121 entries in 0.768s
mp_en_viaje: ile the three dozen dudes lined the bar being incels-with-beers (deserted bar, as even the fucking waitress was sitting at my table, kissing random girls for drinks).
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile i'm sitting in this cafe, the table next, 4 chicks, one overweight, cucky dood. the table further away, three chicks, one overweight, cuky dood. the bar, three doods, salivatinursing beers.
trinque: BingoBoingo: it's not different from my evening; chugged a few beers with ben_vulpes and the junior gent. "throw me at anything boss!", and we still make these in TX apparently.
mircea_popescu: but the bulk... fat computer geeks holding on to their beers.
mircea_popescu: all around, fat computer geeks holding on to their beers.
mircea_popescu: can't apply livresque standards of awareness to the herd, they're not human in that sense. you believe cattle is aware of electified fence, even if no cow ever sat down with you and stated as much over beers and buffalo wings.
mircea_popescu: it strikes me this'd be a great golf course. "we only hire girls with cheerleading past. they get you beers and w/e, and are not dressed above the ankles."
TomServo: right! well in northern wisconsin there are CLASSES of beers in cars
a111: Logged on 2016-05-13 04:44 mircea_popescu: Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck mother fuck noish noish. One, two, one two three four noish noish noish noish. Smokin weed smokin whizz doin coke drinkin beers drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes blunts? We smoke blunts. Rollin blunts and smokin..
mircea_popescu: you wanted http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%27beers+beers+beers%27 ?
asciilifeform: look at the output of 'beers beers beers'
a111: 108 results for "beers beers beers", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=beers%20beers%20beers
asciilifeform: !#s beers beers beers
asciilifeform: the one with 'beers'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1709309 << this works well for hookers, blow, beers, pizza, generally consumables. ☝︎
trinque: mod6: ty, got some minor flooding atm. enjoying the hell out of it, cracking beers.
mgoetze: my dad is a retired engineer, and he enjoys his garden, a local culture club and a few beers every now and then
mircea_popescu: somewhat at odds with the public imagination of you know, gangrape-till-daybreak (if imaginer is female) or else "they'll start zombieing around with beers, eventually some dude will try to make money renting folding chairs, that sorta thing".
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1543758 << Stereotypical last drunk seems to be X beers and a blackout where X<4 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: The SOP that pissed me off most was fuckers prancing around with their Dainty light beers while playing games like Beer Pong. Bitch if have that kind of muscle coordination left you ain't drinking.
BingoBoingo: Or do you plan on having three beers to celebrate graduating from socialist US school only to discover you have become a Lord of the Greatest Republic.
ben_vulpes: dunno that i'd be willing to trade the time sink of mistressmgmt for the sweet relaxation of being brought beers and snacks on the hammock after biking home from work
asciilifeform: to move yet again up the stack: mining machinery is improved by engineers, who - if not went to a school, at least are literate - rather than by gawkers who 'drinkin' beers, beers, beeers' in front of the mine, suggest 'hey bubba let's weld on a SHIT HANGING OFF THE SIDEZ'
trinque has had a few beers, so let me be specific
mircea_popescu: Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck mother fuck noish noish. One, two, one two three four noish noish noish noish. Smokin weed smokin whizz doin coke drinkin beers drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes blunts? We smoke blunts. Rollin blunts and smokin.. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: i have had two beers and a glass of wine since 5pm and none of that has made me nearly as ill as this line of cpp
phf: 9-5, couple of beers to wind down, friday evening everyone gets shit faced at a bar, year after year.
mircea_popescu: old ex-military dudes hanging around with the beers talking about shit ?
BingoBoingo: <thestringpuller> pete_dushenski: yea d00d. we'd get dinner and drink beers and chat. and I'd give him cash for bitcoin in an envelope mobster style. << Mebbe if you WoT'd the guy actually talk to him before joining a rate frenzy?
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: yea d00d. we'd get dinner and drink beers and chat. and I'd give him cash for bitcoin in an envelope mobster style.
assbot: De Beers suspends operations at Canada mine | Mining | BDlive ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFTELw )
pete_dushenski: speaking of resource booms, http://www.bdlive.co.za/business/mining/2015/12/07/de-beers-suspends-operations-at-canada-mine
assbot: Beers in Bunnie's Workshop - Workshop Video #36 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RhhRM3 )
pete_dushenski: waaay bigger scam than even de beers
brg444: people throwing beers on the field and stuff
binaryatrocity: Wisconsin is known for cheese, the largest city in said state is known as "Brew City", as many of the current mass-produced american beers found their start here
nubbins`: i can drink 18 beers, but not in an hour
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 23:21:00; mircea_popescu: The rest of us who actually make shit happen in the front lines of consensus back on planet earth will continue to be unaffected by your efforts apart from their modest value as chuckle fuel over beers and sushi."
mircea_popescu: The rest of us who actually make shit happen in the front lines of consensus back on planet earth will continue to be unaffected by your efforts apart from their modest value as chuckle fuel over beers and sushi." ☟︎
ben_vulpes: wee benkay running around nyc, drinking beers in public not giving a shit about things
cazalla: needs a few beers.. which i have being friday and all
cazalla: i had a few beers friday night but other than that, good
pete_dushenski: i tried a corona a few months, which are supposedly as low on the gluten scale as they come for normal beers, and i puked my guts out.
