215 entries in 0.181s
BingoBoingo: I'm not entirely sure they were all Asian, but I've also not seen the short sorts of Hispanics *ever* get as fat as those mayo glumps.
BingoBoingo: There are now weirdo evengelicals hyping "Madre Dios". Three short fat confused looking asians flagged me down near Plaza Independencia. I thought they wanted directions, but eventually it comes out that they wanted to tell me all about "Madre Dios"
BingoBoingo: The problem probably predates writing. "Farm so I can get fat", "Fuck you we're moving along and following the mammoths, I'm not going to live off of your damned dry seed paste"
BingoBoingo: This is notably a walkback from the Fat Forehead position of "We'll wait for the certified result"
BingoBoingo: Though the Fat Forehead candidate is starting to concede. Apparently for them conceding is a process...
BingoBoingo: And the fat forehead candidate refused to concede http://qntra.net/2019/11/uruguays-electoral-court-waiting-until-next-friday-to-certify-presidental-ballot-results-after-apparent-luis-lacalle-pou-victory/
BingoBoingo: 92.5% of circuits reporting just under 32,000 vote advantage to Luis over fat forehead. Balancing that are 125,876 blank, annuled, or observed votes which have been discarded per anti-vote buying rules.
BingoBoingo: In local news, the day of the last Presidential debate... The Argentina's president-elect came for a big photo shoot with Uruguay's sitting president and the Fat Forehead nominee. I am having serious trouble conceiving a situation where the commies aren't trying to throw the contest.
BingoBoingo: In local weather the Fat Forhead vice presidential can-nag-dit, absent from the campaign trail in the run up to the October elections... Is now being loud.
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/Wgnln << Raw incoming results 31.2 White Nationalists 36.2 Fat Forehead with 38.4 percent of the ballots counted. The projections the lcoal media is running because they won't show anything other than "projections" are 29 White Nationalist 38 Fat Forehead.
BingoBoingo: The Colorados and other minor parties are pledging allegiance to the White Nationalist party in their concesion speeches. Fat Forehead sitting under 40%
BingoBoingo: Anyways, I've been feeding folks here the idea "It must be very bad for business if the Government has to make deals with big companies individually. Imagine all the small and medium businesses that can not y will not bring jobs because the Fat Forehead government would have to negotiate individually y vivimos en el paisito.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Now the big problem Uruguay's had is that the Fat Foreheads are a coalition. This means that while each constituent sector has socialisms they want to push and areas they want to give room for takeable money to build up, the coalition aspect and retard bias towards hugging means that when they go to deal... Internally as a coalition they sacrifice the breathing room for business entirely and instead do a little bit of each kind
BingoBoingo: Many sectors of the Fat Forehead party are using potato footage in their ads. Can't even spec spammy blowjob footage quality Xiaomi or Huawei cameras that happen to have radios.
BingoBoingo: Because the filters would cost something like ~500 USD per bus and the current Fat Forehead cardboard artist regime would rather derp about "all electric any time nao"
BingoBoingo: Well, the couple that I know who did the Air ROTC and get to piloting ended up flying fat freight planes.
BingoBoingo: Along the way carrier based Joint Strike fighter F-18E/F "Fat Hornet" was ready in time to face goat herds in 2001 and cripple Iraq in 2003
BingoBoingo: The fat forehead party
BingoBoingo: Anyways, before the Fat Forehead UniLeft coalition came to Power, Uruguay had two parties that mattered. The rural, nationalist blancos and the Urban, faggy, militant Colorados. I'd been following what happens with the Blancos because what they do is live. I'm catching up on the Colorado drama, because the only reason to take the speculum to old women is an earnest interest in being thorough.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "peoples of sexuality" ? wtf is this, like "womens of fat" ? << I assume so. "Womens of fat" need their corn sugar.
BingoBoingo: The question is how long will it take the white worms to realize their "license" revenue isn't going to keep them fat anymore
BingoBoingo: The USG-ist appearing candidates are the second place guy in the National Party, some fat old Potato whose name begins with L and the other Colorado Guy. Some cuck named Talvi.
BingoBoingo: Then there's the Fat Forehead Party, their favored candidate is the cuck who was Mayor until he had to quit that job to campaign.
BingoBoingo: Iowa is just about all fat fucks. That's pig county
BingoBoingo: I'm trying to figure out a way to frame Fat Mark's walk as news.
BingoBoingo: I remember being 3 or 4 in the grocery store produce section and being struck with the awareness that my awareness is stuck in my head alone. That I couldn't bounce my awareness from head to head. There were some very Bush I era fat people and I very much wanted to will them stop eating for a few months.
BingoBoingo: Which I merely captured from the fat people hate movement
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform Well hard to tell if they are opening to McDonalds or simply moving to converge with Uruguay's Fat Forehead party
BingoBoingo: hanbot: There's a team with one profoundly fat person working deep in the hot aisle putting filling up a rack. The hamplanet's moving about makes keeping a terminal plugged into the machine a precarious proposition. Will dive again later.
