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mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802659 << da fuck, you're selling space to ~actually negrated people~ now ?! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: at least the girls are honest about how they're doing nothing and their life is going nowhere (and for the record, this is as close as an invariant as social science ever produced -- females are way the fuck less inclined to lie to themselves. or to you, for that matter, unless they actually don't like you. but males lie to you BECAUSE they like you, and to themselves, too.)
mircea_popescu: so as long as you don't fuck dudes and aren't cowardly you know that a) you're a man and b) behaving manly ?
mircea_popescu: (fun facts for the recently born : 1. most old zx-80 clone programs were games, whether you count by titles, or by total cpu time, or any other way ; 2. they did not return (mostly because to make a good one you had to fuck the kernel space, that zx80 shit was tight), you pressed the reset button to load the next item on the tape.
mircea_popescu: how T?HE FUCK can you even look at anything nsa says other than "this is what the liars are pushing these days" ? hm ?
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799616 look douchebag, for every girl you bring in here there's like 10+ lines of bs from you. i've got nothing against you personally, but you're littering the logs with noise --it's annoying as fuck, and if you keep at it i'll end up negrating you. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so are you actually gonna fuck douchebag tonight or notrly
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seems to me the case to be, that they defined a matrix, and then implemented all the cells, and fuck you if you pick a dumb cell.
mircea_popescu: where the fuck is the "queer" modifier anyway. you can say "nigger washingmachine judge" but you can't say "faggot judge" ? what's this, fellow traveller disenfranchisement ?
mircea_popescu: mod6 i thought you didn't want to fuck with this anymore, in which case could just wait for him to finish and publish his grapher. or is it fun ?
mircea_popescu: douchebag in any case, get them printed on authoadesive paper. way the fuck better than putting a tack in or scotch tape or w/e bs. you know what i mean ? paper though, not pvc that's unprintable.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform indeed. the broad box this falls into is "accepting the structure but debating the results". once you've eaten up the premises, what the fuck cartoonish "ha-HAA!" can you possibly expect, jesus fuck, 12 year olds moving about freely.
mircea_popescu: "An advertisement costs $250/month or $1250/6 months, plus an extra $50 if you want me to design it for you. Ads can expect about 10,000 to 20,000 impressions per day. Past ads that were interesting and well-targeted have gotten about five hundred clickthroughs in their first week, followed by a steady fifty clickthroughs per week thereafter." jesus christ, and ~nobody reads it on top of everything else. how the fuck do you g
mircea_popescu: (guy, notably, is the ~only ustard "literary critic" to have actually read joyce's manuscripts. and you have to hear of this from me because the pantsuit is busy discussing the pseudoachievements of black chicks or w/e the fuck they do.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, they're already there. have been, for decade+. you should see the shitheads doing the "mega franchises", jesus fuck i wouldn't have the misery in my house.
mod6: This guy sends me a "Fuck you" in PM.
douchebag: ben_vulpes: fuck you, I'm doing it
trinque: no, he doesn't do anything. "fuck you mom!"
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ < item
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-22#1788650 << this is also interesting. note however it's misstated. whether you know better or not what to do with your time is not generally touched ; but you sure as fuck don't know better what NOT to do with your time, which is time and again the crux of the matter. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-03-22 10:46 mircea_popescu: because you're sitting there waiting for reality to change so it may be admitted in yoru movie. that's not how reality works, though there's a bunch of people still waiting for bitcoin to be what they thought of it, back in 2015 or 2013 or 2011 or w/e the fuck they first heard of it, formed a fantasy and adhered to it.
mircea_popescu: because you're sitting there waiting for reality to change so it may be admitted in yoru movie. that's not how reality works, though there's a bunch of people still waiting for bitcoin to be what they thought of it, back in 2015 or 2013 or 2011 or w/e the fuck they first heard of it, formed a fantasy and adhered to it. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: very much a case of ye olde "i'll gladly spend thousands to fuck you up if you're not willing to take pennies to suck my cock". makes perfect sense, dunnit ?
mircea_popescu: executive summary : a) don't buy any books from o'brien ; b) fuck your mother, today. preferably tie her up and rough her up after you're done.
mircea_popescu: you know, in my entire life (which includes more naked females idling about than most, i'd bet) i met ONE SINGLE case of 90yo who wanted to fuck anyone.
a111: Logged on 2015-06-25 07:05 mircea_popescu: "Our Solutions Leadership About Us Careers News Contact" who the fuck thought this is how you do it ? it's almost like the soviet butcher, "we're the advertising shop, we don't have publishers. fish is what they don't have in the shop down the street"
mircea_popescu: whole fucking IDEA of a kernel was exactly this, "fuck you $vendor, if you need a whole programming language to init your pos peripheral YOU support it ; we'll just grin from the sidelines while the marketplace drives your inanity out of itself".
