1200+ entries in 0.298s
BingoBoingo: Anyways arbitration process is rarely an automatic "fuck you", have to pursue it
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: usgistic 'memberships' ( and this case was no exception ) routinely contain a 'we can do WHATEVER the fuck we feel like, incl. throw you out by the ears' clause.
mircea_popescu: < kanzure> also it's because i feel ashamed for not having thousands of hours of microscopy video already << i hope shame intensifies. but in any case : why the fuck wouldf you make it video.
trinque: the fuck does effort have to do with purpose and generally speaking (and charitably) what point do you have?
mircea_popescu: the look on the 2nd one, you know, total precious cat "fuck, they're doing the people magic bullshit again"
mircea_popescu: tell you what : people who can get it up get it up, and fuck the whores. people who wait for preconditions still can't get it up even should the specifically-chosen-to-be-unsatisfiable preconditions somehow magically got satisfied.
BingoBoingo: "You broke the rules" "Fuck you, you're breaking the rules" "Fuck you I'm Tom Brady"
mircea_popescu: back then the standard for technical qualification was "hey, let's put 10 bytes of txid in one point of the log and 14 in another. FUCK YOU!"
mircea_popescu: take who the fuck will you take, thickasthieves ? way ahead of the pack back when the pack consisted of "neobee will save bitcoin from ???".
mircea_popescu: ie, why the fuck would you pay 3x what they pay to be part of their shithole medicare, when 100% of thew time you'll use the private hospitals.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-22 05:51 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-21#1701444 << you can work towards the fuck you please. like say the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=balanced+ternary or the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=serial+computer or so on.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-21#1701444 << you can work towards the fuck you please. like say the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=balanced+ternary or the http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=serial+computer or so on. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: dude... when the fuck were you last in the us.
mircea_popescu: then fuck you joe.
mircea_popescu: stalin is the mechanism whereby you turn a herd of dumbass hervbivores into a smaller, leaner, industrial nation. yes it comes right out of the peasants' famine duh. where the fuck is it going to come out of, outer space ? bacon meteors from the kuipier belt, nice and crispy by the time they land ?
a111: Logged on 2017-04-09 14:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the more i think about it the more i'm convinced the ONLY "fingerprint" for rsa key may be... the modulus. 4096 bits and fuck you, if you can't take 32 chars you don't belong here.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, and then you're going to compute 192 keys on 256 bits, and wonder why the fuck are you not using 256.
edivad: but you know, user friendliness is going to fuck hard security perception of mainstream users
mircea_popescu: PeterL is there any security contemplated for the data, such as i dunno, encrypt the lists of peers / keys / history etc ? or simply a case of "fuck you secure your machine" ?
mircea_popescu thinks "well... what if you had a group instead, and you could... o fuck me, discrete logarithms. guess what, another basis for cryptosystems".
mircea_popescu: if you don't fuck as well as you used to, it's because you forgot how to fuck, there's no more to it than that.
mircea_popescu: you're welcome to not believe, on ops grounds, "i will not believe enemy is dumb". but that aside, as a theoretical concern, how the fuck else will you explain "recent models actually worse performing than earlier models" ?
phf: i understand the reversal (and it's a neat one) but i don't see how it's supported by anything but itself. you're basically saying that "oh someone's drowning, that's not my brother, fuck im" is what's happening, where's i'm saying "nothing's happening of note, oh it's my brother drowning! i should help him" is what's happening
mircea_popescu: you had any contact with the living memory of soviet punk ? was this thing early on, "soviet too soft, gotta be moar hardcore" youth movement, wouldn't wash, didn't ask women to fuck, somewhat vaguelyt like the great leap forward kids in china.
mircea_popescu: the ~only even vaguely possible wester-contemporary-tattoo is of course http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-15#1102059 ; but not even this works, because why the fuck are you getting a IANA for it. however you turn this, tattoos dun work in modern world. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (this point, in either "intern can progress" or "sit in forum and access meaning" presentation, is the fundamental mechanism of both "rounders" and that "poolhall junkies" cheapo rehack of it : that the dude playing can decide the girl's future, a degree of magnitude above her own capacity. take that away -- it's not worth doing. and you sure as fuck ain't meeting the head of ny law firm socially, and play $X with him so he g ☟︎
mircea_popescu: upon examination seems more in the vein of "gifts for sex works". sure it works. in the sense of "if she was going to fuck you anyway, then totally".
mircea_popescu: board is no such a huge deal. for one thing they're all farmed out anyway, and most parts are off the shelf ; for the other -- how the fuck are you gonna cut off the on-chip nasty.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693151 << what do you mean by that? we discussed him in logs, he's got fuck you money, which he burns on symbolics hardware from dks ☝︎
mircea_popescu: myeah, i figured "fuck you, write the paging yourself" the moment 4 bit was out of my mouth.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform phf http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SYECU/?raw=true bolix discussion (they dun wanna have it public). including first ever instance of a "who the fuck are you" handshake working out.
mircea_popescu: for the same money you could know 0f is if or whatever the fuck, ada instruction.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ince when the fuck ? use whatever glyphs you want for the opcodes.
