1100+ entries in 0.234s
phf: i kind of want to read an entire book about this Dirlewanger fella
mircea_popescu: writes book on bios, has no hardware knowledge ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160922/#449 << "There was at least one mistake I did in my BIOS book that I didn't realize due to my handicap in not having an ICE and its related skills." gimme a break ; that dude read nothing past cereal boxes.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and i am floored to discover that the man who wrote ~the~ book on subj of bios internals, never had an ICE.
asciilifeform: now i have not read the book herr woit is reviewing, but the review imho is not his finest moment.
pete_dushenski: "To me, Facebook is perhaps the most worrisome of all the Big Data concerns of the book. It now exercises an incredible amount of influence over what information people see, with this influence sometimes being sold to the highest bidder." << PEEEEEPLE. not cows and other sundry farm animals. couldn't be!
mircea_popescu: incidentally, the penrose book is great ; and as woit aptly points out a very good basis for groking the current affairs re qm/st/etc.
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2016/09/19/book-of-mormon/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Book of Mormon.
adlai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1544387 << nothing near as exciting, i knocked an office toy (magnetic paperclip people) off a doctor's desk while proving a point, which in his book counted as "violence!!!"; then i left the meeting, because they were wasting my time. sufficient cause, in this wonderful medical system, for an involuntary commitment. as one friend interpreted: "pissed off the wrong people" ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "the logic of steel" wtf is he about ? << Early book of his.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-17 09:27 adlai: ahaha, review of jaynes's book: "The weight of original thought in it is so great that it makes me uneasy for the author's well-being: the human mind is not built to support such a burden." - D.C. Stove, in Encounter (from http://www.julianjaynes.org/bicameralmind.php )
adlai: ahaha, review of jaynes's book: "The weight of original thought in it is so great that it makes me uneasy for the author's well-being: the human mind is not built to support such a burden." - D.C. Stove, in Encounter (from http://www.julianjaynes.org/bicameralmind.php ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu has a vague memory of ancient book for chitlins 30 years ago
asciilifeform: y'know, the parallel greece that actually ran 'by the book' or however.
BingoBoingo may need to find that book
asciilifeform: i only found out late in life that it was actually a 'book code' copyprotection thing.
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160908/from:656/to:656#656 << out of curiosity, what book would that be? (not the fictional one within eco's name of the rose i assume??)
mircea_popescu: wouldn't the book be unfair competition ?
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-08: [01:02:17] <thestringpuller> so derpopulus is bleeding money so he wrote another book
thestringpuller: nah. this book was launched as part of a "touring strategy" because 5 wheel solutions can't get any actual work
thestringpuller: GIGASNORE. But dunno why people keep buying his book.
thestringpuller: so derpopulus is bleeding money so he wrote another book
alice_: {A Pattern Language} is a book about the specific pattern language he built for architecture; http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Ecological_Building/The_Timeless_Way_of_Building_Complete.pdf is the theory book
asciilifeform: 'Christopher Alexander is Emeritus Professor of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, best known for his seminal works on architecture including A Pattern Language, Notes on the Synthesis of Form, and The Nature of Order, Volumes I-IV. He is the father of the Pattern Language movement in computer science, and A Pattern Language was perhaps the first complete book ever written in hypertext fashion.'
shinohai considers adding the Big Book to the scriptorium for BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> lol, I thought danielpbarron would be offended when it first appeared. << BingoBoingo is offended the Good Book is in, but the Big book is out... Perhaps add !~step and !~tradition
mircea_popescu: (incidentally, the elliot kid is a fucking self-parody, like a comic book character irl)
asciilifeform: al 'uncle al' schwartz's father, for instance, was - iirc - a tailor, who never read a book cover to cover in his entire life.
Framedragger: flying in to give talk of book*
BingoBoingo: <Framedragger> OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book? << Toolbox. Just delete the comment boxes and other shit. Small theme so easy to fidn everything you want/need to delete.
BingoBoingo: <Framedragger> OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book? << Toolbox!
Framedragger: OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book?
asciilifeform: and yes, orlov put this point in book length, when you borrow money from banks instead of your blood clan, jew cackles, and coins ring in usg coffer, etc.
asciilifeform: the job of the algo is to perform same count of 'ideal cpu, no cache, all instr take the cycle count printed in the book' instructions per sig verif.
mircea_popescu: im starting to think your understanding of practical c is comic-book based.
asciilifeform: trinque: more importantly, a precise description of why 'i stored x, y, z, and binary is now B ~BECAUSE~...' would be book-length.