mircea_popescu: meanwhile asciilifeform is actually idiotic enough to "hates my face" ? really, dood ? because why, because you fucked up, AGAIN, are fully determined to not fix it, and consequently "mp hates me" ? who the fuck do you think you are to be worthy of such wonders ? my hate, really ?
trinque: when the fuck did you want them to start, exactly?
mircea_popescu: then you discover muslims don't know how to fuck, either, and realise that no, being an orc is a very substantial thing. it's not just foreign / neologistic items they fuck up.
BingoBoingo: And fuck me, everyone keeps telling me "Look on Mercado Libre, they have everything there" which is only true if by everything you mean except for civilized life. "Oh, here people just use the Dell/HP/Lenovo authorized distributors."
mircea_popescu: you wanna participate, you gotta participate, not fuck up people's work for them.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-06 01:42 mircea_popescu: in order to be useful you must actually communicate. this "ima just do whatever the fuck occurs to me" dun cut it. never has, never will.
mircea_popescu: in order to be useful you must actually communicate. this "ima just do whatever the fuck occurs to me" dun cut it. never has, never will. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: he can't provide you a fucking quote on my airfare, what the fuck's wrong with you.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo in the end, did you get prices from anyone that weren't utterly ridiculous, 2x internets ? << Not for shit that isn't lowest common denominator consumer boxes. The datacenter forwarded a spreadsheet SuperMicro sent them with prices for two boxes in quantities up to 20 a piece today. Missing was any information on what the fuck the boxes were. Super Micro included model numbers that don't resolve to anything
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would you sell it half price.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i've met a bunch of "vegetarian" gals that are no longer ; much like i actually fuck about half-lesbians by headcount these days. if you don't know how $item is, easy enough to "give it up"
mircea_popescu: so while pretty much every adult romanian saw at least one (often enough in the shape of, hey, do you know this guy you've been frioends for 30 years with, since chiuldhood ? well he was trying to fuck your wife and get you imprisoned), apparently there's a NOFORN clause implicit or something, 0 internets. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: there you will sit, in the not so distant future, trying to figure out what the fuck $item, $tool, $whatever does, with two options before you : a) read mov push pop etc ; b) read "It`d be advisable to will mainly because that maybe what it's actually."
asciilifeform: why the fuck did you USE this flag tho
mp_en_viaje: what's so forced about "no, you can't run code. if you want your hardware object '''configured''' or w/e the fuck, here's the bios api, pass data into it. if you can't, fix your printer"
mp_en_viaje: how the fuck can an empty street be dangerous ? what's it gonna do, fall on you ?
mp_en_viaje: as far as anyone knows, the only bdsm thing in this 8 mn strong city is an item calling itself "club sweet perversions" and limiting self to a facebook page, because why the fuck not, right. if you call their number (319 2137590) some dorky woman tells you it's on caracas and 62nd. except when you actually get there and there's no such thing (just a buncha three story love hotels with overexcited porters trying to get you to park in!!!). then she tur
mp_en_viaje: "we, too, could have things" "how the fuck could you ever have anything ?" "well, if we did, then we would" "certainly."
mircea_popescu: are you actually saying "well mp, ~maybe~ bits exist outside of anyone looking at them, but sure as fuck they do not exist outside of bytes, as currently the situation stands" ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'philosophically consistent' ( hey kurchatov! ) method is: little-endianism . but with it, you're stuck loading a whole parcel to test its sign bit ( i dun give a fuck, personally , on modern iron ) but -- unless yer an arab -- flipping words prior to printing , in the civilized style, left to right
mircea_popescu: "here's the source ; check to see it is correct ; and here's how your builder will fuck it up for you by replacing constants"
mircea_popescu: sooo i just discovered i somehow am missing tyhe images in http://trilema.com/2015/fuck-you-and-your-stupid-epub-also-david-thornes-2nd-book-it-isnt-really-very-good/ ?!
mircea_popescu: ^ dude got raped by the canadian government, who the fuck heard of this nonsense, "you are a respected businessman with a functioning business, here's the petrol"
mircea_popescu: are you gonna fuck one this time ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774921 << amusingly i read it as a "well, gotta put best foot forward and don best suit", kinda unconvinced of why or what the fuck subjhectively, "but what can you do". which is why i just ignored it, triggered none of my tripwires. while apparently hitting TWO DIFFERENT!!! immune system protein pathways in two different people. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo aite ; the one thing missing from your enumeration there, is "gpgram me the story of bbisp fiat holdings ab origine." ; what this means is, i want a list showing "hey, i got $8500 (or w/e the fuck it was) and i spent x, y, z, k, l, leaving me with q". you wrote me a story, as a literary exercise, i want a numeric thing. gpg & send.
