203 entries in 0.556s
mp_en_viaje: dered green card (all others have expiration date).
phf: https://www.namesilo.com/Support/Expiration-Process
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-08#1885903 << 'pile' wento to washington/eurpoistan coffers, kept the reich going 30yrs past its expiration date ☝︎
asciilifeform: near as i can tell, 'loyal opposition' chumpatron, and somewhat long past its expiration date
asciilifeform: selective tech adoption is imho a fascinating thing. even the amerinds, for all their miswired heads, picked up horse and rifle and carried on 300+ yrs past their expiration date. ( picture if they had also had radio ! )
a111: Logged on 2018-10-09 16:31 phf: i had expiration set on it, which i finally removed for good. the thinking at the time was that i didn't really trust my opsec (mac was still in the loop), but it wasn't much of thinking since the mechanism is promisetronic anyway. i also took an opportunity to clean it up off extra "identities" and random signatures
phf: i had expiration set on it, which i finally removed for good. the thinking at the time was that i didn't really trust my opsec (mac was still in the loop), but it wasn't much of thinking since the mechanism is promisetronic anyway. i also took an opportunity to clean it up off extra "identities" and random signatures ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'their poorly fitting bulletproof vests are beyond their expiration dates' << lolwat
asciilifeform: lol maybe he read our mega-thread re how gpg expiration is bogus
asciilifeform: cnomad: i recommend to switch off expiration, it never did anybody any good.
asciilifeform did this at least 1ce, prior to 'fucking, i'ma dispense with the expiration nonsense'
asciilifeform: ( ww2 japan stood on its legs for 2yr past expiration date on wooden plane wings )
trinque: I don't have a defined expiration time for them. If bot operators are interested in ^ maybe we'll go ahead and say it's 3 months, or whatever's sensible.
spyked: hm. so trinque, OTPs don't have any sort of expiration? the scenario I'm thinking of is that eventually my (for example) home ISP would do some stupid thing that would lead to the TCP connection going down. but that could happen in a week, a month or six from now, so I'd want that OTP to be valid whenever that happens.
asciilifeform: sorta how roman mosaics continued to decorate sword hilts long past expiration date of western empire
trinque: TomServo: I have so far made an exception for the fig-leaf expiration field, with the understanding that this exception goes away when P
a111: Logged on 2017-11-08 21:13 lobbes: and yeah, I overlooked that I apparently had to also remove expiration on the sub -explicitly- (via gpg --edit-key). Even though it was showing the sub as 'expiration: none' after I had removed expiration on the pub way back when
pete_dushenski: trinque: i tried pgpdump -i on the first one i sent you and there was no expiration date. either way, the second crack is posted above and teh third crack is here : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/AqyXy/?raw=true
trinque: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/uaMr1/?raw=true << still has an expiration.
trinque: why in the fuck are people still using expiration?
a111: 181 results for "expiration", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=expiration
pete_dushenski: !#s expiration
caaddr: expiration dates, like some antiparticle of usability
trinque: caaddr: to date the only use I've seen is people put an expiration date on a key, then whine to me about swapping it out
mircea_popescu: "What’s weird though is that the OAuth2 token doesn’t ever change, and I can’t find anything in the Uber developer documentation that deals with token expiration;" << word.
asciilifeform: 'I put together a Python-based client that can talk to Uber’s backends, to start harvesting OAuth2 tokens for entropy analysis and to see if there are any issues with their PRNG. What’s weird though is that the OAuth2 token doesn’t ever change, and I can’t find anything in the Uber developer documentation that deals with token expiration; literally the same token I was issued when I first created my Uber account for testing i
trinque: I've helped people work around the gpg idiocy in the past (expiration dates) because.. gpg idiocy.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-08 21:13 lobbes: and yeah, I overlooked that I apparently had to also remove expiration on the sub -explicitly- (via gpg --edit-key). Even though it was showing the sub as 'expiration: none' after I had removed expiration on the pub way back when
trinque: I yet await the tale of the man who used the expiration field to his benefit.
lobbes: But otherwise, even I can agree: no real use for key servers as-a-thing. And, as I've found out, expiration-as-a-thing idem
mircea_popescu: at no point was this discussion about key identifiers. the fact that gpg reports "no expiration" FALSELY, as it reports all sorts of false or otherwise stupid, misleading etc non-facts is at issue
lobbes: and yeah, I overlooked that I apparently had to also remove expiration on the sub -explicitly- (via gpg --edit-key). Even though it was showing the sub as 'expiration: none' after I had removed expiration on the pub way back when ☟︎☟︎
davout: will converge to perceived risk pricing of leaving buttcoin on a platform until contract expiration
davout: people buying them do so in order to be able to withdraw from platforms immediately without waiting for the contract expiration on nov. 16th
a111: Logged on 2017-10-19 01:18 trinque: just give me the same key but without the idiot expiration field
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Fine, chain smoking motorcycling girl lawyer with clearly near expiration date that takes you to passport time.
trinque: just give me the same key but without the idiot expiration field ☟︎
erlehmann: i just change expiry date after expiration
BingoBoingo: Just evils of the "past expiration date" related to the Oldgendered
asciilifeform: trinque: mechanical expiration date of bitcoin-as-we-have-it is well earlier.
asciilifeform knows several people who ended up throwing one out either ~immediately after, or even prior to, the expiration of the magic 5y timer.
asciilifeform: will become a detectable problem somewhere around 128b's worth. also quite likely long past expiration date of planet3.
danielpbarron: the transactions and addresses wouldn't need to contain info about the expiration. the nodes would know when it expires based on when it was first mined into a block
mircea_popescu: this theoretical problem is evinced in practice by the expiration problem - what do you do about all the ratings i may have signed ? so you have rating for x at time t, what's this say ? is it correct or isn't it correct ?
