800+ entries in 0.429s
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Perhaps historical hegel would. Hegel as used by derps that spz popular socialist conception of hegel can eat a dick.
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 01:13:38; trinque: must've been some serious run-away dick selection in human history
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> da fuck is this limp dick shit lmao. << This time they skipped the astroturf to just do the VC dollar squeeze
mircea_popescu: da fuck is this limp dick shit lmao.
saifedean: if you can get your dick up, you can fuck with it. Doesn't mean you will... you could still fuck it up.
assbot: Dick Smith is the Greatest Private Equity Heist of All Time - Forager Funds ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdrJ6O )
punkman: https://foragerfunds.com/bristlemouth/dick-smith-is-the-greatest-private-equity-heist-of-all-time/
copypaste: a cow to lick his dick and another cow to marry
BingoBoingo: If you want to be a real dick instead of an archives page you can do a post "Complete Contravex Archives" that continually updates itself.
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=DTF | DOWN TO GET THAT DICK DTFNE1 down to fuck any 1. She's DTF, She wants my dick in or around her mouth! - SuperBad. by KENDALL L January 01, 2008.
assbot: Dick_tickle comments on This is what I aspirated ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBGrqO )
shinohai: Pussy vs. Dick
asciilifeform: 'we stored 400 million dick shots for ft meade but they forgot to agree to pay us'
nubbins`: stool is leather but if you sit on it too long your dick falls asleep
assbot: The Eyes are the Anus of the Face | Dick Surgery ... ( http://bit.ly/1J9g3Qx )
nubbins`: http://dick-surgery.bandcamp.com/track/the-eyes-are-the-anus-of-the-face
Bingoboingo: Just don't touch your dick until yours hands are clean.
adlai: once y'all get over the dick measuring you'll realize that supporting larger vN blocks is the cheapest way to reduce vM block capacity, short of paying miners to generate empty blocks, or the existence of a free market for negative block space
nubbins`: there's a set of lifestyles that allow one to dick around on irc all day
mircea_popescu: "I don't understand how there isn't more research into actual dick growth drugs. It seems like it would be profitable if condoned by the FDA." << it'd be totally profitable, but fda has nothing to do with it.
assbot: Injecting HCG directly into penis for dick gains? (Study inside) : steroids ... ( http://bit.ly/1POUmNb )
thestringpuller: so much coinbase dick sucking everywhere
assbot: Logged on 01-12-2015 23:34:13; ben_vulpes: https://gcaptain.com/norway-faces-bleak-year-offshore << no-dick system on the rocks
ben_vulpes: https://gcaptain.com/norway-faces-bleak-year-offshore << no-dick system on the rocks ☟︎
kakobrekla: sounds like tits but means dick.
BingoBoingo: From the same zoo: "The title says it all. My ladyfriend wants baby but skipped a cycle on mast and eq. Does this sound right? Should she stick to test c?" << That baby is going to be born with a bigger dick than its father
pete_dushenski: fuck, even my ibm model m has a name 'round the house : richard a.k.a. dick, for the persistant annoyance obv.
assbot: Logged on 02-11-2015 17:32:44; ascii_field: the no-dick system
ascii_field: the no-dick system ☟︎
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310664 << Dick Masterson? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-04-2015#1115020 ☝︎☝︎
trinque: or suck dick?
BingoBoingo: So before it gets to that debate you have to ask yourself "Am I that much of a pretentious dick" or am I going to trust the reading software to know.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: It's html, there is no second space. Browser enforces that unless you a a dick who adds a second &nbsp
pete_dushenski: you'd think a comment about dick pills would've ended up in the 'how to suck a cock' but nope, ended up in 'jennifer lawrence needs to grow up' piece :)
shinohai: Whereas rich or poor, you still get dick-pill spam pete_dushenski
assbot: Logged on 14-10-2015 22:25:37; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-10-2015#1298978 << what's sketchy about a gaming platform whose users want to suck its dick, all nice and sloppy like ? http://www.contravex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Trustpilot-Id-suck-your-dick-all-nice-and-sloppy-like.png
BingoBoingo: Tre Mason can eat a dick though. Wasn't for that asshole Mizzou would have had an SEC Championship.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-10-2015#1298978 << what's sketchy about a gaming platform whose users want to suck its dick, all nice and sloppy like ? http://www.contravex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Trustpilot-Id-suck-your-dick-all-nice-and-sloppy-like.png ☝︎☟︎
trinque: the apartment I just looked into, my dick ripped my pants
punkman: "Really need to suck some dick right now. All I’ve thought about for days is cock. My body literally shakes when I think about it. Is this how addicts feel when they’re in withdrawal?"
mircea_popescu: "When she's done I take her back to my place and initiate foreplay because I have to fucking get swabs if I want optimal prophylactic medical treatment for my dick area."
mircea_popescu: eh, rubber duckling's more than the average dick.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Prolly 10 oz or so. Less than a steak but more than the average dick.
