1300+ entries in 0.294s
phf: sicp is more of a "all you need to know about computation as a thing" book, rather then specifically a way to learn scheme. i know very few people who actually got through it on their own
asciilifeform: a number of folks don't seem to grasp that financial and cultural poverty are quite separate things. visit usa, the land of countless millionaires who have never opened a book, and hobos with half a ph.d. in mathematics.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, their retarded plum book index
pete_dushenski: i also can't stand the texture of mashed potatoes, which doesn't seem to be derived from scum-sucking bottom-feeders, so i probably shouldn't blame the good book too much
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2016#1408407 << you don't understand dirigible fantasies. it's like every comic book fan's overactive imagination telling him that 'if i only has x-ray vision i'd get so much pussy'. and then mousy radiologist (as they tend to be, in my experience), asks comicfan 'have you ever seen something with x-ray vision ? i'm not quite sure it's how you imagine.' 'nonsense, that's ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it's a wonder to see it at work, too : consider the case of ross ulbricht. amply retarded kid, did pretty much every stupid thing in the book. yet because he was indicted by the us-komintern, he still has A LOT molre support than would be warranted on the face of things.
assbot: Logged on 17-02-2016 06:54:56; punkman: http://www.tuxedocomputers.com/Linux-Hardware/Linux-Notebooks/10-14-Zoll/TUXEDO-InfinityBook-13-3-matt-Full-HD-IPS-Aluminiumgehaeuse-Intel-Core-i7-Energiespar-CPU-zwei-HDD/SSD-bis-16GB-RAM-bis-15h-Akku-Slim-Book.geek
assbot: TUXEDO InfinityBook - 13,3 Zoll matt Full-HD IPS + Aluminiumgehäuse + Intel Core i7 Energiespar-CPU + zwei HDD/SSD + bis 16GB RAM + bis 15h Akku + Slim-Book ... ( http://bit.ly/1SRJsI9 )
punkman: http://www.tuxedocomputers.com/Linux-Hardware/Linux-Notebooks/10-14-Zoll/TUXEDO-InfinityBook-13-3-matt-Full-HD-IPS-Aluminiumgehaeuse-Intel-Core-i7-Energiespar-CPU-zwei-HDD/SSD-bis-16GB-RAM-bis-15h-Akku-Slim-Book.geek ☟︎
mircea_popescu: * asciilifeform back from maths library, opens book, finds letter 'to reader' circa 2001, inviting to talk to some long-gone prof merely for being interested in the text << sad huh.
asciilifeform back from maths library, opens book, finds letter 'to reader' circa 2001, inviting to talk to some long-gone prof merely for being interested in the text
BingoBoingo: Exactly. The Big Book has a chapter called "into action" but it does not have chapter titled "Into Feeling" or "Into Thinking"
asciilifeform: phf: i actually ran out (!) of book tape warez of tolerable quality
asciilifeform: borrowing a page from mircea_popescu's 'this is WRONG now find a non-WRONG thing to do' book.
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2015 22:14:45; mike_c: mm, not quite. because order book could have been better than price history at times
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> was also a penguin linked here recently, same idea. << Problem of using block cipher as code book
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> and go and try turning it into vertical orientation, looks like shit soup << AMD thinkpadish was acquired for acceptable vertical quality. Imagined myself holding it like a book for ebook reading.
mircea_popescu: istory is a byword for dead and buried, which ties into why he will never be able to write a book.
mircea_popescu: "I could probably write a book about the depth and complexity of events of the past year, the lessons I've learned and the personalities I've dealth with. However, at this point it's all history, and I've always been more interested in planning the future than dwelling too much on the past." << no, he couldn';t write a book. not anymore than boshiman could build a city on all the land he walks. moreover, orc imagines h
ascii_butugychag: (yes, this includes paper book, which HAD FUCKING BETTER have concordance indices in all margins on every page)
assbot: Black Book on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/20oO0da )
BingoBoingo: http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/#comment-116421
deedbot-: [Trilema] Black Book - http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/
mircea_popescu: phf> doing by the book kahn topo sort on my graph results in topo a b c d e so pressing to c drops the whole d e subgraph << this is correct.
phf: doing by the book kahn topo sort on my graph results in topo a b c d e so pressing to c drops the whole d e subgraph
mircea_popescu: because what he really wanted was ths svg (not the PDF!!!) of a book
mircea_popescu: by now alf no longer really wants the book
asciilifeform: the fruit? only from grandfather's botanical book
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2016#1390862 << pretty much exactly that. as per https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing ☝︎
mod6: is this the one? https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html << MIT?!?!
