67 entries in 0.15s

phf: i made a mistake of trying to rewrite url highlight in term of message annotations. the later is the mechanism i use for xref and such, and it scans the entire message corpus once,
where's url highlight right now is done on each rerender.
phf: from this conversation,
where's i potentially do. fucking three years of relationship building.
phf: asciilifeform: there was already _one_ conversation, i made my _conclusions_. your adventage is that you can basically just rant in the open, make insulting fucking statements in "general direction" of those bolix whisperers.
where's i lose by having this in public record. i told you as much _at the very beginning_. but you clearly shit on my efforts, i mean you have been saying as much in public for a year, so you don't lose anything
where's the reality as i see it, is that you were offered some stuff, and your reaction was i'm my own king i do as i want
phf: asciilifeform: there's this general position that what you're doing, you're doing to get yoursefl a running bolix clone,
where's i'm just fucking around, which is bullshit. i'm doing the same thing, towards the same goals. it's not presently clear who's more successful. you basically want me to unilaterally fuck up my entire operation, because ~last week~ you bought a macivory.
phf: vpatch is picky about what it accepts, it's basically only a/foo/* b/foo/*,
where's vdiff can accept a totally random stuff like /foo/bar/qux diffed against /dev/null or whatever. right now even diffing two straight files e.g. vdiff x y will produce a non-pressable vpatch. this is all not so much a bug as an unexplored aspect of vdiffing which is also part of the whole rename tracking.
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: yeah, unfortunately, we even had a thread about it. gnu diff does sort using locale,
where's vdiff does strict ascii collation
phf: boise?
where's that?
phf: asciilifeform: one data point is that in e.g. nginx max_ranges is a parameter, which can be explicitly set to 0 to disable ranges, and if you search for it you get "how do i disable ranges" q's presumably by people configuring web servers. you don't have an equivalent for HEAD. likewise HEAD is part of the original spec,
where's ranges is a later addition. it stands to reason that the number of times range fails would be non 0 even with "modern" setups
phf: for the curious emacs 18.59 2039069b
where's 22.3 is 48010347b (that's just c,h and el)
where's genghis kahn when you need him? (c)
phf: i understand the reversal (and it's a neat one) but i don't see how it's supported by anything but itself. you're basically saying that "oh someone's drowning, that's not my brother, fuck im" is what's happening,
where's i'm saying "nothing's happening of note, oh it's my brother drowning! i should help him" is what's happening
phf: but then i was at a potomac jew book club where they were discussing generation p (or one of the earlier novels anyway), and they couldn't get past THE HORROR OF THE 90s, literally entire conversations were about omg so much crime. all these people emigrated right after the collapse,
where's for me the staple of 90s (oh there's a dead body on the corner, because petya shnur couldn't share the territory with vasya kulak, shrug) were the norm
phf: right, motion planning also the part that's non existent in above code, so easier to greenfield,
where's avionics is there in however poor form
phf: no, it's more like alfs rhetoric approach at some point was encouraged,
where's now it seems to be recognized, and often treated with "oh it's just alf doing his thing".
☟︎ phf: (funny thing re sbit vs bit, sbit generates immediate assembly,
where's bit, in sbcl, calls out to a function named SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF. nuff said)
☟︎ phf:
where's it supposed to say something more like "Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1)"
phf: !#s from:phf "
phf: trinque: a111 was running before ircbot/logbot,
where's all the lisp bots since (both of ben_vulpes's bots) are using it
phf: but russia is white! and racis! and homophobic!
where's minorities know best!
phf: woman is assumed to be cowardly by default,
where's a man needs a qualifier.
phf: crapple uses open source code for unzipping.
where's i believe pkware eventually open sourced their code too. so now there's two competing versions floating around.
phf: windows for a longest time had a very stable abi, as per "you can run windows 95 programs still!1",
where's i suspect mac os x probably doesn't. it's the same problem on openbsd, sure you can static link, but you will have to recompile after the next release.
phf: i'd write it as (cmd &optional args &key input), because you always have to provide cmd (
where's right now you can write (run) and the compiler won't catch it), more often than not you have to provide args and sometimes you have to provide input
☟︎☟︎ phf: mircea_popescu: that's not what i meant. there are others here who talk about good or bad,
where's i don't care, because the cause and effect there is so far removed from where i'm standing i can only look at it in entomological terms
phf: other bot only recalls anyone it saw since it started running,
where's a111 is looking at logs
phf: so stanford release knuth's annual lecture in a "360" video format, and the write up is disgusting "stanford part of the future!!1". basically you get a 7gib video/80mib audio stream, a fraction of which is a distorted slides and knuth,
where's the bulk of which is audience and static ceiling. the thing doesn't render on anything but google stack and ipads. i spent about two days jumping through various hoops trying to get it to render
phf: probably because the first one can be imagined and verbalized,
where's the second one once understood for what it is already happened. doesn't allow for much action, with shooting and adventures and stuff
phf: asciilifeform: i think the ant one is the algo book,
where's eberhart is an overview
phf: yeah it does, but in this case the byte sequence is untouched, because the original byte sequence is valid utf-8. the disparity seems to come from the fact that a111 sends utf-8 sequence,
where's website renders it as unicode code points.
phf: breaks my heart all that's been done to emacs. it used to have a strong culture of backwards compatibility. large packages would have compat files compat-19.el, compat-20.el, etc.