BingoBoingo: I did not see fat powered fire bikes
BingoBoingo: In the too fat to jail files: https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/amplian-procesamiento-de-michelle-suarez-por-falsificar-certificados-medicos-20181127112539
BingoBoingo: fat nigglet takes more paperwork to get rid of
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, Globalist Pantsuitist Fat Forehead Party
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo so next time ask! << Short fat socially awkward african from Sudan, at the time I figured he didn't have social captial outside of whatever feifdom his father carved
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in the hard luck files: https://archive.is/o0tiw Dude had his thing living off da fat O'da land. Then he hitchhiked in a cop car.
BingoBoingo: In unsurprises as Uruguay's legislature debates letting US warplanes chill at Carrasco for the G20 summit... The party favoring US Troops is the Socialist Fat Forehead party. The Party opposing is the Partido Nacional (or blancos, the rough Uruguayo GOP equivalent)
BingoBoingo: Hey, down here I am watching the Fat Forehead party realize it doesn't have a activist base anymore in real time.
BingoBoingo: There's a whole epidemic of this in England, fat pasty cows breaking drinkwear and maiming men interested in human shaped women
BingoBoingo: And fat forehead party has come up with their response to #vivirsinmiedo... it is #UruguaySinViolenciaEnGenero
BingoBoingo: In other news, the morning news program "Buen Dia Uruguay" has a fat wrinkly bag on right now reading Tarot cards and making predictions for 2019
BingoBoingo: I've had steak once in this kitchen and I am getting fat off of chorizo, morcilla, and mortadella (for piglet)
BingoBoingo: They got fat and feminized like the Brits are going through now
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> a catfisher is a fat woman that tries to manipulate the camera angle and crop tools in post-edit to seem less fat. << That's a fatfisher one step more offensive than mere catfishing
BingoBoingo: Anyways, turns out Irish girls are getting fat like estadounidense girls circa 2010
BingoBoingo: Fat Forehead is first and foremost, an ITALIAN political creature. Only united in the sense that they all know they are losers.
BingoBoingo: Pretty girls and women change in the multi bed mixed gender rooms. Boys and fat chicks change in the bathrooms.
BingoBoingo: What's left of my fat is very relieved.
BingoBoingo: A lot of the locally availabe refurb stuff is fat guys like http://www.okcomputers-uy.com/productos/productos_masinfo.php?id=4382&secc=productos&path=0.42.108
BingoBoingo: I woke up at 9:30 this morning in a fat chick's bed. I didn't know those existed here. Today had been a day of confusion, convalescence, and doubt.
BingoBoingo: Consider the problem where the pantsuit regime has declared flirting bad unless fat chicks do it.
BingoBoingo: They seem to keep the economy here flowing. Uruguay's own voluntary Indian fat reserve.
BingoBoingo: worse case). Pls to let me know if sane, other expenses to expect, or if more fat to cut.
BingoBoingo: In US smoking is one of those things like gainful employment that tends to cap how fat.
BingoBoingo: Well, smoking and fat aren't very correlated. Food want usually only signaled through 5HT, Nicotine want signaled by lighting ACH receptors on fire.
BingoBoingo: Chronic anoxia more likely related to smoking and being too fat to breathe among USistanis
BingoBoingo: In other ???, Heather Heyer, the fat Charlottesville "victim" apparently died of a heart attack and not Dodge Challenger induced injuries http://www.vdare.com/articles/anarcho-tyranny-update-mounting-proof-that-the-charlottesville-five-are-political-prisoners
BingoBoingo: And a confirmation for the Republic pt. 2: "The remaining 1% becomes sequestered in body fat. This portion is eliminated slowly, with a half-life of 18 days for the cis-isomer and 3.4 days for the trans-isomer (2, 4). "
BingoBoingo: You know, Clitler as the Kurd's fat wife
BingoBoingo: Don't be a murderer, Don't be fat bob
BingoBoingo: Fat bob killed fat bob
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: What if he grows fat. Gets tits and pubic fat mount over now tunnelcock?
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Well, dark urban man-boy loving urban, Fat old cat lady urban, etc
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I thought your verdict on porshe was butt too fat for you at this time
BingoBoingo: Here's another fat joke: "Acral dry gangrene"
BingoBoingo: Here's another fat joke: acanthosis nigricans
BingoBoingo: Eh, the best fat jokes are the fats themselves. Hamplanets thinking they are people. Oink Oink motherfuckers
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ah lol institutionalized cuckoldry << Nah, pretty typical role for the young homosexual male. When the women got fat and the gays went mainstream became "fag hag" phenomenon.