cazalla: tempted to keep my beers until tmw night
thestringpuller: 2 beers in and a few exercises this is not bad .jpeg
danielpbarron: they use hfcs in most big name beers
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [] the fizzy drinks and synthetic beers have been around longer than autism, though. << what on earth is synthetic beer!?
asciilifeform: the fizzy drinks and synthetic beers have been around longer than autism, though.
mircea_popescu: (this includes all beers)
thestringpuller: I guess no beers.
nubbins`: that'd buy you between one and three beers at a bar, depending on your tolerance for seediness
cazalla: asciilifeform, ya need a few beers, reads ok here, had a few beers though
BingoBoingo: When I go to the cards games most I eat there is a hot dog. Gotta make hose $6 beers work.
pete_dushenski: ;;rate menahem 1 shared coffees and beers
cazalla: no drink november, it's 10:15pm on 31st october and i'm having some beers so this ensures i fail no drink november as of 12:01am november 1st
mircea_popescu: i gotta see one of these beers marked in dl.
cazalla: good a time as any for a few beers i guess
Vexual: at night, head to the rocks, theres a german spot there, 2 litre beers and bratwurst and snitzel
ben_vulpes: i have two whole beers to get through before i knock off for the long weekend i want to read more unit tests
cazalla: what are you drinking? i'm downing a few beers myself
Mexual: drink 2 beers, put unconcious ben in taxi and return
chetty: mike_c: Rassah:Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication << uh, does this guy know hom scamming works?//meeting pirate in person helped so many people figure that one out
mike_c: Rassah:Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication << uh, does this guy know hom scamming works?
Rassah: Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication
benkay: thickasthieves: beers?
benkay: hey nubbins` what's with these threaded beers you can't twist the tops off of in bc?
Vexual: ben10: 2 beers?
benkay: hang on i may be a few too beers deep to keep track of my +/- axes
benkay: if you make pilgrimage to puppet hq make sure you ping me - beers on my tab
TheNewDeal: 4 pack of Polish beers and an empty bitcoin-assets room... the start of a fantastic saturday night
mircea_popescu: "As for substance abuse I'll admit I like to have a few beers, But for the most part I stay off the drugs as of late."
benkay: BingoBoingo: are these sulphurs in all beers?
benkay: <BingoBoingo> Especially all of the "craft beers" that are born the same place place as Busch lite, Coors, and Miller. It's also a field where... Neigbhors producing fould products in the basement is increasing. // in the beer case, that 'fould' is far superior to that coming out of the mass-produced garbage
BingoBoingo: Especially all of the "craft beers" that are born the same place place as Busch lite, Coors, and Miller. It's also a field where... Neigbhors producing fould products in the basement is increasing.
TestingUnoDosTre: The beers cost about as much as the tickets
bounce: the student club had a rule that you couldn't actually lie. ie answers must be truthful. but you could refuse to answer on grounds of the question being too direct. add in some rules that made buying the entire bar population beers both very easy to do and hard to figure out for the barman... well, it's a student club, whaddaya expect?
mircea_popescu: and i do mean great, not in the sense of "tinker joe thinks this rocks after two beers".
mircea_popescu: "you" can have a girl hang around the whole day for the cost of two beers, except not YOU.
random_cat isn't a huge fan of lucky lab's beers
gx: i also have to bow out for some beers, it's been a pleasure, thanks for the lambasting everyone
benkay: anyways, upstairs sez beers.
BingoBoingo: St Louis also has a sort of privately run beer welfare, take the free AB brewery tour and get two beers at the end
tg2: beers?!
xdotcomm_: he will come and like buy u beers for pissing him off in the chat
tg2: >implying I didn't mean for beers
Neil: He paid a 1 BTC gratiuity to bitbet to let later bettors enjoy some free beers.
TestingUnoDosTre: beers gone, my partying is done
ThickAsThieves: before ginger was strong desire for very hoppy beers
benkay: i met an ex-teacher while drinking beers after closing a deal the other day. he mentioned teaching sex-ed in an abstinence-only situation, and when I asked him "so how do you actually teach them?!" he said something along the lines of "well the smart ones can read between the lines"
mircea_popescu: <benkay``> like four beers and half a bottle of merlot through no fault of my own
benkay``: like four beers and half a bottle of merlot through no fault of my own
benkay`: your name came up over beers last night, mircea_popescu
punkman1: "I barely have enough time to eat dinner, shower, and get online to research new cryptocoins to invest in. I have no social life, but this is of my choosing because I can't be bothered to socialize and waste money on a few beers and hang out with friends/women"
nubbins`: the only instance i can recall that a canadian went the other way is when that guy swam from windsor to detroit after slamming 8 beers, to see if he could
nubbins`: the newfie dog also graces the box of one of my favourite local beers
benkay: beers make my tummy sad
nubbins`: past year or two, i've been drinking wheat beers almost exclusively
KRS1: I drink beers, dont like the heavy stuff.
nubbins`: yeah. two beers will make you the drunkest guy in an empty bar.
nubbins`: there's a strong relationship between how tasty your coffee is, and how many beers you drank last night