mod6: how much does actual scheme differ from common lisp or lisp? can i get a book for lisp (whatever latest megabook alf has posted recently) or do I need a scheme specific book?
ascii_butugychag: (i wanted the book for a reason)
mircea_popescu: "I am not kidding. I wrote the book on that."
asciilifeform: he has whole book on why folks should accept it as boat.
assbot: Loper OS » The Book ... ( http://bit.ly/20tnuMf )
assbot: Logged on 25-01-2016 04:47:39; *: BingoBoingo once he completes the re-reading list would like to publish a book, or at least a lecture series title "The Will To Hodl"
BingoBoingo once he completes the re-reading list would like to publish a book, or at least a lecture series title "The Will To Hodl" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and references break if guy goes back and adds pages in the middle of his book wtf.
mod6 pulls out the book
asciilifeform: polarbeard: you open a book and read ? start with, e.g., tannenbaum ?
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: will have to spend a weekend, possibly risk opening a book
mircea_popescu: epic, ascii will get his book in standard newspaper format.
asciilifeform: incidentally, 'mips' cpu fits on one page: it was printed in the inner cover of the book my brother went to school with, and likewise inside same book, edition of decade later, and is in every other systems arch. book on the planet, also inside front cover.
asciilifeform: i did say, in the very beginning, 'i want this in a book, as a reference' etc
BingoBoingo: Twas a cruddy film but of all the comic book to film adaptations, twas the one that has sucked the least
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:03:53; *: ben_vulpes is enjoying the bible vs. big book citation spats
ben_vulpes: hey now trinque insanely long book of retarded rules says no fucking sheep, nobody fucked sheep that's racist
BingoBoingo: You know... It would prolly be easier to V-ify the Big Book for provenance than an English Bible translation.
ben_vulpes is enjoying the bible vs. big book citation spats ☟︎
BingoBoingo: It is written in the Big Book "Many of us exclaimed, "What an order! I can't go through with it." Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection." page 60
BingoBoingo: Anyways in Chapter 5 of the Big Book "How It Works" they mention the goal is spiritual progress, not spiritual perfection.
mircea_popescu: ersity;[3] and the author of the 2014 book Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology.[4][5]"
ascii_butugychag: '“It seems to me,” said Booker T., / “It shows a mighty lot of cheek / To study chemistry and Greek / When Mister Charlie needs a hand / To hoe the cotton on his land, / And when Miss Ann looks for a cook, / Why stick your nose inside a book?”'
mircea_popescu: "A few days after the book was released, readers took the author, the illustrator and the publisher to task online for presenting a sanitized version of the life of Washington’s cook and other enslaved people. “An insulting tale that sprinkles glitter on rape, murder, torture and servitude,” wrote one outraged reviewer."
PeterL: mircea_popescu, and instead of relying on parents to explain to thier children the background of the culture, we must ban the book. Bleh.
assbot: Children’s book recalled for superficial portrayal of slavery - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1NiHXKd )
PeterL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/childrens-book-recalled-for-superficial-portrayal-of-slavery/2016/01/18/db881864-be47-11e5-bcda-62a36b394160_story.html << Slavery is bad, mkay? Don't let mircea_popescu tell you it is good, mkay?
mircea_popescu: there's absolutely nothing valid or even remotely interesting you might need to "express yourself" through writing into the book sideways and with a round hole in the middle of the page.
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> but you would ideally like to have another, 'unauthoritative' guide. << Model repeated mostly successfully with other texts. i.e. relationship between the Big Book and 12&12
ascii_butugychag: on account of that schmuck at shmoocon who was peddling a group-theoretical crypto algo, quasi-proprietary and patentalicious, that was more or less stolen verbatim from maslennikov's book... ☟︎
mircea_popescu: for that matter, why didn't soviet russia mobilize all those book-only assets ?
mircea_popescu: put your offer in the book, if it is of this nature of a firm offer, and wait and see.
kingking190: pete_dushenski: i am not sure the book bag was a love tap LOL >_> it was full at that time T_T
thestringpuller: f. scott fitzgerald really didn't get experience "the rich life", it's just interesting to me that "old miners" operate similar to "old money". i do find it intriguing the proletariat of America found that book so fascinating in declaring "the american dream" dead.
