900+ entries in 0.232s
mircea_popescu: (and ftr, the usians had been whining about it just about since ww2. rando with a "book" on the topic is about as relevant as pink.)
mircea_popescu: anyway, they never specify because they never give a shit. you're generally supposed to have a new book you're trying to promote or such.
asciilifeform: but instead of cheap book, use expensive and usg-indexed dna collections, yes
asciilifeform: this is == to the 18th century 'book cipher'
sina: that is the one, although the book from which it derived is equally enjoyable
whaack: i'm not advocating one doesn't make an effort to learn, I'm just pointing out that the material covered does not "fit in head" (as alf puts it) very easily and thus the main thing gotten from that book, for me at least, is the deep complexity involved with some of these schemes
asciilifeform: (2010). and it is ENTIRELY different book, largely fluff, 0 mathematics, thin
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he's ordered the early cycle schneier book, what.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-18 20:00 floog: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685787 <<< blue book is going to take 3 weeks to ship. any tips of what to read up on/learn in the meantime?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686172 << blue book what ? ☝︎
floog: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-17#1685787 <<< blue book is going to take 3 weeks to ship. any tips of what to read up on/learn in the meantime? ☝︎☟︎
erlehmann: code execution in comic book parsers
erlehmann: result: i tell people to not write a book.
erlehmann: i think we submitted more changes than any other book by one or two orders of magnitude, just because we had it automated.
erlehmann: we developed book using git and RST (because almost plaintext), with reviewers who also used git.
erlehmann: worst unicode fail was that i wrote a book with a friend, published with o'reilly http://internetmeme.de
phf: there's a scene in samurai executioner comic book, where main character is cutting wood with a very similar looking knife, observed by a local youth. the kid later tries to repeat the move, and complete fails to even penetrate the surface. pretty much where i'm at with all this :)
andreicon: never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like a curse. not in my book
phf: (check it, their second realm book starts out with TAZ in the subtitle, and that was the mondo 2000 thing, that we're going to build anarchist communes online. idiots, hakim bey came out and said very explicitly that the last chapter of TAZ where he ~speculated~ that internet might have a potential for TAZ was a mistake and to not please refer to your "cybercommunes" as TAZ'es anymore)
erlehmann: for some reason the topic makes me think of the book “the queer art of failure”
mircea_popescu picked it out of an old gardner book.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> the danger from reading teh torah comes from trying to read it alone, not from trying to read it at all. << Same problems occurs with reading "Big Book" alone. People read selectively and get weird ideas. Hence the whole idea of sponsorship, tour guide through the text and steps.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677329 << nothing wrong with that, and there's no requirement for a unified saint book either. ☝︎
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675463 << in somewhat vintage cargocultisms. >> "Korean women want to know the secret. They found the secret in this book." << lol "You, too, can do 'it'!" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, it has a fine profile to reeducate idiots. "dig-find-love" or how did that "book"/"movement" go
erlehmann: as i said: as a tourist, i probably would not choose airbnb in berlin. reason is that the strategy is working. less stressful to book hotel room or hostel.
mircea_popescu: i preferred twain, but the problem is twain wrote enough for a coupla weeks, verne for a coupla months. every day as a 10yo i'd come home from school, stop at library, buy another jv book an' go read it.
erlehmann: for those who know german, i can suggest „die läufige leinwand“ from christian kessler, a book about american hardcore porn from 1970 to 1985. maybe there exists a translation?
diana_coman: at asciilifeform's link it even says it might have been his wife, not his daughter - so maybe it was more of a consolation/precisely the dedication thing I was saying earlier: too busy to fuck, I wrote this book
mircea_popescu: ie, a book from 1900 about a major's "what a great time we had" re 1850s wars.
mircea_popescu: if i were a judge i'd throw the book at this so-called "government" so help me. lie to me do one month in the can, no questions asked. so if it takes fifty da's it'll take fifty da's.
mircea_popescu: myeah. there's this very pernicious "i could read any book, therefore i'm just as good as one who actually did so read" nonsense that;s by now 100% of white culture by mass.
