307 entries in 1.341s
mircea_popescu: i can formulate the flight equivalent of iq ; you can not formulate the cognitive equivalent of energy.
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: i'm half tempted to temporarily lower my iq with drugs just to understand "them" better...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> ~the~ iq test. << "variant thought" and iq are at best orthogonal.
asciilifeform: ~the~ iq test.
asciilifeform: brainwallet is an iq test.
assbot: Logged on 23-02-2016 09:09:11; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413452 << when they stopped making sluts that go on breadboards, they "got to him". what's to get. suppose you marry a woman on the criteria of she's fucking hot, and she keeps making you children and they all have the iq of an argentine. how long do you keep up the charade of "this here is a house of intellectual ppls" ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413452 << when they stopped making sluts that go on breadboards, they "got to him". what's to get. suppose you marry a woman on the criteria of she's fucking hot, and she keeps making you children and they all have the iq of an argentine. how long do you keep up the charade of "this here is a house of intellectual ppls" ? ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: elementary iq-drop-from-admitting-human-waste situation
mircea_popescu: as the saying goes, #b-a presence counts for 30 iq points.
ascii_butugychag: tell this to the room-temp iq folks.
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as iq.
ascii_butugychag: 'notation is worth +80 iq'
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: i was thinking the other day. bitcoin just has scammers. just as the world is filled with worms. pirateat40 was very low IQ scammer. then mt. gox tried to hide a little better not by alot.
pete_dushenski: in trblandia, i'm the 30 iq kid
asciilifeform: the up-side of slow and finicky comps was that there was a lower limit to the dev iq and a hard upper limit to code bloat.
mircea_popescu: "edmundedgar 6 points 1 hour ago Why weren't people like this around when they were designing CSS?" << also, buttcoin is about 50 iq points over bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: 30 iq part of brain engaged.
mircea_popescu: iq 25 alright.
mircea_popescu: average ustard is, i would guess, a 110 to 115 iq college graduate whose 110 to 115 iq is composed of 150+ iq in beating himself up, 25 iq in establishing relationships and so on and so forth.
mircea_popescu: punkman so it does huh. except it's a weird thing, i've seen this lots in us-born slavegirls. woman could be well above 100 iq, think herself stupid, and indeed exhibit ~30-50 iq in selected fields.
punkman: it does say 25 iq
ascii_field: but yes, the machines were expensive and the room temp iq folks were kept out.
ascii_field has a very distinct feeling, prompted by last night's thread, that he is failing a kind of economic iq test
mircea_popescu: the reason "notation is worth 30 iq points" is specifically that good notations = properly crystallized topic.
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2015 03:51:15; cazalla: BingoBoingo, oh yeah, retards with an IQ of 60 always manage to score critical headshots and kill 30 odd people all the time here!
cazalla: BingoBoingo, oh yeah, retards with an IQ of 60 always manage to score critical headshots and kill 30 odd people all the time here! ☟︎
asciilifeform: it is sorta analogous to '100 iq'
Naphex: but it's pure crazyness you shouldn't even be able to fall for this shit with a IQ higher than 75
mircea_popescu: and so is f(x) = x/this guy's IQ. for crying out loud.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/an-hero-is-he/#comment-115298 << for the record i can attest a) that this is worth 20 iq points easyu and b) that about 50% of beatings slavegirls get in their first five years are related to failure to follow this principle / the enforcement of this principle in their head. it's worth it.
diana_coman: asciilifeform> don't discount the iq hit apparently imposed by spawning <- interesting theory, as a mother of a 3yo I can say that the only way I can see that work is mainly due perhaps to sleep deprivation
asciilifeform: don't discount the iq hit apparently imposed by spawning
mircea_popescu: it's about 80ish or so iq, reall.
assbot: iq 190 versus japanese police - mtgox update (in japanese) : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1NB5Ylk )
fluffypony: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ifrse/iq_190_versus_japanese_police_mtgox_update_in/
ascii_field: t tread' folks have collective 'iq' of 3.
jurov: and statistics are? all people with iq > 120 use lisp?
asciilifeform: then again, a back door may be found for it to safely walk through, like google's employment not-iq-really-fuck-you-not-iq tests
decimation: all of the testing amounts to 'unofficial iq tests', as far as I can tell
asciilifeform: because 'notation is worth 80 iq'
asciilifeform: back to the miners, i say that if money were the handy iq test mircea_popescu suggests it is, this kind of situation would be quite impossible.
decimation: but two iq 90 parents are likely to have children that score a little closer to 100
ascii_field: to help their collective iq move into the double digits at least
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 17:00:45; ascii_field: it is the ultimate 'iq test'
asciilifeform: the difficulty of 'emulate stupid for the rest of your life' is likely the reason for the infamous u.s. police dept. which figured in a lawsuit where some schmuck was rejected from police academ for scoring too high on 'iq test'
mircea_popescu: the minds are scarcely the problem. which is part of why i credit so little the entire "iq" verbiage. if iq were the determining factor in anything we'd be living on the moon already.
ascii_field: it is the ultimate 'iq test' ☟︎
davout: asciilifeform: just because something is easy for a guy with 200 IQ doesn't mean it's as easy for two dudes with 100 IQ
mircea_popescu: the flagon full of hydrogen is a very boring Africa of "IQ" because it never produces the fun looking lasers other compositions produce.
mircea_popescu: 2) if the recipient is full of identical molecules... you STILL get normal distribution of "IQ"
mircea_popescu: 1) the "iq"s are distributed normally
mircea_popescu: so... is type or circumstance more impactful in the iq of a given molecule ?
