307 entries in 0.991s
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: (no, it’s not all physiology, there’s a lot to the functioning of the brain that’s purely cultural, and thus ethnic, and thus sure black kids immersed into white culture could in principle get the same IQ measurements as white kids while black kids from Africa or the ghetto never will) << lolno.
asciilifeform wishes to ask handlers of ninjasp4mz0r that the 'iq' dial should be turned clockwise (up) rather than counter-clockwise (down) when agent failure.
decimation: there is no doubt a certain component of "IQ" that is measurable on tests
assbot: Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule for deliberate practice is wrong: Genes for music, IQ, drawing ability, and other skills.
xmj: moriarty: you're forgetting high-iq math/physics/compsci crowd
mircea_popescu: the idea holds water tho. money is supposed to work as an iq-meter.
ben_vulpes: "you must have an iq of less than 115 to actually pass the tests and be a cop"
BingoBoingo: antonosika: Sitting around here and having access to every one in the chan's input is an effect IQ boost
HeySteve: http://www.isteve.com/IQ_Table.htm <- worth a look when trying to guess the future of nations
assbot: Are we becoming more STUPID? IQ scores are decreasing | Mail Online
chetty: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2730791/Are-STUPID-Britons-people-IQ-decline.html
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo isn't the +iq effect of ba impressive.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: presently you can do a kind of basic 'iq filter' just by, e.g. ignoring anything whatsoever distributed as an ms-word turd << ya think ?! :D
asciilifeform: presently you can do a kind of basic 'iq filter' just by, e.g. ignoring anything whatsoever distributed as an ms-word turd
kdomanski: if you're making an office suite, you have to appeal to IQ<100
mircea_popescu: anyway, someone should make an erlang with triple mode verbs and complete declension. need like 130 iq to speak it.
The20YearIRCloud: pretty sure the shame has dropped by IQ by at least 20 points
assbot: Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » IQ Shredders
decimation: http://www.xenosystems.net/iq-shredders/#more-3088 "How many bright Indians and bright Chinese are there, Harry? Surely they are not infinite. And what will they do in Singapore? Well, engage in the finance and marketing rat-race and depress their fertility to 0.78, wasting valuable genes just so your property prices don?t go down. Singapore is an IQ shredder."
dub: HS learning team have a combined IQ of 17
mircea_popescu: s/ip/iq. dyslexia striʞes again!
mike_c: it's not even a share of s.mg. it's a share of a unit of havelol's smg fund. but the discount is counterparty, plus the difference of havelock investor opinion vs. mpex investor opinion (or IQ).
pankkake: not that I've done serious IQ tests
pankkake: what's the required IQ?
ThickAsThieves: "Same here. I think IQ is bullshit and is a way of the gevernments to bracket us. Qualifications are a load of crap too. Who need a piece of paper to tell people that they can create the next "E=MC Squared"."
mircea_popescu: anyway, this bitchfest of mine has yielded quite actionable advice from the chan that's +IQ
dub: the dude has <70 IQ, the end?
asciilifeform: a successfully 'mined' brainwallet is... a failed iq test.
mircea_popescu: there's a huge space between 85 iq and 65 iq.
Azelphur: BCB: got a friend of mine and aldur1 coming down, gonna raise the collective IQ of the town by a few points.
the20year: I'm pretty sure i lost IQ
mircea_popescu: bounce it's a fact. there's 30 to 35 iq points buried in there.
bounce: "gaining IQ by reading", huh. magic!
HeySteve: I hear what you're saying about the IQ barrier of GPG. we don't aim to replace that, only add to it
thestringpuller: i am pretty sure reddit drops your iq at this point
asciilifeform: boost 20th c. iq by a point or two
asciilifeform: hard to think of a better 'iq test'
asciilifeform: at one point, i worked on a 'destupidator' (actual working title) - sort of like a 'captcha', but based on the 'raven matrix' iq test.
tg2: IQ test
decimation: oh yeah, "iq tests" are illeagal, or at least they can form the basis of a civil rights lawsuit. http://vdare.com/articles/professor-gates-officer-crowley-president-obama-and-the-new-york-fire-department
mircea_popescu: decimation iq tests are illegal in the us ?!