mircea_popescu: you are aware that's a book, written about "how it is to be rich" by someone who was himself poor ?
mircea_popescu: i suppose by "vacuum" one might mean "in the book universe where mass exists in points etc".
ascii_butugychag: 'suddenly the inventor appeared' is the only actually worthwhile book on heuristics i know of.
ascii_butugychag: its straight out of altshuller's book
thestringpuller: it wasn't until someone was bored enough to write the thing down that you got Fake Books and stuff of the "American Song Book"
phf: that's like chinese math, transformation on formulas carried out mechanically by memorizing the book
trinque: no, I have not read a book on tex
ascii_butugychag: ever read knuth's tex book ?
assbot: The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care: Sally Fallon Morell, Thomas S. Cowan: 9780982338315: Books - Amazon.ca ... ( http://bit.ly/1OHxoWD )
saifedean: I'd recommend you folks check out this book: http://www.amazon.ca/Nourishing-Traditions-Book-Baby-Child/dp/0982338317
assbot: New book reveals how elite Ph.D. admissions committees review candidates | Inside Higher Ed ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZSLI20 )
BingoBoingo: from https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/01/06/new-book-reveals-how-elite-phd-admissions-committees-review-candidates?utm_source=slate&utm_medium=referral&utm_term=partner
thestringpuller: "Maybe you should pick up a book?" "That's not required!!!1111 My opinions matter without education!"
BingoBoingo: Oh, a cool order in the -otc book https://bitcoin-otc.com/vieworder.php?id=22599
assbot: Logged on 06-01-2016 04:07:24; phf: asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774
phf: sucks that he ended up writing book on sgml, but not on common lisp
assbot: Logged on 06-01-2016 04:07:24; phf: asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774
phf: asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774 ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: The better trader you are the less time you spend trading. I just enter orders into the book and wait for them to be filled or not filled.
dbclk: i've made good trades but, mostly terrible ones ..reading a book on trading but i'm seeking a mentor
mircea_popescu: first, there was the generation of tov burtica. [belly-let, commie bugman]. then was the generation of the inteprid "privatizati". and finally the generation of "we belong in the eu and we'll sack this ridiculous derp of a prime minister that survived every turpitude in the book because a club caught fire and some moo-moos died".
BingoBoingo: "will aim to show that Mein Kampf (My Struggle) is incoherent and badly written, rather than powerful or seductive. From the original book's 1,000 pages, the publisher has produced a two-volume book that is twice as long as the original, with 3,700 annotations."
ascii_rear: (the latter is, without exception, what you find behind modern book shop window)
assbot: Logged on 03-01-2016 15:19:36; pete_dushenski: "Evgeny Morozov is the author of the Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom." << anyone read this dood's book ?
pete_dushenski: "Evgeny Morozov is the author of the Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom." << anyone read this dood's book ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if i ever write a book about nazi camps etc, the evil guy's dogs are gonna be named ordnung ^ disziplin
pete_dushenski: http://blogs.harvard.edu/philg/2015/12/29/the-eu-was-hitlers-idea-apparently/ << more quotes from same book
ascii_butugychag: associate with rezun's book
adlai long since pankakked from there, but the place is ;;rate tripsit 10 in his book
asciilifeform: incidentally, maslennikov's book raised a question in my head, were western banks making use of modern crypto in '91 ?
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu et al: maslennikov has a lulzy chapter << by now, "cryptogeeks, their ideas of females and trngs" coulod be a book. wasn't it proposed in the logs orgasm noise be measured?
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be identified via GPG to use the order book.
asciilifeform: ( mircea_popescu reveals that he has - to this day unpublished! - private 31337 version of bitcoin; then everybody tries to pry detail outa him; ben_vulpes asks for pedigreed tarballs; i ask for printed book... etc )
asciilifeform: the book is interesting not only from anthropological pov but also because it reveals why 'gost' is a piece of shit
mircea_popescu: i briefly considered printing and selling book versions. however a) it's truly an immense volume of material. even if you made yearly volumes, you'd have multi thousand page tomes.
punkman: "People call themselves a sushi chef after two to four years of making sushi, or going from restaurant to restaurant instead of taking up an apprenticeship. That doesn’t fly in my book. When a white sushi chef says, “I would work there, but it was too demanding,” then I say you are definitely too weak and we are not cut from the same cloth."