186 entries in 0.464s

mircea_popescu: t's doing it. because this is what la
serenissima is all about -- the doge back in venice is more then welcome to wholeheartedly support whatever the fuck the merchants on the blue find correct just and expedient.
esthlos: shinohai: I've targeted this as my first real contribution to la
serenissima palatine: how was that you picked the
jpt4: La
Serenissima is one of the few institutions capable of accepting, and worthy of demanding, a sincere oath of loyalty.
shinohai: So I noticed thestringpuller has changed his location on twitter from "La
Serenissima" to " Wakanda "
a111: Logged on 2015-05-23 06:52 gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes in particular it's unclear to me how wise the "licenses" angle is for a
serenissima derivative. while i declined to anull IP when diametric asked earlier, i am very very far from any sort of belief that the current model of that stack of stupidity has any sort of hope for survival. << i figured (perhaps stupi
mircea_popescu 's plan, if this wasn't already transparently obvious, is to convert the ball into unviersal
serenissima-to-www convertor, call it serenity or whatever and be done with it.
mod6: The Most Serene Tabernacle || Tabernacle of La
Serenissima mircea_popescu: there's a huge pile of interlocking wonders that make up la
serenissima, i'll be more than happy to explain them in detail as time goes by.
mircea_popescu: tmsr, aka b,tmsr~ and la
serenissima. The Most Serene Republic, worldwide ultimate sovereign.
b6: Icebreaker was claiming something about coming from La
serenissima mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes
serenissima would rather buy coke whores from drexl than west coast web coders.
ben_vulpes: la
serenissima might be able to rent my oar pullers if it could convert my deficit spending to turkey-buying dollars
ben_vulpes: i thought la
serenissima's webfacists hated linkrot
jurov: ^ idea already considered by
serenissima the almighty :DDD
mats: but to be fair decimation is the only fella regularly engaging in conversation here I can think of that doesn't contribute to LA
serenissima cazalla: pete_dushenski, then who is it for, just you personally? might want to correct your article then "a modest design proposal for La
Serenissima" and youd better believe that #b-a Lords will have fender flags on their motor coaches"
trinque: calling all artists in la
serenissima shinohai: I'd rather be known as a knight of La
ben_vulpes: don't worry about wasted effort. the more people who have it in their head, the better off la
serenissima is.
jurov: williamdunne it's not paid per contract, just classical la
serenissima voluntary debt
pete_dushenski: that adverse response by 'the locals' is almost the entrance exam for la
serenissima shinohai: Must have been before I discovered La
Serenissima ben_vulpes: hey pete d'you have a node to throw into la
serenissima's syncing party?
ben_vulpes: rechristen la
serenissima's bitcoin host as the bitcoin foundation?
ben_vulpes: i also suspect that the initial stable of teachers will actually be the parents. nobody else is going to give a shit and la
serenissima runs on deficits anyways.
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes in particular it's unclear to me how wise the "licenses" angle is for a
serenissima derivative. while i declined to anull IP when diametric asked earlier, i am very very far from any sort of belief that the current model of that stack of stupidity has any sort of hope for survival. << i figured (perhaps stupi
☟︎ ben_vulpes: it's a fiat contract, not a
serenissima contract.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes in particular it's unclear to me how wise the "licenses" angle is for a
serenissima derivative. while i declined to anull IP when diametric asked earlier, i am very very far from any sort of belief that the current model of that stack of stupidity has any sort of hope for survival. << i figured (perhaps stupidly) that IP would take the form of gpg signatures on "i will not
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes in particular it's unclear to me how wise the "licenses" angle is for a
serenissima derivative. while i declined to anull IP when diametric asked earlier, i am very very far from any sort of belief that the current model of that stack of stupidity has any sort of hope for survival.
mircea_popescu: so, yes, the idiocy of socialism, no matter how named, and the superiority of la
serenissima, etc, are rules of the world, and drive it whether named or unnamed.