BingoBoingo: Well, when your greatest health problem is a bubble, you forget the fat brained dun remember stuff.
BingoBoingo: " Huel‏ @gethuel Jun 19 A new concept in food - 100% vegan with protein, fatty acids, fiber and 27 essential vitamins and minerals​." << Poor naming. "Huel" is mostly known to USians as the name of the fat pickpocket on some "prestige" tv show.
BingoBoingo: Well it shouldn't have been so fat. Nao it's got butterbrain. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> hey, fatass did nothing wrong! << FAT IS WRONG!
BingoBoingo: Investigation likely impossible because fat fuck doctors would lie "healthy 600 pound 23 year old" when heart attack, etc
BingoBoingo: Still, I would like to see the ranking if "complications of being a fat fuck" were consolidated and entered on list. Overdose would likely still win under 25 list, but age where "fat fuck" begins to beat overdose inspires curiosity.
BingoBoingo: " Yes Suzuki, I am FAT! 315 pounds and my passenger is another 225, plus 50 pounds of our junk to carry for a total of 590 pounds on my 08 Burgman 400! My 400 is great on power, but supension is weak, even when set on 7 (the highest setting). We need a VERY HEAVY DUTY SUSPENSION FOR THE BURGMAN 400!" << "Get rid of the 400 ... Problem solved"
BingoBoingo: Further Redditard String Production Sourcery: https://archive.is/Brm9v "Suzuki I am Fat"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and in "markov chains today", https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1859970.0;all << lol, the Mrbigg malware dude's profile pic got fat
BingoBoingo: Fat pig of a log
BingoBoingo: No one wants to risk 6 months lost rehabbing a shoulder after fat weirdo stuggles against honest attempt a help
BingoBoingo: Seriously a broken google cache link in the piece to http://mattforney.com/fat-girls-dont-deserve-loved/ Why no real link?
BingoBoingo: http://www.vagabondjourney.com/bad-tripping-fat-crap-low-big-people-using-squatter-toilets-asia/
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Sure, but how they react to different camps can signal whether they are fat aspie ideologue or pliable 4evar-alone lashing out for social approval
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform> i had nfi that it is possible to 'sound fat' << very possible. low testosterone nasal male voice almost guaranteed to come from fatty. << AHA, not to mention low airflow!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Very fat people indeed sound fat
BingoBoingo: And sell fat to candle maker!
BingoBoingo: the_scourge: Fat bitches can't be important
BingoBoingo: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Smugglypuff << "They are known by their yellow Eric Cartman style beanie, their impressively bloated whale like appearance and their smugly looking butter face." << OMG look how language evolves. Butter face went from meaning hot except for the face to instead mean Obeast with an oily sheen (like melted butter) to their fat piece of shit face.
BingoBoingo: OMG that has to be the highest ratio of arm fat storage I have ever seen.
BingoBoingo: "One father I heard from avoided the word fat at all costs, turning even the Very Hungry Caterpillar from a “big fat” insect to a “great big” one. Another parent said she left the word alone when it was used to describe an animal but would replace it when it was used about a person. Another specifically sought out books where fat was used descriptively and without judgment since she didn’t want her child to think that the word
BingoBoingo: If there were complaints though I'd expect them to actually have increased over the past two weeks as I've taken to walking around with athletic black girl to trigger fat white bitches into hopefully eating less.
BingoBoingo: Not like grotesque fat, but like WTF? Why bother sending someone when your best swimmer is 20-30% worse than the next worst country's swimmer?
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/NKU6L << Fat Ethiopian Olympic swimmer
BingoBoingo: Nah violence in video games makes kids fat sacks of safety
BingoBoingo: Who even knows anymore. I thought noo rape was refusing to sex a fat chick because that denies zher sexual agency.
BingoBoingo: Which is why if one owns a Ranch one must always include "no fat chicks" on their brand. Otherwise horses take quick trip to factory of glue
BingoBoingo: Gotta consider his fat girl camera angles
BingoBoingo: From the mines: "Why do fat women always think theyre the ones being cat called on the side walk? Ive always been teeny tiny.. somehow with a big rack and no ass (i call it my lack there of or white girl 90's butt). Ive always been hollared at. I dont mind, I actually like it but everytime Im with a beefalo (which is rare) and positive attention is given they are repulsed and act offended. Like bitch that hobo was asking me to s his d no
BingoBoingo: "Ms Thomson, who is currently unemployed, said she was left heartbroken when one day Holly-Ann came home and asked, 'mum, why did you make me fat?'"
BingoBoingo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3112051/It-s-fault-m-fat-Overweight-10-year-old-says-s-obese-mother-wants-government-fund-trip-4-000-weight-loss-boot-camp.html
BingoBoingo: ^Not fat
BingoBoingo: Fat privilege http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065094/Passenger-forced-stand-flight-seven-hours-400-POUND-man.html ☟︎