241 entries in 0.665s
mircea_popescu: ^look ye and be amazed at the grandiose arithmetical future of alphabet, inc!
phf: traditionally cloak and dagger indicates incompetence. even alphabet gives you ~some~ details, before you commit to "full time contribution"
mircea_popescu: or nobody is supposed to have face recognition software outside teh alphabet ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 18:25 mircea_popescu: this apple, nsa, whatever, nobody gives a shit, but this "apple" is the empire's last hope, half-Alphabet-half-AAPL-half-contractors whatever it is.
mircea_popescu: this apple, nsa, whatever, nobody gives a shit, but this "apple" is the empire's last hope, half-Alphabet-half-AAPL-half-contractors whatever it is. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: completely misremembering ru alphabet lessons, apparently.
jurov: heh, nice example how alphabet is inferior to diagrams. if aristotle had drawn a diagrams that would survive to this day, no translation needed ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo tecvhnically it's alphabet's
mircea_popescu: such is the rule at say alphabet ; microsoft ; etcetera.
mircea_popescu: in principle there is a strong argument to say "alphabet size = machine word size" even if this didn't hold on pre-8 bit machines. and consequently you ~could~ have a type string that always takes 4 bytes and represents whatever the fuck. the problem is that this gives you a 400% memory allocation bloat for that type of string.
asciilifeform: it depends -- must i first learn the alphabet ?
asciilifeform: in the former - yes, d00d like mircea_popescu who can do arithmetic and write down the alphabet, say, is citizen, and locally born monkey - not.
scourge: ^CTR - like team. But done by Alphabet and Eric Schmidt and with 1.5 billion in budget and all of google's resources to build a "unique voter ID" on everyone
a111: Logged on 2016-11-11 00:20 mircea_popescu: the inuitive approach (oh ~obviously~ i know what a string is, just like when anne sexton writes in her spiral notebook amirite ?) utterly fails ; and even in the hands of very subtle thinkers it can explode loudly - witness the many day disagreement with alf over the matter of utf/ansi, which unearthed disputes all the way to the greek ikonoclasm and the fundaments of literacy/alphabet.
mircea_popescu: the inuitive approach (oh ~obviously~ i know what a string is, just like when anne sexton writes in her spiral notebook amirite ?) utterly fails ; and even in the hands of very subtle thinkers it can explode loudly - witness the many day disagreement with alf over the matter of utf/ansi, which unearthed disputes all the way to the greek ikonoclasm and the fundaments of literacy/alphabet. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the problem with the political notion of "primitive" is that well, it's the "global warming" from before global warming. there ~is~ a scientific notion of primitive, but it's deeply political inconvenient (such as, primitive society uses hieroglyphics rather than alphabet. making the chinese primitive.) wheres the politically convenient version ("guys in next town over are primitive, because our footbal mascot is a beaver and
mircea_popescu: i'm certainly against if it means significant performance degradation for proper alphabet searches.
mircea_popescu: even something like apple - here today, gone tomorrow. alphabet inc was fdounded... 2015. ie it's not yet 2 years old. on it goes.
asciilifeform: and alphabet of, e.g., english, is 'standard' for english in the exact 100% useless sense that mendeleev table is 'standard for mcburger'.
mircea_popescu: still. when we discuss language - the alphabet is the only standard. the dictionary is not a standard ; nor aspires to be a standard.
asciilifeform: you cannot decipher dead language using alphabet strictly.
mircea_popescu: not so. the fucking alphabet is the only human lang standard.
asciilifeform: alphabet is not the correct analogy, dictionary - is.
mircea_popescu: somehow the small alphabet in which one can actually write - is.
PeterL: aha, right, roman alphabet is just a transmutation of greek etc?