mircea_popescu: and moreover, once la
serenissima expands - A LITTLE (in comparative tersm) - what's to say it won't be able to afford this ?
mircea_popescu: but the superiority of la
serenissima over the fiat pretend-sovereigns is resplendent in all parts and throughout. here for instance : at least we don't even attempt the impossible,
trinque: but unless la
serenissima intends to blast off for another planet, it's going to have to pick its battles
williamdunne: If you acknowledge La
Serenissima are you its slavegirl because you pay 0.1%?
mircea_popescu: false dichotomy. la
serenissima IS the establishment. that some faux estab lishments characterize it as "rebels"...
mircea_popescu: puts the entire
serenissima vs nato dispute in much better contrast, from this angle. they want to infect everything with everything,
ben_vulpes: !rate kakobrekla 4 steward of la
ben_vulpes: <pete_dushenski> "are self-funded and self-motivated" << the actual footnote you want here is the reference to the deficits that
serenissima runs
mircea_popescu: <ascii_lander> ben_vulpes: there was no
serenissima then << even today,
serenissima cannot exterminate so much as a case of mice. yet << yeah, tell that to poor derpopo.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes there's a subtle difference re "young mothers".
serenissima is an elective thing. you don't get born into it, quite specifically.
ben_vulpes: <ascii_lander> [01:31] just like the 'best car' << "cultures that do not cherish the young mother perish", and we want this for la
BingoBoingo: <ascii_lander> ben_vulpes: there was no
serenissima then << even today,
serenissima cannot exterminate so much as a case of mice. yet << Serenisima protected a cat last week from larger predator...
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: there was no
serenissima then << even today,
serenissima cannot exterminate so much as a case of mice. yet
ben_vulpes: maybe someday dear michael casey will wrap his head around the fact that if it has zero representation in la
serenissima it has zero legs, cannot walk, and everyone is quietly laughing at his interview with the bloody-stumped amputee runner
mircea_popescu: this does not involve finding the officer of
serenissima hr.
assbot: Logged on 13-04-2015 18:59:08; ben_vulpes: and will remain that way until someone in la
serenissima gets fed up and rewrites it.
ben_vulpes: and will remain that way until someone in la
serenissima gets fed up and rewrites it.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: at the same time...it's la
serenissima's list of deeds. the notary in question is somewhat irrelevant.
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: have you heard of la
serenissima's insurance policy?
mircea_popescu: and why la
serenissima is not a democracy, and why no democracy can be anything but "a popular democracy", as in the popular democratic republic of <insert etnonym>
pete_dushenski: "The lesson for all of us in Bitcoin is to never put any trust in a centralized org again that wanted to represent Bitcoin or the Core Development of Bitcoin." << or the lesson is, don't fuck with la
serenissima ?
ben_vulpes: <mod6> [14:57] anyway, that's the deal. we need something that we can work with; one supported environment, blessed by alf. << asciilifeform, what's the One True Build Target for La
mircea_popescu: i am happy to announce that for the fy 2014
serenissima ran a whopping 5798796857967496834% deficit
jurov: i'd prefer some third way, but
serenissima is not world power yet
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: you might want to have some other fella, who isn't to hang soon, maintain
mircea_popescu: well, the good news is that
serenissima really has no unemployment.
pete_dushenski: it's about time that la
serenissima has a list of contraband
mircea_popescu: a cognate of any claim to authority on any matter not deriving from la
serenissima is both fraudulent and actionable.
mircea_popescu: so you could get me a law degree just in time for lawsky being extradited to
serenissima jurisdiction so i can da myself personally ?
mod6: # Modified March 22 2015 by Satoshi Nakamoto for La
Serenissima << :]
decimation: kinda like a 'v1', but with the appropriate tracking/seeking system, and an entire fleet in orbit around 'La
ben_vulpes: taxation you, i trinque pay to la
serenissima is rather small
pete_dushenski: by the standards of la
serenissima, most everywhere is full of stupidheads derping about with delusions of self-importance