385 entries in 0.672s
ascii_shmoocon: semiconductor is inherently mass
thestringpuller: punkman: are you talking about that tawainese semiconductor company?
mircea_popescu: if it isn't in scamicon valley THEN ITS NOT REALLY TECHNOLOGY
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: i thought of you when reading sam kriss' review of the latest bond flick, spectre. particularly the bits about Cthulhu and Necronomicon references
assbot: Logged on 13-10-2015 21:01:03; mircea_popescu: ok this is the most insane thing i ever saw. so plumber, looks like he escaped comicon or something, dorkiest dude ever. but THEN he proceeds to CUT THROUGH METAL PLATE FREEHAND
ascii_field: like semiconductors.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tricky bit. the folks who mattered (nick t., o. lilienfeld - semiconductor, the lot) weren't u.s. bred
assbot: Logged on 04-11-2015 18:00:34; asciilifeform: and for every brian micon that needs to be tried for 'illegal bitcoining' you have 1,001 schmucks who were afraid to even read about it because 'they log my packetz'
asciilifeform: and for every brian micon that needs to be tried for 'illegal bitcoining' you have 1,001 schmucks who were afraid to even read about it because 'they log my packetz' ☟︎
deedbot-: [Qntra] Micon Gets Probation and $25,000 Fine - http://qntra.net/2015/11/micon-gets-probation-and-25000-fine/
mircea_popescu: ok this is the most insane thing i ever saw. so plumber, looks like he escaped comicon or something, dorkiest dude ever. but THEN he proceeds to CUT THROUGH METAL PLATE FREEHAND ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2015 03:24:57; pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: you around ? can you educate me on what the nytimes is referring to here : "The schematics, prosecutors said, revealed the design of a device known as a pocket heater. The equipment is used in semiconductor research, and Dr. Xi had signed an agreement promising to keep its design a secret."
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: you around ? can you educate me on what the nytimes is referring to here : "The schematics, prosecutors said, revealed the design of a device known as a pocket heater. The equipment is used in semiconductor research, and Dr. Xi had signed an agreement promising to keep its design a secret." ☟︎
asciilifeform: see, when i heard of 'fake tubes', my first thought was something like an old burned-out one but with some chinese semiconductor strange in the plastic base, to emulate a working tube.
ascii_field: (assuming he knows of semiconduction and that's more or less it)
asciilifeform: the incentive for vendor to lie about this, is, obviously, there. but on other hand, if it functions as part of a semiconductor, it more or less ~has~ to be radiologically clean!
shinohai: There we go letting mircea_popescu read from the Necronomicon again.
shinohai: I have rebuilt boost, made symlinks, and recited pages from The Necronomicon, but still cannot get rid of /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_filesystem
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-06-2015#1178718 << me too! and the "famicon" mentioned earlier in this thread might sound familiar to fans of SMB2 -- the ~real~ SMB2 is known in the english world as "The Lost Levels" because it was deemed "too difficult" for them when it first came out, and "Super Famicon" was re-branded and re-skinned and shipped to USSA in its place ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: To any "hackers" reading the logs - rather than going after hackteam, try xilinx, lattice semiconductor next time?
scoopbot_revived: Bryan Micon Seals The Deal http://qntra.net/2015/06/bryan-micon-seals-the-deal/
cazalla: creating a bitbet.. micon cops a plea deal.. does anyone think prior to 2016 is a fair time scale?
scoopbot_revived: Bryan Micon To Return To Las Vegas To Face Charge http://qntra.net/2015/06/bryan-micon-to-return-to-las-vegas-to-face-charge/
asciilifeform: i will not say with confidence that no one will ~ever~ make meaningful semiconductors in their kitchen or in the jungle. but i WILL say with confidence that no one will make meaningful semiconductors in their kitchen ~using things that have been made in today's kitchens.~
decimation: interestingly it was acquired by the former hp semiconductor division based in singapore, run by chinese
assbot: Logged on 28-05-2015 14:52:47; pete_dushenski: "Broadcom is known as a fabless company. It outsources all semiconductor manufacturing to Asian merchant foundries, such as GlobalFoundries, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, Silterra, TSMC, and United Microelectronics Corporation." << ahaha. so what the fuck did $37 bn even buy ?
