1300+ entries in 0.361s
jhvh1: shinohai: netflix and chill :: It means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with Netflix in the background. [ex:] "Yeah we just watched Netflix and chilled.""Damn nigga how deep?""Four knuckles deep" [/ex] | code for two people going to each others houses and [fucking] or doing other [sexual] related acts [ex:] Brad: "Hey Julia wanna come over and watch [Netflix] and chill"Julia: (6 more messages)
asciilifeform: and why the fuck would you use intel-only opcodes.
mircea_popescu: way the fuck better than argentina, i'll tell you that. those idiots... god help them.
mircea_popescu: they can't be arsed with switchbacks here. fuck it they say, make it 25% and let you drive in 1st for a few hours, what of it.
asciilifeform: 'oh your bonds burned? fuck off , usg owes you 0 nao'
mircea_popescu: yes, it sounds way the fuck better in the abstract (if you're clueless, entirely devoid of either experience, any faculty for thought and any inclination to resolve either). but it's the same god damned thing -- the desire of "visual thinkers" to introduce new glyphs in the alphabet so they don't get "constrained" in their "creativity" by the present set exactly mirrors the need of the house fly to get some garbage going so i
mircea_popescu: Framedragger "have you tried not wanting to fuck guys???" whadda ya know, next they'll "cure" pedos. because they're so totally unlike gays and everything. ☟︎
Framedragger: anarcho_capitalism, such subreddit. on the other hand top comment *is* "Have you tried NOT wanting to fuck your daughter?"
Framedragger: i still say 'fuck you cisco' for pitching (and later selling) customised surveillance infrastructure to china by saying that its shit can "combat ‘Falun Gong’ evil religion and other hostiles" (sic)
mircea_popescu: the whole "don't fuck up or i'll beat you" mechanism exists ~specifically because~ the whole array doesn;t fit in my (or anyone's) head.
mircea_popescu: the discussion went something like : "i am affraid though the name may put people off, how fixated are you" "i don't specifically care" "oh here's this website i made" "dude, why the fuck are you making websites, go talk to people".
mircea_popescu: incident is either that there's a flood/meteor/volcano, in which case you're not needed, because dc will handle it itserlf ; or else that customer fucked up his machine, in which case he should have frucking known better and fuck him.
mircea_popescu: of course there's alternative. what the fuck do you suppose a classical education is for ?
Framedragger: it's like the modern website. "i expect good bandwidth. you have low bandwidth? fuck yourself"
asciilifeform: can you do http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-04#1636960 by 1) taking 2 of these 2) letting'em 'fuck', i.e. mating open ends of the crystals together, and seeing if same output. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hey, you are at liberty to like whatever the fuck you like.
mircea_popescu: FUCK YOU IM A DRAGON!!!
mircea_popescu: 40k turkey dollars buys you an ukrainian split, why the fuck would you trade it for a car.
asciilifeform: ( the difference between 'fuck around' and r&d -- is that you oughta have some notion of what you're doing; and take notes. that way, directional, ratchet, rather than brownian walk.)
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> why the fuck would anyone deal with the sort of schmucks that do thjat in the first place, i have no idea. << sure you do, people just love easy-to-complete tasks that earn them an "everything's okay" signal from authority. even if that authority consists of a crayon-drawn badge paperclipped to dork's lapel @ supermarket exit.
mircea_popescu: what, you think i'm excusing him in my mind ? i'm not. fuck him.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: there is a very basic fallacy at the root of 'multisig thinking', that somehow you can cut up control over a key and give the pieces to a group, which somehow can 'keep the owner honest' but not (why not?) fuck him
mircea_popescu: huge fucking loss in human control over human affairs, and meanwhile the idiots are sitting around worrying about "Evil ai". hey, guess what, you don't need the ai to fuck you over.
asciilifeform: on other hand 'haven't seen mats and hey maybe my uptime is 5min and fuck you' is sad.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck is shaking your head yes called "nodding" and what the fuck do you call shaking your head no in english ?!
mircea_popescu: "21 matches in 678 log files with 138047 lines (1.5 seconds)." << from lobbes 's logotron. "10 entries in 0.482s" from phf 's logotron. i imagine this log is about 10x as long, how the fuck do you do it phf!
a111: Logged on 2017-04-09 14:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the more i think about it the more i'm convinced the ONLY "fingerprint" for rsa key may be... the modulus. 4096 bits and fuck you, if you can't take 32 chars you don't belong here.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the more i think about it the more i'm convinced the ONLY "fingerprint" for rsa key may be... the modulus. 4096 bits and fuck you, if you can't take 32 chars you don't belong here. ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: seems if you were going after ecdsa you'd attack the curves not the keys. kind of a wasted effort seeing how the curve authors already know the holes and why the fuck would i bother when blacklisting works so well. but anyway.
trinque: gabriel_laddel_p: why the FUCK would you spend any time whatsoever on doing it that way?