mircea_popescu: but the fact remains -- you have "The book" ie a complete description of the god machine. all that's left is to you know, apply them "just the facts" in context.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-07 22:14 whaack: I've taken a few Spanish classes throughout school, I'm using duolingo, reading Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish http://b-ok.org/book/1160411/3c0465, moving to CR (went there for 10 days, loved it), reading a textbook (Nexos)
whaack: I've taken a few Spanish classes throughout school, I'm using duolingo, reading Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish http://b-ok.org/book/1160411/3c0465, moving to CR (went there for 10 days, loved it), reading a textbook (Nexos) ☟︎
phf: right, i had reddit knowledge of it, but now i'm trying to get a nice hardcopy of a book that i only have in text, and i'm rapidly gaining tmsr knowledge of just how rotten it is
a111: Logged on 2017-05-29 19:32 phf: (actually i'm not sure if it's the right book, but i got "hara-kiri: japanese ritual suicide" by jack stewart)
phf: (actually i'm not sure if it's the right book, but i got "hara-kiri: japanese ritual suicide" by jack stewart) ☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: i picked up that harakiri book, enjoying it so far
mod6: i really started getting into ada like... maybe a month or to ago, even though I kinda started nosing through the Ada 95 Ref book a while before.
asciilifeform: it's a classical 'my proggy doesn't work, because ada is harsh mistress' followed by week with book and bare hands/teeth and finally 'oh huh, i broke rule'
phf: all three of mine are in book boxes (i just moved) but they definitely have cyrillic (as well as all the other friends of the people, e.g. al khwarizmi spelled in arabic, japanese etc.)
deedbot: 2017/04/02 08:26:34 <saifedean> in any case, these only inform the last couple of chapters of the book. the rest is mostly economic history and austrian economics on sound money and its perks & fiat money and its disasters
mircea_popescu: not in my book.
asciilifeform: not to expand the book to fill available shelf space.
mircea_popescu: the core is the simple observation that if your trade value of whatever item is above book value, you should continue to manage it, not me.
mircea_popescu: dude also wrote a book. about coffee tables.
asciilifeform: the idiot yahweh book is even bigger source of quotage.
mircea_popescu: hoarding it like ~ is borne of a very flattering view of humanity, supposing somehow that the worms could also not be worms, if $magic, such as you know, reading a book.
mircea_popescu: i dun feel like paying amazon 30 bux because who the fuck are they, not like they helped me know i hafta read this, and not like there can exist another merit ; i dun feel like waiting till they deliver. i did see the book at one point, in library, of course, which is how i know it exists, but i'm not going back there to read a book.
mircea_popescu: doesn't really have much to do with either prison, or my book.
mircea_popescu: afaik they get a book a week or some shit, i dunno, haven't followed.
ben_vulpes: some day i will reclaim my book-storage-below-one-meter space
asciilifeform: bible, at most. phone book.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i ordered a kubinetes book but got instead an ikea box.
mircea_popescu: "The explicit goal of the service mesh is to move service communication out of the realm of the invisible, implied infrastructure, and into the role of a first-class member of the ecosystem—where it can be monitored, managed and controlled." << alternatively, you could read a fucking book. motherfucking chukas.
phf: asciilifeform: thanks for the ada updates, i was reading knuth's book 3 on arbitrary precision multiplication, so you're 20 steps ahead of me
BingoBoingo: Sweet corn and summer squash are other good candidates to consider, Lords are advised to consult their county fair's premium book to guide crop selection.
mircea_popescu: "i read a book i like twice, but books i don't like i don't read at all!11"
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: gotta skim through their book. It's basically ad copy for ISIS. Incites feeling that the proper sane foreign policy to handle the middle east is wall building and enticing a greater idiot to occasionally hurl missiles over there when the mohammadeans get aggressive beyond their station.
BingoBoingo: Back to this Koran bsns... It sure talks about jihad a lot... Have any of these SJW's (i.e. moldylocks the haircunt) actually read the other SJW's (Scary Jihad Warrior's) book?
mircea_popescu: there should be a book written about these "earworms" let's call it, little bits of memetic stupid that work on the innocent strictly, and reconfigure what'd have been a natural construction into stupidity.
asciilifeform: in asciilifeform's book, vaviloving is a mortal sin.
mircea_popescu: lol this shit. "The book especially defames trans women who are attracted to men, calling them "homosexual transsexuals" as if they were men themselves." ... which... they aren't, because... reasons ?
ben_vulpes: bad bad agitprop masquerading as a children's book
mircea_popescu: she's like something from a coloring book for mongoloid kids.
mircea_popescu: large book store downtown.
