383 entries in 0.67s
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-08-01#1925914 << prolly he subscribed to somebody's pay www ? i defo did at 1 pt ( orlol's ) ☝︎
trinque: can't say I buy Orlov's flag-waving either ftr.
trinque: asciilifeform: any history writers you recommend on the soviet era? I watched that garbage of which Orlov wrote, characters might as well have winked at the camera and sang "take me out to the ballgame"
mircea_popescu: from my rock, the whole yacht thing (not a place to LIVE ON, orlol and all, mind) was a specific "token of entry" in a specific, upper-middleclass network.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov et al were telling the troof, i went and priced, a parking space for standard habitable boat is <1k/mo in most of usa, well under what 'condo downtown' cost
asciilifeform: ( today's familiar 'office jerb -- mortgaged house -- car on credit' triangle, as documented by orlov, was being constructed then )
a111: Logged on 2014-07-16 19:04 mircea_popescu: "Suppose you have a company that sets out to make a widget. Let's call it Company A. Its founders are all engineers, of an uncompromising sort, and the widget they design and manufacture is of tremendous longevity, durability and overall quality." << hey check out orlov.
mircea_popescu: this was for orcs contemplating saying "yes" to the questions that may only be answered with the orlov niet.
mircea_popescu: this is actually a great orlov piece ; once he abandons his nonsensical hallucinations of "having grasped the big picture" and takes up simple description he's actually quite readable.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, orlol meets world of lafond! >> http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2019/02/how-bad-can-things-possibly-get.html
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/Rn0Gp << for thread-completeness, orlol on ukrazuela.
asciilifeform: i've spoken with jp folk, they see the notion as roughly similar to how anglos see orlol's phonetic alphabet thing
asciilifeform: ( + the oblig commemorative orlol, https://archive.is/Tg33l )
asciilifeform: naturally orlol omits to mention ~why~ ru immigration laws. ( there's a quite straightforward prime mover -- millions of su plankton formerly living in various newly-'independent' goatfuckistans packet suitcases in '90s and all tried to squeeze somehow into moscow and petrograd , quite impossible to fit )
asciilifeform: ( for aficionados -- https://archive.is/7zELS << orlol on subj )
mircea_popescu: at some point the people LIVING THERE notice this, you know ? even if dung-in-toes sheepboy orlov (laughing at the moreso-dung-in-toes other sheeboys, ha-ha!) doesn't notice this.
mircea_popescu: and they're doing exactly that, and it's reasonable as it ever was, and i really dun see wtf the orlov's all about. "here's what i don't understand about astronomy" "ook ?"
a111: Logged on 2018-06-26 16:25 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept, https://archive.li/IAUet >> orlol,'Barbarians Rampage through Europe's Cemetery'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept, https://archive.li/IAUet >> orlol,'Barbarians Rampage through Europe's Cemetery' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and so no, there's no fucking excuse. if one has an equivalent of trilema, that claim may only be permitted to stand IF IT IS FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT. if it does the same thing. i think nothing of, picking randomly, orlovs' blog, or yarvin's blog, or you name the idiot, anil dash, fucktard mcdumbsticks, whatever, BECAUSE their blogs don't fucking work. and "i have a lot of '''traffic'''" isn't a working, and "i get paid to ad
asciilifeform: ( tho, -- iirc it was orlol -- had a pertinent piece, on the unremovable disincentive for market players against selling durable, quality items that never need replacement or 'upgrade' etc )
lobbes: and if 4) is correct, then should that be further broken down into a webpage hierarchy? Because if so, we may be limited using archive.is as a middle-man as the zips it spits out do not have the file structure intact; always 'flat' (e.g. this archived orlol: http://lobbesblog.com/archive/102.zip)
asciilifeform: the americans indeed have the cars; they sit parked on the street; but lacking work to commute to, they dun eat petrol so much. hence orlol's 'destruction' observation.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: pretty much every orlol post, lol. tho he has an epicycle to explain why it dun push up price of barrel monotonically : demand destruction
mircea_popescu: or of saying anything useful or meaningful, either. orlov similar example, but at least he cycles the topics. one day -- expert on boats, next day -- expert on firearms, on it goes.
