95 entries in 0.381s
phf: The Secrets of Meta-NSA by what's that guy from yesterday
mircea_popescu: there are teams with better history, because linux or whatever. i wouldn't however bet on the theory there are better teams altogether. and no, "secret meta-nsa" doesn't get to dent this discussion. because clinton lost.
asciilifeform: aha some don't walk. there was a photo leaked of a radar base, where they had one of the few completed elbrus. in the corner desk there was what looked like winblows. nfi, could be hangout, perhaps the 'indigenous base' happened, strictly in ru meta-nsa.
mircea_popescu: there's no meta-nsa, there's no anything. the dogvomit is dogvomit all the way down.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525750 << your mental model of a functional monolithical sensible "meta-nsa" is contradicted by the practice. a lot of redundancy is baked in by legions of mindless, not terribly intelligent, here today and gone tomorrow "analysts", "experts", "contractors" and whatnot, with management broadly unaware of what the situation is. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-08-17 21:30 phf: i believe, that there's a man, somewhere in the bowels of meta-nsa, who can see the entire puzzle picture
phf: i believe, that there's a man, somewhere in the bowels of meta-nsa, who can see the entire puzzle picture ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-29#1511436 << this is a large part of why my position is and has for a while been derisive of nsa and especially meta-nsa. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "At this point the Dindu game is so much more sophisticated than the Pig game, one is tempted to surmise that federal operatives are advising the Dindu cadres." <<< that one is so tempted only speaks of the mangina-tastic quality of that one. really, so married to the belief that there's a meta-nsa in the sky, that all quality automatically gotta be allocated to IT ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: pretty fucking distant from the "magical computing owning rays" the meta-nsa afficionados keep pretending.
pete_dushenski: $google trilema meta-nsa
asciilifeform: meta-nsa ~exists~. even has own www site... see l0gz.
pete_dushenski: this is meta-nsa argument
mircea_popescu: then next thing you know, meta-nsa the yachting club.
asciilifeform: phf: meta-nsa relaxes and smokes in the corner, it doesn't need keys, sends magic udp
phf: meta-nsa has best keys of course
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: finally, meta-nsa !111
mircea_popescu: this model of (perceptible relay) + (imperceptible miners) is nonsense of the ilk of meta-nsa-in-the-sky.
mircea_popescu: methinks the real meta-nsa might well be santa claus1
jurov: they ran off with alf's meta-nsa idea :D
ascii_butugychag: meta-nsa demo!1111
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: What about Meta-NSA?
mircea_popescu: it IS the meta-nsa
asciilifeform: (does it subcontract for meta-nsa...?)
mircea_popescu: no meta-nsa active here ?
mircea_popescu: they exist, somewhere. in meta-nsa-high.
pete_dushenski: whoddathunk that the meta-nsa would only be meta... in name
mircea_popescu: meta-nsa, whatever.
asciilifeform: meta-nsa has to be sovereign over own tools of thought.
mircea_popescu: meta-nsa builds z80s ?
asciilifeform: and i will say that an entity without si fabbing capability is no meta-nsa regardless of what else.
asciilifeform: this is why i play in my head with the idea of an all-chick meta-nsa.
assbot: Logged on 28-08-2015 07:03:34; mircea_popescu: i guess us research facilities don't hold the actual scientists, us civil service doesn't hold the actual politicians and us prisons don't hold the actual prisoners. they're all in meta-usa, the meta-nsa, meta-criminals and generally an entire country-equivalent of actually competewnt dopplegangers.
mircea_popescu: i guess us research facilities don't hold the actual scientists, us civil service doesn't hold the actual politicians and us prisons don't hold the actual prisoners. they're all in meta-usa, the meta-nsa, meta-criminals and generally an entire country-equivalent of actually competewnt dopplegangers. ☟︎
asciilifeform: trinque: i won't comment on meta-nsa, but classic nsa works on statistical aggregates rather than individuals - at least when dealing with mass collections rather than targeted shots
ascii_field: however presently his 'smart miners' live in the same hypothetical world as my 'meta-nsa'
mircea_popescu: ascii_modem only in your alt-world where meta-win is a win and meta-nsa a thing.
ascii_field: trinque: perhaps meta-nsa doesn't need the libjpeg 0day, given as we'll confess in the coke machine anyway
mats: is pretty well known schmidt is part of meta-nsa
mircea_popescu: you're not about to introduce your own rendition of the meta-nsa theme are you.
assbot: Logged on 14-04-2015 02:00:37; asciilifeform: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-04-2015#1099925 << do i need to explain what the resurrection of 'key escrow' idiocy from '90s (clinton's! to go right along with the new clinton!) means from the meta-nsa school of thought? or is it already obvious to aficionados
asciilifeform: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-04-2015#1099925 << do i need to explain what the resurrection of 'key escrow' idiocy from '90s (clinton's! to go right along with the new clinton!) means from the meta-nsa school of thought? or is it already obvious to aficionados ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is phase 1. phase 2 is when we target all the cars ever seen parked by a nsa building. give meta-nsa something to fret about.
asciilifeform: when i say 'meta-nsa' - again it does not meant that every bipedal amoebal 'success organism' drawing pay there is a brilliant master
asciilifeform: (palantir holds the title for best nameable candidate for meta-nsa. in that they are known to produce the tools which actually work, and - not being part of civil service hierarchy - are free to actually pay programmers something like real money)
mircea_popescu: like alf's meta-nsa ?
