600+ entries in 0.173s
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well for the most part, I have a bank account. We've been doing the fiat auctions, and one of the localbitcoins traders has grown his ablity to handle larger conversions as he's gone full time working his bicycle based currency exchange. So far this can meet our near term needs.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-21#1882427 << most damning sin of the 'irreal' fella is.. failing to come up with a unique handle. the shithub by that name has 0 to do with the linked blog, it's fulla microshit and 0 emacsism ☝︎
spyked: of course, this will disable notification via pm as well, so if there's any way you want me to handle this (e.g. mass-adding existing pm notifications) lemme know
diana_coman: pretty much that: if it's so ugly that you can't handle it sanely, then either fix it or, failing that, use Ada's Streams since that's what they are for anyway.
asciilifeform: after that we use'em as handle in the spreadshit to refer to his acct.
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-08#1870186 >> I had a toaster with cancel button a few years ago was just this. Once you add the 'feature' of smart toasting whereby turning the knob after toasting has started has no effect and then once you further add the feature that the lift handle is mechanically locked down and can't be lifted during the cycle, then yes, once you accept those things you then 'need' the red button ☝︎
shinohai: I have my muttrc modded beyond all comprehension, but love the fact it can handle even google surveillance mail. ( at one time even got bitmessage to hook up to it)
asciilifeform: how exactly does it go. 'hey, mircea_popescu et al. are buncha cannibals, lemme go and find... buncha tards, to handle mah coinz, instead' ?
mircea_popescu: "nobody understands us" and "our very existence is threatened, inasmuch as it entirely consists of... our inability to handle broad disinterest wrt our dysfunction".
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not only were you right, but i just about have a handle on deriving the factual key bitness of serpent..
Mocky: still have to handle unexpected disconnects tho right?
lobbes: btw, if you end up needing it I have a guide out on how to configure apache to handle bot spam directed at your blog >> http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/07/arming-your-arm64-rockchip-gentoo-against-the-hordes-of-mindless-bots/
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 04:20 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-14#1862408 << the benefit is that if they are legitimate multi, then there's different context which is well handled ; and if they are illegitimate (in the sense of, no context to well handle) there's pressure there to collapse.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-14#1862408 << the benefit is that if they are legitimate multi, then there's different context which is well handled ; and if they are illegitimate (in the sense of, no context to well handle) there's pressure there to collapse. ☝︎☟︎
mod6: Any left over, can be simply retained by you, and accounted for next cycle, or you can send me back the remainder, if that's how you'd like to handle it.
trinque: I'm not gonna be pissed if you can't handle it same day. Thanks for letting me know.
mod6: And I think you can just handle the thing then. Thanks.
mod6: I will back away from all of this going forward. I'll let BingoBoingo handle this.
Mocky: and maps with turn by turn directions while on bike and can't handle a map...
asciilifeform: ( with tower it is much easier to dispense with this, you can bolt an ordinary desk drawer steel handle to most of'em in a few min )
asciilifeform: 'activists' who kick moar wasp hive than their arse can handle, have problems, i did not think this were surprising observation
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i handle all eggogs
BingoBoingo: If #eulora can handle, we might have to raise our tolerance for the noise. Or get a bot going that than autokickbans on the phrase "Allah is doing"
mircea_popescu: how are you going to handle the weird data models implied by teh nutty syscalls in an ada proggy ?
diana_coman: at any rate, from server's point of view, it doesn't care - it will answer to legitimate messages and that is that; it's more of a client concern and up to them how they handle that i.e. indeed pretty much how long they wait/when do they consider server unreachable and what they do
asciilifeform: then again if you write 'own gnatsockets' you would have to do what i did for 'horsecocks' mmap system and actually handle all possible unix eggogs (granted there are not many of these for udp)
mircea_popescu: i don't as much as fuck girls without backup, stottin' had to handle radionuclide resonant chamber. gimme break.
asciilifeform: their compressor was a thing resembling old school fire brigade pump, the kind with seesaw handle
mircea_popescu: without a formal AND FORMALIZED republic it's fucking hard for people to handle the orc pressure
asciilifeform: 'welcome to butugychag, here's yer wheelbarrow, it has only left handle'
asciilifeform: ( the spaceprobes people, afaik, handle the problem asciilifeform's way. )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-18#1835666 << i actually have 0 handle on what makes linus tick. from his posted material he resembles archaetypical 'alcoholic with moments of clarity' ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <mod6> I understand if this doesn't happen right away, but eventually, position will need to be filled. The offer stands, even if it stands for some time. << One way to handle this is... Take over what ben_vulpes on an interim basis and hand off tasks you don't have time for.
lobbes: to my (admittedly, untrained) eye, it does seem like BingoBoingo is the ideal fit for the role; not only is he literally closest to the venture, but he also has sales experience iirc. Maybe what is needed is just a trusted "assistant manager", i.e. someone to handle the minutiae on a day-to-day basis under the direction of a chief strategist.