mircea_popescu: for all you know, orlov lives on a moored boat, and this dood lives in rms's quarters.
mircea_popescu: anyway. dork imagines he has some sort of cachet, exactly like orlov, exactly like all the branding idiots. what keeps eg http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aweev from productive obedience is exactly the same fundamental problem.
asciilifeform: speaking of pierced pretenses, according to orlol ( and i've no way to verify ) a ru tanker is offloading a purchase of lng at boston harbour as we speak.
mircea_popescu: but briefly revisiting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1750551 : that the various "survivalists" and other "prepper" "communities" all over the us are directly reducible to their weight in retards is directly evident not simply from the patent inanity of schemes like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-29#1662898 (or for that matter 10 minutes spent on orlov's nonsense). it's much simpler shit such as : if they were EVEN VAGUELY ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-09 01:14 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so, did your time spent with the orlov menagerie pay off ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so, did your time spent with the orlov menagerie pay off ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: i dare say that dice players have a more accurate picture of reality than typical orlolist
mircea_popescu: of course it is. 100% of "discussing" "events" "news" and "politics" is this. what else is orlov, moldbug, wha have you ?
asciilifeform: from orlolcommentz: ' Much to my surprise, it doesn't translate internationally as easily as one might think. I have a - very - little gold. When I wanted to sell some here in Ecuador early this year, I discovered that in fact there is no-one in Ecuador who buys gold. Moreover, there is also no-one who would take it back to the Perth Mint [Australia] from whence it came. DHL and Fed-Ex only move papers!! There are no couriers. !! I t
asciilifeform: evidently 'riyadh prince' in fact turned out to be the item presupposed in the linked orlol : merely a version of american office plankton but with 5 or 6 additional zeroes after the decimal point
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i think orlol's argument casts us as the zulu, and usg as the d00dz with the maxim
asciilifeform: ( declared warmism permanently cemented orlov into this company , as typical clitler voter, the other major warmist demographic, tends not to read collapse bl0gz )
mircea_popescu: in this bitcoinarry bit ross, mr levine orlov doesn't get the GOOD leads.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, somewhat surprisingly orlov posted asciilifeform's comment , http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/12/cryptomania.html?showComment=1512503962841#c7729874167721735094
asciilifeform: apparently no concentration camps until 12000.00 , is the orlolidea.
asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/GF20z/?raw=true << asciilifeform's comment, preserved in amber, given as orlol has a 5+ yr habit of deleting ideologically impure
asciilifeform: also includes obligatory discussion of shitcoin-of-the-day ( in orlol's case, 'cryptokitties' ) as if they were bitcoin.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, orlol does btc, in his own way... https://cluborlov.blogspot.ru/2017/12/cryptomania.html
mircea_popescu: you recall that (uncharacteristically well written) orlov article re "power of nyet" ?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-12 18:08 mircea_popescu: what was orlol's riverboat, 20ft ?
mircea_popescu: what was orlol's riverboat, 20ft ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: meanwhile in world of orlols, http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-october-revolution-and-you.html
asciilifeform: because per orlov 'collapse never happens for everyone, it only happens for a particular you, one at a time'
asciilifeform: lol that looks like a classical orlol boat , shinohai
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in orlols, https://archive.is/Bz5MY >> 'The final numbers, announced early the next day, came to exactly 59 dead and 527 wounded, and they haven't been updated since. Of the wounded, not a single person has subsequently died. It appears that the only two options were instant death or swift recovery.'
mircea_popescu: <@fenn> guh. so i've been thinking about building a boat so i can just put all my stuff in the boat and live in the boat and sail wherever i want to go << check that out asciilifeform ! he may wanna go halvsies on orlol's tub ?
asciilifeform: ... or 80% of an old orloltron
asciilifeform: in other non-noose, nobody yet bought orlol's ship
asciilifeform: while we're on subj of storms at sea -- i admit to having wondered why orlol isn't designing a small sub ( it doesn't need to have gigantic pressure hull, or even ~any maneuvering ability while under -- but only to ride out storms by submerging). afaik it dun get any moar storm-proof than a sub.