pete_dushenski: "Broadcom is known as a fabless company. It outsources all semiconductor manufacturing to Asian merchant foundries, such as GlobalFoundries, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, Silterra, TSMC, and United Microelectronics Corporation." << ahaha. so what the fuck did $37 bn even buy ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: jurov: ecl (emitter-coupled logic) is a supposedly-obsolete way to build logical circuits (on any particular semiconductor chemistry) where a transistor is kept near switching point at all times, gaining speed at the expense of economy
mod6: asciilifeform is gonna be like the guy in cryptonomicon who has the technology museum
ascii_field: (magnetic amps long pre-date semiconductors. nazis used them in subs, rockets, for instance)
jurov: got bought by motorola, then "on semiconductor"
asciilifeform: re: how, famously, semiconductor folks used to buy up medieval lead roofs from cathedrals, etc. to get low-rad material ☟︎
assbot: More Trouble For Bryan Micon | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1zis9Yh )
scoopbot_revived: News! More Trouble For Bryan Micon URL: http://qntra.net/2015/04/more-trouble-for-bryan-micon/
ascii_lander: and that attempting them elsewhere may disappoint, like trying to create doped diamond semiconductor in edison's lab
asciilifeform: (yes, aware that we had the 'semiconductor cuckoldry' discussion. it is nonsense if you are contemplating making something genuinely unique)
asciilifeform: example - semiconductor plant
ascii_field: e.g., doped diamond semiconductor
ascii_field: Chillum: where do i leech 50 yrs of free time and a semiconductor plant ?
asciilifeform: american jets are heavy on semiconductor crapolade
ascii_field: chetty: a certain semiconductor vendor had a heat-based tattletale mechanism for detecting clones
asciilifeform: wonder if it's actually slightly semiconductive
mircea_popescu: "Broadcom Corporation is an American fabless semiconductor company in the wireless and broadband communication business."
asciilifeform: it is interesting to compare, in this respect, the semiconductor industry to... nuclear one
BingoBoingo: decimation: Of course it is, but... semiconductor lithography... In the neighbor's shed!
asciilifeform: any who are inclined, as mircea_popescu seems to be, to think that 'any idea can be tested and developed in your cellar' should study the history of semiconductor
BingoBoingo: Stunna: What's your read on the Micon/Poker business?
assbot: (several um's, uh's, you knows, removed) Hello the internet. Bryan Micon her - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1B1SxnV )
assbot: Micon Details The Operational Security Concerns Of Seals With Clubs | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1B1Orft )
cazalla: http://qntra.net/2015/02/micon-details-the-operational-security-concerns-of-seals-with-clubs/
danielpbarron: my recommendation to Micon wasn't even to bar access based on WoT, but to just give players option to link to WoT identity so that I can make the determination myself
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron micon suffers from the dk problem.
danielpbarron: all the times i called into Micon's stupid podcast i was trying to get him to integrate the WoT
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> but if 'playing fairly' and using the kind of semiconductors one could hope to produce in jungle workshop, you won't have identically-specced tileable bare dies either... << One would rip and sell Gameboy and TI-86 ROMs
asciilifeform: but if 'playing fairly' and using the kind of semiconductors one could hope to produce in jungle workshop, you won't have identically-specced tileable bare dies either...
mircea_popescu: if only there was semiconductor
asciilifeform: bitcoin - the actual bitcoin, that, contrary to popular notion, still functions - is the semiconductor for all of these.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: this means bitcoin in much the same way that computing means semiconductor.
asciilifeform: (cost of production drops, sure, but eventually hits barriers that have nothing much to do with semiconductors)
mircea_popescu: but an airgap is not a semiconductor. the technical argument can be brougth that obviously semiconductors insulate
mircea_popescu: a diode, generally speaking, is a semiconductor.
mircea_popescu: i meant, your directional, or message-aware or otherwise "airgap" is a semiconductor in the flux
davout: just don't put an emitter on the airgapped machine, no need for fancy semiconductors :D
mircea_popescu: semiconductors aren't insulators.