asciilifeform: currently i am not able to make use of trinque's builder ( even though i fed it my kernel config verbatim ) as it does not handle the building and installation of the ramdisk where modules live ( dulap kernel is not presently cleansed of modulism )
ave1: yes, It's the process of going sarting with "why am I not getting any core dumps" to "o hey the kernel will call a program to handle core dumps" to "O fuck, systemd is called". And then systemd with all of it's policies and pure stupidity.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-07 14:44 mircea_popescu: re http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/076-shithub-2018-06.html#selection-149.0-153.220 : you should see the "easy to detect" over @ fetlife, fucktards have five dozen DIFFERENT failure modes, all of them ujust as "specifically laid out". bot code is 60% "handle inept error pages" by mass. so fucking evident it's the result of "incremental development", too.
asciilifeform: 'my axe doesn't include a handle or blade, is this oversight' ?!
mircea_popescu: re http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/076-shithub-2018-06.html#selection-149.0-153.220 : you should see the "easy to detect" over @ fetlife, fucktards have five dozen DIFFERENT failure modes, all of them ujust as "specifically laid out". bot code is 60% "handle inept error pages" by mass. so fucking evident it's the result of "incremental development", too. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( btw this kind of thing has some interesting implications: iron that runs in pulse duty cycle can handle unspeakable wattage for so long as the pulse is short. consider typical example, photographer's xenon flash lamp, if you wanted same light in a sustained 100% cycle, you need a 10kg projector rather than 10g flash thingie. or targeting laser for tank, easily 50w , but pocket-sized. )
asciilifeform: from asciilifeform's personal history with sad iron, the alpha and omega of the weakness of konsoomer ups, is that it features no way to handle the devil in the details of plugging in gigantic array of battery ( they tend to have minimal or nonexistent inverter cooling, and melt down long before your bank of boat batteries or whichever, runs out )
a111: Logged on 2018-07-02 22:34 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-02#1831410 << his work in progress parser doesn't handle end of file, so as of right now the error is normal
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-02#1831410 << his work in progress parser doesn't handle end of file, so as of right now the error is normal ☝︎☟︎
mod6: One thing that I'd also like to mention regarding the role for pizarro manager: We are looking to de-couple the manager role from the accounting portion. We're really looking for two roles at this moment. One person to handle the accounting role, and another person to handle the day-to-day management.
trinque recently hired sister in an "answer the phone, handle all shitshows" role. job's literally "fill all gaps", hits things she never trained for all day.
asciilifeform: the correct way to handle the 'gotta change these 17 things to work on pdp11' problem is: v.
ben_vulpes: amusing, because they handle the intermediation themselves now
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform we'll also need a little bit of code to handle it and i guess a special dolly yes ?
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-22#1828521 << https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/6438 john c mallery (for log readers, current symbolics copyright hoarder) and his main contribution to ai memos ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: largely because idiots. however there's a number of structural problems (e.g inability to handle word wrap in anything like a reasonable way) that attract ~infinite kludge-hours from all sorts of folx
a111: Logged on 2018-06-18 19:43 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-18#1826539 << this solution, ftr, was invented in ww2. easier for usarmy baggage train to handle hfcs than coffee.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-18#1826539 << this solution, ftr, was invented in ww2. easier for usarmy baggage train to handle hfcs than coffee. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: it is theoretically possible to turn rk3328-roc-cc ( as in pizarro pilot plant ) into a portable of a kind. one can get miniature hdmi lcd, etc. but there is no convenient way to handle power; it expects 5v, and has no provisions for interrogating battery level, one would have to build something , rather gnarly.
asciilifeform: not single line, seems to handle the keyboard matrix also ( for reset combo ) and possibly vregs also
asciilifeform: nao, if phf can make his vtron handle 'arbitrary' (say, up to avail. ram) masses, and without losing anything, moar power to him. but in practice something is usually sacrificed, in the name of speed/efficiency, is the worrisome bit.
mircea_popescu: "ax handle"
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 18:35 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-26#1819113 <-- I personally like trinque's proposal because it enforces a certain level of hygiene and because it doesn't require calling gpg from lisp. but I'm more curious about what other bot operators have to say about it. so even if for example the poker bot needs to handle funds into its own deedbot wallet, I'm curious whether this semi-manual scheme would be feasible.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-26#1819113 <-- I personally like trinque's proposal because it enforces a certain level of hygiene and because it doesn't require calling gpg from lisp. but I'm more curious about what other bot operators have to say about it. so even if for example the poker bot needs to handle funds into its own deedbot wallet, I'm curious whether this semi-manual scheme would be feasible. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: also i'm not exactly instrumented here to handle testing of pming bots, rss or otherwise. so mebbe someone else may be more useful ?
mircea_popescu: cool. and trying to do this you discovered ircbot can't actually handle voicing itself ?
phf: yeah, privmsgs are silent, so you're always making assumptions about your name. i think i have to handle NICK messages from server to know when the bot is force renamed..