asciilifeform: i dun think an orloltron carries 12 wks of food/water
asciilifeform: probably quite enough at this point to have bought an orlolboat for some cackling 'bay aryan'
asciilifeform considered buying the orloltron
mircea_popescu: (perhaps also of note, what piddly orlol boats pass for "the yacht!! of a mobster!!!" in rotardland.)
asciilifeform: in other lulz, orlol is selling his tub : http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/06/prince-kropotkin-is-for-sale.html
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 15:14 mircea_popescu: and the most bitter fruit of this entire tree of idiocy being that in six months to a year, we'll be right back to "oh, orlol boat and lizzards are keeping the hydrogen engine under wraps".
mircea_popescu: and the most bitter fruit of this entire tree of idiocy being that in six months to a year, we'll be right back to "oh, orlol boat and lizzards are keeping the hydrogen engine under wraps". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is way the fuck better than anything you came up with so far, and we're not even trying. nor pretending to be keeping a blog about it, a la orlol.
asciilifeform: btw orlol never mentions kingstons, and imho they are the most important control on any serious boat!111
phf: last time orlol's sail boat came up i linked some detailed plans by digital nomads for living houseboats. those were decidedly not built on kalash budget (mostly funded by alphabet companies, because choke full of electronics)
phf: reading orlol i thought he already had a sailable device? why aren't there plans&details for what he already allegedly has
mircea_popescu vaguely regrets he's not harun al rashid, sends sipahi over orlol's place, give him a year to make the damned thing and force him to sail in it.
mircea_popescu: the problem is that fg can be bought, and escher's drawings can not be bought. orlol is of the latter type.
asciilifeform: same idea. orlol's, or gentoo, or almost all of asciilifeform's equipment, is of this type
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, you know what, giving your skill in formulating problems, i suspect orlov may have a solution justr for you.
asciilifeform: in other crackpotteries, http://quidnon.blogspot.com/2017/05/a-boat-for-reluctant-sailor.html >> orlol's boat thing, 'To be sure, some people found the project fascinating and, based on the blog stats, went and read all about it. And some of them wished me and the project the very best luck. But the most vocal people were also the most negative. In all, it appears that most of the people who responded did so because QUIDNON rubbed t
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 21:10 asciilifeform: in orlol's words, 'human-lite'
phf`: i dunno, i'm not convinced of that. orlol's target audience are cultural honkies, people who otherwise would be wiggers or otaku or "i'm irish, 5 generations ago". yes, those people don't have any culture, but it's chiefly american problem. i'm not convinced it extends to the rest of the world that well
asciilifeform: in orlol's words, 'human-lite' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the adventure of that unfortunate idiot bailey is exactly that -- the dissemblement of the entire system people like orlov, and like rotblatt, and like every tard in between shat on for a half century.
asciilifeform: ( orlov had a point re 'notice, they have CO detectors in boats, but not in any passenger car. because the alarm would ring continuously. )
mircea_popescu: if it's indeed the case that taleb is your orlov, i'll comment that i'm missing out on less than you are.