ben_vulpes: no expiration date, don't forget the passphrase
shinohai: Good God I thought that woman was well past her expiration date anyway.
ben_vulpes: trinque: i say don't handle it, expiration is a ridiculous booby trap in gpg and updating is all sorts of fraught.
asciilifeform: gives 'expiration' without invoking notions of political time etc.
asciilifeform: and we are living with pdp arch long past its expiration date.
phf: mircea_popescu: having hard time finding relevant bits, since thread diverged many times. a long standing criticism of dpaste was "all these pastes are going to make log not as useful", when ben_vulpes released his wotpaste there was discussion about expiration and how to mitigate it. fwiw i don't remember where it went from there
mircea_popescu: not the end of the world, 1700 business orders carried expiration.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if we do it like that will have to have expiration.
asciilifeform: but fwiw i am against a canonical life support effort for crud that is long past expiration date.
BingoBoingo: Or do you want night time geodesic civilization to have an expiration date?
BingoBoingo: And then you gotta get it down safely or peace has an expiration date
adlai: heh that'd be good for some hand-wringing: planned obsolescence in military equipment. expiration date reached? cardano broadcasts private key!
assbot: Logged on 02-02-2016 02:03:04; jurov: generally, wot should ignore expiration dates. like, if alf dies, we're going to throw everything out?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-02-2016#1393606 << perhaps i ought to explain, i use the expiration feature so that my key can get garbagecollected out of heathendom when i finally transition to new one, instead of working as a honeypot for hitler ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so basically key expiration as a concept is broken, in that it induces a wrinkle between phenomena and representation.
mircea_popescu: consequently the expiration date makes no sense whatsoever.
mircea_popescu: mod6 vaguely unrelated points. the owner's death guarantees a key with an expiration date will expire ; it also guarantees the trust for it needn't ever be updated - dead men tell no lies.
mircea_popescu: jurov> generally, wot should ignore expiration dates. like, if alf dies, we're going to throw everything out? << holy shit!
jurov: generally, wot should ignore expiration dates. like, if alf dies, we're going to throw everything out? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: felipelalli: mpex doesn't respect key expiration extension.
felipelalli: It makes a lot of sense to me: https://help.riseup.net/en/gpg-best-practices#use-an-expiration-date-less-than-two-years
asciilifeform: it has been kept up long past expiration date as it is
adlai: the fiat gov signing such a law signs its own expiration warrant, but the average legislator probably isn't smart enough to be reading the logs
mircea_popescu: "subkey" belongs exactly in the same pile "expiration date" belongs in
jurov: your key DID NOT change, you just added a sig that prolongs its expiration
assbot: Logged on 02-01-2016 17:40:12; ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1359041 << while in theory there is no way to enforce them in practice there is no alternative to the gpg c-ball, and so therefore similarly to how the thing resists librarification it also enforces key expiration. until mpex doesn't respect key expiration, it /is/ enforced.
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1359041 << while in theory there is no way to enforce them in practice there is no alternative to the gpg c-ball, and so therefore similarly to how the thing resists librarification it also enforces key expiration. until mpex doesn't respect key expiration, it /is/ enforced. ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 02-01-2016 05:09:59; phf: so expiration date on key is literally a guard, that has nothing to do with crypto. gpg checks timestamp and bails, but it doesn't need to
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-01-2016#1358754 << technically speaking, "expiration" is a cheap forking mechanism. it shouldn't be there, it's just a hook for future trouble. ☝︎
phf: so expiration date on key is literally a guard, that has nothing to do with crypto. gpg checks timestamp and bails, but it doesn't need to ☟︎
phf: thestringpuller: gpg doesn't require that. ascii can update expiration date on the key, republish it, and it'll continue working
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: As long as you avoid the statins which engrave a hard expiration date on the liver
mircea_popescu: psa : do not use the gpg supplied mechanism for "key expiration", or anything else from there as far as "key management" goes for that matter.
BingoBoingo: Officially unemployed too comes with an expiration date
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-09-2015#1258318 << bitcoin is keeping it alive, far past expiration date ☝︎
kakobrekla: with even longer expiration date
decimation: but nevertheless someone thought they should program a check for the expiration date on the pki cert
decimation: key expiration is kinda like the 'colored coins' idea
decimation: I tend to agree that expiration dates don't belong on keys
jurov: i have no idea why my keys are listed there, too. i have extended the expiration date of D0AEE7D7 few times, then removed expiration completely.
mircea_popescu: i think the NOTION of expiration dates is broken.
ascii_field: not that extant gpg honors expiration dates, to virtually everybody's great annoyance
ascii_field: like today's expiration thing
davout: hmm, if it doesn't update keys you can start with a non expiring one and add the expiration date after opening your acct
davout: you can always extend the expiration date of a key
davout: how did he obsolete it? also key expiration and "dead" flag seem functionally quite different
jurov: better than current "expiration date" mechanism
Adlai: expiration?
ascii_field: but to my eye this is a reason to dispense with the 'expiration' and other nebulous 'meta' entirely.
ascii_field: ditto the key expiration thing
ascii_field: re: mein Führer's decree: when i tell folks i have an expiration date in the none too distant future - they laugh.
jurov: well, if mpex isn't now structurally able to issue information like "BalanceChange":[{"Date:": "blabla","MPSIC": "X.EUR", "Change": "-100", "Reason" :"Future expiration"}]
ben_vulpes: http://dpaste.com/3F70MCT.txt << myup, fat-fingered the expiration
vorandrew: now imagine - 1 day before debt expiration - prices should be near 0.99
asciilifeform: (no one remotely connected with the filing of an american patent is under any doubt whatsoever regarding expiration thereof)
davout: because the contract also has to have an expiration, in case the hardfork never actually happens