PeterL: I thought somebody here suggested "The White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov, but I can't find it in logs now. Anyway, I recently finished it, was pretty good book.
boolcrap: what kind of book is that
asciilifeform: i recall reading some chinese chick's 'story of my sad life' book in american school, and she described her arranged marriage, and how the husband-to-be kept repeating 'kai-gwa!' or how he will 'open the watermelon'
mircea_popescu: inyourdreams-book much ?
phf: i don't really think his message changed, it's just that he started talking about different things. there's the lisper period and then the hackernew/yc/startupschool period. i knew of him, because of the excellent On Lisp book, so i read hackers and painters when it came out, and read that dabblers and blowhards article when it came out, possibly because i thought that hackers and painters was awful (the book literally has low
Framedragger: and he wrote that book, quite earlier than that
asciilifeform: where book-length turd specifies how the bigint bits must be stored, etc.
phf: trinque: you're on a book cover blurb ;) https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/excite.html
ben_vulpes: you book salaries under "goodwill"?
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 9580.7606 bitcoins, for a total of 33190089.2632 USD and take the price to 1000000000.0000. | Data vintage: 0.0211 seconds
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo in another twenty years they'll catch up with the "book for practical activities of making puippets and imagining scenes", ie 1970s ro standard
diana_coman: mircea_popescu> this activity, not just "tolkien" but generally "reading", is very much subverted in the anglotard world. have yo useen this, whole carloads of white, quiet, mousy people "reading a book" on their commute <- actually I saw this in FRANCE
mircea_popescu: this activity, not just "tolkien" but generally "reading", is very much subverted in the anglotard world. have yo useen this, whole carloads of white, quiet, mousy people "reading a book" on their commute.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, "there's no errect penis in tolkien's book" - is this a correct description of the main fault you find?
diana_coman: I don't follow where the magical artefact came from; fwiw I fully agree that a book's a mechanism, true; I still can't fully grasp where you say this particular mechanism is broken/not even one ; I'll go through the old threads again, maybe I get it
mircea_popescu: granted the attendance is not much trained in this weird arcana, so we'll not dispose the matter on the spot. but still, worth thinking of. a book's a mechanism, like any other, not some sort of magical artefact.
mircea_popescu: i have read the book. to my standard of reading a book, which does include throw it away on its own merits.
mircea_popescu: and in other news : oj simpson may or may not have killed his nonconsensually slutty wife and some schmuck named ronald. that schmuck's family did in fact win a civil award of 33.5 mn. of the sum owed, they collected a few hundred k's, which consist entirely of... the royalties from a ghostwritten book. "if i did it: confessions of the killer".
mircea_popescu reaches for book again...
mircea_popescu writes in book "phf does cocaine off beach bunnies asscrack instead of attending to republic business."
mircea_popescu: "This year, so far, I have completed and published 36 titles and hope to wrap up eight more next month." << da fuck ? what's at work here, does he title his paragraphs individually ? there's enough articles to fill maybe half a book, is he not publishing most of his material ?
mircea_popescu: yes they show a marked preference to drooling in front of flickering monitor than empty book. but this is like saying cats prefer the christian science monitor over the new yorker. to what, to piss on ?
pete_dushenski: i've had no issues with cpanel in the past, nor is 'cpanel doesn't unglue without reformatting' a cause to abandon it in my book
mircea_popescu: fetishism, you understand me ? "i like this book because of the way capital letters are drawn at beginning of paragraph"
asciilifeform: of an item that wasn't in the book
BingoBoingo: I kinda though his formula was most text on blog, book offers a bit of extra.
BingoBoingo: Srsly? He seems to put most of the book content on blog.
mircea_popescu: "pointedly not it", chiefly because you're trying the oldest trick in the poorfag's book, which is to say to NAME his target according to the conventions of trade, but to secretly expect it to satisfy his metaphysical expectations.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i guess it's funny to the outside observer, but here's me doing a complete reversal re the book discussion. there really isn't any way to make the 2cm thick, a6 agenda fit in silicon.
thestringpuller: ^- http://freedomforallseasons.org/AllodialLandPatentReports/DO%20YOU%20HAVE%20ALLODIAL%20TITLE%20ON%20YOUR%20PROPERTY_html.htm << hey he's selling a book for 40 bucks
danielpbarron: you kick the habit when you believe The Bible. Christ is the only cure. You do not need some other asshole's book
asciilifeform: he'd make book covers from ~their~ hides.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how much is normal per your book ?