decimation: yeah and google gives what amount to IQ tests
decimation: the point is, any test that would be given to an applicant to attempt to detect his or her conscientiousness would be illeagal, like IQ tests are (in the US)
tg2: what else is there to do when you have an IQ of 180 other than sock puppet with yourself
mircea_popescu: TestingUnoDosTre it's more of a +iq effect. just being here makes one smarter.
mircea_popescu: ReutersEmily the advantage of being here. i gain about 15 iq points when surrounded by these folks.
mircea_popescu: woman loses 30 iq points for the first year
benkay`: ninjashogun: there's no minimum IQ required for participating on the internet.
cerelenius: everyone with 2 IQ points left gox last year
mircea_popescu: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2165830363/Peter-Portrait.jpg << seriously, look at this guy. doesn't he look like the 110 iq barrier is a bridge too far ?
mircea_popescu: we want a high avg iq more than that
the20year: as far as IQ goes or what?
mircea_popescu: it's really just a slightly more iq-amped way of being emo.
ThickAsThieves: we're just decentralizing the IQ points
mircea_popescu: i think bitcoin average has lost 20 points of iq over the past 2 years.
mircea_popescu: second off, derpy mc derp, police officer of 88 iq is DEFINITELY not the firestarter there.
mircea_popescu: more iq with the aq
jborkl: Well you have to divide IQ by # of sock puppet accts
mircea_popescu: there's no iq.
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids HOW do you adjust for average iq
herbijudlestoids: are you adjusting for the avg IQ mircea_popescu?
deanclkclk: sorry BingoBoingo my IQ maybe 0
KRS1: much iq
Vexual: nigella has an iq of about 60, add 80 for the chess, 140!!
Vexual: its an iq test
mircea_popescu: basically a collection of people with poor iq and worse skills, hanging on because they perceive this as sexy, and imagine hanging on makes them somehow important.
mircea_popescu: the truth of the matter is, scams are nearly magical, in that they manage to take in people seemingly irrespective of iq etc.
Vexual: i heard he went for an iq test and the psych had a mental breakdown
mike_c: average iq
dub: I'm sure there is some kind of IQ bar you need to limbo under to become an IT manager
mircea_popescu: but instead find a sales pitch intended for people with a financial iq corresponding to about the age of 15 ?
BingoBoingo: I have a feeling raw IQ like mining probably has fundamental problems in that the people anticipating profits don't know how to wipe.
mircea_popescu: (in the sense the 100 iq average is periodically resampled)
mircea_popescu: by the way, didja know fiat-iq is also inflation prone ?
KRS1: the IQ of this channel went down about 30
Vexual: and theres a maximum iq for police officers, work that out if were not someones evil experiment into police states
Vexual: IQ OVER 100!
Scrat: just have to find a double D girl with a triple digit IQ
Vexual: iq infinite percentile
mircea_popescu: lol what's an iq crush
Vexual: ive never spoken to you but ive got an iq crush
Vexual: is this an iq test?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves because while it could end up realising that power, odds are it won't. judging by the average iq and ability of people involved...
random_cat: no. those fuckers are above average iq, clearly.
tiberiusix: his big mouth and low IQ got him in the end
Scrat: replace captchas with IQ tests
davout: it's kinda funny that the average IQ on the forums seems to linearly correlate to the BTC/USD price
bitcoinbust: debate the point mircea_popescu as you seem the only one in here with an IQ above 100
bitcoinbust: thickasthieves youve got the IQ of a bag of hair as far as im concerned.
parseval: My iq is only 40, sorry
bitcoinbust: anyone with an IQ of over 100 care to comment about the recent price action
JimFromBronx: mircea runs a boiler room scheme its blatantly obvious to anyone with an IQ over 20
mircea_popescu: this chan is sort of like snl with better iq.
tiberiusiv: always chiming in with the low IQ opinion
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the slaves need a certain minimum IQ, for Sokoban.
error4733: 10%, the average for sup IQ
tiberiusiv: chaangnoi: i dont care what others do with their $, both sdice and all the mp assets are shady as hell by anyone with 2 IQ points.
jcpham: "Rising asset prices create euphoria, and euphoria significantly drops the IQ of the participants."
kakobrekla: avearage iq on the forum is -20
mircea_popescu: it has nothing to do with iq