PeterL: http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-change-pistol-emoji-toy-confusion-precedent-meaning-retroactive-2016-8 << asciilifeform mircea_popescu does this support "use alphabet not symbols", or is it just emojis are braindead lulz?
mircea_popescu: guess what - whenever the problem of expression seems to be resolvable by chucking the alphabet, the problem's not of expression.
mircea_popescu: (and most of my russian is in latin alphabet, ftr)
mircea_popescu: everything is 100% ascii text. notwithstanding the damage iconoclasts of your tribe try to do to alphabet.,
mircea_popescu: phf is this for the people who bought battleships, islands, now they can buy asteroids, next alphabet letters...
mircea_popescu: yeah, it's vaguely inhuman, this. the scholar in me is constantly opressed by various shits. 1. "oh we don;t alphabet - pdf" 2. "oh you can't reference text snippet" 3. "oh we forget, what was this ? linkrot ?" and i think there's more
mircea_popescu: phf think of it like this : if letter comes earlier in alphabet, item it denotes comes earlier in time-entalpy.
mircea_popescu: right, keep to alphabet order as historical.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform didnt the us alphabet soup consist of mostly russian agents by mass throughout the 40s, 50s, etc ?
mircea_popescu: do it, you;ll be amazed at the "artificial intelligence" alphabet, inc employs.
ben_vulpes: anyways phf, yes, alphabet corp friends and acquaintances are all having a grand party with the low cost of living.
mircea_popescu: but today machines are 64 bit. for all i care your alphabet can be on 64 bit chars.
mircea_popescu: the point is FIXED bitwidth alphabet, nothing else.
asciilifeform: incidentally the 'pomos' manage this with strictly latin alphabet !
assbot: Alphabet Becomes The Most Valuable Public Company In The World | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1PcrFos )
punkman: http://techcrunch.com/2016/02/01/alphabet-becomes-the-most-valuable-company-in-the-world/
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2016#1389171 << i have floor-to-ceiling mirrors, on which i use expos liberally for maths lessons for the girl and alphabet lessons for the kid ☝︎
mircea_popescu: how the code LOOKS and what the code SAYS are drastically different matters. the code should say the same to everyone, but looks are unimportant. this is the same age old fundamental distinction between alphabet and literacy and symbolism and "creativity".
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag you know, the orcs that don't have alphabet because their mommies were sluts or something.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369526 << there is only one Great Cockroach, and all of these folks are merely fuzz upon its antennae. << it's funny how much of a judeoxtian fundamentalist you are seeing how you don't even alphabet! wouldn't something equally ridiculous like indian-whatever go better with your semiotic ideas ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so then we basically are happy with an alphabet of ~100 ish characters and that's that.
jurov: well, i thought thread concerns spreading of information and definition of alphabet
PeterL: back to the topic of alphabet, alchemists/early chemists came up with wacky symbols for all the elements, thankfully somebody got smart and switched to alphabetic symbols instead.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: alphabet != 26 idiot letters
mircea_popescu: so let it be said : that alphabet can NAME way more things than your symbolics can ever dream to represent. and for that matter, that from the multi-millenarian history of world culture, alphabetic notation does indeed convey richer, more numerous ideas in less space than hyeroglypghics do. which is why we fucked the chinese, and why egypt is muslim now.
asciilifeform: they oughta be separate chars in alphabet then
mircea_popescu: you actually aim to use a dword for the alphabet encoding ?
mircea_popescu: anyway. i have nothing against lisp, neither historically nor intellectually. but this is an unsatisfactory notion of an alphabet.
phf: mircea_popescu: wait, partial ordering in this case means that alphabet is ordered. it's meaningless things like "is _ greater then a" that are not defined
asciilifeform: ru alphabet moved plenty
mircea_popescu: the fucking point of having an alphabet is that no, it couldn't move.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there is NOT a 'the alphabet' in the cl standard !
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so is there a special function to inquire which of two comes before in the alphabet ?
mircea_popescu: but this is blatantly not how the alphabet goes.
phf: apropos i like how cl does it, there's a set of characters that are predefined to be standard and portable, and it's basically an mp set: alphabet, digits, top row, handful of controls like newline. each character has a numeric code and a verbose name #\a #\b #\space #\newline. there's a handful of predicates that let you query characters basic nature, upcasep/downcasep/whitespacep. that's it. an implementation though can choose to
mircea_popescu: you're so far not content with A FINITE ALPHABET!
mircea_popescu: alphabet has its advantages.
mircea_popescu: one can think just fine in an alphabet, no need to play the egyptian priest.
mircea_popescu: learn to alphabet already, ya buncha "visual thinker" illiterate louts!
mircea_popescu: where a sequence of eleven Unicode characters would be intended to be rendered as a single colourized glyph showing a multiracial family." << these people fundamentally misunderstand what an alphabet is.
mircea_popescu: so your idea of a working gpg is "everyone must learn new alphabet now" ?
phf: who typically looks for services like that besides alphabet agencies and antivirus companies?
nubbins`: entire menu: english words transliterated into korean alphabet
mircea_popescu: i suppose here wins. anyway : the proposed scheme has exactly the advantage of alphabet
mircea_popescu: anyway, again not sure why this isn't obvious, but the alphabet is (still is, in spite of all the "help" geeks gave it) a defined, closed, easily countable set.
mircea_popescu: text means a very specific thing. latin alphabet. nothing else. if you'd rather work with 文本, work with 文本.