mircea_popescu: who could have predicted people don't stop shitting just because "the people" is unprepared to handle it.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 16:26 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co. << Also common here
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: mod6, tons of annoying grep-captured scripts out there to handle the nothing found case.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:01 mod6: mircea_popescu: how should Pizarro handle this, in your opinion, given the last conversation about this?
mod6: He'll let us know, which is fine. But overall, it's best to try to get a clear understanding of how to handle these now.
mod6: mircea_popescu: how should Pizarro handle this, in your opinion, given the last conversation about this? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: the freenode nick/handle constraint does grate.
mircea_popescu: anyway -- lawnmower flying machines are slow enough, loud enough, limited enough, targettable enough, undynamic enough and everything else enough that even 1980s tech bound empire can handle them, even "en masse" (they can't mass well either)
mircea_popescu: it's how they handle their amorous life, finances, education, everything.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-03 01:15 mircea_popescu: esthlos, a) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774760 ; b) how does your item handle the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 problem ?
ben_vulpes: lol he actually got the fromdeedbot handle
mircea_popescu: well, the proper statement here isn't that "fixing db will be to my grief" ; the proper statement is that "fixing db, while a massive improvement to the $item, has the unfortunate drawback of requiring some trims i'm ill equipped to handle / have to send for across town"
mircea_popescu: mod6, you know that there's a job where you have to handle rhino penis into rhino vagina at zoo ?
mircea_popescu: esthlos, a) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774760 ; b) how does your item handle the original http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794417 problem ? ☝︎☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-04-20 04:05 phf: trinque: it wouldn't, i believe there's an antecedent->dependency transformation issues (i.e. the transform in mod6 v is adhoc, so it can't handle the tricky antecedent graph). the approach hanbot used was to just use the patches from the left branch of the graph, until, per mircea_popescu's request, i write a general purpose v graph code.
mircea_popescu: why handle anything.
asciilifeform: would have to properly handle all types of attachment for the fg tho ( usb serial, genuine serial, etc )
phf: trinque: it wouldn't, i believe there's an antecedent->dependency transformation issues (i.e. the transform in mod6 v is adhoc, so it can't handle the tricky antecedent graph). the approach hanbot used was to just use the patches from the left branch of the graph, until, per mircea_popescu's request, i write a general purpose v graph code. ☟︎
ckang: chassis full of 4x 1gbE intel wouldnt cost much at all and could handle switching and routing
mircea_popescu: douchebag, for the record, this thing whereby you get a coupla in, wait for them to be processed, get another coupla in etc is not only dumb, but against the very concept of a batch. get all of them in, save me the trouble of having to handle n batches.
ben_vulpes: my first q is what is the breadth of intake gas velocities and fluxes that such a device could handle
heyleeecx: i think psychology would be cool but i dont know if i would be able to handle all of the college stuff
mircea_popescu: why exactly is this needed, vice couldn't handle the volume of all the useless crap fat ugly whores spewed out for $5 a title ?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: all of the machines in the rack are being used; i was asking if one of the rockchips can handle this kind of duty.
MDude: I've just gone by MDude/MDude1350 most places until recently, when I started taking up the handle Meticulac.
douchebag: lobbes: Just make sure whenever you handle any user input, consider all input as potentially malicious
trinque: and wtf, pay negative, you think I didn't handle that?
phf: ben_vulpes: mimisbrunnr perhaps needs a list of fellow bots, so that it ignores links from bot quotes. i remember we had conversations about how to handle it long time ago, but i don't remember what the resolution was. a111 maintains a list of all bots, which is just manually updated
douchebag: We use a custom ircd to handle the messages and such
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo btw, any embarassing follow-up on the usg golden boy doing revolution in saudi arabia ? were those people ever released from that hotel ? are they impressed with the foreign ax handle plant ?
seen_Xemist: Wrong handle for Uncle Al. He showed up as Xemist, same as disqus.
trinque: I did not yet V genesis a portage overlay (which would eventually become the *only* portage tree, after republican ebuilds are made to replace items needed from the gentoo official portage) pending a resolution to the thread on how to handle v tree fragmentation.
diana_coman: you can certainly do it the way you describe - I don't see a hard reason against it if you are all right with passing the handle around/keeping track of it everywhere; other than that, the functionality itself should be fine
ave1: I understand, and then the handle will also be needed in the gen keypair etc.
diana_coman: to answer the question directly: you can certainly do it with reuse; the reason I avoided it there is because otherwise the caller needs to handle/be aware of the entropy source per se; which did not really belong in the caller
diana_coman: ave1 there is open_entropy_source which simply opens it and returns the handle; then you can use it for as long as you want, with get_random_octets_from (rather than get_random_octets)
spyked: mircea_popescu, do you mean the irc logger? well, I figured moar redundancy can't do any harm; and it started as an occasion to study the various ways in which common lisp can handle the various pieces (database, irc, http). what I have so far is not very different from btcbase.org/patches/logbot-genesis , only I made it a point to avoid quicklisp and use manual imports etc.