mircea_popescu: "why THE FUCK do you want to mess with the fonts" "because we truly have nothing to do with our time" "Do you understand reading speed decreases 3x if the reader has to deal with unfamiliar typefaces ?" "uuga booga"
mircea_popescu: now, i can see the merit in an argument along the lines of "what the fuck do you want mp, research ? how the fuck is that going to happen if you insist on sticking all the cowpokes indoors ? they'll do what they can, nod along with the rest of the "academia".
mircea_popescu: dunno why you'd want more than a coupla anyway. it's redundant to all fuck.
mircea_popescu: well worship is a complex topic. for one thing, why'd you worship anything that dun fuck you.
ben_vulpes: veen's over there ranting about how "fuck buddy and here i thought forever stamps a decent hedge against inflation but NO the FUCKING GOVERNMENT can just MAKE YOU BURN THEM"
mircea_popescu: zika ?! how the fuck did you get thatr
Framedragger: especially their leader, this ridiculous fat turd who nevertheless is featured in various tv shitshows ('to popularise history', you know) -- he's just plain jelly as fuck, (quote) "i don't even know this schmuck, some kind of driver (sic; literal), i would have great doubts as to the document's authenticity [meanwhile confirmed by germany archivists etc etc etc]", so on and so forth, in a complete caricature-like jelly manner.
mircea_popescu: poetess you know. "fuck you, i'm a poetess!"
mircea_popescu: for that matter, when the fuck did a COMPUTER LANGUAGE, ie, a language you can program the machine in, become a "systems language" ? why, to make room for javascript being a language ? it ain't a fucking language, it's a scripting language which means jack-all.
CompanionCube: fuck, even the US'd be a better place. There there isn't a law that literally states you must disclose encryption keys on-demand.
mircea_popescu: dude who the fuck cares what fare says/does, his head is more broken than anything you'd drag out of a colombian by the hour hotel.
asciilifeform: wolf : 'so what the fuck are you worried about, you ain't a camel'
phf: "we shat in your soup. we then threw out all the soup utensils, who eats soup with shit anyway, fuck is wrong wit you!1"
Framedragger: i'm sure that down south they'd also patronisingly stare at you if you dared smoke a cigarette in a park. the scottish at least tend to give less of a fuck, but still a nanny state 100%
asciilifeform: you can still spend in actual bitcoinland, what has been spend in shitcoinland -- bitcoin does not give half a fuck re what happens in the megablox
trinque: "fuck you mom I'm an artist"
mircea_popescu: "but mp, they were built to last. think, you could still have it!!" yeah. i could. and it'd be worth 25k in today's dollars, and it'd still be a 15 inch mcga or w/e the fuck it was
mircea_popescu: it's just a different category of special pleading. even if you get me to fuck liz taylor tonight, and even if i personally fucking love it and propose marriage, i still won't agree she's structurally different from womanhood.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, "where the fuck are you ?" "i'm stuck in traffic on the highway."
mircea_popescu: moreover fuck the "it's going to take". you want me to own an item i can't price to market ? hurr.
mircea_popescu: buy a subway holy shit. why the fuck would you buy an item the dorks expect to be provided "as a publicgood". fuck them.
ben_vulpes: if you don't own it, what the fuck is the point fixing it?
mircea_popescu: which is WHY the "dun fuck your sister" thing is such a huge taboo : a) it will kill you and b) you won't notice. that's the problem with these boiled frogs scenarios, from carbon monoxide poisoning to sibling conception to etc : you got no warning bells connected to THIS failure mode.
mircea_popescu: Woodrow Wilson International Center << bwhahaha. i can hear the shocked butt tears of career middle aged wiminz from here. fuck you bitchez, shoulda learn to twerk when you had the chance. now go die in darkness. "bureaucracy career" my foot.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck did you meet that stank. now why did they.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-17 12:46 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628626 << i don't see this at all. if you fuck a woman "normally" and she's not on the pill, you will obtain 8 kids in 10 years. you will also obtain an extremely shriveled woman, because like it or not females are essentially the cotyledon of children. biology is merciless and the ultimate empire, it dun care one whit your girl is smart and pleasant and worships you, it just cares to push o
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628626 << i don't see this at all. if you fuck a woman "normally" and she's not on the pill, you will obtain 8 kids in 10 years. you will also obtain an extremely shriveled woman, because like it or not females are essentially the cotyledon of children. biology is merciless and the ultimate empire, it dun care one whit your girl is smart and pleasant and worships you, it just cares to push o ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: davout because who the fuck are you and why do i have to take your word and if your house burns down what do you do.
mircea_popescu: let's see the practical consequence where you simmer the fuck down and stop oversignalling by a factor of fifty trillion ONCE!!! in your life! one ounce work ten bushels sky is falling good god.
asciilifeform: there's 1 way -- if you send in an anything that collides with a previous ANYTHING, you are told to fuck off.
mircea_popescu: it'd seem to me that in the continuum between "whenever a man is born a woman is allocated him, soulmate" and "let them be passed around and let the dogs fuck them too, what, it's a muscle. not like they're made of soap" the specific "there's no soulmate but there shouldn't be gynorgies either" spot you select is hard to support in any fundamental way.
trinque: aha, they'll ignore your system root certs because fuck you
asciilifeform: Framedragger: holy fuck are you reading stackoverflow idiocies verbatim ?!
ben_vulpes: "the /fuck/ are you smoking?"
trinque: why teh fuck are you still trying to redeem it
mircea_popescu: it may feed you, but it will sure as fuck wet your pants.
mircea_popescu: until you have net interface that somehow (how the fuck ?!) doesn't get to read/write to memory, your isolation is soup served in a calender.