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> actual luxury doesn't take out ad space in GQ << this is really just a more benign and socially acceptable restatement of alf's meta-nsa thesis.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you wrote the meta-nsa micromanagement three ring binder too ?
trinque: I joked just last night that #b-a RPG was a meta-NSA recruitment program
asciilifeform: i think the 'wine experts' who don't get nailed by the food colouring experiment live in the same place as meta-nsa
asciilifeform: among the books i can picture on the shelves at the great library of 'meta-nsa' - this tome surely has its place
asciilifeform: meta-nsa can also take out of sample, no ?
asciilifeform: now, granted, i don't work at meta-nsa...
mircea_popescu: you think there exists a meta-usg that enjoys life like there exists a meta-nsa that enjoys thinking ?
BingoBoingo: People catch Brucellosis in "Brucellosis Free" states. If I accept the meta-NSA exists its common name is most likely the United States Department of Agriculture.
asciilifeform: [insert 'meta-nsa' thread here]
mircea_popescu: check out the meta-nsa at work !
decimation: asciilifeform: what about the meta-nsa part?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seriously, if this meta-nsa exists, how come the fbi is this impotent ?
assbot: 34 results for 'meta-nsa' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=meta-nsa
asciilifeform: !s meta-nsa
asciilifeform: lizard hitler << at 'meta-nsa' naturally, where else
assbot: Logged on 11-12-2013 00:40:16; asciilifeform: i can't help but imagine some fellow at Meta-NSA, with a pill against ECDSA hidden under a flower pot in his office, laughing his arse off at these morons.
assbot: 30 results for 'meta-nsa' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=meta-nsa
asciilifeform: !s meta-nsa
assbot: 28 results for 'meta-nsa' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=meta-nsa
asciilifeform: !s meta-nsa
mircea_popescu: but this is evolving towards a rehash of the meta-nsa discussion we've really done to death
asciilifeform waits to find a 'www.meta-nsa.lizard' pen under his pillow when waking up.
decimation: asciilifeform it seems that the meta-nsa doesn't exist in reality
decimation: I wonder if anyone from meta-nsa lurks here?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so basically you're saying, "if meta-nsa exists, it's a mirror of b-a"
asciilifeform: if 'meta-nsa' exists in the flesh, it's probably an assemblage of one grey-haired officer and his two dozen or so apprentices, embedded deep within the scar tissue of usg and surviving in spite of, rather than due to, the overall management. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform not convinced of the physical existence of meta-nsa. it's a gedanken-nsa.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know, between the meta-nsa nd the petrified forest you got a very dissonant thing going. how about the petrified-nsa and the meta-forest ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a meta-nsa may or may not exist. a meta-media definitely does exist.
asciilifeform: nsa writes crapware for winblows, 'meta-nsa' then would do something interesting.
asciilifeform: meta-nsa.
asciilifeform: nsa vs. 'meta-nsa'
asciilifeform: sec, deanonymization << meta-nsa has patent, will be displeased
benkay: just kidding, meta-nsa
BingoBoingo: So... I am fairly certain that in this channel I have made comments that limit the set of people who could be me to 1. But Meta-NSA is a myth.
asciilifeform: i have so little faith in the meta-nsa that i'll drop one here.
BingoBoingo: The only way to deal with meta-NSA is to invite them to lick your balls
BingoBoingo: meta-NSA has the solution to all crypto in a drawer
BingoBoingo: But on public nets you have to account for the meta-NSA
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu2: Well, if they serve you a suspicious IP at least you can know it isn't the meta-nsa
asciilifeform: if bugged cell phones were presided over by Meta-NSA instead of classic nsa, the buggers would store compressed audio and piss it out in bursts when plugged into the mains
BingoBoingo: Tis the problem with the TSR model. DEA gets all of the meta-NSA tools and the imagination to do parallel reconstruction
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i hereby demand to be gassed by the new, spiffy, Meta-NSA, rather than the tired old one.
asciilifeform: or, alternatively, Meta-NSA backdoor /does/ use port-knocking, and this is a decoy for lamers.
asciilifeform: the mythical Meta-NSA on the other hand!
asciilifeform: authored by literature team at Meta-NSA.
asciilifeform: (Meta-NSA is the Shangri-La where they keep the real cryptographers.)
asciilifeform: i can't help but imagine some fellow at Meta-NSA, with a pill against ECDSA hidden under a flower pot in his office, laughing his arse off at these morons. ☟︎