mircea_popescu: you're sitting there and telling me you're a suit with a working comprehension of the underlying technology ? what the fuck is this, the future ?
shinohai: The more you fuck, the more calories she burns, so actually you are doing her a favor.
mircea_popescu: i guess. stuff like http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ pays better.
mircea_popescu: and i don't even mean ~subjective~ functions here! it's not a case that "to the exceptionally gifted as identified by ivy league, worth as he is maybe $1000 with clothes included, the subjectively perceived marginal value of information is slightly negative. no, no, no, OBJECTIVE, you can tell him whatever the fuck you will and he will not have any use for it -- i don't mean "he won't be able to find any use, above his $1k pa
mircea_popescu: but this happens all the fucking time right here, too! take the... well i can't fucking find it now, but there's a line in the log where phf goes "hey, your trying to do the mp rant comes out short, you;'re not mp". why the fuck not! had all the bits!!1
mircea_popescu: who the fuck that was going to eat you because you're weak and stupid is going to NOT eat you now that you DONT ADMIT IT.
mircea_popescu: one day someone will manage to explain to me why this innate pubescent defensive mania anyway. what the fuck. so if you're a girl and you whore out, naked in the road, taking all cocks there is some risk of disease. but if you're a boy and you freely admit you're a boy, what the fuck supposedly happens ? they eat you ?
mircea_popescu: i even more like that i can search for stupid "sucker" and get fuck you sucking fuckstupid as well!
mircea_popescu: seriously, not everything can be winged. you're not that special, and you sure as fuck aren't interesting. go put more effort into being presentable.
organdnor: if you Minds can't even figure the fuck out anything about LSD and the supernatural / paranormal you think just turning this shit over to a fucking robots going to end well?
shinohai: They have some chic in a chatbox on their website supposedly, imma link her to: http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/
a111: Logged on 2018-01-07 20:06 mircea_popescu: you will never fucking reinvent infinitesimal calculus. for one thing, it's fine as it is (you fuck with it, it get heavy, and you still no hit largest side of barn), and for the other fuck you and your psychological needs. you were born late rather than early, if you don't like it should have been born earlier. invent something else or don't, either way.
mircea_popescu: you will never fucking reinvent infinitesimal calculus. for one thing, it's fine as it is (you fuck with it, it get heavy, and you still no hit largest side of barn), and for the other fuck you and your psychological needs. you were born late rather than early, if you don't like it should have been born earlier. invent something else or don't, either way. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: get a grip man, you have this strange reactive mr hyde portion, thoroughly anxiety driven, as if you honestly believe, with the deep fiber of your 5yo being, that whenever something happens chulhu will come fuck your plushies. one can almost measure the velocity of republic on the basis of alf-insanity-odometer as measured from the logs, are you aware ? correlate of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763554 is directly above. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-05#1765140 << could trivially point into structure by word count! which is how it was fucking done before you darned kids started skatin' on the sidewalk! my addressing into classical text is paragraph count / word offset. what the FUCK is a line! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: exactly a problem of "where the fuck is your engine" ie http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763930 ie "your problem is that you aren't fucking thinking. AT ALL." ☝︎
trinque: gabriel_laddel: honestly why should anyone give a fuck to improve you.
ben_vulpes: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp?v=makefiles#1848 << and fuck you if you want to make a command with a name more than 1char longer than "walletpassphrasechange"
a111: Logged on 2017-12-02 22:16 mircea_popescu: but otherwise -- everything's sough. you got tits ? make money. you can code ? make money. you can draw ? make money. you "got relations" / can pr/whatever the fuck you got ? MAKE MONEY!
BingoBoingo: !<mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-03#1763132 << it's kinda funny how all sorta three-toothpicks-tied-together doods go like "oh, knockout game". the FUCKING IDEA is to knock out someone by surprise when it's even vaguely conceivable you couldn't have otherwise. who the fuck is going to "knockout game" some dood that looks like he'd get knocked out falling out of bed / in some kind of toothbrush incident. << In St Louis ☝︎
mircea_popescu: phf and when did the ustard female fall into this "everything exists to justify itself to me" trap anyway ? dude! if you're under 30 nobody's going to seek you out to explain lengthy explanation to obtain your permission, what the holy fuck omfg!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-03#1763132 << it's kinda funny how all sorta three-toothpicks-tied-together doods go like "oh, knockout game". the FUCKING IDEA is to knock out someone by surprise when it's even vaguely conceivable you couldn't have otherwise. who the fuck is going to "knockout game" some dood that looks like he'd get knocked out falling out of bed / in some kind of toothbrush incident. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: human culture is entirely dependent on these transmission processes, if you don't work & fuck the kids they'll exterminate you when they come of age, and for the proper reason : you're little more than a bug to them.