pete_dushenski: sure, if you're fresh out of school, you know dick all, which is quite specifically why architects aren't 'licensed' until damn near a decade of practice
assbot: What a dick: The porniest grave in Paris’s Père Lachaise cemetery|Dangerous Minds ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRM6e1 )
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Originally idiots used it to refer to male FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area) which isn't gendered. So I created a better meaning for FUDA: Fat Usurping Dick Apex
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i bet the author is this stupid fat kid that's "a feminist" and also "really supports" womenz. << You forget the FUDA: Fat Usurped Dick Area... Basically when the pubic fat is too much for the dick to be externally visible
trinque: that colbert guy gave biden a lavish dick polishing on CBS recently
trinque: gets his dick sucked the rest of the time!
pete_dushenski: of course, behind the scenes, is proctor and gamble, which is to say, that senile old limp-dick from omaha
pete_dushenski: why learn anything or do anything when you can just dick around until the cows come home ?
trinque now considers that the dick-clam is probably delicious.
Bingo_VACAY: Kidneys agents surround me. May have to dick my way out
trinque: the latter being a gay app for dick-shopping
moonpunter: i actually have lost count, but three times last year by the same local dick.
punkman: "1/3 of pictures are dick pictures and we won't dump."
kakobrekla: shitload of pages has this in their tos ... ' if you came here, you agree with all what we say below: you are a dick. '
Vexual: phf: some dick owns the rights
trinque: must've been some serious run-away dick selection in human history ☟︎☟︎
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-08-2015#1234461 << i've been listening to his podcast ever since his article on the dance party for the shamed fat guy; the show is just barely interesting to have on in the background thanks to his somewhat libertarian-leaning co-host, Dick Masterson. Maddox himself is a damn dirty socialist, and also a self-described 'programmer' who frequently speaks to the virtues of winbl0ws ☝︎
mircea_popescu has seen this first... dick, so to speak.
trinque: how does one pretend with his dick, may I ask
BingoBoingo: Taylor Swift could actually get the dick though. Britney Chain always had the crazy.
williamdunne: He replies to every message with dick
pete_dushenski: re: binaries vs. winbloze. this is perhaps like saying that sticking your dick in a blender is nothing like sticking your head in a shark's mouth.
asciilifeform: and one dick cheney to fellate'em
trinque: then parallel threads trying to dick with said indices?
shinohai: I know dick about emacs :/
trinque: they're well conditioned to chuckle about "govt sees my dick pics"
trinque: oh, I was a dick on twitter?
shinohai knows dick about cross-compilation.
cazalla: i thought mircea_popescu's black dick tumblr shots were bad but BingoBoingo is in a league of his own
trinque: gabriel_laddel: did you punch him in the dick?
nubbins`: why not smash your dick with a hammer?
trinque: so this guy cut his dick off to land a TV series?
trinque: put your dick down, bitcoin
jurov: lol, that's actually true that dick continues deeper in the body
trinque: williamdunne: no one can tell you where your dick begins and ends... this is AMERICA!
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Was recently gifted second laptop. Single core AMD 64bit atom-like processor. Testing stator 0.5.4 build, once sync'd will likely dick around with electrum server against a foundation build with aim of eventually setting up a dedi-box
nubbins`: of course the fucking dog dick is a "web designer"
shinohai: @ thestringpuller i had a pm from a guy using a mac last night using gpg on a mac (gui) I couldn't help because I know dick about macs.
BingoBoingo: alphonse23_: Well, if you want to be a dick you could use botnet slaves as IRC bouncer, but easier to leave an old machine on at home to bounce IRC. Black and white Macs are ideal
williamdunne: Lol, small dick studios
thestringpuller: yea. everyone is lining up to suck Gavin's dick more eagerly.
decimation: he's a dick but that's his personality
assbot: Logged on 22-05-2015 03:11:31; BingoBoingo: I think someone stuck their dick in numbers and made this pattern possibru
BingoBoingo: I think someone stuck their dick in numbers and made this pattern possibru ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: I took an early demo (long before I discovered CLIM) to large company X, demonstrated all the information I could collect, that I could write lessons integrated into the whole desktop environment. This company has the sneaking suspicion that people sort of dick around during the onboarding process and there is a huge variation in how long people ta
assbot: Logged on 19-05-2015 13:59:00; nubbins`: they did make me hold my arms out like an airplane while they touched my dick tho
nubbins`: they did make me hold my arms out like an airplane while they touched my dick tho ☟︎
trinque: fuck it all; everyone has to bolt a dick massager to everything
trinque: yeah you're right, this is going to be a pain in the dick
trinque: ah the great dick revolution of 2022
BingoBoingo: Let NSA see all the dick pics
BingoBoingo: Nah, you send the dick pics on Snapchat so NSA can see and become demoralized and desensitized
trinque: I only send dick pics by smtp
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: There's a picture, It's like pissing the first couple hours of taking a blowgun dart to the dick
trinque: sure configuring a kernel is a massive pain in the dick, but at least you get more acquainted with what's in there
BingoBoingo: But yes, since the Feds showed up at my door I have done my best to be a complete dick who either controls hundreds of dollars of BTC or hundreds of thousands (maybe millions, I'm an ass like that)
Vexual: dick generallydont absorb stuff, theyre disigned for the opposite