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a111: Logged on 2016-07-12 16:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501970 << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ?
jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502030 isee, mpex isn't part of the discussion anymore ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-12 09:27 jurov: and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501970 << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ? ☝︎☟︎
thestringpuller: jurov: it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better << i guess this is what happens when options aren't an option, and the listed businesses take decades to monetize.
jurov: and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better ☟︎
asciilifeform: #1 rule of derpatronics - dun EVER mention mpex
mircea_popescu: lol, they cautiously avoided noticing this while mpex was publicly traded, NOW it's a point of discussion ? color me flattered, what.
pete_dushenski: "BitPay’s market cap of $160M is 106,667 BTC, which is a shit-ton for a company that doesn’t publish its financials, but still less than 11% of the big bad MPEx." << from last linked contravex. lol different times eh.
BingoBoingo: Rule #97 Every MPEx proxy is always inaccessible from some point at some time
jurov: http://mpex.site/ works
shinohai: It's mpex I believe, 404 here.
jurov: there seems to be some snag with coinbr or mpex, as every month recently, looking into it
asciilifeform: mod6: and if the miners start rejecting addrs that touched mpex ?
thestringpuller: mpex.site is good
Framedragger: what's the latest mpex url? mpex.co does seem to be down, fwiw
mircea_popescu: in fairness, the whole mpex/tmsr/etc thing is ~equivalent to a ten ton hammer of pure cognitive dissonance for man on clapham omnibus.
mats: if mpex had rounded rectangles fwr wouldn't have given it a second thought
fwr: help me to understand this, MPEx has been sold for 250k BTC, but the website itself is down?
Bugpowder: Next up mpex.
rdponticelli: Is mpex still functional?
mircea_popescu: http://mpex.biz/ << seems ok
thestringpuller: so mpex down? or maybe just proxies?
jurov: you can have them sent to mpex account, too
asciilifeform: ftr, what i said re voorhees's dice in feb. '13: 'Satoshi Dice is a can of worms which almost deserves its own discussion. It is, at its core, a simple “numbers game.” That is to say, an industrial-strength harvester of chump money, precisely the kind of thing which Popescu expresses his disdain for at every opportunity. But listing its stock on MPEx does not bother him, because there are suff
jurov: mircea_popescu: wtf is with mpex? it's like third time new order receives a signed receipt from mpex, and then completely vanishes
mircea_popescu: mpex is written by people who, unlike you, live in the world as it is. consequently, it doth not care. what you see is not ENVIRONMENT.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: would you tolerate mpex on a box like this ?
solrodar: mircea_popescu: glad to hear that you confiscated kako's mpex account on behalf of the shareholders and not just yourself
asciilifeform: all he couldn't do is ~sell it on mpex~, legitly
jurov: he had 25% that was not on mpex thus not possible to sell. then he got another 25% which was *supposed to be sold to public*
asciilifeform: which is likewise why not having mpex acct never especially bothered me.
jurov: just in case you'll start having treasonous thoughts to sell some shares and withdraw from mpex
mp_at_olivos: yeah, well. for that matter mpex still has a claim against one harnett. as fate would have it, for a similar sum
davout: mircea_popescu: plox to mpex withdrawals
mircea_popescu: so far i'm telling you he's been banned from mpex upon http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-proposed-settlement-transaction#comment-8579 and from #trilema upon http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469922 ☝︎
asciilifeform: iirc in the l0gz we learned that even straight usg has mpex account(s), and parked coin stolen from its prisoners (e.g., dpr) there.
mircea_popescu: litte news reaches us from the distant fogs of mpex. but sure.
asciilifeform: i can't speak for others, but a fella being drummed out of mpex with dekulakization is a newsworthy thing imho.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you were banned from mpex subsequent your last doomed attempt to fuck up the bitbet process on davout's blog.
kakobrekla: hi. my mpex account has been inaccessible roughly since the time of the final bbet settlement - a bug or a feature?
mircea_popescu: incidentally speaking of https://voat.co/p/partnerprogram anyone knows the voat people ? i think it's conceivable mpex might list them...
mircea_popescu: at which point u1 can verify that HE didn't get the A5 or the A9. And he couldn't care less that it's a "network problem" or intentional withholding, much like MPEx doesn't gas what proxies do or don't do on the way.
BingoBoingo: Too early to tell, but it only too MPEx what, a month of beta then 30 BTC, 50 BTC, moon?
mircea_popescu: look at mpex for instance ; or at deedbot etc.
j-dawg: mircea_popescu: mpex is not updating orderbook again
mircea_popescu: perhaps to be doubled up with a rule that all corporations are referenced as Name (MPEx:<a href=http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.NAME>Name</a>) or Name (Scam) as the case may be.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-30#1459699 << i dun have an mpex acct. so qntra shares are not mechanically convertible to coin. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (pro tip for time travellers : go to future, see if F ids have tits, if not, can sell mpex i must've failed at some point.)
jurov: well..recently even eulora server works better than mpex
jurov: mircea_popescu: mpex accepts orders but won't execute them. some are waiting over 12 hours
asciilifeform: mats et al: there are two s.nsa's. there is the mpex asset, which you were prolly asking about, and there is my actual work, which is to 0 extent actually enabled by the ~450 btc in the piggy, and will continue even if mircea_popescu one day drums me out of the chan
jurov: and no, i can't release assets to users every time mpex order vanishes without reason
mircea_popescu: punkman> could have various proxies, mpex-style <<< yeah, the republic will start printing bitcoin to finance an inept war with the idiot us, because the us is caught in dreams of its war with the soviet union and its delusional relevancy therein.
punkman: could have various proxies, mpex-style
asciilifeform: it is a collective-failure-of-everybody-but-one-guy - sorta like mpex.
