-01#1691879 <<< Yes jurov, it appears it was on mpex side .... sorry for the inconvenience. ☝︎
f1maze: mpex.ws lol
shinohai: !~later tell jurov getting error "MPEx rejected cancellation of this order. Please retry in few minutes." on coinbr for 3 days now, please to investigate.
shinohai: "You're in for a treat if you haven't read yet any 'works' by MP of MPOE/MPEX fame and his #bitcoin-assets associates. " <<< Well THIS guy is just up-to-date isn't he!
mircea_popescu: well depends what you mean and what you're talking about. some people call their http "transactions", and the "road ahead is clear" as they say to next propose mpex css ain't good enough to be nasdaq.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-04 03:43 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mpex afaik never reverted trades either
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mpex afaik never reverted trades either ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-04#1678932 all i have to say is http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085 ☝︎
sina: day to day, everything is postmodernism. any idea you have, someone did it. probably better than you. in fact, one example of that is MPex