227 entries in 0.354s
mircea_popescu: what is this. mayhap the explanation isn't that mp lives in a heat-death immune
dirigible (upgraded from atomic) but simply... does not care ?
assbot: Logged on 10-03-2016 12:57:10; *: asciilifeform doesn't expect to get to eat lsd in his natural lifespam, just as doesn't expect a real tailored suit or to sail on a
dirigible ben_vulpes: but clearly these are all points that only
dirigible captains may discuss over hawala shortwave.
punkman: pete_dushenski: the chiron is basically as close as one can come to riding in the atomic
dirigible of land travel. << I'd take a UNICAT over the bugatti
pete_dushenski: the chiron is basically as close as one can come to riding in the atomic
dirigible of land travel.
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2016#1408407 << you don't understand
dirigible fantasies. it's like every comic book fan's overactive imagination telling him that 'if i only has x-ray vision i'd get so much pussy'. and then mousy radiologist (as they tend to be, in my experience), asks comicfan 'have you ever seen something with x-ray vision ? i'm not quite sure it's how you imagine.' 'nonsense, that's
☝︎ mircea_popescu: research went into this in the deep, dank cellars of my
dirigible. there's a lot of the original rock involved. it may even not be wrong design, horror of horrors.
ben_vulpes: the notion of a functional town only mildly corrupted by cars must be as foreign to you as an atomic
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 08:40:37; punkman: ^
dirigible assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 01:57:53; ben_vulpes: relatedly, how does one grow worthy of the golden
dirigible? kill everyone between you and it? does this hold for the smith? what about brunel?
ben_vulpes: relatedly, how does one grow worthy of the golden
dirigible? kill everyone between you and it? does this hold for the smith? what about brunel?
☟︎ jurov: okay back to the proportion. why don't you pay to build the atomic
dirigible, for the 15k with means?
jurov: hi.
dirigible moored without incident?
jurov: alf: see - mircea's
dirigible ascii_butugychag: naturally. we all look like ants from the porthole of mircea_popescu's atomic
dirigible mircea_popescu: oh, we're gonna talk about the MWh an atomic
dirigible burns ?
mircea_popescu: and boy oh boy does it require atomic
dirigible ciclotrons.
pete_dushenski: maybe not what you'd want to annouce of 'dc
dirigible on the loose' day
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: park chopper (or moor the
dirigible) there.
mircea_popescu: and this is not even fucking paramount or nlc ; and those are jack shit, basically they produce footage, big whoop. try making an atomic
dirigible next.
mircea_popescu: i live in the
dirigible world past the horizon, my shit dun crash.
ascii_field: it is absolutely relevant unless you are mircea_popescu, flyer of atomic
dirigible ascii_field: and yes, i know that mircea_popescu can get ru chocolate delivered via biplane right to his
dirigible in antarctica.
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 13:38:16; asciilifeform:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159011 << this has to win some sort of prize for 'martial in atomic
dirigible.' EVERYBODY i ever met in usa works for salary. i suppose it follows that neither i nor anyone i know in meatspace is 'even half-competent.'
ben_vulpes: i have a romantic attachment to the atomic
ascii_lander notes for folks who missed the 'fool's gasout' thread that: atomic
dirigible isn't 'money'
ben_vulpes: does not have
dirigible, desires to preserve meat
ben_vulpes: leave babe
dirigible keys and train autopilot to recognize her voice