where's now only latest and greatest work. used to be very non-dwim, now every single package insist on some "smart input" dwimy interaction mode. but all this complexity is broken, things clash and interact with each other in all kinds of funny ways
phf: no no utf-8 is first, because latin-1 decoder will happily decode whatever,
where's utf-8 will fail on umlauts and accent graves and such
phf: asciilifeform: going back to gossip conversation, my issue is that the gossip you talk about exists exclusively in your head,
where's mp got a spec. there are aspects of gossip functionality that can be explored with current spec despite the underlying tcp transport. and like i said broken transport doesn't invalidate the application functionality. it will leak in practice through tcp shenanigans, but that's the nature of this
phf: the argument is that technology needs to be entirely routing agnostic,
where's now you think in terms of (afair) mappings between keys and addresses
phf: phuctor seems to be producing "armored files" of keys,
where's openpgpjs expectes it to be in "public key block" format
phf: ipython is a handy python repl thing, but i think it was some people's first repl, so it turned into reinvention of clim presentations. problem is it's entirely useless without third party libraries for any kind of large scale data analysis, because core python is limited.
where's the landscape of python scientific libraries is a constantly changing mess.
phf: trinque:
where's that from?
phf: i was mostly disappointed that they didn't play up traditional su mafia things. we have our own omerta!
where's the songs?
where's the slang? seems like a lot of wasted opportunity. all we got is a "carefully researched" tattoos
phf: the one that i knew wasn't really running it movie back of hand style (or i guess it wasn't like this special thing, "
where's my money bitch"). money brought was income and "he takes care of me" etc
phf: pre-split btcbase log's purpose was analytical,
where's now i spend my time on ux and ops issues. juxtaposition of kakobrekla doing low key malicious shit and asciilifeform trying to search cyrillic prompted that line
☟︎ phf: i was thinking of maybe making standalone keywords search for a word, but if you want to grep, surround it with quotes. "t" will behave as now,
where's t will behave as "^t " or " t$" or " t "
phf: but membership purchase is the core of ponzi,
where's undisclosed source of income is the diversion (like herbalife sales)
phf: so now idiots are going to look at the past couple of months and point at patterns, "
where's the 50btc account creations!"
phf: mircea_popescu: i can't argue the substance, but in weizenbaum's case he was saying therapy requires empathy,
where's therapists were talking up eliza
phf: ooh, so shiva part 2 is the btc tree thing,
where's the tinyscheme genesis is where you get the tinyscheme dependency?
phf: (in other apple is dead not so news, i logged into a developer account in hopes of grabbing xcode dmg's direct instead of going through apple store, and oh boy. what used to be a rather spartan list of downloads, docs, resources has turned into "Click your iPhone app into Apple Store! Anyone can do it!" complete with giant banners of hip womens holding iphones.
where's the docs?
where's all the shit? literally the only thing you can do
where's mirrors can contain any number of patches
phf: shit to write or read,
where's those guys produced GBs of text in translit, published entire tex papers that used escape codes to do cyrillic, etc. should've listened.
phf: i like to have fire when camping, i spent formative years with su engineers doing ural hikes so as long as there's fire something can be cooked,
where's grill has its own rules of engagement
phf: ascii_rear: ongoing thread about v using .wot for pubkeys,
where's gpg --verify on foundation produced files relies on keyring
phf: it sounds like ascii knows exactly what he's doing
where's i'm struggling with simply getting all the required elements together. i've gotten as far as reliably reading gpg packets from a tcp stream, but i still have too many open questions. i'm thinking that my attempt is entirely pointless, but i'll continue it as a learning exercise. i publish code in a week or two, so that all can learn how not to write c :)
phf: alan kay's, sonya keene's, etc. examples are window systems and thread locks,
where's every single shitty intro to objects book uses the utterly meaningless "dog and cow are subclasses of animal".
phf: also there's less eyes on cmucl, i'm not at all convinced that the politics around sbcl are to my liking,
where's cmucl is essentially abandonware. it generates code, it has a nice interpreter, the runtime is smaller, it already has treeshaker, it's got History, etc.
phf: probably can be cleaned up, but
where's that catch being interpolated when you do (loop named foo...)
phf: ^- shows that attachment_ has \x0a\x0a at the end,
where's my awk based extract only adds one
where's packet dropping and delay results in a no-consequences disconnect, similar to that "no activity in first 60 seconds"
phf: one side is doing the whole jump and direct hit,
where's the other side counters equally strong, but then sneak lower energy response to the net. in the video chinese guy doesn't clear it though
phf: the assumption that there's any kind of unity to eastern sacred thought is by the way theosophical in nature,
where's you have a bajilion of lineages all with their own takes on what's true
phf: what i was trying to say re capone vs tito, is that capone was a hood rat, with the operational scope of village vs village, for him fbi involvement was perhaps the leviathan.
where's tito was successful tactician and strategist in war and later a national leader. i suspect that allowed him to operate on the sufficiently high level to resist governmental intervention on equal terms
phf: i don't know anything about mafioso in america beyond disnified, "you gonna like this guy, he's all right, he's a good fella", so i would believe about capone. but then he was a brooklyn hood rad,
where's tito was a man
phf: anton_osika thread reminds me of thomas jefferson arguing for debt relief while heavily indebted, he also uses "this is best for the people" argument, with the main difference that the debt question was at the time open,
where's what osika is arguing against is the core idea of gpg contracts. the point of the thread has been fully answered in gpg contracts article and with a poetic take in hanbot's story, both make the underlying uncompromi
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: maybe hash size is variable
where's they wanted to go with fixed size headers. so no matter size of hash you only store first two octets
phf: well, by then, there's not going to be snow, because moderate climate areas are going to be mad max hell holes,
where's your siberian mcmansion is only going to appreciate in value
phf: it might be worthwhile to replace all those printfs with syslog(3) calls, specifically introducing the priority as the first argument, i.e. LOG_ALERT, LOG_WARNING, LOG_DEBUG. maybe have it conditional compilation, so that real bitcoin instance will log to syslog,
where's debug instance will still write to file