Framedragger: ah i may have read it, did it mention DBs, too, as in "why the fuck would you put db in there"
mircea_popescu: fuck you and that roadside wench of your mother.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-27 12:10 mircea_popescu: dude, they fucking gutted them. olympus agreed to pay the usg ~70 billion yen in fines, and install obama's children as an "independent outside monitor". whole corp market cap being you know, 1.3trn or some shit. who the fuck pays 5% of the market cap as a fine already, what is this, Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи ?
asciilifeform: if you just need to store linear array of blox -- nothing beats raw hdd. fuck fs.
mircea_popescu: "but ben_vulpes someone here already fucked a girl, why would you fuck any other ones."
asciilifeform: ( pet, answering this : 'you promised to fuck hour ago, and instead you are on the console doing this nonsense' )
a111: Logged on 2017-03-08 15:02 phf: unless you're an mp, you don't have a choice to tell fuck you to local fauna, and the whole "i can pay whatever" only plays it out well in shitty miami based tv shows
phf: unless you're an mp, you don't have a choice to tell fuck you to local fauna, and the whole "i can pay whatever" only plays it out well in shitty miami based tv shows ☟︎
asciilifeform: phf: recall the thread with mircea_popescu re the traffic cops in some african shithole ? where millionaire 'i can pay whatever, fuck you' and the next day finds that the fines have grown six decimal places for him
mircea_popescu has participated in this sort of "home invasion" where one girl got fucked, the other one "are you going to fuck me too ?" "maybe tomorrow". on the morrow, dilligent, awaiting her turn...
mircea_popescu: but bitcoin is a lot more promiscuous about it. you want marriage, bitcoin does the "handjob in theatre / quick fuck alley behind bar" thing
mircea_popescu: wait, what ? how the fuck would you remove "incentive for miner secrecy".
trinque: miner will in both cases mine the txn he chooses and fuck you
mircea_popescu: now, the objection can of course be raised that "what guarantees do i have someone will marry me", to which the answer is of course both none and fuck you. it works if you work it, as the expression goes.
mircea_popescu: please don't tell me you aim to reimplement jfs in btc ;/ way the fuck cheaper to just use one.
mircea_popescu: dude, they fucking gutted them. olympus agreed to pay the usg ~70 billion yen in fines, and install obama's children as an "independent outside monitor". whole corp market cap being you know, 1.3trn or some shit. who the fuck pays 5% of the market cap as a fine already, what is this, Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as in, 'fuck you, i won't relay this, your addr ends with my auschwitz tatoo number' ?)
mircea_popescu: "who the fuck cares about navy timekeeping" "hurry up and have children before you're too old to attract a sucker"
trinque: the fuck are you people talking about, blank
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the administration route is terrible, how the fuck do you dose the ingestion through splashing.
mircea_popescu: you gotta fuck wild, man.
mircea_popescu: otherwise wtf... so you get hard and... oh shit i didn't plan this far ahead... uhmmm... i guess fuck this here keyhole.
mircea_popescu: the system is there to fuck you.
ben_vulpes: "fuck, buddy. it's just a coordinate transform, you can handle those right?"
mircea_popescu: bitch. what the fuck DID you think of using it as, a dildo ?
mircea_popescu: because of the fuck you symbology.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 21:18 asciilifeform: i.e. 'we will do exactly what we did under obummer, and fuck you, and oh hey did we mention, fuck you? and go ahead and try to pull fed funding, that button ain't connected'
mircea_popescu: you understand the ancient conception of war ? you raise a bunch of men, you go the next town over, you beat up all the guys, this is the work ; you fuck all the women and drink all the booze, this is the party (like what they do in sane jurisdiction during college games, the winning team gets the naked cheerleaders of tghe losers') ; then all the gold found on the premises is melted into one single thing and it is poured in
asciilifeform: i.e. 'we will do exactly what we did under obummer, and fuck you, and oh hey did we mention, fuck you? and go ahead and try to pull fed funding, that button ain't connected' ☟︎
shinohai: http://nypost.com/2017/02/06/drug-dealer-whose-sentence-was-commuted-by-obama-is-back-behind-bars/ <<< Best Hussein Bahamas "Fuck You" I've read so far.
ben_vulpes: it's not "fuck you money" if you can't actually say "fuck you".
mircea_popescu: and did this dream mp call it the "fuck you rekt an' proper at a distance" glove ?
asciilifeform: 'you asked me to make 2 equal 4, go fuck yerself'