mircea_popescu: incientally by now "Wrongly inclined book" is ~= "imbecility in writing". there was a time when english style spines were promising. today, it's guaranteed to be some nonsense a la blue apron / fingerpaint cezanne
mircea_popescu: HOWEVER, and this is the kicker : 4.4. a book of "painting masters -- paint cezanne by the numbers" WAS included.
mircea_popescu: 4.3. the barthes book is not included.
mircea_popescu: 3. after this bizarre situation, walking downtown with same girl, we went past library, where i pointed out book by roland barthes, and said "buy it and gift it her".
mod6: asciilifeform: got that book from pong chu
asciilifeform: the other idiocies follow from 'we can make roman aqueduct in empty field, and with 0 book-larnin', and it will be Just As Good'.
mircea_popescu: if you're wondering, mp doesn't use the reference because the introduction de novo is a paragraph, the discussion of differentiation is a book.
asciilifeform: even, hell, distribute printed edition, like telephone book.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger so it doesn't fail it in your book. what of it. i brought a whore to my grandma's dinner once, it didn't disqualify her in my book. that's what books are for.
ben_vulpes: the bids and asks are all right there in the order book
mircea_popescu: it was 100% datura. enough there for a medium sized book club.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-02 22:22 mircea_popescu: i very much doubt it. the time for unsolicited manuscripts was sometime in between the summer of 90something and the autumn of the same 90something. nobody can tell you precisely when, but in any case "i made a book" is precisely the same as "i made a used condom"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1636100 << 'made a book, achievement!111' evaporated some time in 2010, when 'print on demand' appeared ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-04-02 22:14 phf: i suspect saifedean is pitching various audiences to create a buzz for his upcoming book, because the way he opened seemed like a cold call. "normies" "bezzle this bezzle that" every phrase felt like it was lifted from a "wake up sheeple" video with that matrix soundtrack
mircea_popescu: "selling" 1k copies of a book is a) a fine way to spend a thousand hours of your time to earn about a hundred dollars and b) sufficient of an achievement to make you a "best selling author" and allow you to "lord it over" the utter fucktards populating that particular hobbist space.
mircea_popescu: i very much doubt it. the time for unsolicited manuscripts was sometime in between the summer of 90something and the autumn of the same 90something. nobody can tell you precisely when, but in any case "i made a book" is precisely the same as "i made a used condom" ☟︎
phf: i suspect saifedean is pitching various audiences to create a buzz for his upcoming book, because the way he opened seemed like a cold call. "normies" "bezzle this bezzle that" every phrase felt like it was lifted from a "wake up sheeple" video with that matrix soundtrack ☟︎
saifedean: in any case, these only inform the last couple of chapters of the book. the rest is mostly economic history and austrian economics on sound money and its perks & fiat money and its disasters
diana_coman: in other unrelated or possibly related happenings, my 4 year old got a book about the iss (int'l space station); he got quite obsessed with it for a week so now he knows it inside out; this morning he came with a construction made out of lego pieces and informs me: THIS is IIISSSIII!
saifedean: well, not to blow my book's horn, but this isn't some waiter's novel written out between shifts. I've put a ton of good work into it
saifedean: I'm writing a book explaining the concept of sound money to normies and how bitcoin will restore it
phf: ah, i only have 2nd edition (1996). i agree though they went downhill from there. i don't think even armstrong's next book is particularly good
asciilifeform: sorta funny bit, actually, the original, THIN, book, is ~unobtainable;
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 13:27 asciilifeform: ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 13:27 asciilifeform: ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc there was a ban on 'red book' animals etc
asciilifeform: ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633701 << i regret to inform ben_vulpes that reading the book (pick anything that is about ada95 or post) is actually necessary -- a number of things (e.g., the very 'fascist' access variable rules) will make 0 sense until you do ☝︎
asciilifeform: are these different from the one in the Lions book ?
shinohai would like to thank Forrest Mims for printing decent book I could understand at 8 and building lifelong obsession
asciilifeform: i could tell gabriel_laddel_p that when i was a small boy, i also wanted somebody to go straight to 'great inventing' without all thar book larnin'
asciilifeform: it fill a book case.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Acts of Gord : Love the Gord , Fear the Gord: <http://www.actsofgord.com/>; Acts of Gord - The Book of Annoyances: <http://www.actsofgord.com/Annoy/>; Acts of Gord - The Book of Apocalypse: <http://www.actsofgord.com/apocalypse/>