mod6: lol, i even found one full of orlov articles.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-24 20:47 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632355 << orlol discussed this, and it was 100% true, 'homo americanus' has some very serious damage that is very expensive to build prosthesis for -- he has no family , no friends, no one will lend him money other than at extortionate rates, has no one alive whom he could live with in small hut, 5 to 10 sq. metres, without killing one another
asciilifeform: as orlol wrote, when someone asked 'how do i, typical office plankton, survive colapse' : 'for you -- there is not an answer. but you could try to become somebody else, a different kind of person , for whom there ~is~' or sumthinglikethat
a111: Logged on 2017-03-24 20:47 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632355 << orlol discussed this, and it was 100% true, 'homo americanus' has some very serious damage that is very expensive to build prosthesis for -- he has no family , no friends, no one will lend him money other than at extortionate rates, has no one alive whom he could live with in small hut, 5 to 10 sq. metres, without killing one another
a111: Logged on 2017-03-24 20:47 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632355 << orlol discussed this, and it was 100% true, 'homo americanus' has some very serious damage that is very expensive to build prosthesis for -- he has no family , no friends, no one will lend him money other than at extortionate rates, has no one alive whom he could live with in small hut, 5 to 10 sq. metres, without killing one another
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632355 << orlol discussed this, and it was 100% true, 'homo americanus' has some very serious damage that is very expensive to build prosthesis for -- he has no family , no friends, no one will lend him money other than at extortionate rates, has no one alive whom he could live with in small hut, 5 to 10 sq. metres, without killing one another ☝︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov phrased same lemma with different pieces -- '90s ru produced a dictum, 'don't lend more than it'd cost the creditor to take a contract on you'
asciilifeform: he devotes page+ to how important it is that people carry fleas again. and how important to bring back shamanic medicines 'in time for inevitable disappearance of pharma industry'. i'd quite like to begin with orlov, and his wife, son
asciilifeform: fission, however, is easily 10,001 yrs +ev if you kill the orlovs and the soroses.
mircea_popescu: and fwiw my reading of orlov is very much in this vein, which is how he keeps evaluating to below 0 in my hands. perhaps counterintuitively for more neutral readers.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, from the dept. of orlols, http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-to-make-america-great-again-with.html >> '...This was the last time the Americans were able to run off with a fantastic amount of other people’s money, giving the US yet another temporary lease on life.'
asciilifeform: in recent orlolz, http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/12/brain-parasite-gonna-eatcha.html
asciilifeform: re 'trust', oblig orlol, ' Trust is transactional: a person needs a reason to trust you, and you need a reason to trust that person. There is, however, such a quality as trustfulness: this is the property of small children, tame animals and, most unfortunately for them, many regular, salt-of-the-earth, mainstream Americans. It is of negative survival value in the context of financial collapse. It is being exhibited for all to see by
asciilifeform: 'pray for asteroid' -- orlol
asciilifeform: 'When the economy collapses, hard-drinking people everywhere find all the more reason to get drunk, but much less wherewithal with which to procure drink. In Russia, innovative market-based solutions were quickly improvised, which it was my privilege to observe. ' << orlov's megaclassic, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/062805_soviet_lessons_part2.shtml
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-01#1561303 << orlol described the process well, imho, imaginarily 'posh country-set parasites 'boosting revenue' by sacking low-rent 'we MADE A HOME HERE!11111' desk parasites, and simultaneously also the expensive r&d folk who 'only contribute to costs' ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "one day, orlov got indigestion from a pea dish, and died. krilov, hearing such, died too. spiridonov however died all by himself. and his wife fell from the cupboard and also died. and his children drowned in a pond. and his grandmother took to the bottle and started hitchhiking."
asciilifeform: in other orlols, 'In terms of where the Soviet Union stood beside the United States for instance, in the '70s during the oil embargo and all of the troubles that the US was going through, the economic troubles at the time, the Soviet Union was looking pretty good. In fact, that's when we left the Soviet Union thinking we were going to this dreamy place. We got there and it's a dump. It was just an unbelievably sad sight.'
asciilifeform: even orlov had a series re subj
asciilifeform: https://prod01-cdn07.cdn.firstlook.org/wp-uploads/sites/1/2016/07/ghosthunter3.jpg << herr orlol will love the 'rocket up the sat dish' aspect of this lultron.
asciilifeform: and yes, orlov put this point in book length, when you borrow money from banks instead of your blood clan, jew cackles, and coins ring in usg coffer, etc.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the land of orlols, 'From a diplomatic perspective, it would be much more tidy to treat the problem of war criminals running the US as an internal, American political problem, to be solved by Americans themselves, with an absolute minimum of outside help. This would best be accomplished through a bit of friendly, neighborly intelligence-sharing, letting all interested parties within the US know who exactly should be hel
asciilifeform: https://youtu.be/pEp9d1bUTec?t=9m45s << in other noose, orlol seems to agree with mircea_popescu re american police.
asciilifeform: much less by orlol.