BingoBoingo: <mod6> they told us at the time, "Hey, you can be an extra in the movie if you want... it doesn't pay anything, just have to stand there for 12 hours a day..." Fuck that, we were too busy playing grab-ass with the figure-skaters. << What you have to do is speak during a take that is too good to exclude, get your SAG card.
mod6: they told us at the time, "Hey, you can be an extra in the movie if you want... it doesn't pay anything, just have to stand there for 12 hours a day..." Fuck that, we were too busy playing grab-ass with the figure-skaters.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck do you think Daisies was made :D
mircea_popescu: "baker says i have to let him fuck me because i can't pay for having smelled his bread!" "well... would you prefer to let me fuck you for having paid him by jingling my purse ?"
BingoBoingo: A host of amazingtons blocks you path. [fuck][marry][kill with fire]
mircea_popescu: tell you what, "eh fuck this shit" is how i ended up with millions in deployed capital, the roi of which was above par overall (not counting any subjectives).
asciilifeform: depends what you're doing, neh. if you're a cicada looking for a fuck -- worx
mircea_popescu: (o look, even with inept 90s "web drm" technologees!) http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/almostguy/images/vansex_color.gif << such an inconvenient fuck position. you really gotta be a virgin to think this is where it's at.
shinohai: The point of being rich is doing whatever the fuck you want, be it irc or cursing whores in Latin
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, to continue upstream : education is an effort to resolve the unknowledge-sybil problem. you take in the girl and know full well what she doesn't know, whip her, fuck her, not necessarily in this order, until she gets to the place where you don't know what she doesn't know, at which point she's an adult slave.
asciilifeform: though iirc enjo kosai fuck . you're thinking of ameritard 'wingman'
mircea_popescu: "who the fuck are you and why are your clothes still on" applies equally well to cunt and to squiggly. it is my house like it is my computer, exactly.
mircea_popescu: do you also tend to not waste brain cycles on cohabiting women you don'\t fuck ?
a111: Logged on 2017-07-13 15:04 phf: oh fuck you :)
phf: oh fuck you :) ☟︎
trinque: nobody's asking you to compute in your home in $standardLang; fuck in perl and shit in brainfuck, but speak something civilized in public.
mircea_popescu: and moreover, and perhaps most importantly, "(+ 1 1)" is NEVER 2. because 2 is 2 and fuck you.
mircea_popescu: if you;'re going to have adnotated data and the adnotations are macros and who the fuck knows what goes on, you've got a miserable protocol.
mircea_popescu: ftr, it dun fix it, colon takes the day off after you fuck it.
trinque: asciilifeform: still gotta let newbs fuck around / fuck up or you get a generation of idiot puritans, and nobody ever learns anything again.
mircea_popescu: it pushes in 1st stage "well, select some criteria you REALLY care about then" and after that it's "wel lthis ball of warts does that, so fuck you with it"
BingoBoingo: Unless you go full synthetic on the fuel and they why the fuck not drill for natural gas then
sina: anyway, this was all just to answer ben_vulpes question about how you can make sure the "job" doesn't fuck with its billing supervisor
mircea_popescu: this is the perpetual bait and switch : "fuck you, be useful" creates a lot of people with repressed needs. it APPEARS that "to everyone according to his needs" will then turn a profit. get themn to vote you, pay their tiny needs, make bank.
trinque: erlehmann | asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist. << the fuck kind of grandmother-pleasing behavior is this?
mircea_popescu: how the fuck will you evaluate anything about it ?
mircea_popescu: if you get aroused, fuck. what the fuck is a marriage to begin with, let alone "propitious hours" bullshit.
asciilifeform: trinque: do you recall mircea_popescu's article re 'hungry man feels as if he could eat elephant, thirsty -- drink a river; unfucked -- fuck a batallion of chix' etc ?
mircea_popescu: add to this the grandiose benefit of you know, i sit around all day while girls work their ass off at the gym three times a week, yet my ass is still firmer and i can lift them and throw them because hey, fuck you for hoping.
mircea_popescu: i tell you it's kinda weird, that moment when you don't know who the fuck is calling and what they want.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 06:04 mircea_popescu: who the fuck are you to die for something, anyway.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck are you to die for something, anyway. ☟︎
erlehmann: one of my favourites is the one with statues you can fuck
mircea_popescu: you've not seen something like this, 100% 20something dudes in shorts and tshirts looking like bitches in heat won'\t fuck them.
mircea_popescu: the prototype was originally more of a "omfg show me what the fuck do you mean with this spec ?!?!?!" sort of easement.
mircea_popescu: scoping, neh ? how'd you fuck up the data from outside ?
mircea_popescu: "fuck you, reality sucks for machines", as it were.