BingoBoingo: Just like that bored on day, and tired of people bitching about stuff they did other than web advertising, so that is now Google and Alphabet is google, their med shit, and their killer robot dreams
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 19:26:43; mircea_popescu: why the fuck does google even have an "alphabet" parent, since we're discussing these things ? doth qntra know?
pete_dushenski: "we're like the nsa, fbi, cia alphabet agencies, but better !"
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski just saying, a dossier on all the ways alphabet mitigates tax is definitely a qntra worthy research project for the actuarialy inclined.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu alphabet would seem to be a tax mitigation strategy from this angle, but maybe it's one of those libtard jokes gone wrong, like 'czar'
mircea_popescu: why the fuck does google even have an "alphabet" parent, since we're discussing these things ? doth qntra know? ☟︎
pete_dushenski: "Alphabet beat earnings estimates by 14 cents with Q3 profit of $7.20 a share. Advertising revenue on its Google sites pushed sales to rise 13% to $18.68 billion." << stock +9% today
mircea_popescu: "A company known as “Red Hat” — famous for developing the Fedora linux distro — contacted Frederick (presumably at the behest of some alphabet agency) offering to sell what amounts to a keylogger program that could be inserted into infinity next’s code. It would store every single post made by every single user on a database run by Red Hat for the use of law enforcement agencies should they require. A
assbot: The Ultimate Alphabet ... ( http://bit.ly/1L294wD )
assbot: Logged on 28-08-2015 13:06:45; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ... the whole thing's a small nudge or ten away from people with guns realizing that cops hate getting shot at ... << important to distinguish city police (the folks presently getting shot at) from fed gendarmerie (alphabet soup) - the latter just ~love~ it, on account of it giving them an excuse to waco. all that armour, heavy weaponry, poison gas, flying machines that they've stockpiled,
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ... the whole thing's a small nudge or ten away from people with guns realizing that cops hate getting shot at ... << important to distinguish city police (the folks presently getting shot at) from fed gendarmerie (alphabet soup) - the latter just ~love~ it, on account of it giving them an excuse to waco. all that armour, heavy weaponry, poison gas, flying machines that they've stockpiled, they'd love to use. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but on what basis does this particular alphabet exist.
assbot: Google is reorganizing under a new umbrella company called Alphabet ... ( http://bit.ly/1gu4pYn )
wilbns: http://thenextweb.com/2015/08/10/google-is-reorganizing-under-a-new-umbrella-company-called-alphabet/
shinohai: ^ alphabet with a few letters: nsa, fbi, etc
assbot: Google is reorganizing under a new umbrella company called Alphabet ... ( http://bit.ly/1gu4pYn )
shinohai: http://thenextweb.com/2015/08/10/google-is-reorganizing-under-a-new-umbrella-company-called-alphabet/
assbot: New Letters Added to the Genetic Alphabet | Quanta Magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1NVLmks )
jurov: https://www.quantamagazine.org/20150710-genetic-alphabet/ heh, "shoulda switch DNA to ternary"
williamdunne: So top half of alphabet
ascii_field: because you do not know where in the alphabet it began, each time.
ascii_field: device picks where in alphabet to start - at random (trng)
pete_dushenski: 5. students will learn to think, then learn the alphabet, then learn to read
asciilifeform would, but had handwriting neural circuitry utterly nuked by alphabet switch in childhood
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the purpose of art is much simpler : the mob is illiterate, and art is the single letter alphabet catering to all its needs : "THIS IS WHY YOU ARE SCUM". that's the only sentence that needs to be expressed.
gabriel_laddel: my first pass at a definition for a string: A string is a collection of characters from an alphabet.
BingoBoingo: funkenstein_: Greek, English alphabet Chaos
assbot: Logged on 11-04-2015 19:02:01; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel why are you in particular doomed for the alphabet soup?
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel why are you in particular doomed for the alphabet soup? ☟︎