asciilifeform: just as i would never know about mpex if mircea_popescu had not awakened me from my cave.
mircea_popescu: mpex being, today as it was when it got started, exactly the ONLY bitcoin service doing this.
midnightmagic: fwiw, I don't have much of an opinion one way or another. If I went into it knowing this were the case, I could find it very useful to have this property in my transactions with, say MPEX. But for, say, a *deposit address* on a webpage for an exchange, I *would* want non-repudiability as per, say, TLS message authentication extension in RFC .. hrm. That RFC where it's defined but was never implemen
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2013/in-which-we-discuss-datskovskiys-discussion-of-mpex << it
asciilifeform: didn't we do this way back when, when i wrote the mpex review
mircea_popescu: mpex is very carefully designed with various such tradeoffs considered, an' i think i've done enough free consulting on the topic for one day.
midnightmagic: MPEX would have to cooperate absent signed receipts sent to the user.
gribble: SEC Knocks on MPEx's Door, Popescu Doesn't Budge | Finance ...: <http://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/exchange/sec-knocks-on-mpexs-door-popescu-doesnt-budge/>; SEC gets on the Bitcoin investigation bandwagon - Washington Post: <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/03/20/sec-gets-on-the-bitcoin-investigation-bandwagon/>; SEC.gov | SEC Charges Three (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: mpex is made to serve a certain view on this world, not all possible views.
copumpkin: (this in on mpex)
midnightmagic: I am 12 days out of date re: MPEX sale.
midnightmagic: mircea_popescu: so if you are majority owner of the new private mpex, did you just force a sale of mpex to yourself?
mod6: http://mpex.biz/faq.html#6
mircea_popescu: for one thing, seems to be way before the last mpex key update years ago ?
copumpkin: 2) mpex seems to have forgotten my public key
wywialm: to recall main points from the previous exposition: the exchange employs gpg messaging (following the MPEx standards) and allows to trade financially-settled futures and options initially on BTCUSD exchange rate.
mircea_popescu: it doesn't attach to me, or to mpex. i'm doing things. it attaches to you, personally : you're not good enough. and you sure as hell fore that reason do not belong opining in here. go learn how to do things that mpex may consider listing.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-20#1454008 << look, i understand this "teach plox throw the curve" talk has served you well through life. neveretheless, the fact that you don't see more things, and things made by orther people on mpex is that you personally suck. ☝︎
solrodar: and all those things mean the share price of mpex itself would rise
phf: mpex value hinges on long term viability of bitcoin as a way to store and accumulate wealth
solrodar: so you were considering buying an mpex account in october, what would you have done with it?
phf: solrodar: aren't you also implying mpex is a ponzi scheme?
mats: it got a little harder when mpex stopped offering options, but s.mpoe had a lot of volume for a long time precisely because it was valuable and served as a symbol for the exchange
phf: i actually did some maths and was ready to drop 50btc on an mpex account, but held off for the main reason that i don't see a solution (and there wasn't one found) to minor collusion problem. that conversation happened ~last october~ (or whereabouts), it was framed as a hypothetical, but it was a long precursor to chinese miner conferences (that in turn was serious grounds to suspect potential cartel) and all that other stuff.
phf: i'm sure a person who's ready to drop 50btc on a trading account will do ~minimal~ amount of due diligence to confirm that mpex is a viable trading platform ~at the moment~
mats: i assure you, i am a real person, and have received many withdrawals from mpex over the last two years. that are on the blockchain.
PeterL: so, with the diminished selection of assets listed on mpex, are you going to lower the account fee?
a111: Logged on 2016-04-20 03:11 mircea_popescu: meh. mpex managed to flush the book. everyone is kindly asked to reintroduce whatever orders the had. apologies for the inconvenience.
mircea_popescu: meh. mpex managed to flush the book. everyone is kindly asked to reintroduce whatever orders the had. apologies for the inconvenience. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, for the noobs : mpex 1st conference was principally this thing where voorhees and casares tried to convince me usg is the only game in town, with me laughing, and me stating mtgox isn't going to be around for long, with them laughing.
adlai: or has turkey not yet opened an mpex account
jurov: mircea_popescu: pls to mpex
davout: trinque: same problem on bitbet's contract http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-2FB7B452.txt mircea_popescu's sig only verifies if utf8 is forced
davout: from this we remove the 50 for mpex shareholders
mircea_popescu: davout so i'm thinking this is all good. getting back to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-08#1448430 i guess we rectify it to i owe you 199.45006789, you owe me 4.83378422 hw credit + 50 for mpex shareholders + 15.00178846 my share (i'm taking it you'll be paying kakobrekla's directly ?) which leaves a net of 129.61449521. that right ? ☝︎
jurov: mpex is not processing s.qntr orders, too
jurov: mircea_popescu: is there any mpex mintenance going on?
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: bbet was established player. hard to replicate. "go build own mpex" about as useful.
mircea_popescu: (and for people who aren't in finance and don't follow that trade, perhaps a good primer for the "gaussian copula" lulz is http://trilema.com/2013/why-mpex-is-better-than-fiat-institutions-part-349085-we-dont-use-excel/ seeing how nobody wants to admit or discuss the matter anymore much like the jews forgot all about sabbatai zevi.) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i think the intention is for mpex to be neutral.
mircea_popescu: taking mpex private resolves the last possible avenue for derps to argue about this point.
mircea_popescu: the idea here is that mpex is a strictly correct and strictly complete reflection of bitcoin business, such as it is.
wywialm: could you please share what are the plans for MPEx future, besides what has already been revealed at the announcement? in particular, S.MPOE produced majority of volume. Are there any plans to increase the activity on other stocks?
mircea_popescu: idioter yeah loads of btc moving since mpex sale. hold tight, you'll get it.