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/BryanMicon/status/553686038950842368 << Turns out Micon apparently has a price
TomServo: -Bryan (don't make me Ver 2.0) Micon
TomServo: https://twitter.com/BryanMicon/status/552965944239480832
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes will probably find it an interesting detail, that when i shopped around for certain parts for my pcb assembly apparatus, quite a few vendors turned up who offer bits'n'pieces of what was once the u.s. semiconductor industry
asciilifeform: ('chemical' in the sense of having no appreciable electrical currents flowing, nor conductors, except in a residual, ionic sense, nor semiconductors, inside.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the freedom of the semiconductor belongs - not! to the fellow with the factory - but the one who controlls the entire process stack << so much bull. and i suppose the freedom of the press belongs to conde nast, because mp can't write a blong and it can't be more widely read than mashable because wikipedia won't admit to it and that matters. o.O and okay...
asciilifeform: the freedom of the semiconductor belongs - not! to the fellow with the factory - but the one who controlls the entire process stack
asciilifeform: chinese semiconductor industry, afaik, runs almost 100% on warez.
asciilifeform: ordinary net - conductor. wotnet - semiconductor.
asciilifeform: who was it who compared wot to semiconductor? mircea_popescu ?
Vexual: I've always thought those nintendo famicons were designed to mould future alcoholic salarymen
asciilifeform: just as a small spot, on some rusted razors - semiconducts.
mircea_popescu: of course it does, but so ? energy states in a semiconductor also conflict, in the abstract
asciilifeform: in usa, they not only had better steel and semiconductors, back in the day, they also had better chumpatronics.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> it's not even a 'technology' in the sense semiconductor is - but more as arithmetic is. << quite agreed,
asciilifeform: it's not even a 'technology' in the sense semiconductor is - but more as arithmetic is.
asciilifeform: no one will even think to mention 'wot-based' gizmo in the future, just as when you buy a pc now - the crate does not bother to say 'semiconductor-based'
asciilifeform: (a rusty nail semiconducts, if you know where on it to stick a probe. this is how 'coherer' - first radio receiver - worked, though its inventor did not know this)
asciilifeform: imho it is an inevitable discovery, like semiconductor.
asciilifeform: johntraveller: chinese kid with semiconductors plant.
mod6: yea, we need The Crypt like in cryptonomicon
mircea_popescu: and yet... that 2nd brain will never function. all it takes is a little more doping and suddenly you *don't * have a semiconductor
assbot: Map of Semiconductor Fabs - 10stripe
bounce: I was really talking chip fabs, not pcb plants. IIRC IBM wanted to offload fishkill, and nobody wanted it because tech too old. also, random search result: http://www.10stripe.com/featured/map/semiconductor-fabs.php
decimation: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/06/sammy_splurging_on_semiconductor_fab/
asciilifeform: the semiconductor folks could decide to produce non-braindamaged circuits also at any time.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: that guy that is talking to micon is pure scammer << the us talkspace is pretty much populated by scammers by now.
mircea_popescu: dub: micon is famous for confronting inaba like a frightened girl and running a scam poker site << he dun run it, but yeh lol.
BingoBoingo: It would be like Micon condemning Butt Fucking Labs out of pure charity.
kakobrekla: that guy that is talking to micon is pure scammer
danielpbarron: yeah i've been telling MIcon to do it for a while now
dub: micon is famous for confronting inaba like a frightened girl and running a scam poker site
TheNewDeal: Micon has half a brain, to say the least
TheNewDeal: The loud guy is not micon
dub: fuck is this? just micon?
TheNewDeal: This micon guy doesn't go full retard at least