mircea_popescu: generally you can recognize the undeclared cuck by that sure sign that disavows control of own sexuality. what the everloving fuck is "fated" about fucking ? maybe ~for her~.
mircea_popescu: it's mindboggling, to me, you know ? EVERY fucking parent since the dawn of time told his kids "don't lie" with all sorts of dumb, dysfunctional ratonalles "you'll go to jail" "i'll beat you up" whatever the fuck.
mircea_popescu: and why the fuck would you maintain it in a place which has no need to maintain it. ffa is free from said flesh.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-28 14:30 mircea_popescu: at no prior point was there a case when... no step available, shortest one is eight billion light years tall and fuck you.
mircea_popescu: at no prior point was there a case when... no step available, shortest one is eight billion light years tall and fuck you. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: fuck 'em, the salvation of the drowning is work for the hands of the self-same drowning. god may mercifully send you a sign, but that's already asking for too much.
trinque: fuck you, die, and goodnight.
mircea_popescu: reference ? FUCK YOU.
mircea_popescu: if you don't own it, who the fuck does ? daytime tv starlets ? fat brown women behind fast food counter ? who ?
trinque: aha, were I making my own ebuild/makefile/whatever for emacs, it simply *wouldn't have* dbus support and fuck you.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the important, v-powered realisation here : there can NOT BE such a thing as bit-ambiguity in a source. if "this bit being either set or null has no effect" you have a problem, which must be addressed. because it sure as fuck isn't acceptabru to read diffs of style in a patch. patches are for substantive change.
mircea_popescu: sofiababy do your best. you also don't know how to fuck, but you do your best and it works out.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: What the fuck is Scientology ? : scientology - Reddit: <https://www.reddit.com/r/scientology/comments/31s3x3/what_the_fuck_is_scientology/>; Reporter Goes Ghetto "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DgilNVgB19zM>; LRH pictures you've probably never seen before | Page 2 | Why We ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: kinda why the whole "do you have money ? no ? then shut the fuck up." works so well socially, personally and in general. because they... don't. and they know how to get it and know they can't get it. hence "cat-v" etc.
mircea_popescu: also, if it dies a flaming death in this case that'd be very acceptable, and fuck you for keeping duplicates like that.
mircea_popescu: if i edit glib.c and replace line 50 with "fuck you stallman", and then try to compile glib.c, i get an error. if i edit glib.c and MOVE glib.c to /fuck/you/stallman/glib.c, and try to compile glib.c, i get an error
mircea_popescu: and yes it does mean you'll have to buy meat "you don't want". fuck you, survivalism.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1750685 << the problem isn't finding a working one ; fuck, you can prolly MAKE one, and in less time than it takes woman to make you the kid. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: right. in other words : let the kid eat the fucking berries, and if it kills him fuck him ; and fuck you too so you get another one
ben_vulpes: if you let food become such an issue that you're fighting over it at dishwashing age you dun fucked up way the fuck uptree.
BingoBoingo: The fucking sniffling spasm, What the everloving fuck. Go home and leave polite society until you discover the handkercheif.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-12 23:35 mircea_popescu: so to get back to mr crisan quoted above : the reason he isn't sitting atop a computer/car/hairblower/starbucks coffee cup is that he doesn't yet understand HOW such item would forward / is requisite for his notion of "a republic" == usgstan. because that is ABSOLUTELY ALL he is interested in, and will give no half a spare cycle to any other consideration, period and fuck you.
mircea_popescu: so to get back to mr crisan quoted above : the reason he isn't sitting atop a computer/car/hairblower/starbucks coffee cup is that he doesn't yet understand HOW such item would forward / is requisite for his notion of "a republic" == usgstan. because that is ABSOLUTELY ALL he is interested in, and will give no half a spare cycle to any other consideration, period and fuck you. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if you're wondering WHY the fuck would anyone buy singles, your mind is working correctly and you're on the way to explaining the mystery : imbecile orcmind DOES NOT PROVISION! DOES NOT MAINTENANCE! and generally has a very peculiar relartionship with the future, as discussed eg in http://trilema.com/2017/this-blog-is-now-about-bticino-and-other-coinsiderations/#footnote_0_75919 ; or http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735612 ☝︎