mircea_popescu: so : suppose we're looking at a recipient of defined gas, and each molecule's "iq" is its kinetic momentum.
decimation: are you with funkenstein - there's no genetic basis for IQ?
cazalla: decimation, i use to read his stuff but i think he has an over-inflated sense of his own intelligence (some IQ video of his rubbed me the wrong way.. coulda been this, coulda been that, coulda been a dr type shit)
gabriel_laddel: <funkenstein_> if you are missing a good water supply you are also not going to be the next satoshi << ;; google east asian malnutrition IQ
mircea_popescu: i used to say b-a increases one's iq by a good chunk of points
mircea_popescu: eh, "value of a child" is like iq.
ascii_field: and to this well-known maxim i will add mine, 'giving a fuck about the problem is worth 100 iq points'
ascii_field: 'notation is worth 80 iq point' (TM)
ascii_field: will never get the iq points back.
asciilifeform: yeah i've for many years wanted to see the 'iq exam' thing automated
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2015 04:52:20; mircea_popescu: but to belabour the point : one of the principal reasons "measuring iq" as it were height is so ridiculous, is because nobody has yet had an off day for height.
mircea_popescu: brendafdez correlates to iq.
mircea_popescu: but to belabour the point : one of the principal reasons "measuring iq" as it were height is so ridiculous, is because nobody has yet had an off day for height. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: however, if you add all the smarts people assign themselves and divide by the ... like i dunno, 5000 or so total iq points available for the bn or so english speakers, you roughly get infinity.
decimation: actually he is making exactly the same error that you claim the iq testing guys are making
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2015 20:38:28; asciilifeform: if there were a 'rural militia' with above room-temperature iq, usa would already look like iraq
asciilifeform: if there were a 'rural militia' with above room-temperature iq, usa would already look like iraq ☟︎
decimation: at any rate, the "iq" thing seems more useful when applied on the population level
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel it occurs to me the templeos guy is kinda high iq
gabriel_laddel: http://youtu.be/xzTH_ZqaFKI?t=9m57s << neat, working software, with the foundations built by high IQ individuals
gabriel_laddel: if iq tests worked we'd have usable software. << see symbolics inc
mircea_popescu: if iq tests worked we'd have usable software.
asciilifeform: it's pretty standard in that the 'dangerous terrorists' are just as obviously one or two notches above the iq level where one needs institutional care
thestringpuller: don't open unless you want to take your IQ down a bit
mircea_popescu: as average iq keeps dropping and average intelligence drops with the square of the iq, and as complexity increases like a fucking cube of time or something, there's bound to be more and more of these.
thestringpuller: my iq is dropping
mircea_popescu: i mean yeah that's how it works for the retarded, 75 to 90 iq
thestringpuller: almost like dropping the IQ of their peers by merely existing
asciilifeform: one untrained, equally irrespective of measured iq, is quite unpalatable << perhaps here speaking of taming, rather than training ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, thus understood, you will find that a woman trained to be intelligent, irrespective of iq, is quite to your liking, whereas one untrained, equally irrespective of measured iq, is quite unpalatable.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i srsly doubt iq points measure anything useful.
asciilifeform: actually, this is almost a fundamental question. like 'sexual orientation.' how many 'iq' points below yours (for a particular fellow) does 'zoophilia' begin ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla mebbe if you ignore it it goes away, and the room average iq jumps a coupla points.
asciilifeform: quite a few folks seem to be rather attached to the 'built-in iq test' of english mechanics
asciilifeform: there's also a school of thought where 'notation is worth 80 iq points' and roman numerals are deservingly gone from mathematics ☟︎
nubbins`: seems like punkbot is the iq tes
asciilifeform: brainwallet was known to be retarded for some time << brainwallet is a fully-automatic iq test.
decimation: the us has plenty of high iq people, it's just that in general their efforts are misdirected into idiocy
mircea_popescu: i found teaching idiots (literally, 70ish iq) a lot easier and more palatable than teaching "normal" kids.
mircea_popescu: same thing as discussing "average iq" or other similar insanities born out of an inability to statistics.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, the earlier discussion about iq, say, in the recent days.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: started out with notion of automatic iq test for gating forums - junked, because realized that thinking people usually vouched for by others of their kind
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel that iq AVERAGES
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: the paper isn't arguring "better" simply that iq holds for races across environments.
gabriel_laddel: l children can do them in less than one second. More intelligent children, measured by conventional IQ tests, perform faster on these tasks. East Asians average faster reaction times than Whites who, in turn, have faster reaction times than Blacks."
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: from linked paper "National IQs have been reported for 192 countries around the world. The results show that the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; for US Blacks about 85, and for sub-Saharan African Blacks about 70. The same rank-order of race differences is found for ‘‘culture-fair’’ tests and reaction-time measures. Reaction-time tasks are so easy that al
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: "the genetics underpinnign cognitive function is debatable and poorly understood." really now? I looked into this, there is no debate on the matter of race / iq / genetics (there is however, lots of screaming). What genes specifically determine iq is definitely up for debate.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: IQ isn't all physiology, ie, genetics. Your iq is in part dependent on your epileptics. So, yes, "there’s a lot to the functioning of the brain that’s purely cultural, and thus ethnic" but that "black kids immersed into white culture could in principle get the same IQ measurements as white kids" does not follow. Blacks have smaller brains and lower iq because of their genetics - placing them in a