mircea_popescu: because why the fuck would inept contractor now in jail pick qntra ? NOBODY HEARD OF IT!!!1 and $assorted-excuses, all of which squarely come back to "hey, at least you wouldn't be in jail today".
mod6: just sayin, if you're not in the fight, "get the fuck off the X"
mircea_popescu: afaik germany took no "fuck you, socialist international" referendum recently.
mircea_popescu: o fuck. diana_coman no , you;'re right, that's her.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: i fuck goats - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAr_ezvLRxvE>; RobustPopehatAgenda on Twitter: "If you fuck goats because it ...: <https://twitter.com/popehat/status/833525845046071297%3Flang%3Den>; # fuckgoats hashtag on Twitter: <https://twitter.com/hashtag/fuckgoats>
mircea_popescu: remember ? you didn't like the correct solution (metal) because... you don't have a cnc mill. and that's a fucking criteria in design now, what the fuck engineer has lying about and perceives underutilized, esp if he happens to thin kit's cvool.
mircea_popescu: this is way the fuck better than anything you came up with so far, and we're not even trying. nor pretending to be keeping a blog about it, a la orlol.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 14:27 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661640 << are you kidding me, i loved to fuck around the kitchen with my mom at that age. made all sorts of engineer pies, too!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661640 << are you kidding me, i loved to fuck around the kitchen with my mom at that age. made all sorts of engineer pies, too! ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-25 05:34 mircea_popescu: what man can make with own two hands i have seen, it's a pleasure to ride, it sells for loads of money, but to fuck in the thing you have to be young and she has to be flexible.
mircea_popescu: what man can make with own two hands i have seen, it's a pleasure to ride, it sells for loads of money, but to fuck in the thing you have to be young and she has to be flexible. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: why not you know, get used to talking to mario $rando instead ? way the fuck easier than growing linen on the open ocean.
mircea_popescu: and it goes the same everywhere. hurr durr i'm poor but i trhink i;m smart. and i want bitcoin. mp made eulora ? you knopw what ? i'll fuck around with nothing in particular, see what uppity tortilla is going, there's plenty of time. mp will be around forever!!1
mircea_popescu: he's 17 or w/e. the whole "answer all strangers with fuck you" thing works for old people who already have all the cunts they care to ever have.
mircea_popescu: how ~do~ you call it anyway ? the "hates men and capitalism" tomboy that'll beg and if desperate fuck for pay ? like that mentally ill nut with the "scum manifesto"
mircea_popescu: which takes us right back to the kako lulz. i was sitting with girl earlier, idly observed "check out that dork, argentina was too far for him. china -- not. what the fuck is wrong with people." and she explained. "you know what it is. bitcoin went up. you're thinking, eh, he made hundreds, what does he care. he cares -- because he mostly sold them as he got them, good little soviet."
mircea_popescu: a really ? then what the fuck do you hang on to used furniture for. no party rental outfits where you live ?
Framedragger: is itoa implemented in stdlib by default, then, as expected? NO! because fuck you
BingoBoingo: In the "Sad That Not Scammed Files": You need to stop giving a fuck about how your car looks. I was cross shopping clean RSX-Ss against my CRZ, and I got a bargain basement CRZ at $7500. You paid $2300, maybe a third of what a nice one costs. The only amazing thing here is that you are stunned that your car that cost a third of "what it should" has tons of problems.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 17:04 mircea_popescu: i don't think you either know or could meet if you dedicated a year to it someone possessed of an ai capable of identifying who the fuck to shoot.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-12 00:57 mircea_popescu: how about "bitch, if you could know truth if it hit you on the head you'd be in power". not fucking evident enough ? how the fuck are the powerless to obtain truth, from their father, the god of the stupid ?
phf`: i'm not sure how you can subtly fuck up that one
mircea_popescu: how about "bitch, if you could know truth if it hit you on the head you'd be in power". not fucking evident enough ? how the fuck are the powerless to obtain truth, from their father, the god of the stupid ? ☟︎
trinque: well fuck, learn what you need and go recompile kernel
mircea_popescu: i mean, consider -- the nazis did not think so much of the various romanian/ukrainian/polish courts. and their agitprop did say they you know, lure german girls there to fuck!!11
asciilifeform: whereas even in recent past, say 19th c britain, crown did not give half a fuck if you preferred opium to society. or whether you wanted to get on a boat and never be met with again, etc.
mircea_popescu: i don't think you either know or could meet if you dedicated a year to it someone possessed of an ai capable of identifying who the fuck to shoot. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-08#1653033 << this is a terrifyingly stupid idea. gf knocks your glasses off next you drive into me then ima have to get out, beat you into a pulp and set the rest of the eu on fire because htye'll be all "hey, why you beat guy into pulp, that's against eu regulations" and i'll be all "fuck you and your stupid mothers" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes see, the problem is they have no sense of humor. why the fuck make JUST "remove_copy_if" when you could have had a whole suite. "if_copy_remove" "remove_if_copy" AND "copy_if_remove" plus removeif_copy and __remove_ifcopy for good seizure.