BingoBoingo: Anyways cutting a hole in brick to install mini-split in book room is nbd, just use a sawzall
mircea_popescu: it's not "a sort of book".
asciilifeform: in other interesting finds, http://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/book/metaheuristics
mircea_popescu: the book sez : "A parallel with human sexuality is not unwarranted here. At a past time when the ownership of female humans was the principal method to control capital formation and the political process, the same sort of dead hand fictions proposed that they in fact control the usage of women, that anyone owning a woman does so only as a sublicense from their sovereign ownership of all women, and may proceed only in furthera
asciilifeform has a book on his shelf, titled THE OF
mircea_popescu: phf there's two (or perhaps three) aspects here. one is, that it should first pass through the entire item (book or w/e), to adjust itself, and then go once more through it, on the basis of that, and then again. similar to how "page rank" works, once the result is stable it thinks it's done.
mircea_popescu: when you have to correct on average 1 error per book, which is where i expect this can be taken, it's just a breeze.
phf: http://articles.philly.com/2011-01-28/news/27054197_1_book-lovers-rare-books-alien-life
phf: saw it happen in fishtown, http://articles.philly.com/2016-02-19/news/70734651_1_fishtown-kensington-community-development-corp-johnny-brenda the place was amazing 10 years ago. dead, cheap, bunch of weirdos living there. there was a bookstore, called "germ", that would invite these totally insane performers. their book selection was ufo, nazi, conspiracy theories and right hand magick. they had like a hitler telegram on sale for $2k, it closed ab
asciilifeform: these here judges aren't in 'plum book', are they ?
asciilifeform: which upgrades them to usg stoolies in my book.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-24 03:00 phf: this is roughly how the argument went in the connection machine book, but of course they didn't have access to large enough rams to make it shared
phf: this is roughly how the argument went in the connection machine book, but of course they didn't have access to large enough rams to make it shared ☟︎
mircea_popescu: from my brief stint in publishing, i wouldn't swear the expert editor is less a contributor in the average book than the average author.
diana_coman: in my book programmers are exactly those who write code as a rational creation
gribble: Bitfinex | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 294609.46 bitcoins for a total of 6705440.3944 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 0.0047 seconds
Framedragger: "recursive call contracts" must some phrase out of a 1980s cyberpunk book
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-14#1482510 << whether you can be said to have "written" it, in the manner of genre fiction, is even a separate matter from "having written it" in the manner of code, which means you control it, which is a superset of you understand it completely, which has really little to do with "here's a string i dreamed up now publish it and clal it a book". ☝︎
trinque: and now we're back to your book
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ftr gentoo was never much more than a derpy hipsterism in my book.
mircea_popescu: (and for the ego - back in 2004 when i published asylum editor was like "isn't this a little short ?". apparently i was merely being pioneeric, the notion of "book" dropped half the pages past two decades, from 300something to 150ish.)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: undocumented windows NT features or sth like that? there was a book...
BingoBoingo: Chapter 5 of the Big Book.
phf: while at it, let's also mention that pilot's self clearing book has some handy nlp's style exercises, and will give you a general idea as to what sci core training is about (sealing the deal on the whole suppresive thing)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: node colouring. there is a whole motherfucking book of them.
asciilifeform: (quoted from book review of carver mead's 'collective electrodynamics')
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo will be stimulated to learn that there is some sort of comic book convention going in washington and i saw 'land whales' last night in a train, headed from it to dinner
mircea_popescu: so then therefore we agree that more books being published is the best thing that ever happened for the book.
mircea_popescu: would you say random wage slave with a kid in tow and a vague interest in maybe spending a week on "writing a book" is watering down "neoreaction" or whatever the fuck you'd call the line of "being an internet tough guy in the style of curtis yarvin" ?
mircea_popescu: these schmucks seriously go around pretending some book published in the 1930s is "under copyright" ?
spandrell: hope you buy my book if I write it